A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 9 Chapter 66: forbidden book


No matter where, no matter what era, it is a felony.

However, when Lu Li was brought back to the bureau by the police officers who came later, he only made two phone calls.

One for Officer Wesley.

One for the Secretary of State for the Royal Interior.

Immediately afterwards, the police station branch happily released people. Not only that, but the Minister of the Interior also promised that they would get a permit for Lu Li and others to deal with the more complicated forms in the future.

Probably because after killing "people" on the street, there is no need to accept the review and seizure of law enforcement agencies.

There are indications that the world will become more and more strange, because official institutions have received wind and are undergoing drastic changes.

"Perhaps, when I wake up tomorrow morning, I will find that everything around me becomes extraordinarily unfamiliar."

On Baker Street, Duke said half-jokingly.

And Lu Li nodded calmly. For the actor, it is only a good thing that Weird no longer hides his whereabouts and becomes traceable.

"I am not afraid of death, but I am worried that I will have no clue and will not be able to enter the orbit." Before leaving, Bai Yu had a smile on his face and said frankly: "If it weren't for the big guys, we would still be like headless flies. Bump."

Everyone is waiting for the dawn, because there is a strong premonition in their hearts that when they open their eyes again, earth-shaking changes will occur.

In the words summarized earlier, the spiritual tide is recovering, and tonight is likely to be the first big tide.

"The play has begun."

A look of anticipation appeared on Pan Ming's face.

Rather than gathering evidence, analyzing it and trying it out, he prefers to go straight.

Of course, Lu Li was very willing to use force to solve the problem without using his brain.

In this way, after participating in a palace banquet and witnessing a paradoxical episode, the group of seven separated.

Lu Li, Duke, and Mi Gao lived at No. 23 Baker Street, while Pan Ming, Bai Yu, Gao Qian, and Zhao Feng lived at No. 169, a hundred meters away, not far from Sherlock Holmes' house.


The door closes.

Lu Li smeared and lit several kerosene lamps one by one, and the clinic lit up.

"I'm really not a good doctor."

"But you're a good detective, the officially certified kind." Duke took over the conversation, and he casually hung his coat on the shelf. "Go to Scotland Yard headquarters as soon as possible tomorrow and take over the relevant information."

In fact, Duke has always been curious about the mechanical weirdo Lu Li spoke of.

After all, in the era when gas and internal combustion engines were just popularized in cities, who on earth made something that could talk and fight, and what was the driving force?

Duke wouldn't even be in the mood to sleep if the remains were still in transit.

"As of now, the royal family's knowledge of the assassination case is almost zero."

"If there is progress, they don't need to entrust Scotland Yard and invite the help of a civilian investigation team."

When the two were talking, the young man Migao hesitated. He was loyal to the country and supported the royal family headed by Queen Victoria, but the master did not shy away from himself, and indicated that he would secretly contact the Brothers Association to launch a **** incident—

Those with vested interests will not give up all kinds of power for no reason. These people have guns and cannons, and they hold a lot of social resources, and they will definitely suppress them.

Although Michael can't put the above truth out, he knows the analogy:

The poor gathered and wanted the owner of a bakery in a prosperous area to give each of them a piece of bread and half a glass of milk, and what they got must be rejection and abuse.

Rising to the national level, violent institutions will be deployed in full force to suppress them all and throw the leaders into prison.

In this way, countless irreparable tragedies will occur, and the two princesses who may be temporarily living in Buckingham Palace will also be implicated and affected.

The monarch of a neighboring country was sent to the guillotine in a movement.

And Migao didn't want such a violent and **** thing to happen in his own country. At the same time, he was born in poverty, and he also desperately hoped that the people of the East District would no longer be oppressed and could support his family through hard work.

Confused, the three returned to their respective rooms.

Michael tossed in bed, unable to sleep, while Duke lay on the sofa by the fireplace, snoring soon after.

Inside the master bedroom.

The lights were dimly lit, and Lu Li was lying on the bedside, flipping through the wordless cowhide book, which was left by the previous owner, the crappy doctor who graduated from Miskatonic University.

After taking the time to consult Sherlock Holmes, he got the correct way to open it: taking the medicine of sanity.

After drinking this special liquid, you will see things you can't see normally, including but not limited to hidden text, but the legendary detective didn't introduce other functions too much, just gave the potion formula.

[Child of the Green God: The ears are slender, the teeth are as sharp as rodents, the eyes are bulging, the hair covers the whole body, and he lives in the underground of Warren Down with the Green God.

They hate the sun, are agile, and usually advance by jumping. At the same time, they are not brave. When encountering enemies, they win by numerical superiority...]

[Giant-devouring worm: A huge meat worm with a length of hundreds of feet, the whole body is covered with mucus, and the head has a large forked mouth. The summoning conditions are as follows...]

This is an illustrated book of monsters who are curious, UU reading www.uukanshu. Some coms also come with summoning conditions.

In the age of the end of the law, these messages are equivalent to none, but with the return of the spiritual tide, the things recorded in the book finally have value.

According to the doctor, combined with the content of the book, the reason why his close classmate fell on the road to seek the truth was because a certain ceremony was successful.

It's just that Lu Li doesn't know the specific ritual for the time being, because he can only read two pages a day, any more, his sanity will be negatively affected, and he will encounter some kind of unknown.

"Looking at the thickness, it probably takes two or three years to read it all before you can read it all."

"Perhaps, the further back you go, the more taboo you will be exposed to, and the reading conditions will also increase, so you have to stay sane throughout the process."

Closing the cowhide, Lu Li turned off the bedside lamp and closed his eyes to rest.

Although these are not necessary, he can see things at night, and he doesn't need to rest for a long time like ordinary people, but their existence satisfies the sense of ritual, and makes Lu Li always remember that he should not "see himself very high". , what a god.

Before dawn, on the road to each block, horses and carts were endless, and the owner of the coffee stall was carrying the burden of coffee cans.

The residents of Baker Street walked out of their houses one after another. The young man had a sleepless night and walked to the market with his money bag. Soon, the figure disappeared into the thick fog, as if being swallowed by something.

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