Absurd deduction game

Chapter 734 Face to Face

The night fell, and black fog filled the base, but it was as unnoticed as a shadow.

Weier frowned, pursed her lips covered in red lipstick, and her eyes kept wandering in the surveillance camera.

Four hours - she said gloomily and sneered, two big living people have been hiding under our noses for four hours and still can't be found? You are really useless!

As her words fell, several secretaries standing in a row trembled in silence and turned pale.

Only one secretary with short hair looked okay. She hesitated and said: Those two people have not left the base. As long as they are still there, they will always be found.

Her ability is a mark. In half a week of getting along with her, she has already found the opportunity to leave undetectable marks on Chief Yu and Adjutant Zhao. She can sense the location of the marked person. This ability will Weakens as the target becomes stronger.

For example, those two... she could only sense the general range where they were still, but not the specific location.

But she was certain that those two people had always been within the base and had never left.

Weir took a sip of tea, and the knuckles of the fingers holding the tea cup turned white.

If you can't find them, I will do it myself. You should know what will happen if I do it, right? The deliberately lowered voice gave people a strong sense of uneasiness. Weier looked up, and the secretaries looked at each other and nodded. .

Even if we dig three feet into the ground, we will dig them out! In addition, the screening of people entering the base in the past few weeks has also been completed, and we also found a few suspicious people. A secretary reported, With that The little girl named Luo was accompanied by her brother 'Ah Shan', and as expected, when we passed by, Ah Shan was stirring up trouble among the survivors.

Weir rubbed her temples: What did he say?

The secretary said respectfully: At that time, he was among the survivors and said that such a big thing happened to the base and even the cleanup team had been searching for so long. The two impostors must have caused losses to the base. Why don't you, sir? Did the center inform other bases about this?

Many of the survivors were incited by him and proposed to use the center in the dark room to let them leave the dark room as soon as possible.

Heh. Weier smiled.

Someone on the side immediately became angry: These ordinary people are really a bunch of white-eyed wolves. If the base hadn't taken them in, they would have died in the city! We gave them food, drink, and shelter. If something happened, they wouldn't even be able to stay for a few hours!

What you said makes no sense. Ordinary people stay at the base in exchange for their labor. It doesn't make sense for us to ask them for this. The important thing is that we can't let them talk about the center anymore. A person who doesn't like to flatter, The male secretary, who was still logical, objected.

That 'mountain' has been controlled by us. He seems to have no special abilities, so he can't resist. I sent someone to imprison him in the waiting room to wait for death.

The waiting room is where the base usually handles infected people. Some people infected by other viruses who have developed corresponding symptoms will be thrown into the waiting room to fend for themselves. They will be pulled out and buried after they die.

The cleanup team is currently fully mobilized, but a few members have lost contact.

In addition, several survivors who came in the past few weeks have also disappeared. They disappeared at different times, but it is strange that we did not notice them before, as if their cognition was distorted.

Ver's eyelids twitched.

She originally wanted to check to see if there were any survivors like the little girl named Luo, but she didn't expect that she would find so many problems.

What's been going on these past few weeks?

Did the First Base really suddenly want to come and inspect it? Maybe...as early as a few weeks ago, someone from the First Base pretended to be a newbie in the city and came in to work as an undercover agent? By the way, there are also people who escaped from Base 52 some time ago... Is there anything fishy about it?

She has obviously kept a low profile. Not only has she never used any governance performance to request new construction, she has also kept a distance from the surrounding bases and rarely contacted them. Everyone who leaves the base is her own person. What is the news? Where did it leak from?

Sir, these people are just helpless people. We should have taught them a lesson long ago. We are still too gentle to them--

Stop talking. Weir waved her hand, Go out and look for someone. I'll give you another half an hour. If you still can't see anyone... I'll go there myself.

When it came to going in person, the secretaries ran out in horror as if they had heard some ghost story.

The short-haired secretary paused as she went out, pondering for a moment in confusion. However, when she turned around and accidentally saw the disdain and murderous intent in Weir's eyes, the hesitation in her mind disappeared immediately.

She sensed that the two marks not only did not move away, but got closer. However, maybe it was just to avoid pursuit.

We happen to be close now, so it’s a good time to catch them! She didn't want to get into Chief Weir's troubles at this time.

Everyone went out, and only Weier was left in the chief's office. She turned to look at the sky, which seemed to be getting darker earlier than usual, with a grim expression.

We have already reached this point, and we cannot let all our efforts go to waste just because of ants...

So, now even the virus is trying to survive? Suddenly, a familiar male voice sounded outside the window. Through a layer of window glass, the male voice was still very clear.

Weir's pupils shrank and she stood up suddenly.

A stream of black fog squeezed into the room through the cracks in the window. Without the cover of the night, the black fog was extremely obvious in the comfortably decorated room.

The mist surged and slowly condensed into a shape similar to a human being.

Sir Yu. The voice Weir recognized, looking at the blurry and unstable human-shaped mist, smiled gloomily, I didn't look for you, but you came to me first.

She was very impressive, but unfortunately she was immediately demolished.

Yu Xing's voice came out of the fog, seeming a little confused and a little mocking: You've been looking for me for four hours, haven't you? Isn't this called looking for me? Ms. Weier is really good at joking.

Weir: Since you are seeking death—

Is it just you? The black mist turned into Yu Xing's physical form. The young man stood up straight and looked like a superior. He tilted his head, You are indeed the most special virus I have ever seen. Once infected by other low-level viruses, Humans will make humans tend to self-destruct. If they are more advanced, they will just turn humans into their vassal monsters.

But you are able to invade human bodies silently without causing any abnormality. Yu Xing said with a smile, Are your secretaries the ones who were deeply invaded? They were unknowingly invaded by you. Be brainwashed and become a subordinate loyal to only you, knowing that you are doing something that is inconsistent with human standing, but you don’t feel that there is anything wrong at all.”

Everyone in the entire base will one day be brainwashed by you, and Base 51 will become completely independent and become a paradise for your virus.

Am I right? Is this what you want to do?

When Wei Er heard that her plan was easily revealed, her face showed a hint of ferocity.

But this is not completely right. She curled her lips and said, You still underestimate me too much.

Oh, that means that your ambition is not satisfied with Base 51. Your goal is actually all mankind. As long as all mankind is brainwashed by you and loyal to you... Yu Xing slowed down his speech, and in the next second, he said this The sweet dream caused by the virus was completely shattered, It's time to wake up.

The black mist suddenly surged and swept towards Weir.

Yu Xing felt a little bored. In fact, he really didn't want to come to Weir directly if it was not necessary. This was because the central space of Base 51 was too difficult to find, and his ability had little overlap with space power, making it difficult to find.

It would be much easier if Carlos were here, but when he tried to communicate with Carlos, Carlos only said that something important happened in the city and it was not a good time for him to rush over.

Once the magician has his own plan, he doesn't seem to obey orders so much. Yu Xing has already anticipated this and doesn't force it.

I continued to search for the location of the central space while moving the location, but couldn't find it after 4 hours.

Fortunately, Yu succeeded patiently.

Coming to Weir directly would definitely activate Weir's power as a virus carrier, and it might be a fierce battle, but Yu Xing didn't want to think too much about it.

Let’s completely break away from the disguise today. Even viruses have begun to imitate humans and play tricks.

The moment the black mist rolled over, Weil's eyes suddenly glowed green, and her face became dry and ferocious, but she only lasted one breath. The next second, the place where Weil left appeared in another corner of the room. , restored her beautiful face.

Seeking death. She didn't realize what level her opponent was, but she still gave a two-word evaluation.

At the same time, the air seemed to become heavier, and a feeling of suffocation enveloped Yu Xing.

Because the content of the viral factors was too high, they escaped from being invisible to the naked eye and gradually filled Yu Xing's field of vision.

Deprivation of breathing - the most intuitive effect of viral factors.

These sparkling little elements made excited screams, some formed faces full of resentment, and some formed the shape of ghosts, grinning at Yu Xing.

With two hisses, the lights in the office went out.

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