Absurd deduction game

Chapter 376 This fierce ghost has been pretending

So... almost unanimously, everyone wants to vote for someone who can't escape this round of suspicion and won't suffer unbearable revenge in the future because of their vote.

Some people voted for Ren Yi, and some voted for Han Zichuan, because both of them are right path lines. In ordinary deductions, the right path line is quite popular, but here, they almost have a label on their heads - they are easy to bully.

It's not that those on the right path have no temper and can be targeted at will, but their revenge afterward will basically tend to be fair and honest, or only target the enemy themselves, without involving more people.

The Fear Hospital is such an offending place.

However, after all, Ren Yi and Han Yan are both star deducers, and there are still many people who are afraid or unwilling to vote for them, so the votes fall on the somewhat angry Siren.

Siren was the one who raised the alarm, but because the corpse of the thief was too fresh, it was very possible that she had killed someone and raised the alarm to confuse others. Moreover, she said that she met Han Zichuan, but when Han Zichuan confessed, Whether on purpose or because he forgot, he did not respond to the siren, or even mention her.

Then it's possible for the Siren to lie, right? No matter how much Safuri defends her shortcomings, she will not stretch her hand too far in this kind of game, because this is only the second game, and the Kraken's elimination does not mean death.

After identification, the Kraken is out.

A beautiful woman is so angry to a group of guys who don't regard her as a woman at all.

She was really unjust, and she also realized that it was Han Zichuan's confession that led to her being cast. Behind her was the Midnight Guild, and she was not afraid of Han Zichuan. Before being executed by the dean, she said bitterly: You, and You guys, better pray you don’t run into me during sea maneuvers!”

You can tell from the name that the sea will be her home court.

Safuri sighed exaggeratedly and loudly: My poor little apprentice, they bully you like this, remember to find more troubles among these forces in the future~

Of course. The siren narrowed his eyes and showed a cruel smile.

The next moment, she was grabbed by the waist by a huge black hand stretched out from under the seat, screaming that the execution in the dark night was too supernatural. The hand looked like the hand of a ghost, and the arm was covered with bulges. The black tendons, the palm of the hand are as big as a human head, and it is unknown what kind of terrifying monster is connected behind the arm.

The big hand suddenly tightened, and Siren's face suddenly turned red. She felt a huge pressure coming from the hand, almost crushing her internal organs and ribs.

Yu Xing glanced at her and saw a strong desire to live in her eyes. Although this time was not a real death, real emotions would burst out instinctively at the moment of being restrained. At that moment, he felt the feeling of death. fear.

Fortunately, the better thing for Siren is that she was not squeezed by the ghost hand for too long. Soon, she was sent out by the system, and then with a Peng sound, her body shattered directly on the chair. It cracked, and countless blood clots spattered. This time, the people around him were smart enough to stay away early and did not get stained.

The same process, the game continues.

Everyone left the hall one after another. Yu Xing saw Han Yan leaving with Qu Xianqing out of the corner of his eye, and knew that the previous preparation had worked.

The next two tasks were not very urgent. Now that he was at leisure, he was worried about Zhao Yijiu's situation. He simply handed Han Yan over to Qu Xianqing first, while he supported Zhao Yijius and pushed Zhao Mou's wheelchair. , entered the stairwell.

Zhao Mou's wheelchair is inconvenient to go up and down the stairs, so he has always taken the elevator before. However, there are screens in the elevators, which makes it inconvenient to talk about private things. Moreover, the ghosts in the elevators are ready to move. If you don't keep track of the ride, you will win the prize and be approached by the ghosts. ,very troublesome.

Seeing that he was about to go up the stairs, Zhao Mou held the crutches in his hand and made a gesture to get up: I can walk, but you have to hold me up.

Before his butt left the seat, he was pushed back by Yu Xing. Yu Xing let go of the silent Zhao Yijiu, grabbed some parts of the wheelchair with both hands, and said with a smile: Sit tight, be careful not to drop it. Go down.

Before Zhao Mou understood what he wanted to do, a feeling of weightlessness suddenly hit him. His perspective became higher and his body bumped along with the wheelchair.

...Yu Xing actually lifted him up together with the wheelchair!

Zhao Mou stretched out his hand and gripped the armrest tightly, his eyes twitching: What are you doing? Put it down. I'm a patient. It's not a joke if I fall.

He couldn't imagine how someone as tall and thin as Yu Xing could lift him up. Is it really okay?

When Yu Xing saw Zhao Mou's expression, he knew that the other party did not trust him. He deliberately moved the angle of the wheelchair to let Zhao Mou grip the armrest harder: How can I let you fall? Brother Jiu, follow up.

One step, two steps...

Unlike Zhao Mou's imagination, he did not feel any discomfort due to Yu Xing's instability. On the contrary, he almost thought that he was sitting on such a high machine that could automatically go up the stairs.

So stable! How much effort does it take to do this?

The muscle lines of Yu Xing's arms were very well-proportioned. At this time, the muscles were slightly bulging, and his breathing was steady, and he seemed to be able to do it with ease.

Zhao Yijiu followed behind. He raised his eyelids and looked at Yu Xing's effortless movements, his expression softened slightly.

He had always known that Yu Xing was very powerful, and he felt it from the very beginning when Yu Xing kicked a physical ghost several meters away.

In this way, they successfully avoided the elevator and reached the second floor. Yu Xing found a nearby ward to put Zhao Mou down. After Zhao Yijiao also entered the room, he closed the door.

The walls of the ward were full of cracks, with cracks crisscrossing the walls and covering the walls. There were puddles of dried blood on the bed, exuding a strange smell.

On the bedside table, the rotten fruit stunk even more. A dozen unknown bugs crawled wantonly in the fruit basket. Two of them, I don’t know how, crawled into the glass cup without a lid next to the fruit basket. Inside, there is white water in the glass, and the insect corpses are floating on the water. The undeveloped transparent membrane wings can be clearly seen even with their lines.

Everything in the Screaming Night mode is abnormal, including this ward that doesn't seem to have any ghosts, but is also decorated like a murder scene.

In this not-so-pleasant environment, Yu Xing locked up and sat down on a stool: Tell me, what's going on with you guys? Can Brother Jiu's body not be able to bear it?

Before Zhao Mou could speak, Zhao Yijiu responded in a dull voice, and took the initiative to say frankly: It's been a long time since I've lost control of myself. The split personality has completely freed Li Gui's consciousness from my control. In this state, as long as it comes out, , I couldn’t control my body at all, and I didn’t even know what it was doing.”

He and I were checking the information in the data room. After all, Ren Yi was committed to finding the truth, and I wanted to try it too. Zhao Mou still took over the conversation, When I was looking through the medical case analysis, I suddenly felt There was a chill on my back, I am very familiar with this kind of breath, it was the one that chased Ah Jiu and me at night when I was a kid, and finally entered Ah Jiu's body.

I knew in an instant that the evil spirit in Ah Jiu's body had appeared. I turned my head and saw Ah Jiu looking at me with an expression he would never show -

What expression? Yu Xing interrupted.

Being able to use Zhao Yijiu's sacrifice means that this evil ghost can take out the things in Zhao Yijiu's persona. This undoubtedly proves that it and Zhao Yijiu are one and the same to some extent. It is Zhao Yijiu. Wine, Zhao Yijiu is it.

In fact, it must have been severely damaged when it escaped from the deduction system, and it might even be incomplete. It had been in Zhao Yijiu's body for so many years, and it might have assimilated long ago.

It is more like a kind of consciousness and emotion of Zhao Yijiu. When Zhao Yijiu cannot suppress Li Gui, instead of Li Gui controlling his body, it is better to say that the emotions on the Li Gui side of Zhao Yijiu burst out, and the memory , The thinking is still that of Zhao Yijiu, but the personality will undergo earth-shaking changes.

There is no distinction between their personalities, it's just that the fear of schizophrenia in the hospital has made this difference in consciousness materialize.

How should I put it? It's a kind of... Zhao Mou glanced at Zhao Yijiao and searched for adjectives in his mind, a very arrogant expression, with malice and arrogance, as if he was saying to me, 'That's how I am. Yes, what can you do to me? Your brother and I are one body. Even if you know that there is a evil ghost in this body, you don’t dare to hurt me at all, right?’ Yes, this evil ghost’s wisdom Extremely high, not even as stiff as the elder we saw when we were young, this may be the difference in fit.”

Li Gui was injured when he first escaped from the system. It was not necessarily comfortable to enter the body of the family elder, and it was very difficult to control, causing the family elder to become a deformed monster with a lack of wisdom in his behavior pattern.

Now, I don't know if he has cultivated well, and with the results of years of integration, Li Gui is like a fish in water in Zhao Yijiu's body, and will hardly be rejected.

So the evil spirit showed its true horror.

Yu Xing fell into deep thought after hearing this. He thought that if Li Gui had been dormant with wisdom for so many years, he must be a scheming big ghost, maybe somewhat similar to Yi Qing.

Zhao Mou continued: After taking one look at me, it raised its head to stop killing as if to show off, and then stabbed me.

What Zhao Mou is talking about now is purely the evil ghost that was separated by schizophrenia. If this happened in reality, it can be said that the one who stabbed him was Zhao Yijiu himself.

To explain it in an easy-to-understand way, Zhao Yijiu can be regarded as a normal Zhao Yijiu. If the evil spirit side cannot be suppressed, he will be a darkened Zhao Yijiu.

The two are essentially the same person. If he turns black, Zhao Yijiu's degree of personality alienation will instantly shift from the line of righteousness to the line of depravity. When the evil spirit is suppressed, he will return to the righteousness line.

To a certain extent, this is also a very useful ability. Zhao Mou is committed to allowing Zhao Yjiu to slowly obtain the abilities of the evil ghosts, rather than directly getting rid of or expelling the evil ghosts. This is one of the reasons.

The remaining reason is naturally that expulsion and elimination are equivalent to wiping out a part of Zhao Yijiao's soul, and will also cause irreparable damage to Zhao Yjiu.

What happened after I stabbed you? Yu Xing couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.

After that? Ajiu himself seemed to be resisting, which made the ghost hesitate for a moment. I am not a vegetarian. It is not difficult for me to suppress a ghost for a moment. Zhao Mou curled his lips and sneered. With.

He's not good at fighting, and that means physically.

In terms of mental strength, he is still very scary.

He suppressed Li Gui for a moment, which was enough for Zhao Yijiu to regain consciousness. In this way, Li Gui only appeared for a while and then became quiet again.

But Li Gui's own goal may have been achieved, which was to provoke Zhao Mou.

Someone did it deliberately. Analyzing it from any angle, I don't believe there is such a coincidence, which happened to make Ah Jiu randomly develop the most unfavorable disease for him. Even in reality, the blackened Zhao Yijiu would not Such disapproval of relatives, Zhao Mou snorted coldly, his eyes seemed to be frozen, There must be desperate level deducers reaching out to this live broadcast. There are three desperate levels on the surface of the single prism, and this does not include them all year round. The missing president. If they ask to go through the back door, it will be difficult for the system to refuse.

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows. This sentence sounded like he was saying that the deducers were promoted step by step and gained more and more authority. After reaching a certain height, even the system had to make concessions?

An inspiration vaguely flashed through his mind.

Of course, the top priority right now is Brother Jiu, which is not a good time to think about the nature of the system.

He nodded and looked at Zhao Yijiu: Raise your head, I want to see your eyes.

Zhao Yijiu's back stiffened and he slowly raised his head. The bright red color was very dazzling, thick and thick, as if it would turn into blood and flow down at any time.

This is much more obviously red than in Death Parallel .

After the evil ghost came out, you couldn't control your body? Yu Xing looked very calm, and his emotions were not affected by this fact.

Yes. Zhao Yijiao also approached and stopped in front of his brother. Looking at the wound on Zhao Mou's shoulder, he squinted his eyes and said in a bad mood, I'm sorry.

Zhao Mou glanced at him sideways: What's wrong?

You shouldn't show off and put yourself in danger when you can't cope with the enemy's calculations. Zhao Yijiao was also very clear-headed. He knew that his weakness was exploited by the enemy to interfere with Yu Xing and Zhao Mou, and This would never have happened, it was all caused by his insistence on joining the live broadcast.

He is too stubborn. Although he has always had this kind of character in the past that does not listen to anyone and does whatever he wants, he will only bear the consequences. Unlike the current live broadcast deduction, his existence is likely to give Yu Fortunately, Zhao Mou brought danger.

It's okay, Brother Jiu, you also want to help. Yu Xing comforted.

Zhao Mou almost glared at Yu Xing. Ah Jiu finally realized his mistake, but he hadn't even taught him a few words.

But...he actually couldn't bear to blame Zhao Yijiu for looking so lost and weak.

Zhao Yijiu's expression in Li Gui's state was so impressive that it was too late for him to worry, so how could he be so harsh.

Zhao Yijiu raised his hand and showed his still trembling hand to the two of them. His deep voice was more gloomy than usual: This evil ghost is too strong. I never felt this way when I suppressed it before. Today This is the first time it has shown such strong strength.”

He knows his body best, and even Zhao Mou cannot empathize with it.

So now when they heard Zhao Yjiu start talking about Li Gui, both of them listened attentively.

Just now it came out for more than ten seconds and was pushed back. When I regained control of my body, I found that my whole body hurt as if I had been run over by a car. My physical fitness was not bad, but I still couldn't bear its explosive power, even if Only ten seconds.

Zhao Yijiu put down his hands. This kind of pain was continuous. He was actually enduring the pain no matter whether he was standing, sitting or walking.

I suspect that it has been pretending to be weak before, or is still in some kind of recovery period. As I entered the deduction, this evil ghost's ability has been recovering. If he uses his power and I am still struggling, I will not be able to resist at all. Its pollution. He looked at Yu Xing, In this round of the game, as long as I don't die, it will definitely find an opportunity to come out again. At that time, I won't be sure to suppress it. It will be extremely detrimental to me if it is divided. I must hurry up. Reintegrate with it, at least that way, I can still control myself.

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