Absurd deduction game

Chapter 523: Using people as a mirror can correct your clothes

The toilet is very quiet, and water drops are slowly dripping from the faucet. Because of the emptiness and silence, the sound of water drops falling into the pool can be heard from a long distance away.

The five people who came to the toilet for various reasons had different expressions. They had just passed the teacher's office. The office where the head teacher of each class should have been sitting was dark. Not even the lights were turned on, and there was no sign of any activity. human voice.

It's like the teachers the students said during their evening self-study never existed.

When they arrived at the door of the men's and women's toilets, the five of them were about to separate. Qu Xianqing exchanged a vague look with Yu Xing. They both knew each other's purpose - Qu Xianqing was responsible for following up on the incident involving the short girl Lian En, saying Maybe they could observe some information about ghosts through this student. Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiao took this opportunity to explore alone in the men's room for a while. It would be no loss if they didn't gain anything.

But Lisa is a special variable for them. When Qu Nianqing stood up, she didn't expect Lisa to come out. Due to lack of information, she couldn't guess the reason why Lisa came out. It couldn't be to get revenge on her. .

Isn't that looking for abuse?

Seeing that there was indeed some reluctance on Lisa's expression, and the same fear as Lien, the three deducers guessed in a short time that Lisa must have taken advantage of this to avoid something or someone. The opportunity came out with them. This existence appeared very suddenly, otherwise, Lisa would not have rushed to such a point in time.

When the eyes of Yu Xing and Qu Xianqing met, the tacit understanding they had known each other for many years made Qu Xianqing realize that Yu Xing was reminding her to pay attention to Lisa's movements. Whether Lisa wanted to protect herself or cause trouble, she could not be allowed to interfere. to their purpose.

With an imperceptible nod, the few people silently separated into groups of two and three with a strange synchronization rate, opened the toilet door, and walked towards the dark space.

There was a thick wall between the men's and women's toilets. Once they entered the door, their sight was completely cut off. Yu Xing reached out and groped around the door for a while, and found the light cord.

The time and space of this school also feels very chaotic. The overall style of the campus belongs to the last century, while the class system is closer to modern times. The light in the toilet is also equipped with a pull-string light, which connects the hanging light cord. Pull it down, and the low-light lamp installed on the wall will quietly light up, which happens to be able to barely cover the entire toilet.

The closer you get to the edge, the darker it becomes. You can't really see it from the urinal side, but the stalls are more noticeable. The last stall is almost only illuminated by light in one corner, and it's dark and disturbing.

Zhao Yijiu whispered: The temperature here is not right.

It is not a hot weather per se, but the temperature difference between the classroom and the toilet gives them a very obvious sensory experience. If long-sleeved shirts and suit pants are suitable in the classroom, then the temperature in the toilet makes people want to wear them. sweater.

His voice echoed in the empty toilet, and the loudness that was deliberately lowered was constantly amplified, creating a creepy feeling that everything about him was invisible.

Yu Xing nodded and agreed with his statement: It's very cold and a bit eerie, I think. If you imagine that this is not an empty toilet, there is an invisible person in front of each urinal and in the cubicle. People, this is more reasonable.

Zhao Yijiu no longer wanted to complain about what kind of theory he was talking about, because if he thought about it carefully, Yu Xing's hypothesis was not necessarily impossible. Who would know whether the ghosts here were tangible or intangible, visible or invisible? of?

What are we looking for? he asked directly.

Yu Xing was still standing near the door. He stared at the small and medium-sized toilet, and then said: Starting from the sink, the urinal and the cubicle, as well as the ground and corners, every We’ve checked the place, there’s nothing we’re looking for, we’re just here to try our luck, right?”

My favorite horror game is hiding the key in the toilet.

In horror movies, people most like to kill people in the toilet.

No matter which one it is, they will make money if it appears. The possible dangers are not unavoidable. Just from the strong fear shown by those students in the classroom, Yu Xing knows that there must have been students who were like that during night self-study. Only when something survives after being found can it be passed on word of mouth again and again and achieve the effect of convincing everyone.

Otherwise, blindly groundless rumors and side evidence of missing persons will not be enough to make the entire school's students reach this level of tacit understanding and fear.

As long as there was a way to survive, if those former students could find it, he would certainly be able to find it too.

These thoughts only passed through his mind for a short moment. Soon, he rolled up his sleeves and started exploring the men's room with Zhao Yjiu.

The locations where the low-light light is more concentrated are the wash basin in the front row, the frontmost compartment, and the tiled floor in the middle. These three places also seem to be the safest places. Zhao Yijiu took the initiative to open the compartment door. , Yu Xing walked to the sink.

The sink is a bit low, and a normal high school student might have to bend down to reach under the faucet to receive water. The faucet and sink are connected in a row, occupying a long row, and the sinks are separated one by one. oval mirror.

Yu Xing stared at himself in the mirror curiously. Although he was wearing the uniform of St. Jonis School, his body looked the same as in reality. In fact, he thought that when these deducers came to the school, they would definitely I feel like I don't fit in. The youngest Qu Nianqing is also a college graduate. The high school seniors around him all look a little immature compared to them.

But very coincidentally, most of the students have European faces, and the difference in appearance makes up for the age difference between them, which by coincidence dispels the abruptness a lot.

In short, the level of refinement of their character designs in the school dungeon is not as good as those who were diligently worried about during the pre-heating activities.

But Yu Xing could guess the reason, because they all knew for a long time that there might be some connections between the various copies and buildings on this island, such as art galleries and auction houses, and the school was also from the Dead Island. If a building is connected to the outside world, then the role they play cannot be different from itself. This violates the rules of communication.

To others, this might be just a small discovery on the background board, but to Yu Xing, his mind became active again, and an idea vaguely took shape.

Naturally, the top priority was to search the men's restroom. Yu Xing looked down and saw a clear view of the sink. He didn't find anything special, only a thin layer of water on the bottom of the sink.

He stretched out his finger and touched it. The liquid he thought was water was a little more viscous than he expected. He raised his eyebrows, put his finger in front of his nose and smelled it, but he smelled blood.

If his sight hadn't deceived his senses, he would have concluded that the bottom of the sink was covered with a layer of blood that had begun to coagulate.

No, since sight and smell don't match, there must be a sense of distortion. Yu Xing felt that the smell of blood was very real. He had smelled it many times, so he was more inclined to think that something was wrong with the world he saw. .

The person in the mirror and the person outside the mirror faced each other, with the same face, the same figure, and the same eyes. It seemed that there was no existence like the ghost in the mirror choosing to influence him at this time.

He could see in the mirror Zhao Yijiao who was exploring the first compartment behind him. He looked very normal. He could also catch a glimpse of the angle of his eyes in the mirror when he looked at Zhao Yjiu from the corner of his eye. Yu Xing said: Brother Jiu, your shoelaces are untied.

Zhao Yijiu in the mirror seemed to be stunned for a moment, then bent down to look at the shoes. Due to the light, his legs were hidden in the darkness and the shoes could not be seen clearly. Two seconds later, the man in the mirror had already squatted down and started. Tying his shoelaces, Yu Xing curled his lips.

He looked back, and behind him, Zhao Yijiu was also tying his shoelaces. He couldn't tell the difference between the mirror and reality, but there was always a slightly messy and extremely small sound in his ears.

Ah, I forgot. Yu Xing smiled, Our school uniform shoes don't have laces.

As soon as these words came out, both the people behind him and him and Zhao Yijiao in the mirror stopped moving.

The person behind him became silent, like a sculpture, motionless, but Zhao Yijiu stood up in the mirror and stared at him unscrupulously with his unique gloomy eyes.

In the mirror, Yu Xing turned his head, then turned back, his narrow eyes slightly narrowed, as if he was smiling or looking at him. His expression at any moment was exactly the same as Yu Xing's habit.

This kind of silence and consideration lasted for a long time. Yu Xing took the lead and couldn't help it. He chuckled and started with what the person in the mirror wanted to hear: Who are you?

I am... Yu Xing in the mirror smiled very comfortably and calmly, Yu Xing.

The person in the mirror did not pronounce the name of Yu Xing's character in the copy, Roy, but directly said his real name, and then pressed his right hand against the mirror surface, and the fingertips were pressed by the cold mirror surface to create a smooth plane.

I'm Yu Xing, what about you? Yu Xing in the mirror asked, There is Brother Jiu behind me, and there is Brother Jiu behind you, but yours can't move anymore. How about it? Have you thought of anything?

I think that keeping ghosts quiet will greatly increase their mystery and deterrence. Once they talk too much, they will appear to be no different from humans, except for reproductive isolation. Yu Xing smiled back with the same smile as the person in the mirror, and spoke louder than The man in the mirror was even more irritated, Why don't you know when to talk less?

I've always talked so much. Yu Xing in the mirror seemed to have heard some funny joke, As expected, the only thing that makes me most interesting is myself.

The person inside tapped the mirror lightly with his finger: I just want to tease you and see your expression of being deceived by myself. In fact, I am you who is five days later than your timeline. We are the same. people.

As he said that, Yu Xing in the mirror turned his head: Brother Jiu, do you want to say hello to me five days ago?

Zhao Yijiu in the mirror shook his head in boredom and refused, and also withdrew his gaze from Yu Xing outside the mirror.

It's really similar, everything he says and does seems like something he would do.

Unfortunately, Yu Xing still didn't believe it. He raised his eyes slightly and took a look at the sink in the mirror. The sink in the mirror was the same as the one outside the mirror. It was clean. No red color could be seen, let alone any red color. The source of the smell of blood.

It's not the external and internal world, nor the positive and negative world. Do you think you are very smart? Yu Xing looked at the person who looked exactly like him in the mirror and shook his head, Mirror is the reflection of people. As the old saying goes, people can be mirrored. Dress appropriately.

The person in the mirror gave an interested look.

No matter what the internal situation of St. John's School is, it is still a school. I guess the students here have heard similar arguments, right? Organizing their appearance through the mirror, checking themselves three times a day, etc., pretty much Meaningful sentences. Yu Xing said, I seem to understand. You, or the mirror, are the obsessions of the students who once existed in this school during evening self-study?

The expression of the person in the mirror faded, and he seemed a little confused.

Yu Xing saw through the confused eyes and said: Although there is no need to tell you, seeing that you are reflecting my face now, I will force you to understand. The villain dies because he talks too much, but it's okay I’m not a villain.”

Although I don't have enough information to support what will happen during this special period of self-study in the evening, I have made many responsible guesses in my mind. There will be many students in the darkness during this period. The things they are afraid of include the dark figure who will be punished if they do not do their homework well. Talking loudly, walking alone, and not being polite may also cause them to encounter scary things.

To put it bluntly, everything is just a sense of anxiety and oppression in their hearts. They are afraid of not doing well in homework, afraid of being caught by teachers and red armbands in this school for speaking loudly, and afraid of living alone in a suffocating school. There, there is no one to help, just like the bullied Oliver.

Yu Xing shrugged at the image of his own face in the mirror: You are also obsessed with it - of course, this is definitely not what I expected, but I only combined it after I found that my vision was disturbed and distorted. Some ideas and conclusions drawn from them.”

Are you so confident? The man in the mirror still used Yu Xing's tone.

Reflections without any modification can often show the most realistic details. People often can't tell the difference between themselves in the mirror and themselves outside the mirror. Even if they bring a camera to record, they will record the scene in the mirror from the beginning. , and few people can expose this. Yu Xing didn't care.

Isn't that what the mirror does? No matter how true you are, you can only imitate a more real version of me when I look in the mirror. But Zhao Yijiu, for the mirror that is exerting an effect on me, Said, he has only been in the camera for a while, once I expose you, Zhao Yijiao on my side will not move, because you can't control him to make a reasonable reaction.

Zhao Yijiao in the mirror is different. You just need to keep him and you in the same relationship mode that you mirrored when Brother Jiu and I first entered the toilet.

Being exposed to the point where there was no room for recovery, Yu Xing's smile in the mirror completely disappeared.

I was discovered by you. It said cheerfully, Next time I see you, I will wait for you in a less dirty place.


The faint sound of the mirror breaking came to Yu Xing's ears. His eyes were in a trance for a moment, and everything in the mirror disappeared, leaving only a reflection that looked normal at first sight.

The messy sounds in his ears were suddenly amplified. They were the sounds of Zhao Yijiao inspecting and tapping in the cubicle.

He lowered his head again, and at some point, the sink was filled with blood, and a new crack appeared at the lower end of the oval mirror in front of him.

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