Abe the Wizard

Chapter 732

“Knights Griffins, come with me, bring your Griffins, Bartoli, and you will follow us, we will go back to Harry Castle!” Abe watched with satisfaction as all 4 Griffins Knights signed the contract, saying .

Bartoli put her hand on Abe’s shoulder, and the silhouette of the two of them instantly appeared at the entrance of the parlour, then disappeared again.

Four gryphons gave a sharp whistle in their mouths, and when they ran out of the door, the four gryphons were already waiting for them.

The Transmission Formation of the Duchy Palace of Camai is next to the gate of the Royal Palace. It is guarded by 2 formal Knights. Their mission is not to guard the Transmission Formation, because although they are formal Knights, their strength cannot be compared with the Wizard that can use the Transmission Formation.

The task of 2 formal Knights is to collect the transmission fee. This job was originally performed by Tower Spirit, but the Guardian spirit here is confidential, so it can only be collected manually by Knight.

After being included as part of the wizard guild’s transmission network, this Transmission Formation in the Duchy Palace of Camai undertakes some daily transmissions, such as those who transfer from Camai Duchy.

And because this Transmission Formation is not located in the magic tower, it is the rare Transmission Formation that can support ordinary people. This also makes this Transmission Formation often used by people even though it is at the southernmost point of the Holy Land.

“Your Majesty!” Two Knights saw Abe who suddenly appeared in front of them, and said in a knightly manner.

“Tough work!” Abe said with a smile, nodded.

His hard work is true. The Transmission Formation costs up to 10000 Gold Coin each time, and the energy consumed is provided from an energy room in the basement of the palace. Among them, he uses luxury gems for energy.

Super gems are not valuable to him, so the benefits generated by this Transmission Formation are net income, which is enough to pay for the entire palace.

The excitement flashed in the eyes of two Knights. An approachable king always made the nation more loved.

Abe and Bartoli first entered the Transmission Formation, disappeared into the Transmission Formation in a burst of white light, and then the four Gryphon Knights arrived, and they also teleported away.

Outside the Transmission Formation at Harry’s Castle, Abe saw four Griffon Knights flying at their feet.

This is a naturally powerful creature with a lion’s body and sharp claws, an eagle’s head and wings, a lion is the king on land, and an eagle is the king in the sky, and a gryphon that combines their characteristics Whether it is in the sky or on the land, there is a very strong battle strength.

Of course, its most famous is flight ability, because it can perfectly cooperate with Knight, which makes Knight realize the Knight technology in the sky.

This allows the Gryphon Knight not only to use long-range bows and arrows to attack, but also to use long-handed weapons to stimulate the Knight battle skill to attack, the Gryphon Knight is almost a perfect flying ride.

Of course, the Griffon Knight is not an absolutely powerful flying ride. In terms of speed, they are not as good as the orc’s eagle. Many flying rides can be similar to the Gryphon.

However, the Gryphon is considered to be the most powerful flying ride in the Holy Land, because the Gryphon is one of the few flying riders that can be formed. In the Kingdom of St. Ellis, the Gryphon Knight has a whole squadron.

The orc’s eagle can only be owned by a few powerful people. Because the golden eagle of Dwarf Race is not as powerful as a gryphon, even if it has a built scale, it cannot be compared with the griffon Knight.

Abe’s spirit strength swept 4 griffins, all of which were female griffins, and none were male griffins.

In fact, he could first think of how the Kingdom of St. Ellis could send a pair of gryphons.

“It’s a shame!” Abe’s heart originally wanted to leave a team of griffins Knight in the sky and a team of wolves Knight on the ground for his grandchildren, so that the strength of Kamai duchy can be completely self-protected at the level of Knight.

The spirit strength scan can also perceive that these 4 griffins are like their master Griffin Knight, and they have gone through many battles. Although their age is not large, their bodies are also full of internal injuries.

“Griffon Knight, you will be here to protect Harvest City, now you bring the Griffin to the hall!” Abe said, taking his gaze back from the Griffin.

Griffon Knight Although it is strange why Abe wanted them to bring the griffin into the hall, you should know that the size of the griffin is equivalent to a war horse. Because of its ability to fly, the castle hall is too small for it.

In the hall, Abe took out 8 bottles of golden quality ‘healing potion’ from the space bracelet. Although golden quality ‘healing potion’ is not as overbearing as ‘full rejuvenation potion’, it is still very old to the body. Effect.

“You and Gryphon each drink a bottle, let me see the effect!” Abe said on the long table in the hall.

The four Gryphon Knights stepped forward to pour golden-quality ‘healing potions’ into the Griffon’s mouth, and then took them themselves. From this aspect, it can be seen that Gryphon Knights attaches great importance to their mounts.

Exhaustion of potential This is very similar to the situation of Evelyn Wizard. After the human body is injured, it can be restored with potions, but once the injury occurs, even if it is restored, it will leave an internal injury in the body.

These internal injuries are usually difficult to find, but they accumulate slowly. After reaching a certain level, they will affect the body.

The potential of the 4 Griffins Knight is exhausted, and Abe can guess that they are due to repercussions left after many battles.

Watching the continuous flashing golden rays of light on the four Gryphons, Abe’s Spirit strength continuously scans the changes that have taken place in their bodies.

The body of the four griffins Knight began to have black impurities excreted from the body, and some black oil stains appeared on the exposed skin, and a series of foul odors were emitted.

“Lin Sai, take them to wash, and these 4 griffins, and take them to see me after washing!” Abe and 4 Gryphons Knight Medicine efficacy immediately ordered Steward Lindsay.

“Yes, Young Master!” Steward Lindsey is one of the few old people who called Abe like this, which is also unique in Harry Castle.

Four Gryphon Knights were surprised to be taken out of the castle by Steward Lindsey. Just by their expressions, we can see how much golden-quality ‘healing potions’ helped them.

“Batoli, your mission in Harvest City is to sign all contracts with people who are in contact with the monthly crops, and to keep it informed. At present, the land of Harry Castle, Abe Castle, and Bennett Castle is all closed. Enter. “Abe said solemnly.

A possible reduction in the overall production of the Holy Continent caused him to change his plan to extend the 3 Goddess spring crops to the entire Harvest City, but to limit it to 3 miles in 500 castles.

If there is no crop reduction, even if there is a mature crop in January, it will not cause outside peeping, because the food is really worthless.

However, he has learned that the possible crop reduction may take into account the possible consequences. Although he is not afraid of the enemy, it is better not to expose it and reduce the trouble.

The Harvest City itself has already lost a lot of nobles. He has decided to block the Harvest City to the outside and strengthen the blockade of the three castle fields.

“Yes, master!” Although it was a very complicated task for all the growers to sign the contract, Bartoli immediately responded.

“In addition, make more allegiance contracts, and those who may have contact with the palace in Gangba City must also sign!” Abe continued.

“Yes, master!” Bartoli bowed again.

In Abe’s mind, he was still fortunate to be able to bring Bartoli out of the Dark World without the realm. The magical contract of the Dark World aristocracy that Bartoli mastered really helped him a lot.

Small nobles like the Harry and Bennett families have very few talent reserves, and outsiders worry about their loyalty. With magic contracts, it is different, and he can have a lot of absolute loyalty.

“Your Majesty!” Four Gryphon Knights came in following Steward Lindsey, and they bowed in as soon as they entered.

“If you do n’t have a follow-up cultivation method of Big Rider Head, you can tell Lindsay that he will open the big Rider Head cultivation method provided by Hoover Big Rider Head. I believe that at this time the sense of exhaustion of your body ’s potential has disappeared. ! “Abe said with a smile.

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