Absurd deduction game

Chapter 302 The Legend of Resurrection

The conclusion Ai Li came to made the group fall silent and there was no hope, which meant that Ade would die here.

And this is not Ade’s fault alone.

Ade can't stay, and we can't take him with us. Finley said with a sullen face, The scent of him will kill us.

The team members all thought of the insect swarm just now. It was so huge that no one wanted to experience it again. After all, not every time we encounter a river, we are so lucky.

If they are chased by a swarm of insects in a place without water protection, they will have no choice but to die.

So be it, Brother Sun, the swarm of insects has just left, and it may come back later. We still... One of the three people whose name Yu Xing didn't know interrupted, Dead people are common, aren't they?

For people like them, whose job is to dig up people's ancestral graves, their moral values ​​are not strong and they are more cruel and ruthless than ordinary people.

This person was right, the swarm of insects might be nearby, and they didn't have time to be indecisive. Finley was even far away from Ade. He was glad that the blood Ade vomited didn't get on him.

Ade was already unconscious. After he vomited blood, his eyes rolled and his pupils dilated.

Yu Xing didn't pay attention to this. In his opinion, Ade's ending was already doomed. Even if this group of people were particularly kind and willing to take Ade with them, Ade would not be able to survive and would instead become a real burden.

The smarter choice is to give up.

He did not participate in the discussion. He returned to the river with his bag and lay on the river bank to watch.

This river was living water, but it didn't flow very fast. It looked like it was still. After Yu Xing looked around, he found a drowned insect corpse downstream of where he had just taken shelter.

What are you doing? Shijiu followed him again out of nowhere. She seemed to like staying by Yu Xing's side. Before setting off, she was the only one sitting outside Yu Xing's tent eating, just watching over him. Similar.

Yu Xing smiled, reached out and fished out an insect corpse under Shijiu's somewhat horrified expression, and gently threw it to the ground.

The insect was wet all over, its wings were stuck together, and its eight thin legs were closed like a spider, but its hard body and mouthparts were still scary.

Smell it. He motioned Shijiu to come closer, and Shijiu squatted down and took a sniff.

No fragrance? Her eyes widened slightly, and she quickly understood what Yu Xing wanted to express, I understand, the fragrance is emitted from the insect's blood. After it bites, the toxin enters the human body, and it is also the first time it enters the human body. Changing human blood, the fragrance on Ade’s body comes from the wounds and spit blood.”

That's right, so as long as it doesn't cause wounds, there is no danger in killing insects. Yu Xing likes to talk to smart people, which will save him a lot of time in explaining, Does the team bring insecticides?

Shijiu was very happy: I brought it with me. It's in the supplies, but I remember there were only two bottles of spray. After all... No one expected that there would be such deadly insects in the mountains.

But this was undoubtedly good news, and it immediately calmed down the panic of being helpless in the face of the bugs. She said: I will tell them right now and ask them to separate two people to hold the insecticide as backup.

After saying poetry and wine, she wanted to go back, but Yu Xing stopped her.

What's wrong? Shijiu was surprised.

Yu Xing threw the insect corpse back into the lake and asked calmly: How long have you been joining this team?

Well... Shijiu glanced at him, Actually, this is the first time I have acted with them. I used to take my own people to the grave. This time, something happened to my people. I got connected with Brother Sun’s team through someone’s introduction.”

I am a member of the team in name only, and I obey Brother Sun's instructions, but he has to be polite to me. After all, I don't rely on him. If we break up, I can still go home. She showed a confident smile, as if He was very proud of Yu Xing's question, Otherwise, how could Brother Sun doubt me just now? There's no way I could argue with that veteran scumbag Finley.

I see... Yu Xing stood up, but he still felt a little weird.

Shijiu's words were correct, but he still remembered that when he first woke up, Shijiu's rebuke to Finley was completely to use Brother Sun to suppress Finley. She seemed to know Brother Sun very well, and even knew the team very well. preliminary preparation.

The two of them didn't waste much time here. Seeing that he had no other questions, Shijiu ran back and told Yu Xing's discovery, emphasizing that it was Yu Xing's contribution, and also suggested that they should stop judging people by their appearance.

As a result, the team's disdain for San, the painter, became much quieter, and even Finley became less irritated.

Yu Xing remained calm and listened as the team finally discussed how to deal with Ade.

Hey... Brother Sun glanced at his team members, pulled out a dagger, and decisively cut Ade's trachea, Let him die more simply, so as not to be eaten alive by insects later. Get his supplies and let’s go.”

No one objected, they were all mentally prepared.

The number of people had been reduced less than four hours after entering the forest. Everyone was not in a high mood and even talked less.

Brother Sun looked at the map and pointed in a direction: This place is a bit deviated from our destination, but fortunately it's not too far away. Let's go around.

In the following time, everyone worked hard and paid attention to see if there were any big gray worms around. Not to mention, they did see a few lone ones on the road they must pass. They ignored them. Once they noticed the bugs flying over, Aaron, who had the best eyesight, was responsible for spraying the bugs with insecticide.

In this way, the next hour or so was uneventful, and no more dangerous creatures were encountered.

In the sixth hour, Yu Xing received one-third of the background introduction issued to him by the system on time.

[You are now a member of the Strange Incident Investigation Studio. During this time, you have used your various abilities hidden under your identity as a painter to complete many tasks for the studio, and you have been appreciated by your boss. 】

[Regarding the last black ancestral hall and coffin village, after the news leaked out, it aroused the interest of tomb robbers. Experienced tomb robbers have dug into the stories behind the ancestral hall and wanted to understand the secrets of immortality and illusion. Among them, a force found the black ancestral halls scattered around the world and found that they were all related, and a huge tomb seemed to be involved. 】

[This tomb corresponds to ancient legends. According to legend, a thousand years ago, there was a demon who studied the art of immortality and made many half-lived and half-dead living corpses. He spent his whole life doing this crazy experiment. In the end, The results of the experiment were buried together with his body in the long river of history. 】

[The Demonic Way may have developed a way to rejuvenate the body after death, not to live forever, but to resurrect. If there really is a way to resurrect the dead in this world, it must be hidden in the tomb of the Demon Dao. As soon as the news came out, countless people fell into madness. 】

[The team that initially searched for black ancestral halls around the world had the most comprehensive information. Among them were Feng Shui masters. From the arrangement of the ancestral halls, they deduced the approximate location of the tomb, which is in Chongyin Mountain in the north of the country. 】

[This time, when your boss heard about the Temple Tomb Palace, he guessed that there would be forces looking for you to be your guide. The boss asked you to figure it out yourself. If you can dig out the secret of the tomb palace , you will receive help from the studio to resolve the fight within the family as soon as possible. 】

[All interested forces have recently set out for Chongyin Mountain. Although the entrance is different, the destination is the same. You randomly selected a relatively experienced team to stay, planning to use them to reach the tomb palace, and then study the tomb palace carefully. secret. 】

Yu Xing digested the plot while walking. He was a little surprised. The black ancestral hall located on the mountain in Coffin Village actually had such a big secret. It was also a chain of ancestral halls. What he encountered was just one of many ancestral halls.

At this moment, he had answers to some unexplainable things in his mind.

It turns out that the coffin village was created only by the black coffin. The coffin village was formed purely due to the influence of the black coffin and the ancestral hall. Zhou Yongsheng probably felt the power contained in the coffin, so he made a show of sacrificing living people. The drama of resurrecting oneself.

It's a pity that Zhou Yongsheng failed. He rotted there and returned to where he belonged.

Yu Xing developed a keen interest in temples and tombs. An ancestral temple has so much power, but what about the real tomb?

Is the demon buried in the tomb really dead? What is the principle of this resurrection ability, and is it related to his own resurrection ability?

When he thought of this, he became excited.

If possible, he really wanted to go deep into the tomb, lift the coffin board of the Demonic Path, and if it could still speak, discuss with it the generation of its resurrection ability - and by the way, ask it what price it needed to pay for this ability.

Yu Xing has always felt that his infinite resurrection and recovery are not just the result of the curse and long-term weakness. There must be other prices waiting for him. He has been in a very dangerous situation until the secret is revealed. On the day it is revealed, he may know... what kind of end he will end up with.

Hey, is it going to rain?

Suddenly, Luke's yelling reached his ears, and he temporarily came back to his senses and looked at the sky.

A small raindrop fell right on the tip of his nose, bringing a burst of coolness and clarity.

The weather in the mountains is like a corpse underground, it changes at any time.

Not long after Luke spoke, the rain evolved from drizzle to downpour. Brother Sun hurriedly greeted everyone: Don't leave yet, find a campsite to hide from the rain!

The surrounding terrain was uneven, so they hurriedly explored forward, trying to find a suitable piece of land.

Yu Xing ran after him. In just a few minutes, he was soaked like a drowned rat. His whole body was soaked. His hair was in the way and blocked his sight, and he was pushed back.

The team members looked around, and finally Aaron found a good place and pointed to the slope: There is a cave there! Shall we go in and take shelter from the rain?

Finley said: I don't know if there is enough space inside, and I don't know if there are any dangerous things in the cave. Let's just keep looking. Scar and I will go in and take a look.

Yu Xing also wanted to go, but Ai Li grabbed his arm and dragged him to the foot of a leafy tree.

Ai Li happily claimed the credit: San, this tree has many leaves and hardly gets much rain underneath. Am I good? You stay here while I call Shijiu and Luke over.

There were about four people standing under the tree. Her suggestion was very reasonable, so Yu Xing didn't object. Ai Li ran out very quickly, and she was so powerful that she didn't look like a doctor.

He patted the water on the surface of his backpack and painting tube, and fell into deep thought - according to the development of the plot, it is time for some other dangers to appear. Will it be related to the rain?

In the end, Ally failed to call Shijiu and Luke, because Finley quickly leaned out of the hole on the slope and shouted in his broken gong voice: Come in, everyone, the hole can barely fit us in. all!

Aaron added: I've seen it! There's no danger!

Yu Xing wiped his face and silently took a look at the terrain around the cave. The cave was on a slope. The terrain was high and would not be flooded. The entrance to the cave was very hidden and difficult to be discovered.

The problem was that he always felt that the pile of grass at the entrance of the cave seemed to be a sign of man-made bedding.

The traces are very inconspicuous, and may have been destroyed and covered up later. Ordinary adventurers and tomb robbers may not be able to see it, and he only noticed it with his stronger observation and certain intuition than normal people.

There may or may not be danger in the cave, but someone should have taken refuge here.

Through the background provided by the system, he already knew that there was more than just Brother Sun's team in this mountain. Although they were indeed the only ones setting out from the local camp, there was no guarantee that there were no other teams nearby entering the mountain through other ways.

As Yu Xing followed Brother Sun's command towards the cave, he was thinking: Will I meet Carlos?

Since the system gave a special reminder before entering the deduction, it means that Carlos is likely to participate in the deduction of the Tomb Palace. After all, he is not the only one who survived in the Coffin Village to provide information to other teams. Carlos, Xiao Xuechen, Wei Fan and the twin brothers whose names he didn't quite remember were all qualified for this position.

Even Zhou Qinghai can do it. To a certain extent, he was conceived by the living village chief Zhou Facai and the dead people who had died in the tomb. His existence is more closely related to the tomb.

Come in quickly. Shijiu was in front of him, turned around and pulled him, smiling, You have enough brains and are suitable for tomb robbing, but your physical fitness needs to be improved. Why are you so slow when climbing a slope?

Yu Xing was just thinking about things and didn't leave well.

He remained calm, retaining the reaction that a painter who lacks exercise should have. After thanking him, he finally bent down and got into the cave.

The air in the cave is more humid than outside. The entrance to the cave is very short, but the inside of the cave is quite spacious. It's not too big and not too small, just enough to fit eleven people and their supplies in. It won't be impossible to stuff them any more, and it will be a bit crowded. .

The walls of the cave were covered with moss, and ivy-like vines snaked up and down the upper half of the cave.

No wonder Finley and Aaron only took a moment to confirm safety, because the cave has a clear view and has no cracks or forks, so even if they thought there was danger, they wouldn't have that condition.

It's all wet. Brother Sun looked at everyone's clothes. The supply backpacks were waterproof and they were all fine. But if people wear wet clothes, they might get sick. Getting sick here is not fun.

He shook the water and thought for a moment: Come and bring a few people back with me to pick up some useful branches. We will make a fire to dry our clothes and wait until the rain stops before setting off.

Everyone agreed, and after some discussion, Brother Sun, Shijiu, Finley and a young man named Thorn Tou went to pick up branches, while the others rested first.

Except for this cave, the terrain on the hillside was very low. It rained for a while and water accumulated. Before the rain penetrated into the soil and tree roots, the branches on the ground were basically useless. They could only walk further up the mountain.

Luke asked: Come back early. If you need anything, just shout or send a signal.

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