A strange world

Chapter 774 Chapter 5 City Lord’s Mansion

Chapter 774 Section 5. City Lord’s Mansion


Ivana Ser stood next to Cathy and bowed to Annan: "Thank you for sending Cathy back."

"You're too polite. Annan is my father." Cathy pulled the little follower up.

Looking at those firm blue eyes, Annan suddenly felt as if he was talking to an adult.

Annan remembered that he arranged for this "smartest person in Liberty City" to study with Ingrid. He didn't know what Ingrid taught her, but obviously, it was not good for a 10-year-old child to be exposed to the adult world. It's bad...

"Lord Annan, even in Middle-earth, there are very few children who can grow up healthy..."

As if she sensed something from those pitiful eyes, Ivana explained, "The children are very grateful to you. We all hope to grow up quickly and help you..."

"Yeah!" Cathy agreed.

"Then we have to wait a few more days." Annan smiled.

After seeing Cathy off, Annan returned to the City Lord's Mansion after walking around Liberty City.

Holding Lily in his arms, Annan asked the maid Abby to inform Aunt Susan, her family and others to come to the city lord's mansion for a dinner.

Not long after Layla came back, she heard about the dinner party and was upset that she would not have put back the fish she caught if she had known better... enough to make a plate of fish sauce.

In the evening, in the restaurant of the City Lord's Mansion, people familiar to Annan were sitting on both sides of the long table.

They talked freely in this rare gathering, talking about the girls that Annan brought back, the Freedom Cup in a few days, and the Kingdom of Ruikan'er.

Regarding the former, those girls are good girls and have no bad intentions.

Speaking of the middle, Annan asked Martin which side of the three legions he wanted to stand on? Martin replied: The winning side.

Finally, when talking about the Kingdom of Rekaner, Fast said: "With all due respect, it will be too late if we don't do something about them."

"Indeed, if the Kingdom of Ruikan'er is occupied by rat people, there will be no chance to start a war."

The restaurant was full of laughter.

After the dinner, Annan returned to the bedroom, leaned in front of the window sill, gently stroked Lily, and looked at the brightly lit night view of Liberty City in the distance with some pride.

It only took a year and a half... to turn a tidal flat into a brand new city.

Knock knock knock——

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"I'm not here!"

"Lord City Lord, there are some things that you need to deal with."

"Lily, tell Ingrid I'm not here."

"Meow meow!"


The door handle turned, and then Ingrit, holding a financial statement, pushed the door and walked into the bedroom.

Annan couldn't help but pick at Lily, they had no respect for themselves as the city lord! The faction headed by Olmedo must be punished!

But then, Annan had an idea in his mind that Olmedo left Liberty City with his clansmen and vassals, and he held her legs and begged not to leave...

Shaking his head, Annan took the financial report with a sullen face.

The first thing that catches the eye is Liberty City's finances for the first five months of this year.

The monthly financial growth is rapid, and there are still some explosive periods - June with "500 Years of Shock" will also be an explosive period.

Behind the income are expenses marked with red numbers... As a result, Annan found that the monthly balance did not exceed four digits!

"Where did I make so much money?!"

"It's all spent."

Annan quickly flipped through the financial statements and found a column of detailed expenses: the bulk of the expenses were still arcane energy cores and orichalcum, followed closely by the allocation of mushroom houses, merchant ship purchases, and mage tower expenses.

"We bought another boat?" Annan asked, pointing to the merchant ship purchase.

"The red dragon warlock you recruited refuses to sail those shabby, small ships."

Annan didn't say anything. Anyway, there are many specialties in Liberty City, and he will make money in the end.

"How much money does our treasury, uh... treasury, have now?"

"It is guaranteed that 50,000 gold coins can be withdrawn from the treasury at any time." Ingrid pretended not to hear Annan's arrogance clearly, "If you need us, we can save more..."

"No need." Annan became more generous at this time, "The money you spend is money. What you put in the treasure house are only luminous stones."

"But don't be a scapegoat...you must be careful where you need to spend a lot of money..."

But Annan still worries about money. To put it lightly... half of the money is given to the blue dragon tribe every month. Liberty City is the "eternal" ally of the blue dragon, one of the five colored dragons.

The "eternal" period is no more money.

Or hire a legendary or epic professional.

However, what was hired was not Liberty City's own strength after all - Annan and Olmedo agreed on this point. In addition, there are no foreign enemies in Liberty City, so I have never thought of hiring him.

“Apart from spending money, is there no good news?”

Annan put down the financial statements. When he came back, he passed by the Master's Tower. The first floor was already in use, but the second floor was still far from being completed.

"There is one. Because we have bought four arcane energy cores and a large amount of orichalcum in the past two years, Wilhelm is willing to help us replace five small arcane energy cores with one for free for only 10,000 gold coins. Medium-sized arcane energy core.”

The diameter of a small arcane energy core is about 500 meters, and five of them are 1,250 meters. According to the current area of ​​Liberty City, it can include all urban areas except the farmland in the north and the port in the southeast.

However, this is an ideal range. Multiple energy cores will become unstable due to mutual influence, and some distance will be lost. A medium-sized arcane energy core has a real range of 1250 yards.

Annan raised his hand: "I am a warlock, but not a warrior. The ten thousand gold coins you mentioned have nothing to do with free, right?"

"The arcane energy core took a lot of time, and there was some loss. They can't bear it for us."

"But it doesn't cost ten thousand gold coins."

"I recommend……"

"I get it." This is the disadvantage of being controlled by others...but in the end, you still don't make enough money.

"Money... It would be nice if a giant dragon made of gold coins suddenly appeared in front of me... Well, it doesn't seem like much money."

Liberty City's finances are kept secret, but it's all too easy to pry. As a result, spies from various countries got a jaw-dropping answer - Liberty City's annual revenue is equivalent to the property of many principalities in their heyday - such as the allies and neighbors to the north.

It stands to reason that such a huge amount of wealth would be spent on just one city, enough to keep it in existence for hundreds of years... but it would just be spent faster.

If any prince dares to spend all the money he earns in a year, then he will be the king of subjugation...

"By the way, are you free tomorrow?" Annan suddenly asked.

Ingrid was slightly stunned: "Lord Annan, there are elves, orcs, druids in the city..."

"I did not mean that!"

After explaining angrily, Annan said: "I met Ivana today...she is like an adult."

"Isn't this bad?"

"I don't think it's good... Children should have childhood... What was your childhood?"

“Endless etiquette lessons and learning.”

"Uh...then what do you think of your gloomy childhood?"

"I am very grateful……"

Damn, the "effects of childhood" thing was way ahead of its time for this world.

"Anyway, your task is to take the children from the orphanage out for a day tomorrow."

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