Absurd deduction game

Chapter 740 The most brutal housebreaking in history

Grass... Luo Jue heard the loud noise coming from the ground and couldn't help but let out a confused sigh, What is Yu Xing doing up there? Didn't we just agree to send a rescue message? What about the demolition?

In the dark room, frightened discussions could be heard endlessly.

One hand reached out to Luo Jue's head and patted it down mercilessly, as if patting a loud watermelon: Don't say dirty words in front of me.

Luo Qishan! Luo Jue jumped three feet high and screamed, You're not smart to begin with, and if you fight again, you'll be even more stupid!

Luo Qishan's expression was indifferent, and he rubbed Luo Jue's hair with his backhand: You are not stupid. But obviously, something happened above, and Yu Xing may have chosen the second way to complete the task.

As he spoke, the ground shook, and the rumbling sounds of collapse came one after another, deafening.

The location where they are located is the dark room that Weier ordered all survivors to temporarily control. It is located underground in the base.

Those survivors who had not awakened their special abilities were still huddled in the corner, feeling sincerely afraid of this incident.

When Yu Xing decided to go directly to Weir, Zhao Yijiao left the base, and the two Luo family members, who had little interest in that item, were asked by Yu Xing to return to the underground darkroom.

Although this place is cramped and dark, it is really safe, just like a bomb shelter during the war. There are very few attacks that radiate here.

According to Yu Xing, if something happens, the darkroom is a layer of insurance.

As for the cleanup team... after four hours of searching, some of them had already realized that there was something wrong with this order. For example, Zhuzi Ajin, they had long since left the team and came to the darkroom to calm the survivors down.

When the two people from the Luo family came to the darkroom, they inevitably came face to face with Zhuzi. When the atmosphere was tense, Ah Jin smiled and took the initiative to greet them, pretending that they were not wanted persons by the way.

Why are you helping us? Luo Qishan asked Zhuzi and Ajin in the corner.

Zhuzi's answer at the time was: ...I am skeptical about your identity, but when Weir was managing the base, there were indeed too many strange decisions, and there were many things that I couldn't figure out.

This hunt for Chief Yu and Adjutant Zhao made me sober. Our cleanup team is affiliated with the base itself and has the right to implement all decisions that are beneficial to the base and to question the managers. But what about my colleagues? They seem to be crazy. ”

No one cares that Weir wants to hunt down the first base commander, but there is no evidence that those two people are fake. No one cares that it has been four hours. Such a big thing happened to the base, and Weir didn't give any explanation.

When Zhuzi was talking, Ah Jin nodded beside him: Also, if something happens to the base, you should ask for help from other bases, but Chief Weier did not activate the center - if the center sends a request for help, the entire base will be notified. The five closest to us Base 10 and Base 49 will send speed awakeners to help us.

I will never forget the expressions of those people when we raised questions about this just now. Zhuzi gritted his teeth.

What expression? Luo Jue was curious.

They froze, then glanced at me, and their expressions gradually became fanatical. They seemed to be no longer themselves, but some kind of - some kind of personal fanatics of Weir, forced to do so. We trained together. When we do missions together, I’ve never heard them say that they love Devil so much.”

Zhuzi's fists clenched and unclenched: They were controlled and collapsed from the inside. I can feel it... If it hadn't been for the look that Chief Yu looked at me today, I would have been one of the controlled ones. Once they were aroused, , you will lose yourself forever.”

So, Zhuzi and Ajin, who realized what was right, left the team without authorization and came to the darkroom to protect ordinary people, and also accepted the two Luo family members.

Unexpectedly, not long after, the sound of heaven collapsing and the subway coming from the ground was heard, as if the apocalypse was coming again.

This is completely destroyed. A Jin came to the Luo family at some point. He looked up at the exit on the ceiling of the dark room and muttered to himself: Once the base is destroyed, what will happen to the remaining people? Let’s do it…where can we go?”

Don't worry too much, just transfer them to other bases. Zhuzi patted him on the shoulder with a solemn expression, Do you remember that about a month ago, Base 52 was abandoned and a bunch of survivors were dispersed.

Luo Qishan suddenly turned his head: I know about this. I am also curious about why Base 52 was abandoned, but I can't find out the relevant reason anyway.

Because it is a secret. Base No. 52 was not abandoned, but was occupied by the virus. Fortunately, someone discovered it in time and quickly transferred those who could still be saved, then sealed No. 52 and prepared to carry out the elimination. Zhuzi shrugged. , There is a member of my team who escaped from Base 52, and he told me quietly.

It's just that I suddenly thought, will the situation in our base be similar to that on No. 52?

Luo Qishan narrowed his eyes, thinking about the connection.

Base No. 52 has nothing to do with the main plot of their visit this time. It seems to be just a background with a low sense of existence, but for the aborigines of this world, its meaning is too important.

The virus is trying to dismantle the human base in an organized and disciplined manner.

But most viruses don't even have a brain, let alone make such a plan. There must be someone among them who can deliver messages and coordinate planning at various bases.


Luo Qishan suddenly stopped breathing.

Doesn’t such a thing really exist? center.

Could it be that... the reason why Yu Xing chose to destroy the base was because the center was also from the virus side?

While Luo Qishan was brainstorming crazily, the loud noise above his head finally stopped.

Guessing it was safe, Zhuzi Ajin looked at each other and said, Go up and check the situation.

Under the expectant eyes of all the survivors, they climbed up the ladder and pushed up the door of the darkroom.

A faint twilight filtered in, and a small patch of sky was framed in a square frame. The annoying gray haze was already covered with the dark color of the night.

Are you okay? Zhuzi was at the front, so Ah Jin asked in a low voice from behind.

...It seems to be okay. Zhuzi's voice sounded a little hesitant, and he paused and said, No, the matter is quite serious.

Don't whet my appetite! Ah Jin was impatient. He jumped up and rolled onto the ground.

Then stunned.

Because everything as far as the eye can see is flat land.

The buildings were completely shattered, and there were no remaining broken arms that should have been left when they fell, and they were all turned into powder like fine sand.

When the wind blows, the powder floats up.

This, this is too terrifying... His body trembled, What kind of power is this?

Central fort. Zhuzi sighed.

Only the turret equipped in the center can turn everything into smoke.

Fortunately, the particle beam is not a radioactive substance and will not produce too much pollution. Otherwise, if they were not shot to death, they would have mutated due to the pollution.

That's...the center! Ah Jin suddenly pointed to the side and back. In the dust, the huge metal mainframe was very eye-catching.

The hub lost its hiding place in subspace and appeared for the first time in front of the survivors of Base 51.

Its screen was still on, a line of black typing flickering.

【I will take revenge for everything today. 】

There seems to be some writing! What is it written on? Luo Jue, who followed closely, narrowed his eyes and read it carefully, I... know... what -

The screen flickered twice and then went dark, pretending to be malfunctioning.

The AI ​​obviously resents humans, but in this case, it can only write a harsh word to itself.

Where is Yu Xing? Luo Jue looked left and right, but there was no one there.

Let's go find Zhao Yijiu. Luo Qishan climbed out and straightened his clothes. Our mission is over. But for some people, their fight is still going on.

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