Abyss Knight

Chapter 331

“Everyone, as the soldiers of the Castle of Erraz, the money you get cannot be given by any organization or any force. I pay you a lot of money, all because I need your strength. And now is the time for you to show your strength, everyone, show your true strength! Let me see if you are qualified to enjoy such a high treatment.” Kukas sat down on the special chair. , And then eight burly man on the side stepped forward and lifted the chair.

“There are many mercenaries in the entire Erraze wasteland, and a lot of people earn money from knives and blood. I think many people are very happy to replace your current position.” Si lit a piece of silver smoke fiercely and took a sip to continue loudly said: “I am the governor of the Erraze wasteland, you are the soldiers of the governor, today I use you, not for you to patrol, but for you to collect Money. I think 20% of the money collected at this time will be shared equally between you. If you are injured during the period, I will pay ten times of Gold Coin as compensation. If you die because of tax collection, then I will pay 10,000 Gold Coins. Come and take care of your family and offspring until they reach adulthood. They can even be cultivated into professionals.”

“I know that many of you’re family members are studying in some unknown colleges, if If your performance is perfect this time, I think from now on, all of your family members who are studying will receive my financial subsidy until they leave the college.”

“I said this, but in fact, it is only In a word, it is money. As long as you complete my order, a large amount of money will be put in your pockets. The women who you normally can only watch but not play with will also become your bag. You normally What you want but you can’t get will get you in the end.”

A talk that can’t be considered brilliant made everyone’s blood boil, especially dozens of veterans carrying heavy When the box was dropped not far in front of Kukas, the blood of the soldiers who had just been recruited was even more boiling.

One heavy box fell on the ground, and a large amount of Gold Coin rolled out from the cracked box. The dazzling Gold Coin made everyone cheer in a low voice. If it hadn’t been for Kukas to suppress it here, I am afraid they would have swarmed up and snatched all the money.

“When you come back, these Gold Coins belong to you. This is an extra reward.” Kukas grinned. He felt the enthusiasm of the soldiers, and even the eyes of these people longing for Gold Coin.

Without saying anything, Kukas just waved his hand to signal the team to start. And he was walking at the forefront of the team, and there were more than a hundred Tier 3 soldiers guarding the left and right with knives, guns and clubs around him. Of course, in fact, he should be in the middle of the team, but for some special reasons, he must go ahead to prevent the soldiers from falling in an imposing manner.

More than a dozen wind whistles are at the forefront of the team, and the whistle turns to start the sound of wu wu. Dozens of iron flags fluttered in the wind, depicting the Kukas name and the mark on the Erraze wasteland. Of course, the mark was designed by Kukas, an unknown rare beast standing on the wasteland. And that rare beast is a powerful creature he deduced from an old Legendary Knight biography.

The scene of the team of more than 10,000 people is spectacular, with more than 10,000 people, boundless, and more than 10,000 troops directly attacked the gathering area around the Imperial College, which almost instantly attracted the attention of interested people. Before Kukas and the others arrived at the extreme edge of this huge gathering area, almost everyone in the entire gathering area knew that a well-equipped army of 10,000 people was slowly coming over.

Clearing the field, Kukas’ taxation method is extremely simple and rude. More than 10,000 troops walked side by side on the wide streets, and instantly blocked the 30-50 meters wide road. The soldiers took orders copied by the alchemists into the shops on both sides of the street, and then asked for money. There is not much money, the most is only 100 Gold Coins, and the least there are 10 Gold Coins. And these Gold Coins are all gathered together and stacked on the huge carriage in the center of the team. At the same time, the soldiers will also record the name of the owner of the store to make a mark.

In this way, step by step, Kukas and the others walked through the most prosperous street here according to the originally scheduled route, and then collected money from all shops. At the same time, Kukas also ordered the soldiers to distribute the Erraze Wasteland Code he had prepared the other day to the shops. Of course, money is still charged for that thin code. One Gold Coin is very cheap for Kukas.

During this period, some shops also planned to resist the payment of taxes and took out the receipts that had previously paid taxes to prove their reasons. But Kukas threw the Erraze Wasteland Code fiercely in front of the opponent, and then gave them ten breathing time to think about it.

Most shop owners have compromised, and only a few people decide to continue resisting. They think that the forces behind them will not allow them to bow their heads with this inferior so-called governor. Of course, people like this ended up miserably. Their heads were chopped off by violent soldiers, and everything in the shop was forcibly taken by them. Because whoever resists, Kukas will no longer collect their money, but let the soldiers who destroyed the shop get those money.

Ordinary soldiers joined in, and even some soldiers robbed some shops that had already paid taxes. Of course, for this situation, Kukas did not take seriously at all. He just sat on the chair silently, squinting at the crowd in front of him. Looking at the crowd, there were expressions of anger, disgust, and disdain.

The thick fingers tapped gently on the armrests, and beside him, there were two one-legged bronze dolls entwined with black smoke. Every time he flicked his fingers, the copper was There will be waves of whimpering. Although the sound is very weak, it is enough to be heard by some interested people.

There were five carriages in the team. When the five carriages were filled with money, he ordered the soldiers to scatter out and post their orders on various streets to let all shop owners go. He took the initiative to pay taxes there. And his time given by this time is three days.

The money on the five carriages left one for all soldiers to share, while the remaining Gold Coin was purchased by Kukas for a large amount of magic materials and medicine, as well as for his special cultivation method Some food and props.

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