Abyss Knight

Chapter 247

“Queen, as Master Mage said, we now need people to catch those lesser dragons, why not let them follow along? Under my rule, they will finish catching lesser dragons sooner than It’s a task.” Kukas laughed a few times, and he waved his hand vigorously with the one-legged bronze doll and laughed strangely: “We can even raise these lesser dragons in captivity, well, we can even cultivate them into mounts. So that the career of lesser dragon Knight will be available in Crimson Manor.”

“Well, good idea. Okay, now we will catch the lesser dragon and try to complete this task before dark.” The voice of the crimson queen wearing the golden mask is still so cold, she gently waved the scepter, the golden rays of light wrapped around her all around rolled up, like an unrolled bolt of white silk, generally all returned to her hand In the scepter.

“Kill these Knights for me, and don’t keep any of them.” Just as the Scarlet Queen gave the order to go on the road, Kukas’s voice suddenly appeared in his mind. “If you can do it, I can meet a lot of your requirements.”

Hearing this kind of command, Kukas really froze for a while. He didn’t understand why the Scarlet Queen wanted to kill those golden armor knights now, let alone why she had to wait until now if she didn’t kill early or late. Although there are many doubts, he is still slightly nodded, which means he has accepted the queen’s order.

According to the idea of ​​this bald villain: as a mercenary, he protects a person’s safety, and is completely responsible for obeying this person’s order to kill some people he thinks is dangerous to him. Of course, when Kukas really agreed, he still didn’t care about the killing. Dozens of fifth-tier Knights and hundreds of Hu Cong looked to him like hundreds of lambs to be slaughtered. Kill and kill, nothing at worst.

Although the road in the forest is very difficult to walk, the horses of Knight, Hu Cong and other cavalry are extremely sophisticated. They can easily shuttle in the forest. They have great strength and endurance. Second to those wildebeests.

Kukas and the others quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests, and according to the map information provided by the ponytail maid, they constantly walked towards the valley where the lesser dragons gathered.

After four more magic hours, the valley where the lesser dragons gathered appeared in front of Kukas and the others. If you stand up high, you will find that the valley is bottle gourd-shaped. Except for one exit, all around are sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces nearly a kilometer high. These sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces gave birth to some holes of different sizes. When the wind blew through, those holes made a whimper sound, which sounded very infiltrating.

The valley is not big, it occupies an area of ​​about 10 li. According to the ponytail maid, there are at least thirty lesser dragons inside. Of course, maybe the number may be a little more.

After Kukas and his team appeared in front of this valley, they soon attracted the guards in the valley. “Are you who? Get out of here right away. This place is the territory of Novia, if you don’t leave here, don’t blame us for being polite.” A guard pushed three or five small lathe crossbows out of the canyon. Yelled at Kukas and them.

“Queen, I believe they must have seen our flag.” Kukas twisted his thick neck and said to the scarlet queen with a strange smile: “I don’t know how you control it. Your territory.”

“You should ask my grandmother about this. She left it to me. I just took over for more than a month.” The Scarlet Queen coldly said: ” They must have seen my banner, but they are still saying this in front of me. I think they are too rampant.”

“Your Majesty the beautiful, let me get rid of them! I will imprison their souls, and let them beg for you forever!” The battle priest took a small mace and a scripture and jumped from the caster on the side to the Scarlet Queen and said flatly, “I Let everyone know how powerful you are, and let them all know your prestige.”

“haha! Just leave this to me.” On the side, Kukas saw the appearance of the battle priest. Later, I felt very unhappy. With a low growl, he picked up the one-legged bronze doll and pointed at the entrance of the valley ahead and roared: “Knights, charge me and kill the trash.”

A roar, the expected charge not at all appeared, but on the contrary, Kukas heard the laughter of others.

It turned out that dozens of Knights and their Hu Cong did not charge at all, but stayed where they were and refused to obey orders. The people guarding the valley laughed and humiliated the leader of the Knight, Kukas, while the people on the side of the Scarlet Queen laughed kindly.

The laughter of the crowd made Kukas’s face distorted: “Tell me, why do you refuse to charge?” Kukas narrowed his eyes and stared at the dozens fiercely through the holes in the visor. Golden armor Knight asked sharply.

“They have lathe crossbows, damn it, do we Knights who don’t have heavy armor shield guards directly face those lathe crossbows? even more how we have been on the road for a long time, many people We are all tired.” Golden armor Knight said their reasons loudly.

“Since you don’t want to charge, then die!” The sixth-order spellcaster suddenly spoke. He waved his staff and drew a strange pattern in front of him, and then gently tapped the top of the staff at the center of the pattern. The striking of the staff broke the pattern. Then a black ripple visible from naked eye flew out of the broken pattern, seemingly slow, but extremely quickly hitting the golden armor Knights and their Hu Cong.

The ripples hit, and the Knights trembled involuntarily. Some fast-reacting Hu Cong started to run away before their master could react, but their speed was too slow, at least in front of the caster’s attack.

Several Hu Cong who fled were entangled in the split ripples as far as they did not charge ahead, and then stopped abruptly.

Mysterious language rang from the mouth of the sixth-order spellcaster. With the sound of the mysterious language, the golden armor Knights and Hu Cong began to emit some black smoke out of thin air. Under the attack of this black smoke, the armor on their bodies began to darken, and the three or five breathing times became completely black. Even the mounts under them are no exception.

“Charge.” The sixth-order caster roared loudly and waved his staff toward the entrance of the valley loudly.

Those Knights who were affected by magic let out a burst of beast roars, and then urged the horses to rush towards the valley frantically.

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