Duke put down the half-chewed beef bone, wiped his hands with the hot towel provided by the waiter, and stared at the unfortunate girl named Aison.

He had a hunch that the case seemed to get some progress here.

And Lu Li had already put down his knife and fork, signaling the girl to continue.

"About more than four hours ago, Katie, um, who was in charge of managing this flesh-and-blood business, had a conflict with the Orioles in another block, and they were stoned to death..."

When Aisong was halfway through speaking, Orioles rushed over to stop him, and then the police officer in charge of security immediately pulled out a short stick and stopped the person.

"Don't worry, I can arrange other jobs for you, in the West End." Holmes also realized the seriousness of the matter and assured.

Scotland Yard has no ability to detect cases, but the security work is indeed doing a good job.

I saw the police officer waving a short stick painted in red as a warning, while blowing a sharp whistle to call in the hands.

Not long after, the plainclothes police officers and detectives nearby all arrived and brought all the warblers under control.

"Let's just say it here, don't worry about safety, Scotland Yard will be responsible to the end."

Lu Li patted Ai Songen on the shoulder, signaling her not to be afraid, and then waved and told the police to take the person away first, so as not to frighten the witnesses.

Of course, based on the current situation, it is still uncertain whether this girl can provide key testimony.

"Don't have any concerns."

Having said that, Holmes added: "In order to prevent you from being retaliated against, even if the official does not act, we will arrange everything properly."

Gradually, Ai Songen regained her calm. She knew how terrible the forces behind Liu Ying were, but her intuition and conscience prompted her to tell the secret.

"Katie wanted to expand her business to the next block, so she deliberately went over to pick things up. After the conflict, she threatened a child with a stone and stoned a warbler from that faction."

"What about the other?" Duke demanded.

Although it is a bit cruel to say this, the fact is that the death of a poor woman does not attract too much attention.

"The other is us, um, they..."

Aisong was a little embarrassed. She used to be one of these warblers. Even if she only worked for three days, she was still an indelible stain on her life.

Lu Li was keenly aware of this, and said warmly, "Katie's side, right?"

"Well, one of them also died, so this matter is temporarily evened out."

"What was the cause of that woman's death?"

"I don't know, I just joined yesterday. They didn't trust the newcomer very much, so they didn't ask me to participate, but I heard from others that the death was tragic."

Lu Li looked at Sherlock Holmes, both of them had a strong premonition that they were getting closer and closer to the truth.

"Someone else? What's the specific name?"

"Helen Grimaud."

"What about the name of the deceased?"

"I heard that it was Newberry. She would stay in this bar almost every night to solicit customers, but she never showed up tonight."

After some inquiries, Ain Song explained all the ins and outs of the matter.

There was a conflict between the two Orioles forces. The cause of death of the first victim was not uncommon. A casual investigation will confirm the authenticity.

But the second deceased, the woman named Newberry, is worth digging deeper.

Is the death tragic?

Is the place of death blurred?

It just corresponds to the previous cases.

At the same time, it also alerted Lu Li. I am afraid that there are far more than forty-two victims. They are just the tip of the iceberg. Even if they die, they will be dealt with by their own people.

"In the next period of time, you will first stay at the Whitechapel District General Police Station, where there will be special personnel responsible for security, so you don't have to worry about three meals a day."

With that said, Lu Li called a police detective and told him to take good care of the people, so that nothing could go wrong.

"Don't worry, sir." The detective straightened his back immediately and said solemnly, "I will send four colleagues with weapons to take her to the headquarters."

"Well, divided into two carriages."

"Any suspicious person is prohibited from approaching. If the situation is too critical, you can consider shooting."

Originally, Aison was not so nervous, but when she heard Duke's serious appearance, she couldn't help but panic. She felt that even if it was a murder case, the police wouldn't be so serious about it.


Just when she was thinking wildly, Officer Wensley, who had been missing for nearly two hours, came over and said excitedly: "I found it, in an alley on South Street."

Then, the officer noticed a quirky vibe pervading the bar.

"It is impossible to have only one corpse." Holmes explained the fact, "According to the past situation, there will be at least two victims."

"But the entire Whitechapel area was searched and only one was found. Could it be in several nearby areas?"

After thinking of this possibility, Officer Wensley's face darkened immediately.

Once, the Whitechapel area was the place with the most rampant criminal activities, but as time passed, several surrounding areas began to report vicious homicides.

When will it affect the Financial City?

What if the nobles living in Westminster Abbey are disturbed?

"Let the surrounding districts start operations as soon as possible, and whether or not a body is found, the local Orioles must be called in for the first trial."

After the words fell, Lu Li took another two minutes to tell Wensley about Aisone's testimony~www.wuxiamtl.com~ for a while, the police officer's heart sank to the bottom, forty-two, no, counting The one newly discovered not long ago, with a total of forty-three bodies, was appalling enough, but I didn't expect that many more victims would be dealt with in private.

"Let's split up." Duke suggested in a low voice.

Time is everything.

In rainy weather, as time goes by, the research value of the corpse will drop rapidly, and there is no way to delay it.

Because of this, Lu Li immediately agreed to this plan and looked at Mr. Holmes.

"I want to go to the crime scene to see."

There was firmness in his tone.

"Then let Duke accompany him. He has some knowledge of anatomy."

After speaking, Lu Li added in his heart:

Now I have mastered one more heraldry.

"Okay, let's go to the scene of the murder first. I'll leave the interrogation work to you."

Sherlock Holmes did not reject this plan, and after he finished speaking, he immediately followed the undercover police leading the way to the scene of the incident.

As for Lu Li, he was responsible for digging up the whereabouts of the other body.

To be honest, he felt that with Sherlock Holmes there, he really didn't need to go to the scene, and with Duke following behind, this lineup was fantastic and luxurious. As long as there were potential clues, they would definitely be found.

"Come on, Officer Wensley."

"Let's go to the nearby branch first."

Looking at Lu Li's retreating back, Aison's face showed a look of struggle, and shouted:

"Can you bring me? To prevent them from playing tricks, such as collusion or something."

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