Absurd deduction game

Chapter 173 Alice Hell (6)-Fifth Floor Corridor

Although this road is a bit long and has several small forks, the direction of the main corridor is very clear.

It is not difficult for Yu Xing and the gambler to get here all the way. Other deducers who just left a little later can naturally come, and they won't be apart for too long.

Just like now.

As soon as the two of them got out of the bathroom, they heard several familiar voices.

This is it. Did the cryer enter the bathroom or go to another branch, or another floor?

You can go in and have a look.

The person who asked the question was an out-of-the-box female voice, and the person who answered was an ordinary male voice.

Sure enough, Yu Xing took two steps forward and saw Huang Bai and Huai outside the door.

The four of them met each other, which was as expected.

Huai looked at the gambler and said pointedly: I saw that Zheng was looking for you just now, so I guessed that you left first. I didn't expect that you would actually take this newbie with you.

Fortunately, it's good. At least it's not holding you back. You don't have to worry about it. The gambler replied with Bai Bai's curious and lively eyes, and then said, There is no cryer in the bathroom, but there is something unusual. You guys also You can go take a look.”

Thank you for reminding me. Huai responded calmly, passed the two of them, and walked towards the bathroom.

Bye bye, by the way, others are coming too, be careful of the corruption line~ Huangbai waved to the two of them, winked, and followed them into the bathroom.

At the same time, Yu Xing heard the voices of other people talking in the distance.

Either the branch road ahead is not long and people can figure out the details soon after entering, or everyone wants to walk along the main road first. In short, according to the sound, people who are coming later will meet them soon. .

However, the structure of the castle is still unclear, and the conditions on each floor are unclear. There are only two corresponding ghosts among the eight deducers. Many uncertain factors make him not want to go with too many people now.

Yu Xing calculated it and found that there was still quite a while before dinner time, enough for him and the gambler to open another map.

Senior Gambler, shall we go up or down?

At the end of another branch outside the bathroom is a staircase, leading to the second and fifth floors respectively. Normally, the deducers would not directly choose the fifth floor to be on the safe side. Everyone has an inherent concept in their hearts of a terrifying and closed environment. , the further away from the initial location, the higher the risk.

However, the gambler did not take the usual route. He glanced at Yu Xing and pointed upward: Let's go up to the fifth floor and take a look.

Yu Xing didn't have any objections and still followed the gambler, dutifully playing the role of a newbie with no independent opinions.

The stairs were very long and foldable, a bit like the structure of a real corridor. After climbing four twelve-step stairs, they stepped onto the ground on the fifth floor.

...It's a bit dark. Yu Xing said and backed away from the gambler.

The walls on the fifth floor are of a very old color that cannot be described. It seems to be just ordinary red stained with strange stains that cannot be wiped off, giving it a weird effect.

After going up the stairs, there are three corridors with different directions, opening on the left, right and front respectively. No lights are lit in any of them. They are dark and can only be illuminated by the wall lamps in the stairs.

what is that!

Suddenly, Yu Xing faintly saw something standing in the middle of several corridors. It was very tall and seemed to be a human figure.

The gambler squinted his eyes and his muscles tensed up. He had just seen the huge zombie researcher at the observation deck. He was so impressed that he couldn't help but think about that when he saw the big thing.

After a few seconds, the gambler said: ...it doesn't seem to be moving.

Yu Xing also observed for a while before confirming that the vague shadow blocking the road was not a living thing, but just a decorative armor.

But when the ghost's form is uncertain, armor doesn't have to be just armor.

No... our night vision is not that strong. This environment is too dangerous. If there is any ghost mixed in, it will be difficult for us to find it. The gambler sounded a little dissatisfied, We lack a flashlight or other lighting tools. It’s not worthy, otherwise I would have brought him out directly.”

Yu Xing remembered that his Mingzhu Tear was a candlestick after all.

But...if it ignites, whether it is a red candle or a white candle, it will trigger the ability, which is not easy to control.

He suggested: Since there are no tools such as flashlights in our room, it means that we need to find it ourselves. There might be one nearby. Let's look for it. If we can find it, keep walking. If we can't find it, go to the second room. Floor Exploration.”

Okay, let's find it.

Within the reach of the stair wall lamp, there are several large cabinets and tables standing quietly in the corner.

Yu Xing then walked to a cabinet and opened the drawer from bottom to top.

The drawers were full of useless miscellaneous items, or they were empty. The gambler had nothing to gain, so he started chatting with him while searching.

Oh, Xing, you must be in the alienation line.

There was no one else around, so it didn't matter that the gambler asked this question.

How did you know? Yu Xing did not deny it.

The gambler was leaning forward to touch the top of a two-meter-high cabinet, but he didn't touch anything. Instead, he dropped ashes on his hand: Actually, I heard about you, but I didn't remember it at first. Then I thought about it for a long time and found out that I had an impression.

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows and changed the table to search: Is it the rookie competition?

The only way for him to let differentiation-level deducers know is through that live broadcast, or through Zhao Mou's mouth. Obviously, the former has a greater chance.

Yeah~ I didn't watch it at the time, but someone from our guild went there, Ren Yi, do you know, my good buddy, he said you performed well. The gambler chuckled, That buddy of mine is a man of few words. , if you can praise others, it means you are really good.

Ren Yi?

Yu Xing has been busy with real-life cases recently, and he really hasn't paid much attention to the differentiated circle. The star deducers talk more and less, and it would be difficult for him to have an impression of everyone.

He just smiled: I thought that most of the people who watched the live broadcast would think that I would be a degenerate.

You're wrong. People who are on the right path can judge people accurately. Whether they are depraved or not can be seen in small details. And... Ren Yi told me that the witch Qu Xianqing was there at that time. She said There is no way you are a fallen person.

When the gambler mentioned Qu Nianqing, he was obviously at a loss for words: Are you related to her? She seems to know you very well and protect you. Our research institute has been studying her for a long time. This is the first time I met her. Until she is good to others.

You...you are studying her? Yu Xing touched a copper lock on the table. He didn't know what it was used for. He choked on this word that was a bit sensitive to him, How to study it?

Don't get me wrong, we just looked at the videos of her existence in the video section, and studied her like a boss in the game, such as how to deal with her, how to escape and how to kill her. The gambler didn't know when he had put on his hood. It was pulled off, revealing a head of brown hair that was neither long nor short. He scratched his head and explained, She has a vicious reputation. Although she is not a fallen line, she is more cruel than a fallen line. I can't figure it out. This absurd world How did she get assigned to the alienation line?

Anyway, the people from the research institute have compiled a guide on How to Survive Angry Qu Xianqing, and it's selling well...

Yu Xing: ...

He knew Qu Nianqing was cruel to others, but he didn't expect him to be so cruel.

As for why Qu Xianqing is not a fallen person - in fact, he probably knows the answer, because there are people in this world who support the kindness in Qu Xianqing's heart.

Well, he's talking about himself.

As long as he lives, Qu Xianqing will not become a degenerate without a bottom line. Even without him, there will still be Zhu Yan, and Zhu Yan is a different existence to Qu Xianqing.

But facing the gambler, he just said: I think Qu Nianqing and I know each other. She is a very responsible senior and has taught me a lot.

Under the gambler's mask, his eyes widened, and the corners of his eyes twitched.


...responsible? ?

Are these talking about the same person? ?

Then she may have finally realized that the lone wolf is often at too great a disadvantage, and is ready to cultivate trustworthy teammates... The gambler frowned, What a pity. Originally, Ren Yi said you had great potential, and I thought I’ll establish a good relationship with you and introduce you to my other brother’s guild. Now it seems that... robbing people will lead to retaliation from the witch. How about I take a gamble?

Yu Xing was very interested: Bet on whether she will take revenge on you?

The gambler said, Bet on whether I can survive in her hands.

What a good attitude.

However, since the topic of guilds was brought up, Yu Xing happened to be thinking about joining a guild, so he took the opportunity to ask: I remember that the number one guild is called Midnight. How is this guild?

Guilds are really important. For example, when entering a game now, there are fewer people in the righteous line than in the alienated line and the fallen line. This is not because there are fewer people in the righteous line itself, but because people in the righteous line like to form teams to play games. The more people in a team, the less likely the deducers from other lines will encounter them.

And the way they formed a team was through the guild. The institute is a very demanding guild. It not only accepts the right path, but also tests their ability. Only those who can collect intelligence and layout strategies can finally stay.

In addition to the research institute, there are also many guilds with a mix of various members, so you can get the best camp to cooperate with during the deduction.

Late at night? Haha, the First Guild is of course awesome. If you are taken seriously, it will get you any resources. The gambler praised it first, and Yu Xing waited for the turning point.

Sure enough, a turning point came in the next second: But you should also expect that the big guild's resource allocation is very strict. Maybe you work hard to get a sacrifice, and you have to hand it in after the deduction, and the guild only pays Just points.”

The gambler patted the dust on his hands and sneered: Also, Medusa, the late-night president, is not a good person. People who offend her often disappear soon after. By the way, she especially likes good-looking people. Man, if you have ever had any experience, you will know that the high-level people in the middle of the night are all handsome guys or beauties... Anyway, the water is very deep, and there are advantages and disadvantages.

Oh. Yu Xing's interest in late night was mostly extinguished.

Don't believe it. If I hadn't had the foresight to join the institute, I might have been snatched away by Medusa! Hey, life...

In Yu Xing's ears, the gambler's tone gradually turned towards overestimating one's abilities.

He chose to ignore the gambler's boast: What level is Medusa? Compared with Qu Nianqing -

The gambler considered it and said: Medusa is a despair level, just like our president, the actors of Single Prism, and the monsters in the Survival Investigation Team. Among the top guilds, there are almost one to three Despair level, and Qu Xianqing... She is mourning level. It is rumored that she is only one step away from despair level, but after all, she has not yet been promoted to face Medusa...

Hiss, they have different styles. Qu Xianqing's own strength is too terrifying, but Medusa knows how to take advantage of the situation. In terms of overall strength, Qu Xianqing will definitely suffer.

Yu Xing nodded, regardless of whether the gambler saw his movements in the dark.

With the gambler, he at least knew one thing.

There seems to be no realistic deducer in the current absurd deduction game.

All the major guilds use the Despair level as their ceiling for combat power. Even a guy like Lingren who has lived for so long has not been able to advance to the real level. It is a bit strange... How strict are the requirements for promotion to the real level?

Don't even think about it. If Qu Xianqing really trains you as a teammate, then you have no choice. Oh, by the way, you don't know my name yet, my name is Zeng Lai. The gambler closed the drawer and stood He came to Yu Xing and stretched out a dusty hand, You don't have to tell me your real name, or you can tell me. The deduction system is very good at protecting members. There is a price to pay for killing other deductions in reality. , and there is no ability that can restrict the deducer from entering the absurd world, and he cannot be trapped.

I see. Yu Xing reached out and shook Zeng Lai's hand, then wiped the ash on his pants as if nothing had happened, then turned around and continued to rummage in the cabinet.

This is the fifth cabinet he has found. It is located a little deep into the corridor, only more than two meters away from the armor decoration in the middle of the corridor. If there was still no harvest, he planned to give up and find lighting tools elsewhere.

Maybe, this is the method used by Alice Castle to restrict the deducers.

While searching, Yu Xing said: My name also has the word Xing in it. Just call me Xing...

Got it, Xiaoxing! Although Yu Xing didn't say his real name, Zeng Lai changed his name very familiarly. Yu Xing could tell that Zeng Lai's attitude towards him was similar to that of trying to win over him.

Perhaps this is also a way of showing goodwill to his backer Qu Nianqing.

Well, this is the benefit that Yu Xing has obtained countless times by using Qu Xianqing's name.

It's great, it's great to eat soft rice.

Just as Zeng Lai was about to chat with Yu Xing for a while, he saw Yu Xing's body trembled.

What's wrong, bro?

Yu Xing pulled out a palm-sized wooden box from the drawer with a strange look on his face.

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