Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1460

Abe sits on the top platform of the Golden Castle, feeling the changes in the rule field, while drinking the Spirit Fruit juice, waiting for the completion.

He was extremely relaxed at this time, this was the relaxation after the war, and also because most of the Dark World area had been explored by him, and he was one step closer to the final control of the Dark World.

As for the need to face the demon Barr, it is necessary to wait for his strength to reach the level of God. He also needs to upgrade his equipment to make him the strongest and then challenge.

At the same time, this battle also consumed too much potion reserve. He also needs to refine some potions to cope with the huge consumption that may come down.

Of the three rule domains, the Law Force from the three wizard patterns in his soul keeps pouring into the rule domain.

The Light Power of the Law Force in the original hidden field, but due to the sudden increase in the rule field, the Light Power has become thin and can no longer play the role of hiding the Law Force.

At this time in his three rule areas, flames, lightning, and freezing burst out in madness.

He even felt that the three rule fields were extremely unstable. This should be the reason for the instability of the rule field. This time the promotion was too fast, causing a lot of hidden dangers.

In the following days, he needs to solve these hidden dangers and let his 3 rule areas truly reach the strength corresponding to his level.

This work can’t be anxious and can only be carried out slowly, but he is still a while away from the full state of 30 Fifth Level. This time is completely enough for him to solve his hidden dangers and improve his strength.

He looked towards the Kingdom of God again. Since he moved 200000000 million believers from the Kingdom of God to the Holy Land, he can no longer check the current situation of the Kingdom of God through the believers.

But he did not regret it at all. 200000000 million believers are on the Holy Land. The number of believers of this scale is enough to pass the strength of Faith across a distant distance to the Central Continent and the Golden Castle.

Now Angel’s body idol in the basement of the Golden Castle is replacing Angel’s body with the huge strength of Faith.

This is the 20% strength of Faith of the Kingdom of God, and the strength of Faith is required to supply the energy shield of the “guardian sky wing” to supply the operation of the entire Kingdom of God.

But the 20% strength of Faith in the Kingdom of God is only needed by Abe, and more precisely the body of Angel.

With these 200000000 million believers, Angel’s body can continuously improve its strength without any restrictions.

Through this battle with the “Old Difficult Recorder”, we can see that Angel’s body is strong. This is still the Angel body in its infancy, and now every day, Angel’s body is increasing in strength.

Sometimes he is envious of Angel’s body. Although his body wants to improve, although it has some opportunities, it is also difficult to improve. Where can Angel body like this, as long as there is a strength of Faith, it can be continuously converted into Light Power, so that his own strength Continuous improvement.

And what’s the level of Angel’s body not at all? Maybe this has something to do with the fact that Angel’s body was born, and the level has no effect on Angel’s body.

To judge the strength of Angel’s body, it is estimated that only an opponent who meets evenly can make an accurate judgment.

He focused his spirit strength on the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’ illusory shadow in Druid’s soul. In this way, he could know the situation of the 200000000 million believers without going to the Holy Land.

As soon as the spirit strength entered the illusory shadow of the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’, he felt the prayers flowing like a tide.

If it weren’t for his strong spirit strength, plus the backing of the “Stone Fragment of the World” and the druid’s soul, all this prayer content would defeat his spirit strength.

He is not a Spiritual God, and handles such a large number of believer prayers, which is normally handled by Spiritual God through the blessing of Divine Kingdom.

Of course, the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’ illusory shadow is more like Divine Kingdom of Angel’s body. Although the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’ illusory shadow cannot be called out, it is just like Divine Kingdom. Continuously provides energy to the Angel body.

But this Divine Kingdom is completely different from the normal Spiritual God’s Divine Kingdom. He owns dozens of Spiritual Gods and also has dozens of Divine Kingdoms. However, he has not seen the Spiritual God can take Divine Kingdom into the soul.

It was as his strength continued to increase and his own strength was getting closer and closer to the god level that he realized how different Angel’s body was.

It’s just that the main task of Angel’s body at present is to improve his own strength. This ‘Crystal Angel Statue’ illusory shadow waits until the strength of Angel’s body appears bottleneck, and then studies.

He quickly looked up in countless prayers.

In these prayers, there is a shame about the new life and the new environment, but more thanks to the Spiritual God, because they are out of the shadow of the war.

Especially in recent years, the kingdom of God has repeatedly organized all believers to pray day and night, in order to get more strength of Faith.

This behavior, however, has a great negative effect, aggravating the tension within the kingdom of God.

Let every believer who participates in prayer understand that war will come and the days of stability will leave.

Just then, the Abe organization believers left their original place of existence and came to another continent.

In the new continent, although the original land and houses were lost and most of the property was lost, the new continent also prepared for them all the items needed for housing, food, and survival.

Most believers also met pagans for the first time at close range. According to the original propaganda of the kingdom of God, believers and pagans were irreconcilable enemies.

But the believers got the god God’s metaphor, accepted the help of the pagans, obeyed the arrangements of the pagans, and lived in peace with the pagans.

Believers and even most Paladins do not like war, but the vast majority of believers do not want to participate in the war, and there is no unforgettable hatred of the pagans.

Believers in the closed kingdom of God at this point are not at all Central Continent. The public feels that the Central Continent is constantly attacked by the kingdom of God and has a deep hatred of the kingdom of God.

The holy continent, who does not have a bit of hostility to the kingdom of God, will more easily accept these 200000000 million believers and have the master of the holy continent of Abe and the Spiritual God of the believers as the medium, and the current state of peace will appear.

The Kingdom of St. Ellis is doing a very good job of dealing with these 200000000 million believers. With the help of Dwarf Race, cities are being built and living facilities are being improved.

“Maybe some Spiritual God will help with this information!” Abe thought of too much prayer in the illusory shadow of the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’.

Angel’s body doesn’t have time to manage 200000000 million believers, nor does he have time to reply to prayers.

And if these prayers are not answered, he cannot discover the demands of the believers, nor can he increase the faith of the 200000000 million believers.

It is important to know that the degree of faith of a believer will fluctuate. In the environment of the kingdom of God, it is tantamount to forcing faith, but the environment becomes more relaxed with the Holy Land.

No change can be seen in a short period of time, but as time goes by, slowly believers will change from forced beliefs to spontaneous beliefs. At this time, the Spiritual God does not participate and the belief will decline.

He remembered all the Spiritual Gods, each of them had their own Divine Kingdom, although the eleven Spiritual Gods later had Divine Kingdom, not at all believers, but just to restore Divine Kingdom It takes some time to keep them busy.

Fearing that the resurrection of the XNUMX Spiritual Gods was discovered by the Wizards’ Guild, Abe has not allowed the XNUMX Spiritual Gods to begin to reunite their faith. Even the believers who actively pray, apart from being extremely religious, have not made them respond. .

Of all the Spiritual Gods, the most free is the Pirate God Milton.

Pirate God Milton does not have his own Divine Kingdom, and has nothing to do but complete the tasks he has given him.

He will not build Divine Kingdom for Milton the Pirate in a short time. The influence of building Divine Kingdom is too great. This can be seen from the last time that Divine Kingdom was built for the God of the Hill.

If it wasn’t enough preparation at the time, go directly to the wizard guild.

Now the president of the wizard guild is about to return, and the demon in the kingdom of gods is waking up. In this sensitive period, he will not stimulate the wizard guild by helping the pirate god Milton build Divine Kingdom.

Coupled with the fact that Milton ’s battle strength has nothing to do with whether there is Divine Kingdom not at all, it does not matter if it is built at a later time.

He summoned Milton the Pirate Lord, thinking about how he can help the Milton Pirate to help Angel’s body handle the prayers of believers.

He didn’t have any experience with this kind of thing, just some speculation.

Since the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’ illusory shadow may be Divine Kingdom, as long as he agrees, it should be possible for other Spiritual God to enter it.

This can be seen from War God Astoria’s Divine Kingdom. He has taken other Spiritual Gods into War God Astoria Divine Kingdom many times and assisted War God Astoria to handle Divine Kingdom affairs.

War God can do it, and so should Angel’s body.

With this in mind, he wrapped Spirit Strength around Pirate Milton, and then tried to pull Milton into the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’ illusory shadow.

Just before his spirit strength, Milton the Pirate disappeared in place, and then a silhouette of the Milton Pirate appeared in the illusory shadow of the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’.

Immediately after the appearance of Pirate God Milton, Yiel, who had been kneeling down in prayer, suddenly opened his eyes, and a killing intent emerged from Yiel.

For Yiel, this is a sacred place. Although Yiel has been tortured by hell for 10000 years and its power has been greatly damaged, the blasphemy will still cause him to kill the blasphemer.

The stealth invisibility of Thieves Milton completely hides the breath, but here is the illusory shadow of the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’, so close to Yield, no matter how invisible, he cannot escape Yield’s spirit strength.

Abe hastily stopped Yield. If it wasn’t for Yield’s soul, how could he let the god of stealth Milton enter the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’ illusory shadow to handle the prayer content.

After seeing his order, Ezeul closed his eyes again and continued to pray.

Abe opened the privileges of Pirate God Milton, allowing Pirate God Milton to access the prayers and respond in the name of Spiritual God.

Even for some responses that require the use of the strength of Faith, Abe has enabled the corresponding permissions.

Pirate God Milton immediately started work, perhaps the instinct of Spiritual God, and he began to deal with the huge prayer message of 200000000 million believers without any obstacles.

In order to increase the faith of these 200000000 million believers, Abe is going to start the same divine technique ‘healing’ as War God’s clergy. Although this requires a lot of healing potions, it is one of the fastest ways to increase faith.

He took out nearly 1000 bottles of ‘light healing potions’ from the Divine Item space bag and put them into the space item of Pirate Milton. After receiving the specified incantation, Pirate Milton placed a bottle of ‘light therapeutic potion’ Through the channel of faith, focus on the goal designated by the clergy.

The eastern part of the kingdom of St. Elis of the Holy Land, which was originally barren due to war and famine, is now a lively scene.

The resettlement of 200000000 million people is definitely a big project, but Dwarf Race has mobilized the whole family. The project works day and night, and basic houses have been built long ago.

Basic housing is only a preliminary resettlement. Real life cannot be so simple. The city must be established and the city as the center to manage the population in the vicinity.

It is not the house that takes precedence over all the buildings, but the temple, which belongs to the Angel’s body.

With the temple, you can better control your faith and make believers more religious. This is also one of the ways to increase believers’ faith.

The resettlement of the 200000000 million people was divided into 1000 gathering areas, of which the number of temples reached more than 100. It was also the establishment of the temple that began to stabilize the 200000000 million believers, allowing them to pray more directly to the Spiritual God. .

Believers believe that only in a sacred place such as a mission site or a temple, can you get closer to the Spiritual God, and prayers will be heard by the Spiritual God.

In addition, the temple itself has a special influence of faith, so that the believers around them maintain and improve their faith.

Today in one of the new cities, a clergyman is directing the believers to be busy at the construction site.

Suddenly, the hammer of a young believer smashed into the hands of another middle-aged believer who was holding a stake. Suddenly, the flesh of the middle-aged believer’s hands flew open and blood flowed.

If the injury is on Paladin, it is basically a ‘pray’ Spiritual Qi aura that may be cured for a while.

However, Paladins have long since gathered and formed a Legion of Paladins, at least not all Paladins in this new town.

The clergyman looked at the injury of the middle-aged believer, and could not help but pray to the Spiritual God in his heart to help the devout believer.

Just after he prayed, his eyes widened, and then he exulted.

“Great Lord, I pray to you, use your strength to heal the harm!” He sings with all his heart, he can feel the kindness of Spiritual God, a strange energy comes from a distant place, and follows him Hand flew into the injured middle-aged believer.

Then the injured middle-aged believer’s hand recovered quickly, and soon there were no more wounds.

Although these believers have seen Paladin’s treatment, the divine technique used by the clergy is in front of them, and the meaning is completely different.

Soon among all the believers, the Spiritual God saw that the believers were injured and gave the ‘divine technique’. The belief of these 200000000 million believers was more firm.

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