Tuk Tuk.

Knock twice.

As a steady and powerful "Please come in" came from the study, Sakakihara opened the door.

The old man's study room was not a layout that Sakakibara had imagined with bookshelves filling the entire room, but a very open space.

A large area of ​​afternoon sunlight passes through large floor-to-ceiling windows. The light swayed by the shadows of the leaves shines on the beech wood table directly in front, making it particularly fresh and bright.

Bookshelves and books are placed on both sides.

The bookshelf is very simple and is basically only used to display books.

Sakakibara Ledo observed it and found that in addition to works on business, economics and management, these books also included classic works in various fields such as literature, history, philosophy and so on.

There are also many related works on philosophy and spiritual growth.

Amkai Soichiro, whose temples were slightly gray, was sitting on the spacious desk. He was wearing a homely simple kimono, with his back facing the large floor-to-ceiling windows.

The whole person looks serious and formal.

Soichiro Amkai seemed to be writing some kind of letter. The pen in his hand was stroke by stroke, quite smoothly and evenly.

When he noticed Raku Sakakibara pushing open the door and entering, he did not raise his head. Instead, he motioned Raku Sakakibara to sit on the chair in front of him. His voice was low and sonorous, full of the accumulation of time.

"sit down."

Facing the entire head of the Amami family, Sakakihara sat down in the seat directly in front of him.

The atmosphere was so quiet that Sakakibara could hear the old man's pen sliding across the letter paper.

"Do you know what I'm writing?"

Hearing this, Sakakibara secretly glanced at what the old man had written, and tentatively said, "Letter?"

"Yes, letter." Soichiro Tenkai did not look up, but put down the pen, picked up the letter he had just written, folded the letter paper, and put the letter paper into the envelope, "Xiao Le thinks that in this day and age, I can still Write to me? Why write to me?"

Who to write to?

And why write a letter?

The question the old man asked was really weird.

So, in today’s information age, why should we use pen and ink and envelopes, which are extremely inefficient methods, to convey information?

Sakakihara thought carefully.

First of all, the person who can make the old man write a letter in his own hand must have a certain relationship with the old man.

That is to say, apart from friends, it can only be a relationship maintained by other things.

Secondly, in this day and age, social media can replace letters to convey news.

The old man is not the kind of person who rests on his laurels.

Therefore, letters have special meaning to the old man.

Sakakihara thought for a long time, then looked up at the old man's serious face and said:

"This is just my little guess based on the seriousness with which grandpa wrote the letter just now. The recipient of the letter is a certain aunt."

Amkai Soichiro was not surprised, he just said calmly:

"I know how to observe. So, how do you answer the next question?"

What about "Why write a letter?"

Sakakibara thought hard, recalling the conversations he had with the old man in the past.

But no matter how you think about it or remember it.

Even Sakakihara Raku couldn't seize that opportunity out of thin air.

Until he looked up and saw his grandfather's appearance, and saw a bit of his uncle's shadow.

So he answered seriously:

"Just writing letters still has its own special meaning and value to Grandpa. Although electronic communication is convenient and fast, writing letters can convey deeper emotions and care."

Amkai Soichiro's expression remained unchanged.

Sakakihara was stunned, "Did I guess wrong?"


Amkai Soichiro denied his statement and took the green tea brought by Sakura who had just pushed the door open.

Soichiro Amkai opened the lid of the tea cup, the steam rose upwards, and he took a slow sip.

"What you said is very close to what I think. For me, writing letters does have its existence - a letter written by hand is always more emotional than the words composed of pixels on the screen.

"There are also examples that prove this statement - two pen pals exchange letters all year round. They express their thoughts, feelings, and thoughts about each other's life in the letters. In the eyes of pen pal A, pen pal B The quality of the letters and fonts sent have become more and more refined. Pen pal A felt the hidden feelings of pen pal B in this heart, that is, he respected himself very much. Not only did he change the material of the envelope to a better one, but he also tempered his Calligraphy, pen pal A saw these and was very moved.”

Amkai Soichiro took a sip of hot tea, raised his eyes and looked at Sakakibara Raku:

"Do you know why I'm telling you this?"

"I don't know."

"Why don't you know?"

"I don't know, I just don't know. It's that simple. Grandpa didn't give me too many hints. If I force an answer, it's just a guess based on my personal thoughts. And this guess is nothing compared to the one just now. The foundation is even more meaningless.”

Amkai Soichiro smiled lightly because of his very interesting answer.

I have been flattered too much by some rotten and stubborn guys over the years.

Such an answer made him feel a bit like a young man.

But Madenori is right about one thing. He is a "brat". Even if he has outstanding abilities, once you look at him from the perspective of a family member, you will never like him.

That brat from Maodian is much more pleasing to the eye than this brat in front of me.

With Soichiro Amkai thinking this, he did not speak again, but tasted the tea leisurely.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

If the superior does not speak, it will always bring an inexplicable pressure.

That's what the old man is like.

Sakakibara wondered if the old man was using this to consider his own character. Maybe, maybe not.

However, Sakakihara Raku is also guessing what grandpa is thinking.

He felt that the old man definitely had no good intentions when he asked him to come to the study to talk alone.

Grandpa definitely knew about the fact that Liuli and Qiyue were dating at the same time in the previous school.

The old man suddenly called himself over.

I just told some specious stories. It is most likely to put pressure on myself and then force myself to give in to him.

Now he was silent for a long time without speaking.

The invisible pressure made Sakakibara ready for the old man's next question.

"Xiao Le." Soichiro Amkai rubbed the rim of the teacup with the lid of the teacup.


"How are you getting along with Zhixue recently?"


"Well, that's good," Amkai Soichiro put down the tea in his hand, "I also noticed a change in Zhixue during lunch today. Before, she would always say 'I'm full' after eating. ', she will go back to her room. And now, she will take the initiative to talk to Ling. As a father, I want to say thank you to you. "

After saying that, Soichiro Amkai bowed his head to Raku Sakakibara.


The old man's sudden thanks suddenly shocked Sakakibara Raku.

Want to know who the old man is? The head of the Tianhai family!

Needless to say what kind of person he is usually, even in my impression, the old man is the extremely arrogant and complacent boss of Tianhai Group.

And now, the old man actually lowered his head and expressed his gratitude to his junior? !

Sakakihara Raku felt ridiculous.

Incredibly ridiculous.

I originally thought that the old man was going to put pressure on me again, but I didn't expect that he actually said thank you.

This made Sakakihara Rakusei panic.

For a moment, he didn't know how to answer or how to accept his grandfather's "thank you" to him.

Sakakibara opened his mouth, but he still didn't know what to say, so he closed it decisively.

The air just freezes again.

"Do you think it's too weird for me to bow down to my younger generation?"

".Yes, it is."

"It's understandable, because I don't like it in the first place." Amkai Soichiro returned to his serious and old-fashioned look again.

Sakakihara Raku: "."

"But everything has its cause. I remember I told you before that I did the same thing as Maodian. In fact, compared to me, my father, Maodian's grandfather, is the kind of person who is so old-fashioned and pedantic. What I am most dissatisfied with about the old man who saved the medicine is his failure to take responsibility for his family, and the fact that he always takes the airs of being a father and cannot let go of his dignity towards his family. Wrong is wrong, right is wrong, just because he is The head of the family, he is the person with the most say in the entire Tianhai family.

"If there is anything I insist on as an old man who is about to be buried, it is to be grateful for the things that are difficult for me to do and benefit myself."

Sakakibara did not answer. He just thought to himself that the thing that the old man said was difficult for him to do was to take care of Yuki.

The old man said these words to himself.

He even felt that the old man was not like an old man at the moment, but like a father.

The feeling when getting along with my uncle is very similar.

"Zhixue was born with a disability due to premature birth. Her disability comes not only from herself, but also from her acquired experiences. For a long time after Zhixue was born, I didn't visit her once. It's not so much that I hate her. , rather, it is resentment for her existence and the mistake I made to escape myself. As a result, ten children lost their mother."

"." Raku Sakakihara heard his grandfather mention the past and decisively chose not to speak and listened patiently.

"When she was still alive, this home still had some flavor of home. But after Zhixue was born, this home became colder and colder without her mother. Not long ago, Maodian also chose to He parted ways with the Tianhai family, went to England alone, and there was news of getting married. A series of changes led to the family's gatherings gradually becoming less frequent, and the daughters also began to choose to move out in order to avoid the snow."

Sakakihara Raku knew this.

Because Zhixue's mother gave birth to Zhixue despite everyone's opposition.

Not only was Zhixue, who was born prematurely, disabled, but she also killed her mother, who maintained the relationship between the entire family.

This gave her an "ominous" air in the eyes of her sisters.

This is not someone's superstition, but a disgust derived from deep within.

Even if they realize that they are her sisters, they will subconsciously avoid this relationship.

Even the old man thought so at the beginning. After Zhixue was born, he never visited Zhixue once. She was brought up by nannies hired in rotation.

Snow's experience.

Sakakibara Raku has learned about it indirectly many times.

Every time he thinks about this, Sakakibara always thinks of Yuki Yuki standing under the advertisement and staring blankly at the "family" photographed above when eating McDonald's.

She has never felt love.

Deep down in her heart, she is longing for someone to hold her hand, right?

This made Sakakibara feel a little unbearable.

She always likes to get into bed with herself, but she is actually seeking the love she has never had from herself.

Because of his help and care for her, she got something she had never had before.

"Thank you for the gift"

Inexplicably, he remembered that Amami Nozuki was holding a white cat doll on the hospital bed and stared blankly at what it said. Sakakibara Raku also felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

"In the first ten years of Zhixue's child's life, she had been alone, enduring the resentment from her own misfortune and family. She spent her entire childhood. This made her subconsciously close herself off and choose to forget most things to escape her. situation faced.”

"Then grandpa, grandpa, your change of attitude towards Zhixue also has an opportunity, right?"

"The opportunity is more like the guilt I felt when I suddenly realized that I have a daughter as old as my granddaughter."

Amkai Soichiro's expression was calm, "Do you know why my attitude towards Zhixue suddenly changed significantly a few years ago?"


"Just because Zhixue laid flowers to her mother when we were sweeping the grave, I asked Guizhong a simple question like, 'Who is she?' in front of her mother's tombstone."

who is she.?

No wonder, no wonder the old man’s attitude changed.

Sakakibara could even think of Sakura's shocked expression at that time.

As a father, a father in modern society forgets the existence of his daughter in front of her mother's grave.

"The first time I heard her call me father in person was five years ago, when she was 11 years old... Isn't it ridiculous? It is precisely because of this ridiculousness that I chose to respond to Zhixue's requests and requests in the future. I I hope that with my belated response, she can at least feel a little bit of my presence. Although she has almost no wishes other than eating."

"." Sakakihara Raku didn't know how to respond to the old man's words.

He was communicating with himself as a father, telling him about Yuxue.

The old man's attitude towards Zhixue.

It's more like a sudden awakening due to an opportunity.

This emotion is filled with guilt and the desire to compensate her. That's why the old man is now on Zhixue's side. He also wants to obey Zhixue's wish and let himself marry her or something.

"My age is also increasing year by year. I am already the age of Zhixue and her grandfather. Regarding Zhixue, I believe you have learned enough about her recently. Her own wishes and purpose of action are quite simple and pure. As long as you are good to her A little, and she will reply to you wholeheartedly.

"The previous question about letters is actually to tell you that the maintenance of 'family' depends on emotions. Without emotions, then this 'family' will exist in name only. This is why I still write letters to my daughters in person.

"I know Xiao Le that you are facing a difficult choice in your relationship, so I don't intend to embarrass you anymore. If you don't want to be with Zhi Xue, I will take her back to Tianhai's house in the near future. You are still engaged to Qi Mingyue. , there is no doubt that I will inherit the Tianhai family business in the future. This is also what your stepfather means."

After Soichiro Amkai finished speaking, he did not wait for Raku Sakakibara's answer.

Instead, he stood up silently and left the study on his own initiative.

Only Sakakibara Raku was still sitting in his chair, feeling confused because of what the old man just said.

Grandpa is saying that Zhixue is going back to Tianhai's house?


On the other side, Soichiro Amkai walked out of the Amkai family's mansion. There was a black car parked in front of the steps of the gate.

"Master just came home, are you leaving now?"

"Ah, a bunch of losers have always enjoyed too many blessings."

"You haven't said a few words to Miss Zhixue yet!"

"Let's talk about it next time. I will take the time to see her after a while."


Before the master left, Sakura Guizhong couldn't help but ask Soichiro Amkai who was about to get in the car.

"What the master just said to the young master, are they really good?"

Amkai Soichiro changed his amiable and gentle father image, turned around and said with a straight face, "Don't say that, do you think that boy will submit obediently? Let him be tough and have the choice to resist me. I gave Shigenori such a handle before. , giving him an infinite spirit of resistance."

"." Ying Guizhong was speechless. The master gained experience from fighting with the young master and used it on the young master.

Amkai Soichiro put his hands into his long sleeves, put his hands behind his back, and said coldly:

"Human emotions are the basis for people to exist in this world. If we want to promote the development of emotions, we must let the emotions themselves have some scruples and make them contradictory. Contradictions will produce various emotions. These emotions Accumulated, it is proof that they can no longer be separated.”


Amkai Soichiro sat in the back seat of the car and waved to Sakura Takatada outside the window, "There is no need to feel sad for that brat. What I said to him was not a lie. It's just that these truths had a purpose from the beginning. It’s just sex.”

Uncle Ying looked at the master in the car window, "Oh master, it is precisely because it is the truth that I feel embarrassed for the young master."

Amkai Soichiro closed his eyes: "Is he embarrassed? There are many more things that have embarrassed him in this life. How can Zhixue's wish come true without being embarrassed? As a father, I can give her the best things and the most compensation in this life. , and only this."

After saying that, Soichiro Amkai waved his hand again, indicating to the driver to close the window.

Ying Guizhong stood up from his bent position and stood in front of the mansion, watching the master's car leave the Tianhai family's manor again.

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