I started coughing last night and started to feel pain tonight. I guess I was infected and didn't run away.

I'm so envious of the asymptomatic... o(╥﹏╥)oI couldn't stop crying, so I just kept wiping it. Now the skin of my eyes hurts so much that it feels like it's about to burst.

In addition, my sense of taste is still intact, but I am very, very sleepy. I feel very tired after being awake for five hours a day, as if I am about to hibernate...

Everyone, be careful. If you can get it later, get it later.

Then I haven’t updated it in the past two days and talked about the current plan. The apocalyptic dungeon will end soon (within this month). The next dungeon will be a horror-oriented plot. It should be a San family dungeon and it won’t be too long.

Good night. ()

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