A strange world

Chapter 794 Chapter 25 Stormy Storm

Chapter 794 Section 25. Stormy Storm

They were unlucky, and the most troublesome rat tide appeared...

"Mr. Charin, Ymir, please stop them." Annan looked at the mage group.

"Please leave it to us." Zha Lin, the Archmage of the Windmill Principality, said reservedly, raising his staff, "The mage group is ready, wall of fire!"

Rich magical elements gathered in the camp. As the spell was cast, an arc-shaped fire wall several meters high appeared outside the first ravine of the camp, instantly illuminating the dark forest and the tide of rats in the distance like a black carpet.

They pushed against each other and hit the wall of fire, and the increasingly dense squeaks turned into chaotic screams. Burning flames rushed out, or they bumped into other rats in a daze, igniting their cilia and spreading rapidly.

The waves of screams rolling in the firelight made people's scalp numb. Just as magic muskets and artillery restrain ordinary ratmen, rat tides restrain magic muskets, artillery and everyone except spellcasters.

These scurrying rats better not set the forest on fire...

Suddenly, a moist chill hit my face, and lead-colored traces were faintly dripping outside the camp.

It started to rain.

Charin yelled, "We have to deal with them before the storm comes!"

The wall of fire in the front forced the rat tide to the side, and the mage group then cast another spell, forming a ring of fire hundreds of meters in diameter to protect the camp.

The mages took the time to replenish their magic power with magic potions.

Large areas of rats died, thunder and lightning came closer and closer, rain gradually formed a rain curtain, and the wall of fire was suppressed to less than two meters. Their hair was quickly extinguished by the rain, but many were scorched and motionless before being extinguished.

The goblin golems and warriors were activated, standing in the front row, like whack-a-mole, knocking out the rats that slipped through the musket.

If only it were that simple, but the real trouble is yet to come...

These rat tides are just the vanguard of the vanguard. There is news here that the rat tide is coming soon.

The tide of rats lasted for several minutes and finally ceased to be an endless carpet. The wall of fire gradually extinguished, and the mage team added a new wall of fire, and then the light of illumination lit up around the camp.

There are shadowy shadows deep in the forest, mixed with piercing screams... The Rat Man is coming!

"The first stage!"

Fermi shouted an order.

The Hellfire Legion stayed in the camp, and the goblin golems, heavily armored orcs, warriors and rangers took the initiative to go to the first ravine to consume the ratmen.

The vampires turned into a swarm of bats and roamed over the forest on a rainy night.

The Skaven are so dirty that even vampires won't drink blood unless they are all Wood. So they did what the white dragons did before: find the rat men, pick them up and fly them into the air, and then drop them down where the rat swarm is densely populated.

The white dragon has to wait a little longer... When the rat men burst out of the forest in the form of a rat tide and the soldiers retreated to the camp, that's when they appeared.

The forest was dim in the light. As soon as the rat people rushed out, they were attacked head-on by the warriors.

The goblin golems turned into complete killing machines, blocking the front. The power contained in their huge bodies made a rat-man fall apart with every swing. Their body was stronger than the earth element, so they were not afraid of the rat-man's sharp points. Sharp teeth.

The heavily armored orc followed closely behind, splitting the rat man's head and limbs with a battle ax, and roared with his head raised.

The soldiers harvested the rat men together, and the rain washed away the blood stains on their armor. They took turns pushing forward and pushing forward.

The rangers turned into shadows and swept up the treetops, shooting deadly arrows silently, reducing the density of the rat tide and creating a buffer.

The heavy rain washed away the fallen leaves. At this moment, the warrior near the goblin golem suddenly felt his skin numb -

In an instant, pale lightning struck down, and amidst the deafening thunder, a goblin demon statue stood motionless with thunder surrounding it.

"Bring them back!"

Annan suddenly remembered that metal conducts electricity and shouted to Charin.

Charin waved his staff, releasing a red halo that illuminated the rainy night.

The warriors and rangers who had advanced to the forest began to retreat, using the ravines and rat tides outside the camp to distance themselves. The vampires cooperated to carry the malfunctioning goblin golem back to the camp.

The mage group jointly released an ice trap that only had two rings, but was extremely suitable for the scene in front of them.

Wherever he passed, the wet ground quickly condensed into ice, and the slope made it difficult for the rat man to stand firmly.

On a stormy night, the disadvantage turned into an advantage. Fermi picked up the orichalcum blunderbuss, and the sound of the gun was accompanied by a roar: "Fire!"

The Musketeers, who had watched the show for dozens of minutes, finally took action.

The fire that suddenly lit up was like an iron felt beaten by the gods, and the rat man who was still rolling on the ice trap instantly became stiff.

The first row of musketeers retreated to reload, while the second row stepped forward and raised their muskets.

Bang bang bang——

The acrid gun smoke came out of the camp and was torn to pieces by the rain curtain outside.

Waves of rat-men fell down like wheat, unable to get up again.

And as more and more ratmen formed a fan shape from the front, and then completely surrounded the camp, the unified gunfire began to become chaotic.

The only thing that didn't change was that the Rat Man never took a step off the slope.

The rat-men were not densely packed, and Annan hoped that they would be more dispersed, but the trees were also the rat-men's food - the rat-men were the only race that were not only eaten by demons, but would also eat demons.

As the sounds of crunching and collapse in the forest continued, the density of the rat tide increased by several orders of magnitude, but there were only slave rats.

Bailong began to move out. They grabbed the bolas and plowed the ground repeatedly around the perimeter of the camp, plowing out cavities among the rats.

The vampire is like an invisible big hand, grabbing several ratmen at a time and taking them to high altitudes before releasing them. Even because bats are the embodiment of their power, they have no fear of being hit by stray bullets.

This is the stalemate in the war between the Vampires and the Stun Rats in the Serens Mountains.

Dawn in the storm was no different from late night. The movement of the distant black watch was obscured by the rain curtain, as if they were the only ones standing alone in the camp.

But the rat tide had no chance of approaching the camp.

If only it were just these slave rats...

Annan's hope was just a beautiful vision. When the sky started to get dark, the real big guy finally emerged from the rat tide.

Those rats that are almost the same as goblin golems can be seen from a long distance away. They were mixed in with the rat tide, and their thick and thick cilia and skin allowed the magic gun to penetrate only a shallow layer.

"Magic cannon ready!"

Amid Fermi's roar, several groups of soldiers dispersed, uncovered the rain cloth covering the magic artillery, lifted the heavy shells and pushed them into the barrel, aiming at a few rats in the rat tide.


The ignited fuse burned to the end.


The continuous sound of cannons caused the camp to tremble, and several rats in the rat tide that were targeted by dozens of magic artillery exploded into a ball of minced meat, and a large area was cleared around them.

With the activation of the magic cannon, the intensity of the war suddenly increased.

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