A strange world

Chapter 784 Chapter 15 Their actual combat

Chapter 784 Section 15. Their actual combat

As if in response to Annan's words, later that day, two knights and a black carriage with a skeleton emblem drove out of the rain and stopped in front of the city lord's palace.

They were emissaries from the Empire, bringing orders from Emperor Tatooine: Let Lord Annan arrive at Mount Montreal with his troops within a month. "

"I'll get there."

Annan said, watching the team of messengers from the King of Bones sail into the rain and go to inform other lords.

They still have a month to prepare.

In order to inspire the Hellfire Legion, Annan recently chose to live in the camp. When he needed to discuss government affairs, he asked Olmedo to come over or contact him through the portal.

The Fourth Legion is recruiting openly through the "Voice of Freedom": whether you are a dragon, a giant, a vampire, an orc, a goblin, or a kobold. The rat-men came like a tide, leaving no grass growing wherever they passed. Take up arms and fight for yourself! Become a hero and protect your homeland!

On the second day of open recruitment, the registration office was overcrowded.

The most numerous ones are not orcs or goblins, but humans.

Most of them were residents who didn't pay close attention and wanted to join the army. A small number were instigated by propaganda, and the rest plausibly claimed that my ancestors were elves, orcs, and even dragon-speakers.

Annan was too lazy to tell them what reproductive isolation was, but he couldn't dispel their enthusiasm, so he asked them to serve as reserve members of the three major legions - no need to take off work, but only a few fixed days of training every month.

Almost a week has passed, and the number of the fourth legion is only one hundred and fifty-six...including ninety goblins, thirty-three orcs, thirteen white dragons, five elves, three ghosts, two kobolds, and one A rat-man, a centaur...

There are seventeen different races in total.

Da De also wanted to contribute, but Annan refused. Like Bronzebeard, she can exert even greater power in Liberty City.

In order to expand its influence, in addition to the report, the new issue of "Voice of Freedom" also comes with an additional poster: Annan is wearing Jack's linen clothes, wearing Dracula's top hat, holding Annan Potter's hat in one hand. The staff sincerely extends its hand forward, with a line of words at the bottom: I need you!

Fans of Jack/Annan Potter/Count Dracula have posted posters in their homes. This is exactly the effect Annan needs - in addition to being subtle, the more people know about it, the more aliens will sign up for the Fourth Legion.

If that doesn't work, we can only openly announce the benefits of joining the Fourth Legion.

Although this obliterates the ideal and is somewhat realistic...but the ideal cannot be eaten as food.

In fact, if the Fourth Legion allowed undead creatures to participate, there would be at least a hundred more skeleton soldiers... But Annan was not willing to let these precious lumps that did not need rest come out of the wheat field.

In addition, the report also announced the identity of the commander of the Fourth Legion: Blue Dragon, Ilimoyas.

However, because Ilimoyas has not yet woken up, Annan temporarily takes over as the legion commander.

Annan, the deputy commander of the army, originally wanted Bronzebeard to serve, but letting technical personnel go to the battlefield would require a military court. The ogres and orcs ran away somewhere else and haven't come back yet.

On the other side, Annan launched targeted training for the Fourth Army.

For example, orcs, their physical fitness can match that of professionals when they reach adulthood, making them natural warriors. When thirty heavily armored orcs charged, even the cavalry had to stay away.

So in addition to training, the blacksmith shop will also create fine steel weapons and armor for them.

Goblins... they were chirping, and even if Dorai carefully selected dozens of the strongest and most combative warriors, they could only fight back and forth with teenagers of twelve or thirteen years old - fourteen years old at most - with bare hands.

But what they are good at is building fortifications.

Fifty goblins can outrun thirty clumsy orcs.

After two years of care, the thirteen white dragons are almost adults, nearly eight meters from head to tail.

Although the white dragon is the shame of the dragon clan, he is still a dragon. Even without the power of the dragon, none of the thirteen white dragons can cast spells, but they can destroy the village just by rolling in a circle with their size.

The direction Annan set for them was to be like dragon beasts, wearing armor to protect their whole bodies and rampage ferociously on the battlefield.

This is what works best for them. However, the white dragon is not that smart and needs to be commanded... so Elder, the dragon-taming boy, is the only human being in the Fourth Legion besides Annan.

So much so that Bronzebeard complained to Annan, was the Fourth Legion here to torture Blacksmith? They are running out of things to do!

"But only you can... Bronzebeard, only you can make the soldiers return safely..."

Sincerity is the best weapon, especially for Annan.

As for the elves... they originally applied for the job with their abilities. The arrows shot by these children of the forest are not much less powerful than magic muskets, and they are agile and quiet.

The remaining alien Annans, who only have two or three or even one, have also formulated training plans. as well as……

"Can aliens practice breathing techniques?" Annan asked Blom.

"No one has ever done this..."

"The nobles would like to stuff the breathing method into the treasure house and never see the light of day. Of course, no one has done it."

Annan decided to try the breathing method to train foreigners. If it doesn't work, forget it. If it works, it will be a huge improvement...

Gal, the leader of the Timberwolf tribe, is a professional. It can even chase Mr. Fast while holding a tomahawk. Even though Faster neglected to exercise due to the privileged life in Liberty City and looked a bit fatter, he was still an elite warrior.

The world is fair. If too much power is allocated to the orcs, take it back from the IQ.

The number of the Fourth Legion was slowly increasing. In the third week, Annan held his first actual battle: he went to the Principality of Montable Rock to eliminate a group of copycat bandits.

At the time of the operation, Annan arranged the battle plan. At first they were executed well: the elves infiltrated the stronghold, investigated enemy defenses and prisoners, and dismantled traps. Then the thirteen-headed dragon holding the boulder slid over the mountain stronghold, lowered its death scream, and began to swoop down when the bandits who were suddenly attacked were in confusion.

The elves cooperated inside and outside to open the gate of the stronghold, allowing the orcs and goblins to rush in from the front.

The fourth legion composed of more than two hundred aliens clearly crushed the bandits with less than three hundred people.

The arrows of the elves sealed their throats with blood, and every time the centaur trampled on them, they would crush the chest of an unlucky guy. The white dragon grabbed the screaming bandit and raised it to a high place before letting go. The orcs ran rampant...

But soon, the Fourth Army, which fell into chaos, lost its strategy.

For example, the fighting style between orcs and goblins suddenly changed into that of greenskins and grunts: the orcs killed, and the goblins followed behind, stripped the dead bodies of valuables, and ran out of the village.

The elf who finished shooting the arrows pulled out his dagger and ran to be an assassin without observing the battlefield. The white dragon grabbed a man at the same time and tore the poor bandit in splits in order to fight for the prey.

They maintained maximum restraint if they did not inadvertently injure friendly forces.

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