Abe the Wizard

Chapter 765

“Warning, warning, 6 orcs senior sacrifice found!” The war commander actively connected Abe’s spirit strength and passed a message.

Abe wondered, was this orc empire crazy?

For his own sake, six senior sacrifices were dispatched. You must know that all six senior sacrifices can directly destroy an unprepared empire.

“Really look at me!” Abe murmured.

He had just closed the gryphon at this time, and in his eyes he saw 48 skulls coming from him.

“Johnson, come out to help!” He yelled, a black hole appeared in front of him, and Johnson’s huge steel body appeared in front of him.

“Johnson, kill them!” Abe patted the black wind, and the black wind quickly ran, leaving a distance of 48 skeletons, hiding behind Johnson.

Johnson’s left hand grabbed the space bag, and a Super Knight sword appeared in his hand, and then the sword waved flatly towards the rushing skull.

Although its body is very large, it has the blessing of the “worldly hell” of this dark world hell, and a series of actions are completed like lightning.

Forty-eight skeletons seem to have practiced long ago. When they rushed in, they had already surrounded the yard.

Johnson’s sword was powerful, and the four skeletons who rushed to the front were hit directly, not that they did not want to dodge, but that the sword was too fast to simply dodge.

Usually, these skeletons can fight against the powerful top warriors among the orcs, and they will not appear to be weak, and because they are not afraid of pain, they have taken advantage of the competition.

And how strong Johnson ’s power is, just look at the whole body made of iron fines. The weight of the faceted balls made of these iron fines is very terrifying, plus the extremely fast speed of adding power .

So when 4 skeletons were hit, they disintegrated directly in the air and became a fragment of bone in the mid-cavity.

Two of the six senior sacrifice coming are suddenly shaken, and the mounts interconnected with the spiritual strength of the two high sacrifice are also affected by this sudden spirit strength fluctuation, and the speed suddenly slows down.

“Damn, my skeleton was killed!” A high sacrifice struck his head with his hands, yelling to alleviate the impact of the spirit strength caused by the death of the skeleton.

After Johnson ’s blow, before the second attack, the remaining skeletons have already rushed in front of them. These skeletons have no fear of life and death. Their more than 2 meters of body is for the height of Johnson ’s ten meters. , Very short.

These skeletons have their own judgment ability. The height of Johnson meters is automatically judged by them as the most powerful enemy, while Abe, which is only 2 meters high, is judged by them as a weak enemy.

So of the 40 4 skeletons, 40 skeletons rushed into Johnson’s body, and they attacked Johnson with a weapon in their hands.

The 4 skeletons rushed towards Abe, whom they thought was weak. Abe knew that at this time, the battle would be decided quickly, and the 6 high-level sacrifices would come soon.

At this time, the battlefield was divided into two sides, one was Johnson fighting with 2 skeletons, and the other was Abe fighting with 40 skeletons.

Johnson’s battle is just like the battle between humans and mosquitoes. Forty skeletons found it to be a bad mold, because skeletons can only attack physically, although terrifying death is in their attack.

However, that vitality is useful for the living body, but it has no effect on the powerful iron essence body. On the contrary, because of the “Steel Stone Demon” in Johnson’s body, his body is like the “Steel Stone Demon” ability.

The ability to attack backlash is a nightmare for melee combatants.

The first attacks of skeletons will be subject to terrifying backlash. Although these skeletons are powerful, wisdom is not the true intelligent life, so even if they are attacked by backlash, they still have not stopped the attacks in their hands.

Of course, if the high-level sacrifice has arrived at this time, then the situation will be completely different, and the skull strength of the high-level sacrifice command will be greatly improved.

But all this happened too quickly, in addition to relying on the instincts of the skulls that came straight from the house and the wall, the 6 senior sacrifices had to bypass some roads to get there.

The 40 skeletons attacked very fast. The weapon in his hand attacked Johnson very fast, but Johnson kept holding on to him. Once the doomed skeleton was caught by it, there was only one result waiting for it. A pile of broken bones.

The skeletons that were not caught by Johnson were quickly attacked by the backlash. The backlash was severely damaged and fell to the ground. Johnson continued to use his feet to crush the skeletons that had lost their resistance.

If the high-level sacrifice knew the ability of Johnson, then they would never let the skeletons rush over first. The reason why the high-level sacrifice-skull has strong battle strength is accumulated over many years.

The formation of a skeleton must first capture a large Rider Head, which may be human or orc, and the most practical high-end sacrifice is orc’s own top warrior.

Because this resource is easier to obtain, the living big Rider Head is not easy to grasp, but it is very easy to trick the orc’s own top warrior.

These top fighters need to be tortured for years, soaked with various potions, and through countless means, they can finally obtain a semifinished product skull.

The semifinished product Skull is subject to constant slaughter to stimulate the combat experience in Soul Fire. In addition to the soaking of more potions, it will take decades to obtain a skull with such battle strength.

It can be said that these skeletons are the main battle strength of advanced sacrifices, and most of their achievements are in these skeletons.

Johnson’s killing is refreshing, but the high-level sacrifice being rushed is already tearing his eyes, and each time the shock strength of the surge of strength rises, it is their decades of hard work into a bubble.

The constant shock strength shock wave also greatly affected their speed.

When Johnson kills the skeleton like a play, Abe’s battle on the other side is even more beautiful.

Four skeletons rushed towards him, and his eyes focused on them. The dynamic vision and digitized viewing ability of the Stone Fragments of the World were instantly activated. His Knight sword was like a lightweight feather in his hands.

This Knight-like sword like a feather cuts through the spine of the first skeleton in his slow vision. The Knight-like sword trembles slightly and runs along the gap between the two spine bones. Divided into 2.

The skull’s body’s ability to move instantly disappeared, and it fell to the ground all of a sudden, and the black wind stepped on its skull. With a click, the Soul Fire in the skull spread out into a blue fire. star.

Then came the second skull, which had not yet come to attack or defend, and was stabbed into the eye of the skull by the Knight ’s sword. The tip of the sword shook in the eye, and Soul Fire in it Break up.

The third and fourth skeletons arrived in front of Abe almost at the same time. The weapons in their hands were already raised, but Abe just swept the Knight’s sword to cut off the two bones raised by the skeletons.

Just as the two skeletons were about to attack with the other hand, Abe cut off their skulls.

“No, you stop!” At this time, the senior rituals finally arrived, and one of them saw the skull bone yelled on the black wind.

To others, these skeletons may all look similar, not at all.

But for the sacrifices, how could they not know the skeletons who have lived with each other for dozens or hundreds of years!

These skulls, even if they keep a complete skull down, they can slowly use other skeletons to recover a little bit, which is much simpler than recreating a skull.

Heifeng didn’t listen to the high-level sacrifice, and when his foot was forced, he crushed the skull.

“I want you to die!” The senior sacrifice screamed frantically, and a ‘bone spear’ in his hand had been activated, throwing it at Abe.

However, before the Bone Spear reached Abe, he was blocked by a large iron hand. The strong attack power of the Bone Spear did little damage to the big hand.

Johnson indifferently shook the big hand under attack to remove the broken bones above.

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