About the fact that I unintentionally raised my sister to be a cripple

Chapter 202 In the snow, Sakakihara Raku made a choice

"I said it was an accident, do you believe it?" Sakakihara retracted his hand in embarrassment. This hand was still a bit unruly, and after leaving, he unconsciously moved it inward.

"Do you think?"


"In fact it was an accident."

"It doesn't matter if it was an accident or not. What's important is that you have betrayed your sister one more time." Tianhai Qimingyue pulled the quilt over her neck, "Do you want to do it again?"

"If I really take action, I'm afraid Qi Mingyue will be scared."

"You can give it a try."

The two of them just looked at each other under the covers.

Seven bright moons.

Having just escaped from the dream, and now facing the blue eyes of Nanami Nanami, Raku Sakakihara actually felt a touch of nostalgia in his heart.

Probably distressed.

He thought so.

"Qi Mingyue really wants me to be a scumbag?"

"It's not that I think about it. It's just that you are."

There was a trace of depression in Sakakibara's heart, but he tried to smile: "I also think that I am the kind of complete scumbag, the kind of scumbag who can put aside all feelings and never be timid. But Qimingyue, you understand, right? , I have never been like this. If I were, it would be impossible for me to have such a good relationship with Ah Ling now, and it would also be impossible for me to get back together with Jiuliuli."

"You are right, but you are still a scumbag, just not that deep."


Sakakihara Raku feels like he really wants to be a scumbag now.

He was absolutely uneasy about Jiuliuli.

The same goes for the seven bright moons in the sky and the sea.

She is different from ordinary people. She is a person who will always make progress even after being rejected in every possible way.

She is special.


Time and time again she put aside her pride and expressed her feelings to herself again and again.

She remembered everything he did to her when she was a child.

She remembered every promise he made to her.

That little girl in the rainy season admired, admired and loved herself so much.

So much so that every move and every word of encouragement she made deeply affected her, and she worked tirelessly to achieve it.

Chilled potato chips, read a book, shark, and be a confident and knowledgeable person.

all these are.

If I were a poor guy who didn't care about anything in my previous life.

So in this life, I have actually already gained what I want most.

Be loved, cared for, respected

It's just that I didn't realize it.

——At this moment, once again facing the gaze of the seven bright moons in the sky and sea.

Sakakibara felt as if he was in that real dream again, seeing the poor little girl who stretched out her hands to him on a rainy day, asking him to abduct her.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Tianhai Qimingyue's eyes were as cold as ice, "Are you secretly using me for sexual pleasure at night?"


Qi Mingyue's direct words put out the emotions that had been brewing for a long time in a basin of cold water.

Obviously, I wanted to apologize to her just now.

But the look on her face really made me want to shut her mouth.

Fortunately, Sakakihara Raku didn’t want to make the atmosphere so heavy.

He smiled and replied:

"Auntie, don't think you are so perfect, okay? I have paranoia about being lusted after every day."

"Huh, I wonder where someone put his hand just now." Tianhai Qimingyue was even more disdainful.

"I was dreaming just now, it was an unconscious behavior."

"You mean you don't have to be responsible if you raped me while you were sleepwalking?"

"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't come to my room?"

"Weak person," Tianhai Qimingyue raised her eyes with a contemptuous expression, "You are just deflecting the conflict."

"Then if you let me touch you again, I promise to take responsibility."

"You can touch me if you want? You have to understand that you can only listen to me forever. This is what you owe me."

"Okay, okay, whatever you say," Sakakihara Raku surrendered and then his eyes became serious, "But Qi Mingyue, you are right, I am a scumbag. I want to treat everyone with my heart, and I still look at it I can’t bear to see people sad, and I can’t bear to see people feel lonely. The result of this is that I feel sorry for everyone.”

Tianhai Qimingyue felt like she was looking at an idiot: "It seems that what I said yesterday was not clear enough, and you did not understand what I meant."

"No, I understood it yesterday, but I didn't think it through. Now I have figured it out."

"So, what are you going to do? Decisively cut off my feelings for you?"

"I would never do that." Sakakihara was quite firm.

The meaning of his words is self-evident.


Nanami Nanami was quiet for a long time, during which time she glanced at Raku Sakakibara several times with an expression that was indescribably complicated.

But she soon sighed and said:

"It seems that I still underestimated how much of a scumbag you are. I didn't expect to accept it so quickly. Tell me why you suddenly became like this."

"Is this not what you expected?"

"Having said that, I think you should have an acceptance process."

"What process can this take?"

Tianhai Qimingyue thought for a while, then took his wrist and put it on her face and said:

"You faced my feelings but didn't want to betray your sister, but you really couldn't control your scumbag nature. After getting into deeper and deeper contact, you began to do whatever you wanted to me, without thinking. Then, One day, my sister accidentally discovered our relationship. You stood up naked and pointed at me in a panic and explained to your sister, "No, Jiuliuli, no, it's not what you saw. I thought That is--'"

"Stop, stop, wait, brake quickly."

"Isn't it interesting?"

"Where is the fun in this? If this is the case, Liuli would have to stab me eight hundred times, the kind that penetrates me from the front and back."

"Liu, Li?"

".This is so normal."

Tianhai Qimingyue suddenly lost interest, sat up, and pushed back her hair.

The girl's fair neck was exposed.

"Are you going to get up?"

Because Sakakihara Raku was lying next to her bed, seeing her getting up like this, he felt like an old married couple.

"I probably understand what you mean," Tianhai Qimingyue answered the question. She tied her hair with an elastic band and said, "Although I don't understand why you suddenly changed so much, and you don't want to explain it, the fact is that you obviously don't want to Give up on me, right?"

"That's it.."

The girl with only a suspender dress on her upper body faced away from the window, and her snow-white skin was illuminated brightly.

Amami Nanamigyue tied her hair into a low ponytail. She put down her hands, looked at Sakakibara Raku and said:

"Then are you prepared to completely betray your sister?"

"not prepare."

Tianhai Qimingyue withdrew her gaze, obviously unhappy, and even her tone became colder: "Then you still have a long way to go. After what happened before, neither I nor my sister will give in to the other party. .”

“What about harmonious coexistence?”

Sakakibara Raku's words directly caused Nanami Nanami to give him a very cold look in a condescending manner. Staring can send chills down one's spine.

"That depends on whether you have the ability."

Seven bright moons.

Seven bright moons.

Seven bright moons.

Seven bright moons in the sky and sea.

The name was repeated in his mind, and along with it was the face that had almost no calm color.

With long flaxen hair, gold-rimmed glasses, and long black silk legs under a pleated skirt, the girl likes to hold a book while not caring about the people and things around her.

He is condescending, looks down on others, and likes to tease others.

She has a complex personality, cold, arrogant, little devil, and has a poisonous tongue.

There are too many elements.

But it was this kind of person who followed him behind him every day when he was a child, always shouting "Brother, brother, brother."

She once wanted to see herself very much, and she longed to see herself.

Before leaving, she regarded the gift he gave her as a treasure.

She also remembered a casual word of encouragement from her when she was a child and made it her lifelong goal.

The reason is that what she is doing to herself now is the fruit of her own sowing.

Sakakibara put his hands on the edge of the open window and followed the road with his eyes, looking at the bus stop with only a black spot on the road in the distance.

It was obviously a dream.

Some scenes seem like yesterday.

It has been a week since I remembered what happened when I was a child.

The relationship between himself and Qi Mingyue has not changed.

I began to understand and learn to accept her feelings in my heart.


Well, she still hasn't changed anything.

Although she expressed her love to herself, she and Jiuliuli had the same idea, and they would not give in to each other because of the relationship between sisters.

Sakakibara Raku now needs to consider two points.

First, how to tactfully inform Jiuliuli of her thoughts and try to prevent her from being hurt more.

Second, how to handle the relationship between two people tactfully so that they can reach a level of acquiescence.

Well, Sakakihara Raku felt that he was too shameless.

He was so shameless that he wanted to slap himself.

But isn’t that what a scumbag is?

He doesn't want to give up, so the only way is to become a scumbag.

Let’s not talk about whether it can be successful, what the result will be, and the reaction of my uncle and my mother. But I have to try.

I was persuading myself, but I still felt a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Next, Sakakibara believes that he must find a goal for himself, a goal that can grow.

Make yourself qualified enough and worthy of that position.

How did you say that sentence?

Yes, bid farewell to the once cowardly and hesitant self.

What you gain on this road is not only the value of life, but also the sublimation of confidence.

"It's time to change things up a bit, Sakakibara Raku."

Sakakibara looked at himself in the mirror and let out a sigh of relief.

Why does this sound so mean?

Today is the time for grandma to be discharged from the hospital.

After returning to Matsuyama City this time to pick up their grandmother from the hospital, they will return to Tokyo from their hometown.

Inside the hospital.

While the mother was taking the two of them to go through the discharge procedures in the hospital, the grandmother, who seemed very energetic after her recovery, took her grandson alone and asked, "Last time, didn't you go to the movies with July Girl?"

"Grandma, you want to know how it turned out, right?" Sakakihara smiled.

Grandma looked at him with a silly smile on his face and said in a strange tone: "Is your silly grandson enlightened? Tell grandma quickly."

"The process was long and long. I went to see a movie, then went shopping, and went to an amusement park. In the end, I kissed her."

"She agreed?"


"That's good, that's good, that's good."

After hearing this, grandma nodded with joy, her grandson had indeed become enlightened.

"Did she agree?"

"Well, not yet. But grandma, you have to keep it a secret from me."

"I know you young people like to play sneaky. Well, grandma will keep it a secret for you."

The old lady was a little nostalgic, and she talked about the old story of how Sakakibara Raku and Amami Nanamigetsu met when they were young. Sakakibara Raku knew that the old lady wanted to find someone to talk to, so she listened to everything.

The old lady said how the little girl came to him like this, how she secretly looked at you from behind, and how she looked like she wanted something but didn't dare to say it in front of you.

Later, the girl came over with a lot of money, hundreds of thousands of yen in cash. When grandma asked, she said it was for her brother. How dare grandma take it, so she gave it back to her mother.

He was quite surprised.

——Because this is something Sakakihara Raku doesn’t know.

After taking grandma home, Sakakibara and his mother cooked a reunion dinner for everyone, and grandma also wanted to join in.

Naturally, only Qi Mingyue and Ah Ling were waiting in the living room.

They are a little uncomfortable now.

Wait, it seems that the two of them didn't deal with each other well before.

Always against each other.

Grandma seemed very enthusiastic at the dinner table. She always brought food to Qi Mingyue and told her many things.

This made Ah Ling full of jealousy and made her mother confused.

But she thought the old lady probably liked her nominal granddaughter, so she didn't ask too much.

Early the next morning, the four of them packed their luggage and got dressed and stood at the door of grandma's house.

The heavy snowstorm of the past few days has stopped, and the sky has cleared up. The sun pierced the clouds and slanted down. The vegetable patch covered with a film at the door was illuminated brightly.

The snow has been shoveled away from the door of every house, clothes are hung on the clothes pole, firewood is piled up to the eaves of the door, an orange cat is lying on it and taking a nap, and a faint smoke drifts upward from the chimney behind the black roof ridge.

"Hey, Meihe, you have changed a lot now. You have a lot more temperament. No wonder that young master likes you."

"Mom, Madenori doesn't like this statement."

"Looking at you and looking outside, it seems that you have been the same since childhood."

The old lady is a very optimistic person. When she heard that several people were going back to Tokyo, she didn't feel sad at all.

Instead, he kept saying that you should leave quickly and don’t worry about me.

Instead, my mother began to feel a little reluctant to part with her mother:

"Mom, please take care of yourself. Your health is the most important thing. Don't tire yourself out just for a few cabbages. Now we don't lack the material things we need in life."

"This is all I have for fun. What's the difference between money and money? Isn't it just money for the material things in life and the fine things in life?"

"Why don't you come live with us in Tokyo, Mom?"

"Tokyo? That's not a good place," the old lady shook her head after hearing this. "The air is bad, and we can't grow vegetables. It's not as comfortable as living in the countryside. I'll recuperate and wait for the old man to come back. I'll listen to him and go out for a trip." .”

"Okay, that's fine. Remember to ask dad to take you out for a walk. You'll be in a good mood. Also, mom, eat less salt. Don't get high blood pressure again."

"I know, I know."

"By the way, brother, why didn't grandpa come back?" Sakakihara Suzu asked quietly behind Sakakihara Raku.

She is indeed an idiot sister.

"It snowed heavily a few days ago. We had to watch the time when we were going out by car. Do you think grandpa will be able to come back from traveling abroad?"

"Oh, that's it."

If it wasn't a snowy day, Tianhai Jiuliuli would actually come over.

She told herself about this online.

Mom and grandma debated for a long time about whether to go to Tokyo, but in the end mom lost to grandma.

According to the grandmother, she has lived in this place all her life, and her feelings and roots are here. She and the old man also met on this land. She can't leave, and she doesn't want to disturb her daughter's life.

She knows her daughter is doing well now.

"Mom, let's go."

"Oh, let's go, let's go."

"Grandma, goodbye."

"Goodbye grandma!"

"Goodbye grandma."

"Okay! Goodbye. Come back to play when you have time, and I'll ask the old man to make some seafood for you."

Everyone waved to grandma standing on the snow, picked up their luggage, and got on the bus to the city again.

"Brother, I'm sleepy~"

"Why do you sleep in all day? What did you do at night?"

"A girl's secret."

"I still have a boy's secret, okay, okay, you go to sleep."

"Brother, it's better to be nice to me~ I'll sing to you when I get back."

"I'll be thankful if you wash two more dresses."

"There is nothing you can do. Who asked you to raise me to waste?"

Tianhai Qimingyue sat by the window, and there was a thick and warm light outside the window. The bus set off along the country road and drove towards the city. The black roofs of the village gradually disappeared, the sky gradually became clearer, and the snow-colored countryside and white mountains flashed into view. The light shined through the window from the east side of the ridgeline, shining onto the car. far away from the ground.

The girl's beautiful side face by the car window was bathed in light, and her flaxen hair was shining brightly in the sunlight.

The vehicle drove completely out of the countryside and drove on the seaside road.

In the sound of the engine, the scenery of the road flickered. Tianhai Qimingyue, who had no color in her eyes, suddenly seemed to sense something. She raised her head, stretched her neck, and involuntarily looked towards a place in front of her that was getting bigger and bigger. Close village platform.

Under the rural platform, a little girl in a blue dress was sitting there quietly with her head bowed.

Tianhai Qimingyue couldn't help but look at the little girl far ahead.

The station is getting closer, but it is moving, becoming more and more blurry.

The bus is getting closer.

Go to that platform, go to that place. Tianhai Qi Mingyue felt an impulse in her heart that she had not seen for a long time. As if she wanted to try hard to see something clearly, she subconsciously and involuntarily put her hand against the window and looked back.

But the little girl just flashed by as the bus approached and drifted away. For just a moment, it was no longer visible.

Tianhai Qimingyue seemed to have suddenly lost something in her heart. She lowered her eyes slightly and wanted to look away.

But at this moment, the sparkling waves slammed against the shore on the other side of the pastoral, and the white residual light splashed out from the waves made her squint her eyes.

When she got used to it again, she suddenly discovered that in front of the seat, in front of the gap between the window and the back of the seat, Sakakihara Raku was also leaning against the window, as if looking at something far away, maintaining the same posture as him. posture.

When the girl looked at him, he turned his head back just in time.

The two of them looked through the narrow gap.

Their eyes met.

"Are you okay?" Sakakihara looked at her for a long time, and said with a smile, as if he suddenly remembered something.

Tianhai Qimingyue's heart trembled.

This call made memories suddenly emerge from the depths. For a moment, she felt as if she had returned to that afternoon soaked by the rain.

That afternoon, a strange boy carrying a hatchet and tape spoke to her for the first time in the rain.

"July?" Sakakihara called again, smiling again, "You're not thinking that I will kidnap you, are you?"

Amami Nanami's heart started to tremble for a long time. She looked at Sakakibara Raku again and saw his smile again. She quickly avoided looking, but she couldn't help but want to take another look at the gap.

He was still smiling.

Just like the boy from before talking to him, smiling.

Tianhai Qimingyue tried her best to collect the breath in her chest, quickly turned her face away, and finally closed her eyes amid the long-lasting memories that surged in her mind.

Sakakihara Raku in front looked at her for a while, then looked away. Soon, his phone received a message that just popped up.


Raku Sakakihara smiled when he saw the news. While letting Suzu lie on his lap to sleep, he tapped the screen with his fingers to reply:

[Should it be followed by, ‘I like you’? ]


Sakakihara turned around and looked at the girl behind him through the gap in the seat.

She was also looking at herself, her cheeks bathed in light, and her hair fluttering in the breeze.

Sakakihara pointed the phone at the gap between the car seat and the window.


[Sure enough, I still think you look beautiful when you are riding in the car. I can’t help but want to take a photo. I might as well kidnap you. ]


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