Absurd deduction game

Chapter 254 Nightmare (15)-Drive away

The night is dark and windy, suitable for committing crimes.

At midnight, Zhao Ruru, who had been frightened for a long time, lay quietly on her bed and fell asleep.

Everything seemed to be repeating the same process as last night, with flesh and blood covered in it, black shadows swaying, paper figures wearing red embroidered shoes approaching quietly, but Zhou Xue on the bloody bed was unaware of it, still trapped in a dream.

After a while, there was a soft sound from the window, green mist poured in, and a slender figure wearing a coat jumped out of it, with a neat posture. It seemed that this was not the first time he had done this.

Yu Xing had already adapted to the environment in this room. Under the gaze of the shadow and the bride in red emerging from the paper figure, he simply approached Zhou Xue and pulled out the scarf from her neck. A red rope hanging with white jade.

You... The ghost bride floated over hesitantly with a pale face. Before she could finish her sentence, Yu Xing interrupted her.

He tossed the white jade up and down in his hand a few times, and the word Ling on the jade kept appearing in his sight. He smiled and said, Will I take you to change the environment?

The two ghosts in the room didn't know what he meant. When they saw him climbing over the window again, they thought he had decided to help smash the jade. They were a little disappointed when they heard this.

The ghost bride didn't say a word. Normally, she would have been filled with resentment and started yelling. But last night, she was tortured by Yu Xing's mental body. She found that her ability to control herself had improved and she could think independently. The time is much longer than before.

So she just floated towards the paper man silently, planning to fend for herself.

As a result, before she had drifted for two seconds, she felt something and turned her head in shock - Yu Xing had already stuffed the jade into his pocket and was about to leave.

He didn't intend to get an answer from the ghost, probably just to inform him in advance out of politeness.

Stop!! The Ghost Bride roared angrily.

As soon as night comes, the barrage becomes active.

Because at night, dreams appear, and each team undergoes the test of life and death at night.

At this time, Yu Xing was in a state of great concern.

[What is he going to do? ]

[Luo Jue smashed the jade, the whole group fell into a dream, and the system issued the final protection mission. If you ask me, wouldn’t it be time to overtake the schedule?]

[Holy shit, the progress is overtaking? ]

[I feel a little strange. If I wanted to smash him, I could have smashed it yesterday, but he didn’t]

[You are just timid and cautious, you deserve to be surpassed, little lolita is no better than someone who dares not reveal her true face]

[You are so funny, then what are you doing here? ]

[Friendly reminder, I have seen Xing’s true face, and he is definitely much more handsome than what you see now, because you can’t imagine his beauty]

[Luoliang didn't smash it last night either. He and Xing seemed to have the same idea, because he also asked about the car]

[car? What car? I didn’t watch the daytime drama here]

[Xing asked Zhao Ruru if her character had a car, Zhao Ruru said yes, Xing said that would be fine]

[Absolutely, Luoliang’s side is pretty much the same, and there’s also the Ji group, they didn’t even break the jade]

[Now it is obvious that overthrowing Zhou Xue's words and helping the ghost who wants to kill Zhou Xue smash the jade can trigger the next stage of the mission. Why don't they smash it? ]

[In another month, I would only say that these people are not good and do not decisively believe in ghosts who seem to have malicious intentions. But this month there are too many big guys, and the ones who don’t smash jade are all real big guys, so I am not sure anymore. , is this the aura of a boss?]

[Maybe, I wonder where Sachi is going to take Jade]

When the barrage was noisy, Yu Xing had already held Yu and started to turn it out of the window.

The Ghost Bride seemed anxious about him taking away Jade, and tried to stop him, but was blocked behind by a cloud of blue mist.

No...will...die... Her condition today was average. She couldn't say a complete sentence and could only pronounce the syllables with difficulty like squeezing out toothpaste.

However, she couldn't stop Yu Xing at all.

I don’t know whether her existence depends on Zhou Xue or Jade. In short, when Yu Xing decisively left with Jade, the ghost bride let out a painful scream and blood continued to flow from her body.

The flesh and blood began to breathe, squirming a little, and the black shadow was forced into the corner, struggling to stand among the pools of blood that seemed to have life. The ghost bride's mind was eroded again, and she began to howl like a wild beast, sharp His nails are sharp and long.

For a moment, this bedroom seemed to become more terrifying because it lost the protection of jade.

Only Zhou Xue, lying in such a terrible environment, slept firmly.

The wind was strong, bringing a unique chill at night.

Downstairs, Zhao Ruru was neatly dressed, turned on the heater and waited for Yu Xing in the car.

She had a very good view below, and she couldn't help but admire Yu Xing as he walked on the high wall.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're lucky, you're too strong. She sighed half sincerely and half jokingly, watching Yu Xing climb down from the wall, averting her eyes and driving the car out of the parking space.

Yu Xing touched the tip of his nose which was red from the cold, walked a few steps to the front of the car, opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

Zhao Ruru asked: Did you get it?

Of course. Let's go.

The vehicle slid slowly and drove forward along the road illuminated by the street lights.

Do you really want to go to the cemetery at night?

Zhao Ruru was looking for something to say while driving, because to be honest, she was a little worried about Yu Xing's somewhat risky approach.

After returning from the subway station, she suggested that since the three days of the mission were different from what they imagined, they might as well try smashing the jade tonight to see if it could trigger the plot.

To this, Yu Xing’s answer at the time was——

The plot will inevitably be triggered, because this is the first step in the correct way to clear the level.

But I don't plan to break the jade, that is to say, I don't plan to pass the level in this way.

Zhao Ruru: ...

You are so confident, which puts a lot of pressure on me as a teammate.

But Yu fortunately has the capital to be confident.

He just smiled and reminded: Did you forget the side mission?

In the initial tip, it was indeed mentioned that there are side quests at this stage, which players need to explore on their own.

And since Yu Xing said this, Zhao Ruru knew that this guy must have found a way to trigger the side mission.

What else can be done? You can't just trust him.

At this time, she was driving her car and had already driven out of the gate of the community. She turned on the navigation on her mobile phone and her destination was the distant cemetery.

She said worriedly: It must have been closed a long time ago.

Yu Xing leaned on the back of the chair and looked at the scenery outside the window, eyes narrowed: Climb over the wall and get in.

Zhao Ruru's forehead twitched: You turned in, what should I do?

The wall is not high, so you can do it.

She felt that Yu Xing overestimated her skill: ...I can't do it.

You can do it. Yu Xing turned around, looked at her seriously, and made a perfunctory and powerless cheering gesture, Believe in yourself.

continue writing

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