A strange world

Chapter 780 Chapter 11 Mobilization

Chapter 780 Section 11. Mobilization

"As the demons expand outward like burning parchment, the McKeon clan gathers again in the Dwarf Mountains. They may not want to invade Middle-earth, but they definitely don't want to stay at the foot of the snow-capped mountains anymore. Both Middle-earth and the North need to be vigilant. "

Today's first page of "Empire" published such a bombshell news.

The living room on the second floor of the City Lord's Mansion was filled with low pressure.

The empire will not attack without aim. They said this, which means something must have happened.

Is war coming again...

Everyone was sitting in front of the fireplace. Itilia, who was weak on the outside and strong on the inside, was the first to say: "At least we are several times stronger than before, and we have the power to protect ourselves from harm."

Annan has been expanding his army to prepare for this.

But still lack of time...

They have too much to do and too little time.

If the Skaven march south in a big way next year, the Knight Golems and Mushroom Bombs have been installed, and they will have the confidence to fight them.

If the Skaven move in the winter this year, he is confident that the number of professionals in the Hellfire Legion will exceed 100, and the three legions will be expanded to 15,000 soldiers. In theory, a salvo can kill 15,000 soldiers. rat man.

But now, the Skaven probably won't wait until this winter.

Under this bad news, news came from Huadu that they could not find the fat boss of Sparrow Gem Shop, he was missing. Annan was not too touched.

"Maybe the situation is not that bad." Annan clapped his hands and focused everyone's attention on himself. "We are just a small city. No matter whether we fight head-on with the ratmen or demons or attack by sneak attacks, we have no chance. You know, the empire is next to us."

Liberty City is just a child standing among a group of adults, and next to this child is a giant. Trouble comes and they solve it.

The McKeon clan is one of the thirteen clans of the Skaven.

The Tatooine Empire is one of the High Thirteen Kings.

The McKeon clan has demonic help.

The Tatooine Empire has help from half of Middle-earth.

The kingdom of Rekaner vacillates, wandering between rats and humans.

Stun Skaven waver between humans and Skaven.

So the best situation is that the empire rolls up its sleeves and leads a group of subordinates to fight the ratmen and demons. As for Annan... he can just cheer from the side, and when the supervising officer sees it, he will pick up a dying ratman and deal with it.

"No matter what, let's make preparations first..."

"What preparations?" Francois asked.

"Preparations for the Skaven to attack Liberty City."

Lilith and Bronzebeard were silent,

Alice asked: "Are you being too pessimistic?"

She has not experienced the escape that Annan and others experienced, and cannot understand this negative emotion.

Annan sighed: "Rather than facing a war without preparation, I would rather prepare for the worst and be fully prepared..."

Their former home, Xingyue Bay, serves as a warning.

So what if hundreds of thousands of rats were killed? They are just a group of wandering ratmen who escaped from the death squad of McKeon's vanguard.

Let the others leave first, leaving only the two deputy city lords, Michael, Dumbledore, Bronzebeard, Lilith, Michael, and Rubble.

"I want to give you a surprise." The Centurion threw a medal to Annan before going out. "Now you are the Scavenger Centurion."

Annan didn't want it at first, but when he saw Olmedo showing envy, he happily accepted the medal.

"You are also a centurion, how can you grant me the title of centurion?" Annan asked curiously.

"Because I am the Centurion King."

"what is that?"

"Still a centurion."

After they left, Annan first said to Bronzebeard: "I have been practicing one thing: what if the cake is too small and not enough to divide, then make the cake bigger. So -"

"We want to make a cannon bigger than the magic cannon!?" Bronzebeard said excitedly.

"That was not what I meant……"

But it doesn’t seem impossible?

The strength of fine steel cannot support larger artillery, but orichalcum has no such worries. The current magic artillery has a caliber of 30 centimeters, but with the orichalcum artillery, even 300 centimeters can be easily achieved.

"Can it be done?" Annan asked with hope.

"As long as you are willing to spend money." Bronzebeard said with expectation.

"But what I mean is to transform the magic gun..."

"We're going to make a bigger musket than a magic musket!?"

Under Annan's influence, Bronzebeard suffered from a superstitious disease of powerful firepower. The specific symptom is that the larger the caliber, the higher the power.

"It's not necessary for the time being. The current strength is more than enough to deal with the rat men."

There is not much difference between killing ratmen with one shot and killing ratmen with one shot. However, the power of the new improved magic gunpowder in the past few days can penetrate the weak points of plate armor within fifty yards and can penetrate the weak points within one hundred yards. Wearing leather armor, it can cause damage to unarmored enemies within 200 yards.

Annan's suggestion is to improve the single-shot magic musket into a continuous-fire magic musket.

"It's not difficult, but it can only explode once, and then you still have to reload the bullets honestly." Bronzebeard analyzed.

So Annan also planned to change the pellets into bullets and load gunpowder into the bullets. But after drawing the picture to Bronzebeard, he shook his head and said he couldn't do it.

"We can easily make tens of thousands of today's projectiles in a day. This kind of bullet... even if we create a mold, we can make up to several thousand of them."

"Then continue to expand the blacksmith shop."

Annan had a good idea, but was still rejected by Bronzebeard.

"You don't understand." Bronzebeard said as a master dwarf craftsman, "We don't have enough time!"

The production of new bullets requires continuous improvement, determining the shape, size and amount of gunpowder loaded, and making new molds. Also, because it is incompatible with existing magic guns, a new type of magic gun needs to be made...

It is equivalent to making a new magic gun and a new continuous magic gun, developing bullets for the magic gun, and ensuring that they are stable enough in just a few dozen days.

"Then let's maintain the status quo for now, but we need to allocate some manpower to develop it."

"not enough people!"

"So I asked you to expand the blacksmith shop."

"No, no, this kind of delicate work can only be done by dwarves!" Bronzebeard shook his head.

Bronzebeard said whatever he said, Annan looked at Olmedo, "Then I'll leave it to you to recruit dwarf craftsmen from all over the place."


As for the old-fashioned magic guns that have been eliminated... As the new magic guns are interviewed and used on the front line, those lords will come to snap them up.

If we really can’t make a sixth Magical Image, we can always sell it.

In addition, Annan asked Michael to focus on the mushroom bomb, and asked Dumbledore to focus on the knight golem, and Lilith's mage tower and rubble wall to speed up.

After the night meeting ended, Annan still had a glimmer of hope.

But when the long-silent sacred hall convened again... he realized that this time there was really trouble.

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