A strange world

Chapter 762 Section 159 Progress

Chapter 762 Section 159. Progress

The filming of "Five Hundred Years of Love" is progressing very quickly.

There is no daylight in the Land of Eternal Night, and it is not a good idea to rush to film outside the Blood Parliament, so Annan divided the crew into two crews for the first time. Betty filmed her daytime scenes in Liberty City, and there was no daytime scene in the Land of Eternal Night. Day and night, the actors confuse each day, sometimes they can't sleep for four hours and think a whole night has passed.

Annan was confident that he could complete the fifth image in two months. By then, the warm-up was almost complete, and he would be able to return to Liberty City before the three-month deadline to review the three legions.

Vampires don't need to rest. The actors have nothing to do except acting. Only Annan has to be busy with filming and other things.

During this period, Belludonna came to film the plot of Count Dracula making a deal with the devil.

Annan fulfilled Belludonna's dream of filming a scene, but the surprise she said was not ready yet.

"It's been almost half a year, right?"

"We are immortal species, and it takes a few months to complete something quickly."

Annan finally understood why the bloody battle between devils and demons has been going on for tens of thousands of years...

On this day, after filming the scene where Count Dracula was awakened by Isa, he was going to visit a nearby city.

The servant stopped him, saying that the Scarlet Queen wanted to see him.

"I'll be right over." Annan followed the servant into the castle.

At the corner of the outer wall, a small head slowly emerged...

On the way Annan met Lucy with Liya. Behind her, Liya put on the attire of a servant, her cheeks were pale, and all the bruises and scars had disappeared...

Human injuries are not that easy to recover from...

"Are you already a vampire?" Annan asked in surprise.

Lucy was confused: "Didn't you ask me to do this?"

A trace of guilt flashed across Liya's face as she lowered her head. It seemed that she had lied to Lucy.

Annan smiled and did not expose Liya. He just said: "She is the daughter of a big shot and carries a heavy story. If you like her, be her teacher like Irene."

"I see."

Quietly winking at the grateful and complicated Liya, Annan followed the servant to see the Scarlet Queen.

After filming, the Scarlet Queen changed back into a gorgeous rose dress. She stood on the terrace, the breeze blowing her wavy red hair, like flowing blood.

If she stood here, she would be spotted by the vampires who were watching the Stewart family, but she had already been spotted during the filming a while ago. The outside world has confirmed that the Scarlet Queen has indeed awakened, and her strength is unknown... But judging from her momentum when she woke up that day, I'm afraid she didn't lose much power...

The Scarlet Queen had some questions about the magical image, and Annan said that he wanted to go to Haier City.

"Is there anything there?"

"Have you forgotten the purpose of the magical image? To earn the votes of the vampires in the Land of Eternal Rest."

As for making money, this is just a small and insignificant part...

"In this case, wouldn't it be better if it was free?"

"You have been sleeping for too long and don't know the rules of the new world." Annan only dared to think about this sentence, and he explained patiently: "This is human nature... It's okay to say vampire sex, free things are hard to be cherished by people. .”

It's not that he likes money, no way.

The Scarlet Queen has only been sleeping for hundreds of years. During this time, many things in the outside world have changed, so she needs time to adapt. But even if it has been tens of thousands of years, human nature has never changed...

"I have a treasure hidden in Haier City. You can take it out for me." The Scarlet Queen told me an address and how to get it, and then said stiffly, "If you need help, you can tell me."

"Well... I do have something I need you to do." Annan and the queen who raised her eyes smiled, "My efforts alone are not enough, you have to fight for the rights of the Blood Parliament."

Only then did the Scarlet Queen confirm that the boy in front of her really had a pure heart.

Such people are completely unfit to stay in the extremely selfish bloody parliament...

Knock knock knock——

At this time, the knocking on the door interrupted the queen's thinking, and leaping flames entered the room.

"Mother, I'm looking for David."

The Crimson Princess said, and then her scrutinizing eyes continued to roam between Annan and her mother.

"Take him out."

"Get some rest, Your Majesty."

Annan left with the Crimson Princess.

They walked side by side in the silent corridor. At a certain moment, the Scarlet Princess raised her head: "Do you like my mother?"

"What are you talking about?" Annan seemed not to hear clearly.

"I just like...love..."

Annan's expression became even weirder: "You want to introduce a boy who is not yet eighteen years old to an old aunt who is more than a thousand years old?"

Princess Crimson opened her eyes wide at Annan's offensive words and covered her mouth, but she still couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

"You are not afraid that your mother will hear..."

"That's good. It means that the queen's strength is recovering."

If the Scarlet Queen still had power, he wouldn't have to work hard to give the Stuart family a foothold here.

"Teacher Betty just complimented me on my acting skills today."


The Crimson Princess couldn't hide the briskness in her steps.

Annan thought of something: "I'm going to Haier City, are you going?"

"No...I don't want to be scolded by Teacher Betty."

The Crimson Princess refused, and Annan set off alone with the epic blood slave.

What he wanted to see was the lord of Haier City, a marquis.

Duke, earl, marquis, viscount, baron...

The aristocratic system of the vampires is different from that of humans. Above the counts of the vampires are dukes, while the human counts are below the marquises. It feels like humans copied the vampire aristocratic system but made a mistake.

Those below the Baron and those above the Blood Servants are collectively called Lords. Their strength is equivalent to that of ordinary professionals. Wood is half a Lord, but he does not have any glory of the vampires.

Finally, there is the blood servant. They are only slightly stronger than blood slaves and blood beasts... because blood slaves are a kind of vassal life that is loyal to its master wholeheartedly. Their value is to be recognized by their master as their own value, and all this requires is a drop of blood and a mark, and they will never betray. When the master dies, the blood servant will also dissipate.

When the Stuart family was in its glory, it had thousands of blood slaves, and even epic and master blood slaves, but most of them were concentrated on the Scarlet Queen. With her fall, everything falls apart...

There can't be anything wrong with this kind of attribution of great power to oneself... But if Liberty City is allowed to be loyal forever, but the price is a spell that "will automatically perish with its own death", Annan would rather not have this kind of loyalty.

The reason why Annan is looking for it is simple...Haier City is too close to the Stewart family, so close that it has recently shown signs of becoming an outpost to keep an eye on them.

Therefore, he must make Haier City fall to the Stuart family.

Annan was heartbroken for the mother and daughter in the castle.

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