Absurd deduction game

Chapter 338 Leave Shen behind! ?

Everyone was horrified to hear this.

Because this is not the zombie forbidden woman they often experience, the intuitive horror can be solved with various coping methods.

This kind of horror is extremely terrifying when you think about it carefully, and the horror that slowly penetrates is irresistible and irresistible, and you even have to face self-doubt like I am still not me now.

Lin wiped a drop of cold sweat from his temples: I can't refute you, so...

He reluctantly added the last half of the sentence: In fact, each of us may be the one who is missed.

Carlos also had a bad expression: At different points in time, everyone may be quietly replaced by themselves in another timeline. If you don't know which timeline you are in, you will be the one who becomes a ghost after death.

Then after waiting for a while, the dead self may be replaced by the living self.

Therefore, it is useless to worry about who is the ghost. Except for Yunika, a woman who has indeed tampered with their perceptions, hidden herself from the beginning, and has now unleashed strong malice, everyone may become another one at any time. Ghosts on the timeline.

Or, like the man with glasses, he appears at the same time as himself in another timeline without knowing it.

Damn, how could this happen? Mr. Li was shocked by this conclusion, There must be conditions for this kind of thing to happen. It can't just start after entering Chongyin Mountain-

His voice stopped suddenly, and the twelve corpses hanging neatly on the trees at the Bird Corpse Forest appeared in his mind.

With long hair and white shrouds, this was the most complete and ceremonial death of their team so far.

Could it have started from that time?

Master Li, think about it again. Yu Xing guessed what he was thinking by looking at his expression. Yu Xing had also made this guess, but it was quickly denied. There were only twelve corpses at that time, but there were more than 100 corpses in our team. Thirteen people. It means that when the body was hung, there were already ghosts in the team who would be missed except Yunika.

Push it further? Carlos rubbed his eyebrows, If you push it further, it seems that there is nothing special that everyone has experienced. San, you met us at the ancestral hall, and after that——

It doesn't have to be after this. Yu Xing interrupted and chuckled, Don't use the timeline in your memory to measure whether everyone has experienced something. Just think about whether something is special.

Carlos frowned slightly: Well, I'm sorry, my mind hasn't adapted to multi-line thinking yet, special things...

Two seconds later, he thought.

Ancestral hall!

Black coffin.

San has laid in it before, and it doesn't get any more special than this.

Yes, black coffin. In Yu Xing's eyes, the shadow of the black coffin seemed to gradually become clearer. He recalled the eternal loneliness of lying in the coffin and the blurred concept of time.

He felt that a long time had passed, but Carlos said it was only three minutes.

What if his feelings weren't wrong?

He has really experienced a long time, but it's not on the timeline in his memory, but on another timeline that he can't peep now.

In fact, time bifurcated from here. The real Yu Xing, who stepped into Chongyin Mountain for the first time, stayed in the coffin for a long time. Carlos also waited for a long time, and Yu Xing, who came out in three minutes, was already a A replica of another timeline.

Then, the tearing feeling in the coffin can also be explained. It was not his legs or his soul that were torn apart, but his time.

Therefore, even though the tearing sensation was so strong, he did not find any wounds when he climbed out of the coffin.

What black coffin? Lin asked, That big coffin in the ancestral hall?

Mr. Li also asked: Is there anything wrong with the coffin?

That's it. Carlos cleared his throat, Before we met, this horror painter named San threw the rickety man lying in the coffin to feed the fish. You also know this, and I tell you mentioned.

Mr. Li: Then what?

Carlos: Then there's something I haven't told you. He was lying in a coffin to experience the ghost life.


Mr. Li: ...

Poetry and wine in headphones: ...

Just, I don’t know what to say, it’s quite outrageous.

It's hard to describe how I felt after I went in. It wasn't a good feeling anyway. I suspect that I was cursed or something like that in the black coffin. After I came out, I started jumping around in various timelines. Yu Xingzai He took two steps and looked at the mute ghost tongue.

Then we haven't entered either - Lin shut up mid-sentence.

He realized.

What if... they were in a coffin in a certain timeline?

A team of us all went in to investigate when passing by the ancestral hall. Carlos said, I have never laid in a coffin, but maybe I have laid in one. Among the many timelines, there is only one who has laid in it - this matter It was established.”

Unbeknownst to them, one of them was placed in a coffin for various reasons, opening Pandora's box.

As a result, this resulted in the current chaotic timeline situation.

Anyway, let's all be careful. Even if it is probably a matter of time now, we can still find one thing if we look at the glasses. Carlos pointed to the wound left by Yu Xing's Tang Dao on the man with glasses: Different timelines seem to influence each other.

Not only that, no one can be trusted anymore, what if I turn into a ghost in the next moment. Mr. Li was so annoyed that he took out another cigarette and held it in his mouth, What the fuck.

What a shame.

Suddenly, a voice that was neither human nor ghost said a sentence.

Everyone paused and looked at the source of the sound. They saw a ghost tongue swaying slightly, betraying its companions and being the first to break away from the mute team.

Why is it moving? Mr. Li pulled out the knife, What's underneath?

Yu Xing quietly took out the forbidden dream of photography.

The dagger disappeared from the persona and transferred to the palm of his hand. The cold touch brought complete peace of mind. The green mist lingered faintly on his wrist, and then he seemed to realize that there were others around him, and it completely disappeared.

Yi Qing's almost pure and transparent shadow floated out, covering Yu Xing's body faintly. Yu Xing raised his eyes, but before he could speak, he heard Yi Qing's gentle voice: Don't worry, this deduction does not restrict me so that others can't see it. I can’t hear me either, it’s still easy to do.”

Yiqing thought very carefully, and Yu Xing had nothing to say.

There is a saying that the existence of Yiqing's cyan color is one of the few colors that Yu Xing likes in the deduction. In the dream, Yiqing broke through the system limitations to remind him.

For Yi Qing, Yu Xing has gradually become accustomed to and trusts her from being wary at the beginning, so much so that after not seeing Yi Qing for a long time, she still misses her a little bit.

He really wanted to know what Yiqing was doing during this period of time when he couldn't get out, and whether he went back to Sheqing Bar to continue organizing his ghost carnival games.

The most important thing is that without Yi Qing, he is missing a very useful tool ghost.

Can't bear it.

It's interesting. The flower field is quite beautiful. It would be nice if these flowers were blue.

While Mr. Li and others were nervously searching for the ghost tongue that made the noise, Yiqing was floating above Yu Xing's head and making sarcastic remarks as if on an outing.

Hey, what do you think about the idea of ​​changing the flower field to green? Yiqing was very pleased that Yu Xing didn't reply to him.

Yu Xing: ... Tsk, I really want this ghost to shut up.

If the ghost tongue is really turned blue by Yiqing, it will basically be useless. Huatian will be able to overcome this difficulty directly. This is the strength of the green ghost.

But it's impossible for Yiqing to really take action like this. The system will definitely warn him and ask him to stop.

Yu Xing thought, so this old ghost is just talking nonsense to take revenge on him for being locked up for so long.

On the other side, Oster Company.

The tomb passages are mottled and old, and the tomb passages extending in all directions have become three-dimensional. Not only is it difficult to distinguish the left and right, there are even more stairs up and down and mechanisms to open the two tomb passages at any time.

The group of people moved forward in silence. The atmosphere was much colder than that of the Carlos team. A group of people in work clothes seemed to not know each other, and there was little communication with each other.

Ai Li walked in the second to last position, her round baby face looked very harmless - if you ignore her completely different expression of indifference from when she appeared in front of Brother Sun's team.

Where to go next? She heard a concise question from her colleague walking at the front.

They say they are colleagues, but in fact they are not familiar with each other. There are many people in the walking dead department, and the people assigned to each other are different every time. Some of them are destined to work together three or four times in their careers, while those who are not destined to work together may be separated after the mission. Will never meet again.

Some of them were because they were not assigned together, and some of them died... I don't know which mission.

Therefore, people in the zombie department are more indifferent than other departments in the company. If it is difficult to get effective reward for their emotional efforts, most people will choose not to pay.

Just like Ellie, she would rather show some kindness to people outside the company so that she can maintain some normal social interactions after get off work. As for her colleagues, forget it, they are all a group of veterans who take advantage of each other.

After the colleague in front asked the question, everyone else looked to the back.

What they were looking at was not Ally, but the man walking in the last place behind Ally.

Ling Heng, who was in the middle of the team, also looked back. He was in an extremely excited state after entering the tomb. The more ghosts there were, the happier he was.

Because he knew that this was the closest he was to resurrecting Chen Jiu.

The ghost sunken wood, the wooden core of the ghost sunken tree, is the essence of all power. As long as you get it, let alone resurrecting Chen Jiu, Chen Jiu will suddenly become a very powerful deduction.

The Tomb Palace of the Demonic Path is such a good place...

It would be nice if there weren't so many people competing with him for Ghost Chenmu.

There was a haze in his eyes as he stared at the indifferent man in a windbreaker at the bottom of the list. The man seemed to have caught the flash of murderous intent. The man's dark eyes moved and glanced at Ling Heng. He was filled with endless coldness. It immediately enveloped him.

Cold sweat broke out on Ling Heng's back. He gave up the idea of ​​confronting the opponent head-on and turned back.

Shen, what do you say? the colleague in front urged again, and then the man stretched out his hand from his coat pocket and pushed up the silver-rimmed round glasses on the bridge of his nose.

The man had a face that was too delicate to be real, more like a doll, and his voice was cold: Left.

Go left. The colleague in front led the way and took care of the office work.

The others followed, observing the surroundings to eliminate any fatal dangers, and also pay attention to whether there were any missed secret doors.

The new colleague named Shen, although it was his first time to participate in the mission of the walking dead department, was appointed as the deputy team leader. Except for the team leader this time, everyone had to listen to him.

In fact, the team leader always asks Shen for his opinion when doing things. Shen's role in the team seems to be closer to that of a strategist.

For example, where to go now depends entirely on the command of Shen who is walking at the end.

Aili was closest to Shen, and she could feel the dangerous aura emanating from Shen the most. She found that this man had no expression. Unlike the indifferent faces put on by other colleagues, his coldness seemed to go deep into his soul.

When he stares at a person, that person will feel like he is being seen by the puppet, which will create a great sense of horror due to the uncanny valley effect.

Anyway, he doesn't look like a living person.

Ai Li didn't know where this person came from. She only guessed that he had some connection with Gui Chenshu. Maybe he was someone who had studied Gui Chenshu for many years, although he looked like he was only in his early twenties.

They relied on Shen to avoid many unnecessary dangers, and even escaped several time traps. They should obviously rely on each other, but because of that sense of danger, no one dared to talk to him.

Suddenly, Ai Li stepped on an extremely hidden stone square. She froze and said calmly: I seem to have stepped on something.

Her voice spread in the quiet corridor, and no one panicked. Everyone in the team had experienced the situation of not clearing the mines completely several times.

Shen glanced at it, dark lines appeared in his eyes for a moment, and then said: It doesn't matter, it's a space mechanism.

The space mechanism is the least aggressive mechanism. It will only open a passage, allowing the person who steps on the mechanism to fall into another room, or be pulled behind the stone walls on the left and right sides.

It's just a little troublesome. The space mechanism can only be used once. In other words, if others want to find the person who stepped on the mechanism, they have to take a long detour.

As long as the person who steps on the trap is pulled away from the place the moment the trap opens, there is a certain probability that trouble will be avoided.

Ai Li felt relieved when she heard this: It's okay, Shen... just pull me.

Shen's position should make it easier to pull her.

After hearing this, Shen did not refuse, but silently took out a pair of gloves from his pocket.

Everyone: ...

I almost forgot, this man has a serious mysophobia.

It's not just about dirty things, it seems that the dirty things can be overcome. His mysophobia towards people is really too obvious.

Ai Li, let go. A colleague said.

Ai Li confirmed that Shen's hand could grab her at any time and raised her legs with confidence.

The mechanism jumped, the sound of mechanical rotation resounded through the corridor, and the ground under Ai Li's feet opened instantly.

She held out her hand.


Shen originally tried to grab her hand but did not touch her because... the scope of this mechanism was a bit large.

In the blink of an eye, both Aili and Shen disappeared into the darkness below.

other people:……!?

Wait, leave Shen to us? !

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