Absurd deduction game

Chapter 762 Rejecting Tea

The actor was drinking tea in the room.

The simple house looked no different from the first day, except that although the cabinets were neatly arranged, there was more dust around them than in other places.

It seemed like it was scattered due to collision and movement.

When Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiu came in, they both took the opportunity to observe carefully because they had not had the opportunity to step into the actor's private territory before.

——There may be opportunities, but compared with the possible costs, they did not choose to take risks.

Yu Xing was a little concerned about what the actor said and glanced at the actor's bed. There seemed to be some messy strips of torn sheets left on it. There must have been a fight.

He imagined the scene again and looked a little weird.

Can't imagine...

Are you here to make a deal with me? The actor calmly put down the tea cup, propped his chin with one hand, and looked at the two of them appraisingly.

Although he looked a little lazy, his back was very straight, and he had a demeanor that was deep in his bones.

Pay it forward. Yu Xing didn't come near, and kept his pockets in place, Yi Qing won't agree to you, and it's me who makes the deal with you, and I won't involve other people.

The implication is that even if the actor wants Zhao Yijiao to do anything, he can't do it.

Okay. The actor agreed easily. He tucked a strand of hair hanging down behind his ear, raised his eyes, and stared at Yu Xing with his light eyes, Then use your own Exchange information with me.”

Zhao Yijiu interrupted: It's not okay to ask too much. At worst, we won't need the information.

Hey... your captain said it was a deal between two people. The actor chuckled, and his tone suddenly turned sinister after half a sentence: You have no right to speak, little thing.

Zhao Yijiu's expression changed, and he strode forward. He put his arms on the actor's tea table and looked down at the actor from above. His expression was gloomy and indifferent. Judging from the visual effect, he couldn't even tell which one of them was more gloomy. : Compared to you, I'm not small.

This posture made the tight muscles on his arms more conspicuous, as if he was showing off his strength.

Indeed, he has relatively large muscles.

Zhao Yijiu still remembered what the actor's ninth slice had done to him. Now the gap in strength between them was not as big as before. He would never allow this person to treat him as a worthless person in such a condescending tone. No ants.

And he is really full of resentment towards the actor. Every time he sees him, although the psychological shadow is no longer mentioned, the corners of his mouth still seem to hurt.

Zhao Yijiu sneered coldly and said expressionlessly: If you are talking about age, then it is true that you are an old man.

The actor slowly raised his head, looked at him with interest, and stretched out his hand to Zhao Yijiu's arm, as if he wanted to feel how hard his muscles were: If you say so, in fact, A-Xing is also an old guy.

Just when his fingertips were about to touch Zhao Yijiu, Zhao Yijiu pulled out a knife from nowhere and stabbed it hard on the table with the force of piercing the back of the actor's hand.

The actor naturally retracted his hand in time, but still touched the cold blade. His hand was fine, but the blade quickly climbed up dense red lines from the point of contact, and then disintegrated along these lines.

There were a few clicks, and a knife instantly shattered.

Oh, what a pity. The actor rubbed his fingertips and said what he had just planned in a very calm tone, Slow down a little, and you will be the one who gets broken.

Yu Xing was very close to the side, and he could naturally feel the cursed power attached to the actor's hand when he stretched out his hand.

The power of the actor and his are from the same source, and they are more or less connected to each other when used. However, their power manifests differently after being integrated with the body. The red lines of the actor seem to be more aggressive and sharper.

The actor made a mistake. If Zhao Yijiao didn't realize what he wanted to do and reacted a little slower, then Yu Xing would have taken action in time and it would have been impossible for the actor's destructive curse to fall on Zhao Yjiu.

You're underestimating me. Zhao Yijing didn't regret the knife. It was an ordinary thing, not even a sacrifice. It was just that he was thinking that it would have been nice if he could have hit it just now.

With your current strength, I wouldn't overestimate you. The actor smiled, Actually, I still prefer the way you looked when you couldn't speak before. Now this mouth is a bit annoying. Otherwise , melt your tongue off?”

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows: You try it.

Zhao Yijiu was also very calm, not aware of being threatened by a reality-level deducer at all.

He is not stupid, there are more than just the two of them here, there is also Yu Xing. When the actor took him into the Yin-Yang Corridor alone, he was very quiet and didn't do anything to make the actor angry.

Arrogance can also depend on the occasion.

Listening to Yu Xing's words of defense, the actor finally felt a little bored in his brows. He rubbed his forehead and said, I really don't want to touch you before Yu Xing can stop me. Then... after I get out, I'll torture you. Brother.

Zhao Yijiu: You——

Yu Xing stepped forward and pulled Zhao Yijiu away, staring at the actor with a half-smile: I really want to do something to Zhao Mou. With your character, you should have been tortured to the point of saying it instead of giving a warning in advance. Teacher, you just Are you kidding me?

The actor looked at him without speaking.

Yu Xing pulled up a chair and sat down. He smiled and said, Aren't you talking about the transaction? Why is the atmosphere so stiff? Come on, bring the topic back. Don't be angry. Being angry will hurt your body.

The last five words were a bit long. They said don't be angry, but they sounded like they wanted the other person to hurt themselves.

Here, have a cup of tea. I'll pour it for you myself. Yu Xing's smile widened and he pushed the tea in front of the actor.

The actor lowered his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking, but his expression was not that good. It was not the performance of an actor with ease, and there was a trace of exaggeration in happiness and sadness, but a deeper silence.

Zhao Yijiu thought to himself that the actor seemed to be in a particularly bad mood at the moment, not because of his provocation, but as if he was thinking of something else.

After a few seconds, the actor picked up the tea given by Yu Xing, looked at the reflection in the clear tea, and said with a smile and a sigh: Young Master, you are not like this.

No one knew what he was referring to, and they heard him sigh: ...it doesn't have to be like this.

After saying that, he turned his hand and poured all the tea on the ground.

This was the first time he refused something given by Yu Xing.

During the Republic of China, as an actor, he never refused any gift from the young master to him as a friend, ranging from a large painting to a small stone with a special appearance.

After tearing off the disguise, as an enemy, he never rejected any insults and malice from Yu Xing. He even accepted the conspiracy that Yu Xing didn't bother to cover up, such as the one against Han Yan.

But the actor refused this cup of tea because he couldn't drink it.

There is one more chapter that I am writing.

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