Absurd deduction game

Chapter 310 Bird Corpse

Lifting up the paper man with his slender fingers, Yu Xing looked at the confused paper man who didn't know what to do and said, Tell Carlos that boys should protect themselves when they go out.

paper man:……?

Although he didn’t understand why Yu Xing said this, the paper man, as a dead creature without much ability to act independently, still did as he was told.

Have you conveyed it? Yu Xing asked.

The paper man nodded.

Well, in order to protect my privacy, now... I am going to destroy you. Before the little paper man could react, Yu Xing grabbed the paper man and dipped it into the water.

The lake water mercilessly soaked the paper figures, making them soft and lose their shape.

It hardly struggled to resist, because Carlos himself often used paper figures to ward off disasters. The paper figures were often burned, corroded, and smashed by fire. In comparison, Yu Xing's approach was nothing.

The facial features of the paper man were blurred, so Yu Xing picked it up. It was crumpled into a ball and could no longer be called a paper man. It also lost the ability of the paper man and became a pile of ordinary paper paste.

Now Yu Xing was satisfied and climbed ashore leisurely, sitting next to the burning fire to roast himself.

He took out the towel from his bag and wiped his long hair, wiped the water on his body, and then still sat by the fire, because his... pants were not dry yet.

Yu Xing was not in a hurry. According to Carlos, the exploration of the third road was just halfway through. Thinking that the end was at least a day away, he would rush there by himself, which would be much faster than a whole team.

Finally, when the sun rose above his head, Yu Xing packed himself up, shouldered his bag and the painting tube in high spirits, and swung the hook rope to climb up the rocks beside the waterfall.

The waterfall flows down from a high place. There are stone walls on both sides of it. It has many more footholds than the previous cliff, but it is also more slippery.

With a pop sound, Yu Xing accurately threw the grappling hook between the rocks above the waterfall and got stuck. After testing the strength of the rope, he grabbed the rope and stepped on the rocks with his hiking boots, accompanied by the waterfall beside his ears. The roaring sound climbed up one after another.

Fingerless gloves protected his palms from abrasions. It took him almost no time to reach the top and saw a flat open space.

A cliff and a waterfall. The vertical heights of both show how much higher Chongyin Mountain is on the basis of the first two mountains. Yu Xing heard that the entrance to the tomb palace is on Chongyin Mountain, which means that the tomb palace itself should be hidden in the mountain. .

Just when he stepped on the ground and took off the claw hook and put it away, a gust of damp and cold wind blew, bringing out a cry-like wuwu sound. The sound was endless, desolate and hollow, making people feel uncomfortable. .

But Yu Xing knew as soon as he heard it that there should be caves in Chongyin Mountain. When the wind passes through the large and small caves in the caves, it will produce such a terrifying sound.

The open space under his feet was about a hundred square meters, not big, covered with weeds and very hard to step on.

Yu Xing squatted down, stretched out his fingers and poked, and found that the feet were not earth, but rocks that had been stained with mud for many years and were difficult to recognize at a glance.

The entire open space is just a complete stone of more than 100 square meters. Although the reason for its formation is not known, Yu Xing instantly thought that if the surface of the entire mountain is like this, then if the tomb robbers want to dig holes to get to the tomb, they may not be able to do so. It's possible.

This kind of stone is so hard that it would take a long time to drill a small hole. What tomb robber can afford it? The supplies entering the mountain are limited. Before going to the tomb, it is most important to ensure your own life safety.

At this moment, Yu Xing felt a chill behind him.

He felt a strong and substantial sight, hovering around like a ghost, staring at him unbridled!

This kind of sight is full of malice, making people feel as if something will appear at any time and kill them.

Here comes the sense of voyeurism that Carlos calls it.

Yu Xing pretended not to notice it and walked along the right side of the flat open space while quietly exploring the surroundings with the maximum sense of perception he could mobilize now.

The sense of peeping followed him like a shadow, as if it was growing on him. He vaguely felt that the sight did not come from one place, but was scattered.

Especially after stepping out of the open space, this feeling becomes even stronger.

In the cave, behind the trees, between the leaves, even above the head and under the feet, there seemed to be pairs of invisible eyes monitoring Yu Xing. Yu Xing felt this pressure firsthand and learned a little more about Carlos' team.

This sense of gaze is like a hypnosis that inspires fear in people's hearts. Those who can persevere without breaking down must not be idiots. They are more or less capable. Let's not mention whether there are any particularly strong bosses in Carlos' team. Anyway, at least no one is holding us back.

I don’t know which one of Aili and Shijiu is on Carlos’ side?

Two minutes later, the sun set in the west.

Wait... West Incline?

Yu Xing raised his head and stared at the sky in surprise. He was right. The sun that had just risen above his head just now turned out to be like dusk, dyeing the sky red.

In just a few minutes, the place turned from noon to dusk?

How can it be.

Yu Xing remembered that when he climbed up the waterfall, the sky was still normal. The problem should have come from the moment he stepped into Chongyin Mountain.

Does this mountain have its own abnormal enchantment, which affects the time that people in the mountain can see, or is there something here that affects human common sense and thinking?

Yu Xing stopped and waited for a while. Dusk did not turn into night very quickly. It could even be said that there was no change at all, indicating that the flow of time on Chongyin Mountain was not accelerated.

He came to the conclusion and continued to move forward. The sky changed again, getting darker and darker as he went deeper, as if it was a metaphor for something.

What's even more frightening is that the sky turns from red to dark, and the peeping eyes also change from hot to cold, as if a murderer is tired of playing with the people who have been arrested, and then says to these people: You are no longer useful. Today Just die.

Yu Xing had a bad premonition in his heart. He always felt that something bad was coming.

As a result, he shuttled back and forth among the rocks, still exactly the same as before, nothing came out.

Tsk, hurry up, I still want to see it. He was not satisfied with the unexpected change and secretly urged.

What was in front of him now was a narrow mountain crevice. This was probably the road on the right that Carlos mentioned. As long as he went in, he would find Carlos inside.

At the same time, the gaze from behind him became intense.

Strange...where did the sight come from? Yu Xing muttered in his heart, pulled out the Tang Dao in the painting tube, ignored the sight, and walked in without hesitation.

The stone gap is very narrow and can only accommodate one person. Even if a person is too fat, he will not be able to squeeze in at all, and he will have to find another way.

Yu Xing adjusted the painting tube in front of him, turned slightly sideways, and rubbed it bit by bit.

It can be said that at the beginning it was extremely narrow, and then it became clear. After dozens of steps, it suddenly became enlightened.

After passing a short stone gap, there was an open forest land behind. The proportion of soil on the ground finally increased, and it was no longer all stones. It could support the growth of plants, but it could not provide much nutrients, so most of the tree trunks were dry.

It's just... this forest feels a bit familiar to Yu Xing, as if he has been here before.

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows: Is it another hallucination?

In the real world, he has traveled to so many places and encounters a place that seems familiar, so the probability of having been to that place before is very high.

But this is a deduction world, how could he have the illusion of déjà vu?

Could it be...

Yu Xing had a vague guess in his mind. He did not confirm it immediately, but continued to move forward with the attitude of giving it a try.

The sun was blocked behind the mountains, announcing the arrival of night in the mountains.

Yu Xing really spent about the same time from dusk to night to walk this section of the road. He didn't encounter anything. Because of this, he thought that Chongyin Mountain was secretly trying to hold back a big move.

There are poisonous insect bone vines, dead people in the valley, and white flowers in Tianjin ahead. But when we reach Chongyin Mountain, there is only psychological oppression and no other dangers? Yu Xing didn't believe it when he said it. He felt that since the Demon Dao wanted to protect the tomb, it was impossible to do so. Otherwise, wouldn't he be a fool?

It couldn't be that the demons in the front quickly killed the tomb robbers, but later when they were building the Chongyin Mountain Tomb Palace, the other party changed their minds and was so moved by the tomb robbers' narrow escape that they decided to open the door to welcome the tomb robbers into his home?

Shaking his head, Yu Xing refocused his attention that had begun to wander due to the pressure brought by the sense of voyeurism, stopped thinking randomly, and concentrated on dealing with the current situation.

The dark wind kept blowing by, and just looking at the atmosphere, Chongyin Mountain was indeed the most frightening place. The whimpers brought by the wind faded in and out, whispering in Yu Xing's ears.

The longer we walked, the drier and more ferocious the trees became. As night fell, the tall trees looked like ghosts with teeth and claws. There were one or two strange shadows floating through the forest, and I didn't know what they were.

Yu Xing felt that this place was getting more and more familiar.

He wanted to turn on the flashlight, but suddenly, a burst of footsteps came from behind him. The footsteps were very fast, stepping on the dead branches on the ground, making a very high-frequency swishing sound, accompanied by rough breathing in the throat and nose due to excessive excitement. Gas, like a dying patient praying for an oxygen tube.

And judging from the position, these steps were directed at him!

...? Yu Xing's heart trembled. He didn't have time to think about anything, and immediately hid behind a nearby tree, and then moved to another location using the cover of the trees.

Only then did he have the chance to see who was rushing from behind him. He scratched the trunk of the tree and stuck his head out, and saw a tall, lanky, rickety figure in the darkness hovering where he had just stood.

This figure was visually estimated to be at least 2.4 meters tall. His limbs were as slender as bamboo poles. His waist was too long and bent, and his shoulder blades protruded upward on his back, making him look like a deformity.

What a monster!

The figure's head was embedded in the front of the bent neck, and the face was blurred. Yu Xing felt sorry for its neck when he saw it, and felt very tired.

It was as deformed and cruel as the zombie research institute that Yu Xing saw in Alice Land. It was the type where others would know it was not a good thing at a glance. The figure also held a piece of string in his hand, and followed by The figure's walking drags it to the ground.

What did it want to do to me just now? Yu Xing couldn't help but wonder. He was just standing there, maybe just because he was seen, he was almost caught by this figure.

After two days of walking alone in the mountains, the change he wanted finally came.

The figure scratched nearby and found nothing, which made it frantic and let out an angry roar.

What's going on? Is this thing an original monster in the mountain? Yu Xing stared at the monster figure for a long time. He didn't think that a normal person would bring such a companion, so he could only treat it as an aborigine in the mountain. Like the big gray worm, it is a specialty of Chongyin Mountain.

It is debatable whether it is a human or something else. Anyway, it looks like a big and thin little giant.

The giant is not completely naked. It wears a pair of shorts made of vines - only enough to cover the important parts.

This was enough for Yu Xing to realize that the monster figure had a certain IQ and was difficult to deal with.

Yu Xing noticed that the monster figure was leaving and quickly followed. He looked and saw that the direction the monster figure was walking towards was the depth of the fork on the right, so he followed all the way.

At first, everything went well.

The monster avoided the low trees and walked forward, looking both ways from time to time, as if it was worried about the Yu Xing it had just seen and wanted to continue looking.

Later, the woods became denser and denser, and Yu Xing almost lost his sight of the monster figure and was hidden in the forest by the monster figure.

Tsk, lost track.

The forest was very big, so Yu Xing simply took out his compass and headed in the direction of the general route that the monster figure had just taken. He thought that in this case, there was a high probability that he would encounter the monster again, and maybe he would see it again.

Soon, Yu Xing also probed into the forest where the monster figure disappeared. As soon as he entered, he was keenly aware of a strange smell, which was a bit like a rat, but also like the smell of rotting meat products.

Hey, what's here? Yu Xing murmured, looking up thoughtfully.


In his sight, a palm-sized black shadow quickly grew in size, from a small dot to a...

A bird?

dead bird.

Yu Xing quickly retreated, and the dead bird hit the ground. If he had reacted slower just now, the bird corpse would have fallen on his face. The little bird with gray background and white stripes had its eyes closed. Due to the impact, its head was deformed. It was no longer as cute as it was when it was jumping around. What was left was only extremely weird and evil.

Yu Xing knelt down to check. He squinted his eyes and turned on the flashlight, controlling it to only illuminate a small area to avoid attracting the silhouette monster just now.

He checked the degree of decay of the bird on one side and found that it was not just dead, but had been dead for a while, so it definitely did not fall from the sky mid-flight.

Also, the bird corpse's ankles were broken, showing an unnatural bend.

It's the sequelae of being tied up.

...Fell from the tree?

Yu Xing stood up and held a flashlight to shine above the trees nearby. Sure enough, he saw a dead bird hanging upside down on a branch.

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