Abyss Knight

Chapter 262

The violent Knight breakthrough the unextinguished flame, fiercely hitting a light curtain deep in the flame. The light curtain seemed extremely weak, but it bounced off Knight’s charge easily.

The tyrannical impact was sent to other directions by the weak teleportation of the light curtain, and a wave of air rolled out behind the light curtain, tearing the flames and destroying some broken walls behind it.

Kukas was not reconciled to let the people in the light curtain just like this. He waved the heavy copper fiercely and smashed it down towards the light curtain, hoping to use the three-sided thorns on the copper Split the light curtain to attack the people inside. He thinks that in the explosion just now, the situation of these remaining people will definitely not be better. It is a waste of opportunity not to take the opportunity to kill some people to vent their anger.

Two strands of Battle Qi are blessed by black gloves to form two burning Battle Qi flames on his hands. This Battle Qi flame spreads, and instantly wraps around the one-legged bronze doll. The bronze entanglement of the black Battle Qi is flying in the air, and after the chain turns, it looks like two meteors one after the other hits the light curtain.

There are one or two casters and seven or eight ordinary persons in the light curtain. One of the casters took the staff and pointed it towards the Kukas Tongqi, and then saw a red light with the thickness of a thumb from his staff. It shot out from the top gem, and then hit the high-speed flying copper. The red light collided with Battle Qi, making a burst of zi zi sound, the red light dissipated, and Tong Li was unable to fly and hit the light curtain lightly, but was unable to bring any damage to the light curtain.

The wrist trembles, and the two-handed bronze one-legged doll flies into the hands of Kukas, and then he once again carries the bronze fiercely and smashes it down toward the light curtain. At the same time, sits down. The beast let out a harsh roar, and under the control of its master, it waved its paws and head to bite the light curtain in front of it.

The bones collided with the light curtain, making a zhi zhi sound. The light curtain trembled under the bite, as if it was about to break at any time. At this time, the fighter and several other fighters also rushed to the all around. They didn’t at all attack the light curtain, but kept hunting all around the professionals who had just escaped from the flames. Most of these professionals were injured just now. Even if they survived, they would not have enough power to fight these premeditated people because of the massive consumption of Battle Qi.

“The mercenaries of Scarlet Manor, you are doing this to cause disaster for you.” Among the people alive in the light curtain was the rich middle age person, who was completely awake during the raid. . After discovering that there were two Tier 6 spellcasters by his side to protect them, all the worries in his heart disappeared. In his opinion, the difference in rank cannot be made up by the number of people. The magic defense of a Tier 6 spellcaster can’t be broken by a Tier 6 professional. “This matter is not over. One day I want you to regret what you did today. I want you to not receive a task in the Koster Empire. I want you to live in panic and panic all day long.”

“Fuck!” The bald man grinned grinningly: “You are going to die, and pester and chirp. After I catch you for a while, I will see if your mouth is so vicious.”

While speaking, another wizard in the light curtain has already begun to prepare for spell again. His spell is not to attack Kukas, but to assist other professionals who survived all around.

“Wait until you break this defense!” The rich middle age person mocked Kukas disdainfully. In his opinion, such a nobody came to trouble him, it was because of a problem in his mind that he did so.

A burning boulder flew from a distance in the sky. This burning boulder fiercely hit the light curtain, but the light curtain only trembled slightly. Shattered the flame-burning boulder. At the other end of the light curtain, there was another air wave. Obviously, this light curtain transfers most of the force from the impact to other places, and no matter how strong the momentum is, it does not have much effect on the light curtain itself.

“Damn, you can resist the spell of the sixth-order caster, and see if you can withstand the attack of my third-order Knight.” Kukas roared, he turned his mount to retreat, and then prepared to cast His current strongest single attack went.

However, at this time, a spellcaster covered in gray and black smoke slowly walked out of a pile of flames. Kukas had seen the caster, and he would stand behind those people when he had seen him in Crimson Manor.

“haha! Claire, kill this clown for me, let him know that I found the Monrodu family is not that easy to mess with. Damn, no one who provokes our family will be good End of the game.” The rich middle age person yelled gesticulatingly. The caster who just appeared was the caster their family had just recruited, and the price was only some magical materials that they didn’t like. Therefore, he is fully qualified to dictate something to his family’s men.

“I hate other people pointing fingers at me, especially those who have no power.” The caster covered in gray and black smoke still husky and whispered softly. It protruded out of the smoke with a staff made entirely of amethyst. The staff did not aim at Kukas, but aimed at the light curtain.

“Don’t kill us.” The caster who maintained the light curtain and the other attacker screamed at the same time, and then they didn’t know what secret technique they used, only the streamer flashed , While breathing, they turned into an afterimage and appeared outside of several hundred meters. And they continued to flee away without looking back: “We are not involved in this matter.”

“It’s late!” The caster in the gray black smoke calmly said its final decision. . I cannot hear the sound of incantion, and I cannot see the mysterious spell structure. I saw three purple rays of light with the thickness of a thumb from the top of the purple magic crystal scepter. Two rays of light flew in the direction where the two casters escaped, and one rays of light hit the light curtain not far away.

The light curtain shattered, and several ordinary persons appeared in front of Kukas. The two casters who escaped kept throwing out various defense spells, even tearing apart the Defensive Scroll they had accumulated for most of their lives in hopes of resisting the two purple rays of light. A series of defenses were thrown out, but the two Tier 6 casters knew that they still had little chance of survival. Because they all know that the caster who has been silent is a 7th grade Peak caster, who can be promoted to an eighth grade at any time. And after the purple rays of light appeared, the magic wave emitted from it even told them the name of the spell.

The Trial of the Three-Eyed Beast! This magic is very famous among the casters. On the one hand, the single formidable power of this spell is extremely tyrannical. If there is no special defense spell in the defense spell of the same level as the 7th grade spell, even if your defense number is more. It is powerful and has no ability to stop this spell. According to legend, it is the ordinary defense spell in the eighth rank, and it cannot prevent the tearing of the attack spell.

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