Since that day, Robin has been by the old man's side and has begun to learn the old man's swordsmanship. Practice shaving while dispensing various medications. The principle of the Navy Six was simple in Robin's memory. However, Robin's body is still too small and weak. Until after taking the medicine you have prepared. I started to practice on my own.

Robin made a simple training plan for himself. Two hours of drug practice are provided every day. After that, the basic skills of swordsmanship are two hours. Polishing the body for four hours. There are two hours of reading time. The rest of the time is spent gathering intelligence.

The year 1505 was in the Haiyuan calendar. Robin's third year in the Land of Flowers. Robin, who had just returned to the hospital after training, had slowed down in strength recently. And she began her own fruit development. Robin's training slowed down because it was impossible to improve his strength without training blindly and without fighting.

After a simple wash. Go back to your room. Robin meditated on the system in his heart. Opened up your own simple system panel.

Character: Nicole Robin

Age: 13


Strength: 187 (average 10 for adults).

Speed: 192

Endurance: 235

Physical Strength: 220

Fruits: Flower flowers and fruits (low degree of development).

Domineering: Level 3

Knowledge: Archaeology (Doctorate), Medicine (Advanced), Navigation (Intermediate).

Physical Surgery: Shaving (Level 2).

Kendo: Advanced sword level

Culinary: Intermediate

Shooting: Elementary

I have made enough progress in three years of study. Robin estimates that he now has the ability to protect himself. Now Robin is going to go out and practice. In recent days, Robin has noticed that there are more strangers near the medical center. It doesn't seem to be long. Your identity may be exposed. It's easy to lead the old man Li He. Robin still has principles in doing things on his own. It is better not to implicate others.

And find another place to learn the art of navigation. Take your sailing skills to an advanced level. Make sure you can move freely in the four seas. Robin wasn't prepared to recruit people when he wasn't on the cards. At least don't recruit people when you haven't found the text of history.

The next day Robin said goodbye to the old man. "Grandpa Li He, thank you for taking care of me all these years. I'm leaving. In the future, you should take care of yourself by yourself. "I bowed to the old man in front of him.

"Little girl. It looks like those people out there might be looking for you. But it doesn't matter. As long as you don't go out. You can't help them. The old man was able to hold on for a while, mainly because he was used to eating Robin's cooking. Do it yourself. I can't put my mouth down. But the old man can't show it himself.

"No, Grandpa Li He. I'll leave today. I've already found a boat. The boat will leave in the afternoon. I'm going to get you in big trouble if I stay here. And it's not bad that you cook your own food. When you are older, you should exercise more on your own. Robin said that he saw through the old man's idea of keeping himself to cook. Rejected mercilessly.

"Oh well. Girl. You wait for that. With that, the old man turned and went back to his room. Kung Fu for a while. And the old man came out. Holding a package in his hand. Open it again in front of Robin. Two knives shaped like dog's legs leaked inside. When Robin saw this knife, his first feeling was that it was the dogleg knife of the earth. However, these two are longer than the Earth's. It's like Berumeber's knife.

"Little girl, these two knives. It's used when I'm young. The quality is good. Not inferior to any of the world's big knives. But it hasn't been famous. If you can, make these two knives famous all over the world. The old man took out his knife and said to Robin very solemnly.

Respectfully took the two knives. Robin hit the heart to like it. "Grandpa Li He. What are the names of these two knives?" The names must be asked after you get the knives.

"Their names? But you are their master now. They are your future partners. If you still use the previous name, it's not good. It's better for you to name them again. The old man looked at the two knives and said to Robin in a very serious tone.

I took over and tried the feel, and after practicing for a while. Found a bit big. But I can still grow taller. It's just right when the time comes. "It's called the Golden Horn, the Silver Horn. "

"Well, whatever you want. Apparently the old man had no hope in Robin's ability to make a name.

With a pair of knives on his back, he held a backpack. Robin turned and went out the door. "Old man, remember to take care of yourself. "

Ask for flowers, ask for collections, and reward balls

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