Abe the Wizard

Chapter 106

“I did not expect from you that you can draw the magic pattern of a successful first-level trainee wizard so quickly. Congratulations, you have successfully been promoted to become a first-level trainee wizard!” Sam trainee wizard said to Abe with a smile .

At this moment, Abe felt the magic in his body. This energy, which is completely different from the fighting spirit, is not as violent as fighting spirit, but has a soft but continuous meaning like the current.

“This box of” physique potion “is for you to use first, magic power is harmful to the body.” Sam trainee wizard gave Abe a box, and then said, “Since you have magic power, you must learn to use spell, you also You have to decide which way to go in the future. Wizard has 3 ways to choose, one is to learn Fire Element spell, 2 is to learn ice attribute spell, and 3 is to learn electricity spell. Of course, if you are a genius, then you can also choose more item.”

Having said that, Sam’s apprentice wizard couldn’t help but stop. It seemed that the young child in front of him was a genius, and he couldn’t help but hesitate. Then he said, “I chose to learn the Fire Element spell. The person who chose this spell was Most of all, the Fire Element spell formidable power is powerful, and most importantly, the Fire Element spell has the only skill ‘warmth’ that can supplement the magic with the heat in the air. “

It seemed a little embarrassing. Trainee Sam paused for a moment and then said, “Of course I only learned ‘Fireball’ at the moment. This spell is very practical and the formidable power will increase with the increase of ‘Fireball’ level. “

“Master Sam, can I learn this spell from you?” Abe is looking forward to learning the first spell.

“Of course, I can only teach you this spell. Your path will not be decided until Teacher returns, and my ability cannot show you the way.” Trainee Wizard said solemnly to Abe.

Turn around and take out a parchment from the box behind. It has a complicated pattern on it, and the bottom is in continental, with the word 2 fireballs in hand, and hand the parchment to Abe. Trainee Wizard said, “This is a ‘fireball’ Pattern, you need to quickly use the spirit strength in your hand to guide the magic in the first-level apprentice magic pattern, draw this ‘fire bomb’ pattern correctly, read the corresponding incantation in your mouth, and activate the ‘fire bomb’ pattern. Then use your spirit strength to guide the direction and throw the ‘fireball’ in your hand at the target. “

“Master Sam, this is your spell note?” Abe recognized the handwriting of Sam’s apprentice wizard, which was written by apprentice Sam’s wizard himself.

“It’s useless, I’m all here.” Trainee Sam pointed to his head and said, “In addition to being a memorial, it might as well be useful to you.”

Abe looked at the parchment in his hand. He had experience with the magic pattern of the first level of the “wizard elementary Meditation Method” on page 2. Of course he knows how much energy it takes to copy such a pattern note. From the change of lines, To the strength of the pen, this is written with a real rune pen, which is not as convenient and adjustable as the spirit strength. As long as you make a mistake, the note is useless.

“I’ll show you one time, you can see clearly!” Trainee Sam reminded Abe.

I saw Sam’s apprentice wizard right hand swiping in front of his chest, and a magical force began to flow with his right hand fingers, forming a fiery-red pattern on his chest, and at the same time he began to sing incantation. Abe was a little surprised when he heard incantation, because the incantation was spoken in an Elf language.

When the incantation stopped, the fiery-red pattern quickly condensed into a Fireball. Sam Trainee Wizard threw the Fireball to the wall. When approaching the wall, a white light flashed on the wall. The Fireball hit the white light and disappeared.

Sam’s apprentice wizard looked at Abe with a surprised expression with smile. He also had the expression when he saw the wizard for the first time. After a while, he asked: “Abe, can you see clearly?”

“Yes, Lord Sam. I can see. Does it take a long time to cast each time?” Abe just asked Sam Trainee Wizard about XNUMX seconds before and after he fired the “fireball”.

“I’m here to make you see more clearly, so it slows down. You may start slower than this, but with more practice, you will get faster and faster.” Said Sam Apprentice wizard not at all said incantation aloud this time, but said it quickly with an almost inaudible soft voice, and in his hand it was much faster than just now. A fiery-red pattern was quickly drawn out, but before and after. About one and a half seconds, a Fireball was thrown against the wall by him, and the wall flashed white light to block the Fireball.

“See no, my speed is one and a half seconds, this is already my limit speed, I have spent 20 years practicing it for this, and my Teacher Evelyn Wizard, he can already meditate incantation, and in “Fireball” spell can be thrown in half a second. “Trainee Sam told Abe.

“Master Sam, you just threw it at the wall, why can’t you attack the wall?” Abe’s curiosity was fully mobilized today. The flashing white light just reminded him of the defensive shield and armor he made, and it was installed on it. “XNUMX # Sol” can reduce physical attacks after rune. When attacked, it is almost the same defense method, but this wall is subjected to magic attacks.

“This is the defensive array in the magic tower. The magic tower has a large number of defensive arrays in order to protect itself. One is to defend the enemy, and the other is to prevent the destructive forces generated by internal experiments and experiments from causing damage to the tower. Impact. “Trainee Wizard explained with a smile.

“What language is incantation in your mouth?” Abe asked with concern, because when he taught Abe to Elf, Lorraine once taught him a branch of Elf, called the noble Elf, as a church for Abe. In return for her human aristocratic etiquette, this aristocratic Elf language is almost exactly the same as the language used by incantation, a recent apprenticeship of Sam.

“That’s the higher Elf language. In the legend, human magic is inherited by the higher Elf, but with the ebbing of time, the higher Elf is slowly disappearing into this world, and the current Elf tribe is a branch of the higher Elf tribe. “Sam’s apprentice wizard is very pleased with Abe’s good learning. You must know that wizard learning is actually very boring and tedious.

Sam apprentice wizard has been learning only one spell ‘fireball’ for decades, just because there is no more energy to learn other spells, he spends a lot of time meditating every day, and the extra time is basically practicing ‘fireball’. spell, and also take part of the time to refine the pharmaceutical agent to assist in training.

“The higher Elf language is still circulated in the Elf family, but it is only used in a few noble Elf. Since you want to listen, I will say it again, you must pay attention to my pronunciation, 10000000 can not be wrong when using it.” Sam The trainee wizard started singing again, but this time it was deliberately slowed down a lot, so that Abe could hear the pronunciation of each word clearly.

“Passionate Elf of fire! Please borrow your strength! The element of fire! Become a Fireball with no stronghold one cannot overcome under Elf’s order!” This time Abe’s ears were clear and true. It was the aristocratic Elf language that Loland taught him, and he couldn’t help but have some doubts about Loland’s identity. Isn’t Loland’s identity unusual?

“Master Sam, what about the ‘fire bomb’ spell for midable power?” Abe is particularly concerned about this issue, and he finds that even Sam trainee wizard has only learned one spell, while other trainee wizards have no matter how long it takes to become a wizard , But only learn a maximum of 2 3 spells, then the formidable power of these few spells has become the most important weapon for the wizard to protect itself.

“First of all, no one dares to take the initiative to a wizard with a magic tower background, and the reputation of the wizard is not created by our apprentice wizards, but by the formal wizard himself to send a famous enemy to hell. ‘Fireball’ spell is just to allow the wizard to have a self-protection method during the probation period. The most important thing is meditation, which is the basis of everything in the wizard! “Sam trainee wizard said seriously, then said with a smile:” ‘ Fireball ‘spell Although it is only the lowest level of spell, it is still a magic attack. This attack can ignore all defenses below Rider Head. Even Rider Head can only resist a few more times, as long as one masters the’ Fireball. ‘Apprentice wizard, with some people around, 3 to 4 fire shells are enough to bury a Rider Head. “

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