About the fact that I unintentionally raised my sister to be a cripple

Chapter 289 The night when Tianhai Zhixue was lost

"ice cream."


"ice cream."

"Sorry little sister, we don't have ice cream here."

"ice cream."

"Ice cream? If you want to buy ice cream, you should go to a convenience store, right? We are a fruit shop here and we don't sell ice cream."

"convenience store?"

"Yes, convenience store." The aunt in an apron pointed a direction to Tianhai Zhixue, who looked stupid, and looked along the narrow street full of telephone poles, "We passed the intersection over there. , just turn to the left.”

Tianhai Zhixue walked forward in the direction the aunt just said, and then she discovered that there was a left turn at the intersection in front of her. There were two directions and it was a fork.

The girl chose the top. As expected, she got lost.

She walked around in a completely unfamiliar environment, looking around in this residential area. There are moss-covered stone walls, telegraph poles with tangled wires, a doorway filled with potted green plants, and an orange cat basking in the sun and yawning on a branch.

Unknowingly, she had walked from the commercial street into a residential area in the suburbs.

"be lost."

Tianhai Zhixue stood there for a long time before she seemed to understand this fact.



"That's it for today, you can go back."

At eight o'clock in the evening, at Asuka Law Firm in Minato City, Raku Sakakihara heard what his uncle who was reviewing the case file said to him in the office.

"Uncle isn't coming home?"

"No time, your mother is busy downstairs today. Just go back by yourself as usual."

Sakakihara nodded and said nothing more.

Today's mission goal is accomplished. I'm already tired. I don't need to think too much about anything else. I just go home and rest first.

After finishing organizing the information, Sakakihara put the large pile of documents into the desk drawer and locked it.

"Uncle, I will go back first."

"Yes." Tianhai Maodian responded without raising his head.

Sakakihara nodded to him, stood up, opened the door, and left the office. After going downstairs to say hello to his mother, Sakakihara Raku rode his motorcycle in the parking lot on the first floor of the office building.

Wear a helmet, insert the key, and shift into first gear.

The motorcycle drove out of the station and arrived at the Xinqiao office and commercial district in the port area with numerous high-rise buildings and busy traffic.

As soon as he parked his motorcycle at the traffic light intersection, Sakakibara saw many office workers with briefcases and suits around him. Most of these people were in groups. Judging from their walking directions, Sakakihara felt that they should be going to the food court to eat.

Probably for work and entertainment, and after getting off work, I have to go to work indirectly. I wonder if there is anyone who can help them when they get home drunk?

Sakakibara couldn't help but think so.

When the green light turned on, Sakakihara continued to drive his motorcycle until he reached the bottom of the apartment building. After pushing the door to go home, he habitually shouted "I'm back."

After changing his shoes and walking into the living room from the entrance, Raku Sakakihara discovered that the little head that used to poke out in the corridor of the bedroom was not in that position.

"Zhixue is not at home? Probably not."

Raku Sakakihara put down his schoolbag on the sofa, subconsciously thinking that Yuki was making music in his room, so he didn't pay attention.

But when he habitually walked to the kitchen first and saw the messy oil and eggs placed near the cutting board, he became suspicious again.

It looked like someone had tampered with the contents of the refrigerator.

Sakakibara went to Amami Nozuki's room to check and found that there was no one there, and then dialed Amami Nozuki's phone number.

The phone rang on the sofa in the living room.

Sakakibara walked over and picked up Amami Nozuki's mobile phone.

"I'm not at home, and I don't have my cell phone."

But she left her schoolbag at home.

Sakakibara felt strange.

"Why aren't you at home?"

It stands to reason that Tianhai Zhixue is a stay-at-home person. Unless she is told to go out, she will never go out on her own because she doesn't like crowded places.

But now Zhixue has obviously gone home and not stayed at school.

Sakakihara planned to call and ask Suzu.

Blind tone.

[Hey Hey hey? What do you want me to do? If you want to ask me to get off work, I have to go until eleven o'clock. ]

[Still working the night shift? So busy? ] Sakakihara walked to the balcony, and the night wind blew the hair on his head.

[You’re so busy, recording the animation theme song and singing and dancing doesn’t take up time, right? ]

[Okay then. I called you just to ask if you knew why Zhixue was not at home. ]

[She was not at home? It's impossible. I went home with her and then came to work in the office. ]

After hearing this, Sakakihara thought for a while: [She went out? ]

[What is she going out for? ]

[Don't worry about this. Did she ask you anything this afternoon? ]

[I just asked me what I like to eat. Well, it was probably a similar question. ]


Well, I can only get this information from my sister.

[How long did it take for her to call you? ]

[About five o'clock in the afternoon. ]

[Okay, I'll hang up, you come back soon. ]

[Uh-huh! I want to eat beef curry! ]

[Just know how to eat. ]

Sakakibara hung up the phone.

Ah Ling is not only silly, but also sometimes adds some pressure to herself.

The past few days have been filled with intense studying and classes, and the things in Tianhai's family are almost getting boring.

When I get home at eight o'clock, I have to be busy making dinner.

To be honest, Sakakihara Raku really felt tired.

However, the information obtained from asking A Suzu is enough. Based on Sakakibara Raku's understanding of Konoyuki, this delicious mouth must be because she is hungry and there is no one at home. She can't suppress her stomach growling, so Just walked out the door.

I forgot to take my phone when I left.

As for why she hasn't come back yet, Sakakihara believes there is only one possibility - she is lost.

I have no choice but to turn around and go out.

Raku Sakakibara walked down from the apartment. Even though the night breeze was a bit cool tonight, his energy after a busy day was gone. He felt that he was now like one of those uncles who had to socialize after work, and his walking pace was completely lackluster.

Finding snow in such a crowded place in Minato City is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Sakakihara Raku was also worried that someone like her, a silly girl, would be deceived by someone with just a few words. Because she is really stupid and white.

And extremely rich.

Sakakibara first went to the commercial center and supermarket and asked the staff on the way if they had seen a girl with beige hair and very beautiful hair. However, after an hour, Sakakibara didn't get any useful information. information.

Seeing that it was nine o'clock and there was still no news, Sakakihara ran to the nearby convenience store and snack bar to ask.

Half an hour later, there was still no news.

When school was over, I took her to the snack bar and asked everything I could, but there was still no news.

It wasn't until Sakakibara walked around to a shopping street two kilometers away, and faced an uncle who was closing the stall with his family in front of a hardware store, that Sakakibara asked for the news.

"Ever seen a little girl with beige hair?"

"Yes." Sakakihara nodded.

"Who are you."

"I can be considered her brother. I didn't see her back when I got home, and she didn't bring her cell phone with her, so I went out to look for her."

The uncle looked at Raku Sakakibara several times. Such a handsome young man didn't look like a liar, so he calmed down and said, "Yes, I saw her today."

Raku Sakakihara breathed a sigh of relief. After searching for almost two hours, he finally found some clues.

"Today, the little girl came to my store to buy cement. After buying it, she walked over the street."


Why did Xiaozhixue buy this thing?

Sakakibara didn't go into details and ran in the direction the uncle said.

After another ten minutes, Sakakibara asked many people one after another. The bosses nearby all said they had seen her and said she came out to buy ice cream or something.

But after walking around for a while, Sakakihara Raku still didn't see the shadow of Zhiyuki.

After running without rhythm for more than two hours, Sakakibara couldn't help but feel tired even though he was in good physical condition.

Nothing really happened, right?

Sakakibara looked up at the already dark night sky, feeling even more anxious.

He walked out of the residential area and came to the park. He walked around the park again, but still had no clues.

Just when Raku Sakakibara slowed down and checked Suzu's text message saying that she had gone home, he turned around and ran into Yuki Amami walking beside the bushes in the park.

"Finally found you"

Sakakibara glanced up and down at the real aunt, and after confirming that she was not harmed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl was carrying large and small bags of things in her hands. After seeing Sakakibara Raku, she paused for a moment as usual, and then took all the things in her hands behind her.

"How come Le is here?"

"Why am I here? Yuki, don't you look at what time it is?"

"have no idea."

"Why did you go out?"


"Why don't you speak?"


Amami no Yuki saw Raku Sakakibara sweating profusely, and the hand holding the plastic bag couldn't help but tighten a little behind her back.

"Do you know that if you go out like this without your mobile phone, I won't be able to contact you, so I will be very worried?"


"Why are you walking so far to buy ice cream? Have you forgotten what I told you again? You are lost. It would be best if you can meet the police. If you can't meet them, go to a convenience store or some other store and ask someone. You can also pay some money to ask them to call you a taxi to our house."


"Zhixue, it's okay if you don't speak. I don't want to be angry, let alone talk about you. Just remember what happened today and come home with me now."

Sakakihara Rakuzai controlled his emotions very well, and when he saw Zhixue didn't speak, he didn't plan to say anything else. I took her for a walk and took a taxi home.

The atmosphere in the car was heavy. Raku Sakakibara didn't speak, and neither did Yuki Amami. The sound of the taxi's engine could be heard in his ears.


Sakakibara closed his eyes for a while to regain his composure. When he opened his eyes, he found that Zhiyuki had kept his head buried.

Did she hear what she said to her?

Did you speak too harshly just now?

With her head buried like this now, does it mean that she will also reflect on what she said to her?

Looking at Amami Nozuki's small face, Sakakibara inexplicably thought of the thousand paper cranes she gave to him that day. It was a very ugly paper crane, but to her, the paper crane contained the concern of her mother, whom she had never met, and represented the importance of the paper crane in her mind.

Zhixue said personally that he was a good person to her.

As someone who accepted her Chizuru and was considered a very important person by her, Sakakihara couldn't help but ask herself if she should have asked Zhiyuki in a more calm tone just now.

"Le, don't be angry."

"Huh?" Sakakibara heard what she took the initiative to say to him.

"Don't be angry."

Tianhai Zhixue's voice has always been very light and soft. At this time, her apologetic voice sounded softer and kinder.

Sakakibara took a deep breath, then exhaled through his nose, opened his eyes and looked at her: "I was indeed a little angry just now, mainly because I have been looking for you for more than two hours, and I obviously told you before What should I do if I get lost?"

"I got lost while walking."

"I know you get lost easily."

Sakakibara remembered it, and it seemed that his uncle had said that Zhiyuki had no memory because her mother was an advanced mother and had difficulty in giving birth.

Now I have a better memory, but I can hardly remember anything when I was a child. The symptoms are worse than when I was a child.

So Zhixue really couldn't blame her for getting lost.

"Dad, it seems like he told me this a long time ago. I forget things easily and get lost easily, so it's best not to go out alone."

Sakakihara Rakuyu listened carefully. After understanding what happened, most of his anger towards Zhixue about what happened tonight was gone.

"Well, Sozhixue, why are you going out? Just to buy something to eat?"

He noticed the plastic bag Zhixue was holding, which contained white powder and ice cream.

Sakakibara knew it was cement, but didn't understand what she was buying cement for.

"Le said before that she was very tired."

".?Did I tell you that?"

Amami Yuki probably knew that she had a bad memory, so she took out the "Yuki Life Manual" that she always carried with her from her small pocket, and then opened one of the pages to show Raku Sakakibara.

Sakakibara took the manual she handed and looked at the Juanxiu font at the top of the page.

This line of text is located in the most conspicuous position and can be seen as soon as you open it.

On it were clearly written the three words "It's very tiring", and the time was also written - "When everyone was having dinner together in a place with cherry blossoms".

Sakakihara Raku remembered that this was the class activity almost a week ago.

I had exchanged some things with Zhixue.

The original intention was just to complain, but Zhixue took the initiative to write it down?

"I understand, I said so. But what does it have to do with Zhixue you going out?"

"Ling said she likes to eat."

"Huh?" Sakakibara couldn't understand her thoughts.

"Ling and Le are siblings."


After getting along for a while, Sakakibara Raku probably understood that Zhiyuki generally thought that Suzu liked to eat, so he also liked to eat it.

Sakakibara couldn't help but look at the things she was carrying, "So, you went out to buy ingredients?"


"Want to make me something to eat?"


"Fried ice cream?"


Got it, Sakakibara understood it completely.

Zhixue went out because he accidentally said something to her that she was tired. Zhixue didn't know why but she remembered it in her heart and always cared about it.

She knew that she was very tired, so she thought about making something to eat for herself.

"Then why buy cement?"

Amami Nozuki glanced down, and then her eyes returned to Sakakibara Raku's face: "It's the white powder mentioned in the video."

".That should be flour. What you bought is cement."

Tianhai Zhixue: "What's the difference?"

"The difference is that the thing in your hand could explode enough to choke me to death."

He is really a complete idiot without common sense.

"Don't you like going out? You've never gone out by yourself before, right? Why do you suddenly think so now?"

"Le, I come back very late every day."

"Well, then?"

"There is no one at home all the time. Xiaoqi, Xiaojiu and Ling are not here. Jia Le said that he was very tired, so he wanted to make Le happy."

Want to make me happy?

Sakakibara tried to find something on her face.

"Even if you've never been out? Have you never made something to eat?"


Sakakihara Raku probably understood what Yuki was thinking, but he still wanted to ask practically: "Can you tell me the specific reason? There must be a specific reason for you to be so motivated, right?"

"Everyone is very busy these days, and Le is also very busy. Fans have been leaving messages asking me to update, but I can't edit videos. Xiaoqi, Xiaojiu, and Ling don't have time to help me. Only Le .Le offered to help me. Even though Lecai said that he was very tired, he still helped me."

Trying to recall the situation that day, Zhixue seemed to have been watching her back from behind while he was helping her edit the video.

That's probably the warm feeling you get from being cared for and noticed after being ignored.

But what she just said was intermittently.

But Sakakihara saw something in her body and eyes that had never appeared in this girl.

Her eyes before had always been white and empty.

But now, in the depths of her eyes, there was a hint of light hidden under the black pupils.

Sakakibara didn't know if that could be called emotion.

But at least, he now truly understands that Zhixue has begun to feel a real sense of dependence on him.

Just like A Ling before.

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