After thinking about it, Jiang Ding still didn't catch up and kill Wei Xian.

It feels a bit abrupt, and it would be bad if the man in black robe notices anything wrong. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you wait a little longer, there are plenty of opportunities.

Tomorrow's battle with Qing Shenjian Song Qing seems to be an opportunity.

The next day.

Jiang Ding left the Sword Forging Mansion, which could not be opened once for four or five days, bought a bamboo hat and put it on his head, and followed the flow of people to the arena set up by the two sects in the west of the city.

There was a heavy flow of people, and there were mostly Jianghu people armed with swords on the road. Many of them had some relationship with the two sects and were recruited here.

The two sects have been at the top of the world for at least two hundred years. Their disciples are scattered in all directions, each establishing their own power and branching out. Their combined potential power is simply astonishing.

In addition, there are six major sects and a large number of idle warriors from all walks of life.

Watching the excitement and pursuing fame and fortune seems to be the nature of restless Jianghu people engraved in their bones.

"'Blue Divine Sword' Song Qing is only ninth on the Dragon and Phoenix list, why dares to challenge Shentu Kuang, the eighth on the Dragon and Phoenix list? 'Broken Bone' Shen Tu Kuang? I heard that with a pair of iron fists, he defeated all the invincible opponents in the south, and only ranked second on the Dragon and Phoenix list. The Wolf Lord personally taught him Disciple 'Half Ghost' Wuma was defeated by his own hands."

A tall, idle Jianghu man asked doubtfully.

"Brother, your news is out of date. Wu Makong's second place on the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking has been pushed down. The current second place is the 'Dream-Eating Sword Demon' Jiang Ding, who defeated the leader of the Ziwei Sword Sect head-on, 'Ten Flower Sword Immortal' 'The murderer of thousands of words."

"So many people are from the Qixuan Sect, which famous sect is this?"

The young swordsman asked others, puzzled: "I looked at the Dragon and Phoenix list. The second 'Dream-eating Sword Demon' Jiang Ding, the ninety-eighth 'Flying Snow Fairy' Gong Caiyu, and the recently emerged Dragon and Phoenix Number ninety-two on the list is 'Qingyun Sword' Han Lin, plus the Qixuan Secret Cave that has caused a lot of commotion recently, why have I never heard of this sect before?"

‘Qingyun Sword’ Han Lin?

Jiang Ding in the crowd was stunned.

Is he that dark, thin boy with an extremely ordinary face?

To be ranked 92nd on the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking, he at least has the ability to leapfrog and fight with great internal energy, but he has only officially practiced martial arts for two or three months.

Is he another person whose talents were buried due to the harsh social environment, and who has the qualifications of a genius like Li Qingyun?

"The Qixuan Sect was at its peak a thousand years ago. Of course you and I are not familiar with it."

The young swordsman's friend said casually.

"'Dream-Eating Sword Demon' Jiang Ding defeated senior Xiantian head-on! In my opinion, this person should be number one on the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking."

An idle Jianghu person with a sword on his back worshiped Dao, and he had a good impression of Jiang Ding, a man who did not clearly come from a major sect.


A Qingniu Palace disciple showed an angry look and scolded: "The 'Ten Flower Sword Immortal' Wan Qianyu had been seriously injured by senior brother before, and was defeated by Jiang Ding now. How can He De be ranked first on the dragon and phoenix list?"

"Hehe, your Qingniu Palace is so powerful that a white paper can be said to be black."

The sword-carrying Jianghu people sneered a few words, and before the Qingniu Palace disciple and the surrounding companions could get angry, they disappeared into the crowd and disappeared, very slickly.


The disciples of Qingniu Palace snorted coldly and were too lazy to chase after him.

Jiang Ding hid silently in the crowd, with a very low sense of presence. Through a drone search, he found the six sects in the inner circle.

The purple sword symbol of the Ziwei Sword Sect is also among them.

It seems that Wan Qianyu's assassination of the governor of Chizhong Mansion did not cause them to lose their status in the world and be ostracized by the righteous world.

On the contrary, judging from the liveliness of the Ziwei Sword Sect being constantly visited, its reputation has become even stronger.

Knowing that the disciples of Ziwei Sword Sect, a serious criminal wanted by the court, were here, the court made no move to arrest him.

In the future, as long as the propaganda and public opinion in the martial arts community is slightly guided, the "Ten Flower Sword Immortal" may have the title of a giant who disregards his own safety and assassinates corrupt officials in anger.

In a sense, this is not wrong. The prefect of Chizhong Mansion and a group of civil and military bureaucrats are 100% corrupt officials.

At a glance, as long as Wan Qianyu didn't come to her door, Jiang Ding wouldn't waste time chasing her. The grudge didn't reach this level.

As expected, Wei Xian, the strongest person below the innate level of the Golden Blade Sect, was also there, and his presence to participate in this matter had a bearing on the direction of the situation between good and evil.


Jiang Ding showed a smile and searched for a figure about 1.5 meters tall in the picture.

After a long time, I finally found a short guy wearing a black cloak and a pure white satin skirt in a corner. He was standing on tiptoes and looking towards the six sects, looking for something. .

"In this case, maybe it makes sense?"

Jiang Ding thought silently.

After all this time wasted, the two people on the ring were already on stage.

Song Qing had seen before, "Broken Bones" Shentu Kuang was a strong and wild young man, wearing animal skins, who did not shy away from his origins in the southern jungle tribe.

This man is extremely qualified. At the age of fifteen, he defeated all the tribes around him and became the youngest and strongest headhunter in the tribe.

Then he encountered a great opportunity and got the attention of his teacher, a congenital expert and one of the four guardians of the Wolf God Sect, the "Zhentian Shenfeng" Dao Linshi, and he was able to teach the Wolf God Sect's secret "Tuotian Zhenyue Divine Art" , soared into the sky and became the top level of the Wolf God Sect, second only to Xiantian.

"You dare to challenge me because you have some superficial understanding of 'shi'?"

Shentu Kuang lightly clenched his fists, and the armor of his fists made a clanging sound. Even if it was not an inherited magic weapon, it was still a top-notch weapon that was integrated with precious materials and had the ability to increase the inner energy.

"how do you know?"

Song Qing's complexion changed, and his mind wavered a little.

This trump card is only known to senior fellow apprentices and a few absolutely trustworthy senior officials in the palace. It was originally used as a killing move to surprise the opponent, and he did not want to expose it as soon as the opponent came up.

Quickly check in your mind who might be leaking secrets.


Shentu Kuang stopped answering, stepped forward, and punched him.

A simple punch, but it seemed to condense a mountain here, the heavy pressure spread to the surroundings, and the smoke and dust were swept away in a circle.

"Qing Xian shows the way!"

Song Qing simply stopped thinking about it and pointed out his sword. The green sword energy gathered at the tip of the sword to break the face with it. This was the starting position of the "Blue Ox Sword Sutra", the supreme martial arts passed down by Qingniu Palace.

When the sword came out, the general forces of heaven and earth converged slightly, making his sword style even more powerful.

Don't underestimate this half percent. The top ten on the Dragon and Phoenix list are all talented warriors who have reached the limit of their inner energy realm. The extra half percent can easily double their strength when placed on other warriors who have perfected their inner energy realm.


As the fists and swords struck each other, sparks bloomed. Shentu Kuang's heavy momentum with the Wolf God Sect's secret "Tian Tian Zhen Yue Divine Art" was immediately broken. The green sword bypassed the fist edge and stabbed his back shoulder.

Shentu Kuang punched backwards, hitting the tip of the sword accurately. Song Qing took a step back, then circled and attacked from the side. The green sword was hazy and extremely flexible.

The sharp and harsh sounds of fists and swords clashing together became one, and the figures of the two people were almost mixed together. It seemed that they were indistinguishable, but in fact, with the blessing of 'situation', Song Qing firmly turned the situation in his favor. direction.

Many Jianghu people in the audience stared intently and held their breaths, and many warriors with perfect internal energy showed signs of fear.

Both of them had perfect internal energy, and if they couldn't catch the two moves above, they would be defeated, and even escape would be impossible.

"Is it so easy to achieve a soul that is twice that of an ordinary person and a transcendent understanding?"

Jiang Ding noticed the power between Song Qing's sword moves and was a little envious.

These top ten geniuses who stood out among hundreds of millions of people surpassed him in terms of qualifications.

These days, he has been reading books such as "The Concept of the Harmony of Heaven and Man and the Adjustment of Soul Frequency" in the Immortal Library, gradually understanding the principles and coming up with some ideas.

The basic soul and comprehension requirements have not changed, but there are also tricks to reduce some of the difficulty.

That is to rent a 'Spirit Spectral Frequency Measuring Instrument' worth 80,000 to 90,000 spiritual coins from Xianmen, bring it to this world to measure the spiritual energy spectral frequency in this area of ​​Yuejing, and then ask someone to tailor a system based on this data. Partial view method.

There is no problem with his qualifications for renting. With his steady progress in getting admitted to the monastic department of Qianling University and his extremely high ideological and moral scores, the seller should agree that it is affordable.

There is no problem in tailoring the visualization method. Find a bald doctoral student with good grades in the monastic department of the university, give him the spiritual energy spectrum frequency data, insert the data, and you can get it easily.

The only problem is that he does not have at least five thousand spiritual coins to pay for rent and hire a bald doctoral student.

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