Absurd deduction game

Chapter 774 The secret of metaphysics!

The snow-capped mountains are cold. Although it has not snowed in the past few days, the snow on the mountains has not melted all year round.

There is only a millimeter between the peaks and the gutter, and the sky is glowing pink after nightfall, with no darkness at all.

The dome tree stands on the top of the mountain. Although it looks small from a distance, compared with the size of the snow-capped mountains, one can already imagine how small one would be if one stood under the dome tree.

Shu Xiaonan and Guo Tingting haven't left yet.

Although they are here for tourism, they are not traveling with a group and have free time. The school has also delayed the start of school due to some things that happened before. It will not be allowed to return to school until mid-March, and it is only early March now.

When something happened about Zhang Gu's intentional injury and attempted murder, they couldn't leave even if they wanted to. They took notes at the police station and later had to cooperate with the police in investigating Zhang Gu's route of action.

It was also at this time that Shu Xiaonan and Guo Tingting learned that Zhang Gu had been following them from the first stop of their trip - a popular Internet celebrity town.

I haven't taken action in the middle, maybe because I haven't made up my mind yet, or maybe I haven't found a good opportunity. Until today, when I was stimulated by the handsome guy who appeared next to Shu Xiaonan, I didn't care about anything.

Shu Xiaonan was frightened for a while after hearing this.

This was certainly not the handsome guy's fault. Even without this stimulus, it was only a matter of time before Zhang Gu took action. With the handsome guy present, he saved her.

His skills are really good!

When the investigation that requires their cooperation is almost over, the rest of the evidence collection and detailed reporting is what the police have to do.

As a victim, Shu Xiaonan resolutely chose not to forgive. After that, Zhang Gu would face the process of being jailed and sentenced, which would have nothing to do with them.

It had been a few days, and the two girls, who had relaxed physically and mentally, finally remembered that there was still something to do.

I want to treat my benefactor to dinner!

Guo Tingting had already given Yu Xing's phone number to Shu Xiaonan. Seeing that it was getting dark, Shu Xiaonan thought for a moment: I wonder if he has left. I hope he has been vacationing in the snowy mountains for a long time.

Let's get in touch and take a look? Guo Tingting was looking forward to it.

Shu Xiaonan made the call and was surprised to learn that the other party was still nearby. She immediately made an appointment to have dinner together and exchanged names.

But the other party said that he would bring one more person.

They were probably friends who went out to play together. Shu Xiaonan didn't think much about it. She subjectively didn't think that the person Yu Xing was bringing was his girlfriend, because how could his girlfriend not put up a wishing sign with Yu Xing?

A person is wandering under the wishing tree, and at first glance he is single.

Time passed little by little, and the two girls went back to the hotel, picked out the best clothes, put on full makeup, and happily headed to the appointed restaurant.

Shu Xiaonan held her best friend's hand and couldn't hide her excitement: Do you think he would be deeply impressed by such a rare and outrageous thing? He saved me. It's a plot that only happens in idol dramas!

It's probably in horror movies. Guo Tingting complained, and then thought, Hmm... I'm very impressed, but I always feel that he is a bit mysterious. Not only did he find someone with evil intentions from such a distance, but he also reminded me...

What? Shu Xiaonan was confused.

It's that money. He told me to throw it away... Oh, I can't say it. Anyway, he seemed to know some metaphysical things, so he asked me not to say it directly.

When Guo Tingting said this, she also reminded her best friend: Don't just say anything about words and spirits in the future, it's not good!

Because of his special luck since he was a child, Shu Xiaonan took this seriously and accepted the lesson: Okay, I will definitely not say it casually in the future. I was too happy to travel this time, so I didn't notice it, so I said something indiscriminately.

No one wants others to know their downtrodden side. There are some things that Shu Xiaonan has been hiding from her best friend.

Every time she talks about falling in love, she attracts one peach blossom after another, but when she is about to be moved by a boy and fall in love, she always discovers the intolerable shortcomings of the boy, such as philandering, controlling, arrogant, and disrespectful.

Every time she murmured about good luck before drawing a card, in exchange for ten consecutive double golds and three golds, she would soon be injured due to various things. Although it was not serious, it was very painful.

Every time she gets a good grade in an exam, she loses something. The time she got all the answers right, she lost the necklace her grandmother gave her before she died.

She kept saying that she would find the necklace, and finally saw the necklace on the edge of the school lake. The pebbles stuck on the necklace were crumbling. If she hadn't rushed forward to grab the necklace, the necklace would have been clicked in with the pebbles in the next second. Deep lake water.

Even she herself had to grab a big hard rock to avoid falling into the lake.

But that night, because she was relaxed, she fell asleep while taking a bath. The water in the bathtub went from hot to cold. When she woke up, she was shivering with cold. When she came out, she had a very serious fever. She was even burnt and confused, but Tingting took care of her.

Since that time, Shu Xiaonan has never had a question again and would rather stay empty.

Shu Xiaonan could easily realize the logic and connection of these things, but she was too embarrassed to tell Guo Tingting that the fever was due to confusion.

Firstly, it was too horrifying and her best friend might not believe it. Secondly... the existence of this kind of power was contrary to science. She had no idea what would happen if she told her about it.

The appearance of Yu Xing was an exception, and it also made Shu Xiaonan excited. It was the first time she met someone who was suspected of having the same unscientific ability!

Guo Tingting didn't know what her best friend was thinking. She only knew that she had to perform well at night.

After getting out of danger, I thought about what happened that day again. The handsome guy's nimble skills were simply amazing!

If such a person falls in love, he must be very happy, right?

Little girls at this age like to fantasize and are full of longing for relationships.

It wasn't until the two of them sat down in the restaurant and the handsome guy they longed for arrived...all their thoughts were suddenly splashed with water.

I saw a tall beauty next to the handsome guy. She exuded a unique mature and cold temperament. Her smiling lips made her look very aura. She even held the handsome guy's arm.

The two little girls were restless.

Yu Xing let Qu Xianqing hold her arm, walked to the seat and let go. He helped Qu Xianqing pull out the chair in a gentlemanly manner. After sitting down, he introduced: This is my girlfriend, do you mind?

I don't mind. I don't mind. How dare Shu Xiaonan mind? His girlfriend has such a strong aura.


One thing to say, bringing your girlfriend over directly shows that you really don't have any extra thoughts about them. This is much better than some sanctimonious guys who eat from the bowl and look at the pot.

This is what Yu Xing wants.

He just wanted Shu Xiaonan, who had special luck, to do a favor. He didn't want to deceive people's feelings. These two girls were serious people, not ghosts who didn't feel guilty for defrauding their feelings.

Qu Xianqing restrained his indifference and nodded slightly.

Guo Tingting made a comparison and found that she had no comparison. She immediately changed her mood and worked hard to cook.

Oh, by the way, I also want to express my gratitude to Yu Xing first.

The meal unfolded in an atmosphere where everyone had their own concerns. During the meal, Shu Xiaonan frequently saw handsome guys asking his girlfriend if she wanted to eat this or that. The beautiful sister always responded calmly.


Why do I feel that the atmosphere we get along with is weird?

It's not that they're unfamiliar, they just don't look like a couple.

Shu Xiaonan didn't dare to say.

After dinner, she planned to say goodbye politely and end the special fate of this trip. Before she could say anything, she suddenly heard the beautiful sister say: Guo Tingting? Come with me to the supermarket to buy something.

Guo Tingting was suddenly called out and was stunned for a moment. She quickly realized that this was a handsome guy who wanted to talk to Shu Xiaonan alone!

Sure enough, we are going to tell you some metaphysical secrets!

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