Absurd deduction game

Chapter 242 Nightmare (3) - Soul Collision

The company's canteen is very bright, with tables for four people neatly arranged in the hall. On the other side, small storefronts specializing in different foods are lined up like a snack street, and every window has a There are quite a few people queuing up.

The woman following Yu Xing looked like a seasoned woman at first glance, unlike Guan Xin who wore a badge honestly - Yu Xing didn't wear one either.

So he didn't know the woman's name, so he could only try to avoid talking to her to avoid revealing his secret.

Fortunately, the woman knew Fang Xing's personality and didn't find anything to annoy him.

When the two arrived at the cafeteria, there were not many empty seats. The woman pointed to a seat in the middle and said, Brother Fang, why don't you go buy food first, and I'll take the seat for you.

Yu Xing didn't answer her, but at this moment he felt the vibration of his phone in his pocket. He took out his phone with a normal expression and saw a WeChat message pop up on the unlocked page.

The other party's remarks were concise and clear, and his name was Zhou Xue.

I see you, I'm on the right.

A second later, another one came.

Why are Wu Shan here? I don't need an ordinary art observer to discuss my discussion with you.

Even through the screen, Yu Xing could feel the dissatisfaction in Zhou Xue's tone.

Perhaps the dissatisfaction was not directed at him, but at the tail behind him.

Zhou Xue is the main plot. In terms of work, she and Fang Xing are at the same level. Most of the time, the priority of art is far lower than that of the plot, let alone the worldview structure.

Naturally, she didn't need to be careful when talking to Fang Xing.

Is this woman's name Wu Shan... Yu Xing got the information he wanted without any effort. He replied: She came here by herself. I will solve it.

Putting away his phone, he glanced to the right and found Zhou Xue alone in the corner.

There was a bowl in front of her that was the same as the staff cafeteria. It seemed to be braised chicken and rice. When Yu Xing glanced at it, her tired face softened a little and she nodded gently.

The dissatisfaction was indeed not directed at him.

Yu Xing glanced at Wu Shan without leaving any trace, and had a mental prediction of the conflict between the two.

And the reason why he could recognize Zhou Xue's face at a glance... was because Zhou Xue looked exactly the same as in the first stage. It seemed that the young master's supernatural space was indeed related to her.

He just turned around with his cell phone and said, I told you, I'm not free at noon today.

Then, with Wu Shan's stunned gaze, she walked towards Zhou Xue.

At this time, she could only be said to be ignorant if she followed her. Wu Shan could only hold back her anger, glanced at Zhou Xue, who didn't even look at her, and went to buy food in silence.

Sorry for taking up your lunch time.

Yu Xing sat down opposite Zhou Xue, and Zhou Xue opened her mouth with an apology.

It can be seen that the relationship between Zhou Xue and Fang Xing should be of the type that is neither salty nor light, and they do not communicate much in private, that is, the colleague Zhang Chun.

It's okay, it's for work. Yu Xing said, taking a look at Zhou Xue's face.

Tired, haggard, and even a little depressed, his young face should have been full of vitality, but at this time he was obviously lack of energy, and his whole body was enveloped in an inexplicable and strange aura.

Speaking of which, this was very similar to the Zhou Xue he saw in the ghost alley, except that Zhou Xue at that time was avoiding supernatural events. Not only did he have to cooperate with the paper man inside and outside, but he also had to hold off the shopkeepers and prevent them from taking to the streets. Paper men deliver food.

But now?

Yu Xing instantly guessed that Zhou Xue seemed to have encountered something that would put her in danger.

The discussion on the appearance design of the Ghost Bride later was a good opportunity to gather information, but Yu Xing was not in a hurry at all. He smelled the aroma of the food in front of Zhou Xue, and his stomach growled quietly.

I'm going to buy food first, let's talk while eating.

He couldn't do anything to make him hungry, he just came to say hello first to show his courtesy.

Zhou Xue nodded and looked at his back as he stood up and left. She picked up a piece of chicken and mixed it with white rice and ate it. The fragrant taste melted on the tip of her tongue, but it failed to dissolve the deathly air that had condensed between her brows.

Five minutes later, Yu Xing came back with a dinner plate. He bought a bowl of rice bowl and took a bite. After swallowing, he asked: Do you have any new requirements for the ghost bride's design?

Zhou Xue suddenly came back to her senses while staring at his face. She nodded and said softly: Just yesterday, I had some new ideas.

She took out her phone and opened a picture in the photo album.

This is a simple concept draft. Zhou Xue is in the game industry and knows nothing about character design. Although her drawing is very simple, compared with Yu Xing, she looks like a primary school student standing in front of a college student, but at least all the design points are displayed. come out.

Yu Xing took her phone and looked at it carefully.

In the picture, the background is black, and a woman in red makeup—or a female ghost—is floating low in the air, with her feet in red cloth shoes hanging limply.

The woman has a dignified figure, with an upright upper body, hands folded in front of her abdomen, a red robe wrapped around her body, her hair tied up, and a red hijab covering her head. It was blown slightly by the wind from nowhere, making people able to I saw a small part of the female ghost's face.

His skin was pale, his lips were bright red, and they were slightly open. Two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes covered by the hijab, and then fell from his mandible to the ground, exploding into a blood flower.

He glanced at the details, raised his eyebrows and asked, How is this different from before? It's just that the style of clothes has changed a little. Is it necessary?

Zhou Xue pursed her lips: Yes, this kind of clothes is what a ghost bride wears.

Her answer is specious, but if you listen carefully, you can hear a vague persistence in it.

It was as if...she knew what the existence of the Ghost Bride looked like.

Yu Xing handed the phone back, held up his chin and asked, Is this the last revision? I will start painting this afternoon. If there are new requirements then, I will be irritable.

He did not ignore Zhou Xue's pupils that narrowed slightly when he heard this.

How about... you design other characters first? As expected, after a few seconds, she spoke carefully.

Yu Xing tentatively asked, Then I'll draw the ghost groom first?

Um... didn't the groom say that he should paint after the bride? Zhou Xue seemed to have not expected that he would switch to the ghost groom as soon as he changed his target, and he hesitated to persuade him.

Yu Xing knew it well.

He ate his food and did not respond whether he should insist on painting the groom first. Instead, he raised his chin and pointed at Zhou Xue's mobile phone: Don't you think there is something missing in your painting?

There was a trace of confusion in her eyes: Well, of course, I always feel that there is something missing... But I can't - I can't think of it.

There was a strange pause in the middle of a sentence, as if he had changed his words temporarily.

Yu Xing guessed that what she wanted to say was not that she couldn't think of it, but that she couldn't remember it.

This person might have been inextricably linked to Liu Xue. Just because his face was very similar to the photo of Liu Xue in the mourning hall, this point was established.

He didn't want to play riddles, which would only make him continue to be a casual colleague and unable to effectively complete the protection task.

Recalling the few impressions he had of the Ghost Bride Liu Xue so far, Yu Xing said: The Ghost Bride...if her nails were painted red, would it be more atmospheric?

Zhou Xue was stunned.

She looked at her phone for a long time, looking a little confused.

Characters like the Ghost Bride are very common in horror games. Her nails are either red or black. It should be easy to imagine, but Zhou Xue gave the Ghost Bride a pair of hands with pure nails in the painting.

She said: I always feel that she shouldn't wear red nail polish...it doesn't feel right...

Yu Xing narrowed his eyes slightly, thought for a moment and changed his words: What about instead of using red nail polish, what about blood stains?

Zhou Xue's eyes suddenly lit up.

A pair of white and slender hands with blood flowing freely appeared in her mind.

But there's still something missing...

Add a paper knife. The magnetic male voice woke her up from her memory. She suddenly opened her eyes wide and stared at Fang Xing in front of her.

In the current design, she has not mentioned the bride's weapons.

She always felt that there was a layer of mist that prevented her from thinking, but when Yu Xing said the words paper knife, she actually felt that, yes, the ghost bride should use this.

Yes, in those broken and hard-to-capture memories, this is what the Ghost Bride uses!

Zhou Xue seemed very happy, but the look of death on her face became even stronger, so much so that Yu Xing suspected that she might be unlucky enough to be hit by a car as soon as she went out.

Is it part of the mission to protect her from being killed by bad luck... Yu Xing complained in his heart.

Then, while Zhou Xue was staring at him, Yu Xing continued: You look ugly. Did something happen to you recently?

Ah... no. Zhou Xue looked away, but this feeling of guilt proved that she was lying.

Looking at you, it looks like you can't sleep every day. How many nights have you been up all night? Yu Xing asked her to look at her dark circles. Even though they were covered with makeup, they were still very obvious.

I'm afraid that after taking off the makeup, her eyes will be comparable to those of a panda.

When it came to sleeping, Zhou Xue trembled involuntarily.

Obviously, her spirit is actually very bad, and she is not at all as nonchalant as she can show now.

Yu Xing pretended to get closer and looked at her with squinted eyes.

What, what are you doing... Even though Fang Xing has a weird personality and is difficult to get along with, he has never been so close before. Zhou Xue looked at him, a little at a loss.

It's okay, I just feel like your face looks a bit like a relative of mine who was knocked out of his mind before. Yu Xing started to talk nonsense, but after finishing it, he seemed to realize it, Oh, isn't it a good idea for me to talk like this? It's like It’s like I’m cursing you.”

According to his guess, if Zhou Xue is really in trouble, she will definitely be interested in the relatives he mentioned.

As expected, she paused and said, No, no, no, who doesn't know that you are outspoken... But what does it mean to be in trouble?

Just, it sounds a bit superstitious. I don't know if you believe it or not. Yu Xing pretended to recall, I heard from my aunt that that relative always felt that he could share another person's memory, but he also remembered It was unclear, but later he discovered that this memory... came from a dead person.

Zhou Xue swallowed her saliva: What then?

Then? The dead man wanted to kill him, and he almost died. One morning, he was frothing at the mouth and fell to the ground. He was sent to the hospital, still talking about ghosts. At that time, the people around him took off his clothes and Look, I see a black handprint on my chest.

Zhou Xue: ...Is this, so scary?

Yu Xing snorted softly: Later, my aunt finally hired a reliable alchemist. The alchemist said that he had a soul attack and performed a ritual, and then he got better. I just saw the photo of that relative at that time, and I can tell you Today's situation is a bit similar. Mainly because we are living a 'nightmare', facing all kinds of ghosts and monsters every day. I just remembered it, no offense intended.

[Relying on a piece of specious nonsense]

[ah? Is this nonsense? I actually believed it]

[Obviously, he doesn’t know what Zhou Xue encountered specifically, but this paragraph definitely fits Zhou Xue’s attitude towards paintings like the Ghost Bride. It’s easy to win]

[Good guy, I really feel lucky to have experienced this]

[Hahaha, typical cliché to gain trust]

[I think Zhou Xue has already believed it]

Zhou Xue did look at Yu Xing differently. At first, she just asked someone to change the image of the ghost bride, but now she felt confused. She asked cautiously: Then do you believe it, that relative's soul-killing thing? Things, no matter how you sound, they are a bit inconsistent with materialism...

Ha, if I didn't believe it, why would I like painting original supernatural paintings so much? Yu Xing picked up a ready-made excuse and seemed not to be embarrassed at all about his belief in ghosts.

Then, he pretended that he just noticed Zhou Xue's trembling hands and took another mouthful of food: No, are you really in trouble? Do you want me to ask someone to take a look at it for you?

Zhou Xue seemed a little hesitant.

Yu Xing didn't rush him, he thought to himself.

Zhou Xue's attitude toward her own experiences seems a bit strange.

She was obviously worried and scared. If it were anyone else, as soon as she heard that someone understood and believed this nonsense, and that there was a way to solve it, she would have immediately given up her guard and told him.

But Zhou Xue was different. While she was scared, she seemed to have a little hope and waiting.

It was as if she was waiting for something to arrive.

But Yu Xing's proposal was still very attractive to Zhou Xue. Her eyelashes trembled: Then...

Just when he thought he had succeeded, Zhou Xue's peripheral vision fell on the ghost bride's painting.

She actually stopped the second half of her sentence and gritted her teeth and said, No, you misunderstood, I'm fine.

Yu Xing: ... Tsk.

It seems that if you want to protect Zhou Xue today, you have to take some extraordinary measures.

Besides how easy it was to arouse suspicion, Yu Xing shut up, finished his meal while listening to the song, said hello to Zhou Xue and left.

His bloody nail proposal and paper knife proposal were both approved, and he returned to his workstation and slept on his stomach.

If nothing else goes wrong, he won't be able to sleep tonight. He can only hope that the brief safety of this first day will allow him to replenish his sleep.

Then, he spent the whole afternoon working on drawing. During this period, Yu Xing also hacked the company's internal network while others were not paying attention, and pulled out Zhou Xue's resume and information to read it.

Until after get off work, Yu Xing packed up his things and headed to the parking lot.

Along the way, he walked close to the blind corner. With the help of vehicles and people, he did not leave any identifiable figure on the surveillance camera. If the surveillance camera captured him, he would only be able to see a blurry figure wrapped in green mist. - He took out the Sheqing Dream and let the mist invisible to ordinary people wrap around his body and affect the electromagnetism.

A few minutes later, he stood behind a white car, tinkered with his laptop for a while, and successfully hacked into the car system.

This is Zhou Xue's car.

He climbed into the trunk.

【small theater】

Yu Xing: On the importance of learning more hacking techniques.

Zhu Yan: If I were here, I could get it out of your way in thirty seconds, and the surveillance cameras could help you hack it, you’re so lucky.

Yu Xing:?

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