Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 233 NO00e8: Anthony

Chapter 233 NO.00e8: Anthony

"Okay...actually you don't have to do this at all."

Looking at the depressed Donata, Jim comforted her.

As soon as the taxi entered the city, Donata immediately called her family.

She first excitedly recounted all the things she had experienced before, with added detail. Then she told the other end of the phone very proudly that she had hired a very powerful private detective to help deal with this family matter.

For a moment, Jim was stunned by this girl's operation - he had obviously followed the clues of the bullet and investigated the head of the "Classic Coffee Gang". Why did she turn him into a private detective hired by her?

Fortunately, after Donata finished speaking, she was immediately scolded by the person on the other end of the phone - she didn't even need to observe the representation topology, just look at the change in the other person's expression after the phone call. , Jim can be sure of this.

"He always treats me like a child! He never lets me touch the family business."

Donata hung up the phone and bumped her teeth angrily while speaking.

"It's pretty good. It's not a serious business."

Jim replied with a shrug.

But at this moment, Donata was completely immersed in her own emotions. She completely ignored Jim beside her and continued to complain:

"And for this reason, I have never been allowed to install prosthetics and implants."

"That's even better. It reduces your probability of developing cyberpsychosis."

Jim continued.

In today's era, unless it is a special work requirement. The middle class usually equips themselves with as few prosthetics and implants as possible, or at least stores their native organs in a body bank, waiting to be reinstalled. In this way, people use this method to reduce their own performance. The risk of developing psychosis.

And those who really risk their lives to increase their own transformation points are usually at the two extremes. Or he has only one life, and thus alienates himself into a poor man who survives mechanically. Or, they are rich people who can customize prosthetics and have a professional medical team to stabilize their mental index.

"But obviously my mental index is the most stable in the family, but he has never allowed me to install any prosthetic body! Even the last time I had the opportunity to go to the 'Tenth Floor' for adjustment..."

Probably realizing that she almost missed something, she immediately stopped herself.

Regarding what she leaked, Jim remained calm and changed the topic:

"So, what did your father say in the end?"

Donata first muttered "How do you know it's my dad's", and then replied:

"He said he'd call you in a minute."

Before he finished speaking, Jim immediately received an unknown call.

"You should have told me this earlier."

He glared at Donata and complained, then answered the phone and said:

"Hello, this is..."

"Hello, Mr. Jim Leiter. First of all, thank you very much for taking care of Dog Girl, but regarding the matter of hiring you, it is just Dog Girl messing around, please don't take it seriously. In fact, what we do is People with small businesses don’t like to involve outsiders in their private affairs.”

A low and old voice echoed in his ears, interrupting his self-introduction.

"So, I'm just suggesting-can you just leave it at that?"

The other party's voice was as calm as a spider that had just eaten - obviously, the other party was confident that he could easily handle a mere private detective.

Please! Jim Leiter, the bullet that went into your head was what they sold you. But now they think you are a softie and that you are not involved with the gang of cops, and they just want you to get out of here quickly. For the sake of Father Cyber, give them some color and come up with a harsher opening.

"Mr. Anthony Guzman..."

So, Jim spoke the other person's name.

"Your daughter is in my hands now."

His tone was very calm.

Donata, who was sitting next to him, suddenly widened her eyes and straightened up.

Jim immediately raised his hand slightly to signal her to calm down first.

[Don’t you want to participate? Then just listen to me and stop causing trouble]

He sent Donata a private message.

When the latter saw this, he immediately fell silent.

The arms dealer named Anthony on the other end of the phone said after being silent for several seconds:

"What do you want?"

"Same thing as you want, the truth."

Jim answered, and then he continued:

"Daly Sage, the second-level representative of the Citizens' Representative Council of the Resettlement Area Government; K.K.P., the head of information security in Beacon; Clyde Lynch, the administrative director of Nord Biobank; the head of the counterintelligence department of Apollo Biotech in Nord Wang Linwen...the truth about these big shots in the Nord resettlement area having bullets inserted into their heads at the same time."

Jim heard the other party mutter and curse "Why doesn't that girl have a good mouth?", and then said:

"With all due respect, this matter has nothing to do with you and it would not do you any good to get involved."

The arms chief on the other end of the phone said this.

Jim replied:

"You are wrong, Mr. Anthony. This matter has a lot to do with me..."

Having said this, he took a breath and said:

"Because there is also a bullet produced by your gang in my brain. And it was inserted at the same time as those big guys."

For a moment, the other end of the phone was as quiet as death.

"But you're still alive."

After a long time, Anthony hesitated and said.

"It was just a fluke."

Jim answered.

Silence again.

After a long time, Anthony asked:

"How about we meet in detail?"

"I'll decide the place."

Jim nodded.

The other party hesitated for a while, and then said:

"If it's the kind of place where you can put a cold gun behind your back, then..."

"rest assured."

Jim interrupted directly:

"The conversation room of the Deep Blue Zone Bar, only a madman would dare to do something there."

"no problem."

Although there were rumors before, the previous reconstruction of the Deep Blue Zone Bar was not the result of a hacker attack and gas explosion as officially announced. It is the protagonist of "The Battle of the Broken Sky", Liao Qi's small test when he debuted, in order to issue a warning to the "ten-layer" government.

But after all, this private detective is not the Liao Qi who dared to draw a sword against the company, and there is no way he is playing some tricks there.

Therefore, Anthony immediately agreed.

After Jim hung up the phone, Donata immediately came over hurriedly:

"You were shot in the brain too?"

"That's true, but can you put it in a better way?"

Jim said helplessly:

"So, when you were investigating the bullet smuggling..."

"Then I have to thank you for not listening to the family's advice and going to the upper level of the resettlement area alone to find out the news. Otherwise, it would probably take a lot of time to find out the 'Classic Coffee Gang'."

He said somewhat sarcastically.

"It's a coincidence, it's just a coincidence, hehe."

Donata touched the back of her head in embarrassment and said with a naive smile.

This is not a compliment to you...

Jim resisted rolling his eyes - he found that this girl's brain circuit was indeed a bit strange, or was this the reason why his father did not let her take care of the family business?

Speaking of which, is it possible that people with more nerves are born with a stable mental index?


On the other end of the phone, when Anthony Guzman hung up the phone, the expression on his face gradually turned cold.

"You made a mistake, Mr. Detective. What we want has never been the so-called truth."

He looked at the contact and murmured:

"But that things can be fully resolved."

There are many people in this world who always equate restoring the truth with solving problems. But in fact, these are two completely different things.

People who really care about the truth often don't pay attention to how many problems will be created on the road to pursuing the truth. But people who really want to solve the problem are likely to try their best to conceal it after knowing the truth.

The former is ideal, the latter is pragmatic.

There is no doubt that arms smuggling is a very pragmatic business.

In other words, all business in the world is pragmatic business - otherwise companies would not eventually replace the government and become the masters of the world today.

So as a pragmatic businessman, Anthony would naturally not make such a mistake.

He understood that when those guys came over aggressively and gave him three days to find the prisoner, they essentially just wanted to find a scapegoat and a scapegoat.

Company executives are like bedbugs. When one person dies, there are many others waiting to replace them. The so-called "big shot" who died has no value. And those who take their place will not even for a moment mourn their predecessors.

It's not necessarily the case that the person was killed by themselves - whoever benefits the most will be the most suspect.

So the reason why they let themselves find the murderer is also very simple. The "Classic Coffee Gang" was almost completely wiped out by the Icarus Liberation Front in the past. And now the "ten-layer" government has an incompatible relationship with Icarus - they actually just hope that they can put this crime on Icarus' head.

It's a pity that my stupid daughter couldn't understand this, so she just stupidly ran to the upper level of the resettlement area to investigate.

"We can't let that detective continue to investigate. Let's go and deal with him."

Anthony said so.

The man who had been sitting behind him said nothing, just put down his brush and stood up.

And under his pen, a graffiti painting with a childish style but bloody and terrifying content is almost completed.

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