Abe the Wizard

Chapter 202

“Teacher, I’m taking the wolf with me,” Abe bowed to Morton Wizard.

“Come on, I have received a request from the Wizards Guild to open Transmission Formation, and time is running out.” Morton Wizard said anxiously.

Morton Wizard seemed to underestimate the determination of the Wizard Guild against Abe. Just after the three red-clothed wizard notified the Wizard Guild that the arrest failed, the Wizard Guild then asked him to immediately open the Transmission Formation. This behavior is very Rare, because the Transmission Formation was installed and debugged by the wizard guild, but the ownership belongs to the owner of the magic tower.

“Yes, Teacher!” Abe quickly came to the gate of the magic tower, opened the gate with a status token, and called for the black wind in his heart. The black wind outside the magic tower immediately ran towards the gate.

Abe patted the body of the Black Wind, mounted it, and used the status token to open a door before defending the array. This door seems to be related to the size of the teleporter, because the door opened just allows him to enter the Black Wind. Many wizards have mounts. As long as the mount passes the detection, it can enter the Teleportation Formation through the defense array.

Abe said to Morton Wizard, “Teacher, I’m ready!”

As long as the black wind is taken away, Baiyun doesn’t matter, no matter where Abe is, as long as he passes the soul chain summon, at the speed of Baiyun, Abe can be found quickly.

Morton Wizard controlled the opening of the Teleportation Formation and set the teleportation position to the thunderous duchy. Once there, you can leave the 7 large duchy areas through a few Teleportation Formations and enter the territory of the kingdom of Saint Polder, where the wizard guild The high-level guilds of the Kingdom of St. Ellis cannot intervene there.

Although the wizard guild is a whole, it is divided into three parts on the holy continent. One is the wizard guild of the kingdom of St. Ellis, 3 is the guild of the kingdom of St. Polde, and 2 is the guild of the kingdom of St. Ansel. The guilds of the three kingdoms are collectively called wizard guilds. They can cooperate and defend the enemy when they are external enemies, but they are usually independent.

As long as Abe enters the territory of the Kingdom of Saint Paul, the red-clothed wizards of the Kingdom of Saint Ellis will not be able to capture it.

“It was detected that the carrier’s identity has been locked by the wizard guild and cannot be transmitted!” A mechanical voice from Tower Spirit sent both Morton wizard and Abe startled.

The wizard guild is so ruthless. At this time, the Transmission Formation has locked Abe.

To require a Transmission Formation to lock a wizard and prevent it from using all Transmission Formations, it will consume a lot of energy to issue a transmission lock to all Transmission Formations belonging to the Kingdom of St. Ellis.

“The wizard guild has forcibly teleported into the Tower of Magic with advanced privileges, please pay attention to the master!” The mechanical voice of Tower Spirit sounded again.

Abe didn’t understand what the high-level permissions of the wizard branch meant, but Morton Wizard knew very well what this meant. There were very few wizards with this permission. They were all high-level wizard guilds. The advanced wizard should be entered, and advanced permissions will only be used if the advanced wizard wants to break through the settings set by the Morton wizard and the advanced wizard is not allowed to enter.

“Let’s go!” Morton Wizard put Abe’s body in his hands, ‘momentary movement’ excited, and the silhouette of 2 people disappeared into the first floor of the magic tower.

Just after Morton Wizard and Abe just disappeared into the Tower of Magic, a mighty power rose in the Teleportation Formation. After the Teleportation Formation white light disappeared, Oliver Wizard in the blood red robe appeared in Teleportation Formation.

“I want to run in front of me!” Clifford sneered, and the silhouette flashed into the Teleportation Formation.

Just as the silhouette of the Clifford Wizard appeared outside the Magic Tower, Morton Wizard and Abe, who had just appeared outside the Magic Tower, disappeared again and returned to the Magic Tower.

In Teleportation Formation, you can use the ‘momentary movement’ to leave the magic tower directly, but you want to enter again, unless the owner of the magic tower agrees, at this time, the Clifford Wizard was fooled, and was deceived by the Morton Wizard. angry.

He pointed his hand forward and stroked the pattern in the air. This pattern was very complicated. During the drawing process, the fluctuation of mana was felt even by the Morton Wizard in the magic tower.

“Not good, he wants to use advanced spell, Abe follow me.” Morton Wizard again reached out and grabbed Abe, two people appeared in a room full of array patterns, there were 2 raised above the ground The tables are connected by silver lines to form a 6-star star.

On each table, there is a small polymagic array, which is inlaid with a medium-level magic stone, and in the middle of the 6-star star, there is a groove, and a middle-level magic stone is also placed in the middle.

“Here is the main control room of the magic tower, advanced wizard attacks. These magic stones can’t wait long. Quickly replace the magic stones without magic to ensure that the defense array of the magic tower can run!” Morton Wizard said Take out a dozen intermediate magic stones from the space bag on your body and hand them to Abe.

“These Intermediate Magic Stones are for you. Pay attention to the Intermediate Magic Stones in the array with me. As long as there is a lack of magic power, immediately use the” psychic transmission “spell to supplement it!” Morton Wizard explained.

Then Molton Wizard waved his hand, showing the scene outside the magic tower on the main control room wall.

At this time, the powerful Clifford Wizard outside the Morton Magic Tower has completed the drawing of the advanced spell ‘blizzard’, a clear in the sky above the Magic Tower, a black cloud began to gather quickly, in a few seconds Later, in the sky, a large amount of falling snow began to appear, with hail falling into the magic tower.

When the falling snow approached the magic tower, the shield formed by white rays of light began to flash on the tower of the magic tower. The falling snow hail collided with the white shield. The falling snow hail struck the white shield straight, but the white shield also Use these shakings to transfer the attack to other parts of the tower to reduce the attack in the same direction.

But soon, more falling snow and hail continued to fall. Between Heaven and Earth in the magic tower seemed to reach the coldest north. The freezing attack attached to the ‘blizzard’ spell made the shield appear blue from time to time. Fortunately, the magic tower is non-living, these freezing damage will not have much effect, but the energy of the shield is consumed very quickly.

In the main control room, Morton Wizard and Abe 2 expressions nervously looked at the 6-man array. Just ten seconds later, a middle-level magic stone began to make a broken sound. Abe’s staff is a little, a middle-level The magic stone was replaced by the magical stone that was exhausted by using the ‘soul teleport’ spell that comes with the staff.

The reason why Morton Wizard gave Abe an intermediate magic stone to help him replace the lack of magic magic stone is because Abe’s staff with a ‘soul teleport’ spell, this staff can instantly ‘soul teleport’ ‘spell, faster than Morton Wizard’s own use of the’ Spiral Teleport ‘spell.

In the case of being attacked by the advanced wizard, even if it can be made for a moment, it will make the magic tower less vulnerable to damage in advanced spells.

The atmosphere in the main control room is very tense. Seven grooves for placing intermediate-level magic stones will rupture one every ten seconds. Abe’s mana is not high. Each time you use the ‘soul teleport’ spell attached to the staff. Both consume double mana, and each time consumes up to 7 mana.

Feeling the decreasing mana, Abe was a little anxious. Both the mana and the intermediate magic stone are consuming too fast. If this continues, I am afraid that the normal operation of the magic tower defense array cannot be maintained. Then the consequence is that the magic tower will be broken. , Teacher and other disciples and apprentices in the magic tower will be hurt because of him.

Abe made up his mind. Now, he can only try to see if the perfect gem can be used in the magic tower defense array. The perfect gem is what the wizards call the top magic stone. If it can be used, then the magic tower is safe. Use, then he walks out of the magic tower and joins the senior wizard perish together.

“Teacher, can you see if this works?” Abe took out two perfect rubies from the space bag, the top red magic stone, and asked Morton Wizard.

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