360 – Danger in the East (1)

A month later, the imperial palace.

His Majesty held his stomach and started laughing so loudly that he almost rolled over.

“Is that true? If you report false information, even if it’s just between you and me, we have no choice but to punish you severely. hahahaha, but the kings and nobles of 300 years ago were not in the era of rampaging around saying we are the same knights, so why are we here now… Does this make sense?”

It was the first time in my life that His Majesty had smiled like this in front of me, and because his reaction was so exaggerated, I thought it was some kind of forced smile.

I could understand why you were bursting into laughter, so I just pretended not to see it.

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He has the dignity of an emperor, but he shouldn’t be seen in such excessive disarray by his enemies, right?

“If you find it funny, just laugh. “Aren’t you and I practically family?”

“Then, please excuse me.”

As soon as I said that, I could feel the corners of my mouth tugging at my ears.

“To be honest, I also never dreamed that His Majesty the King of Britannia would go to his parents’ house. That is also true, for the king of a country to go to war, it must be a crisis situation where the survival of the country is at stake or equivalent. “For the king to go to his own country to take over just one thing, Brumandy, isn’t this an idea that only a crazy person would come up with?”

The reason why the king should not have his own affairs is very simple.

When the king leaves the country with the entire army, the situation becomes an opportunity for those under him to revolt.

If the entire army was mobilized, it would mean that all goods, food, and money within the country were completely robbed, and then the dissatisfaction of the remaining people would have piled up.

If the nobles had the money to feed such angry people, they could, in theory, recruit thousands or tens of thousands, or even infinite number of rebels.

Besides, the expedition to the damn Francois Republic will take at least several years, and there will be plenty of time. It is impossible for a rebellion to break out in the meantime.

This is not my wrist, it is a matter of course that the United Kingdom of Britannia cannot make delicious dishes.

His Majesty chuckled after hearing what I said.

“The Foreign Minister said that Britannians don’t eat proper food on a regular basis and only eat horrible things like weird sardine pies and cucumber sandwiches, so they can’t live sanely. In particular, a guy called the King would have only eaten the highest quality food by their standards, so it would be perfect for him to go crazy. By the way, we need to guarantee them the use of the Grand Duchy of Belgium’s ports. Do you have any plans?”

The Grand Duchy of Belgium only has the title of Grand Duke, but in fact, it is a country that is inferior in terms of population and economic power to a duchy belonging to the Faroesia City Confederation.

So, if you mobilize about 100,000 imperial troops, you can completely wipe out the entire country, but there is no need to go as far as threatening.

“All we have to do is express our dissatisfaction if we do not lend the port to His Majesty the Archduke of Belgium. Then, won’t you please cooperate?”

“Well, the current Grand Duke of Belgium cannot refuse my request.”

“If you give me one or two reasonable coupons in exchange for lending me the port, I won’t have any complaints.”

A reasonable interest would be giving the Archduke over there a collateral royal family member of the Reich Empire in marriage, but to the Archduke of Belgium, it would feel like a rope that fell from the sky.

If they form a marriage alliance with the empire, if something goes wrong and they are on the verge of ruin, they will have a chance to be saved just as the Duchy of Philorence was helped.

“Wow, you’re openly mentioning your plan to send my relatives somewhere else.”

If you just listen to the words, it seems like they would be arrested for blasphemy against the imperial family, but His Majesty’s face looked full of mischief.

“I never said that.”

“I am worried that if this continues, I will end up having to send my lovely daughter Marianne abroad. I can’t do it. As soon as Friedrich graduates from the academy and is commissioned as a second lieutenant, he should consider marrying her off to that bastard. “I feel this every time I meet him, but he has a handsome face and is as brave as you, and he is also very good at leading his younger siblings. He will definitely become a great man just like you, right?”

Currently, His Majesty has only one daughter, and she happens to be two years younger than Frederick, so they make a perfect match.

She is the first daughter and the only princess, and she will probably marry an heir from another country in about 4 to 5 years.

This joke is so severe that I can’t even laugh.

“I believe that Friedrich will definitely be a better general than me, but he will struggle to be worthy of Her Highness.”

When I spoke sincerely and humbly, His Majesty’s expression hardened.

“…… He is a better general than you. Wow, he’s a father with plenty of money to spare. “The joke is too serious.”

“If given the opportunity to perform, he will perform even better than me.”

The original owner of this body lived in an orphanage at the age of 11 and often went begging, but Friedrich was already smart enough to read and understand academy textbooks even at a young age.

Also, almost all of my knowledge is stored in print at the Staff College, so when he gets to my age, based on that, he will have greater capabilities than me.

However, as if to save my face, His Majesty continued to maintain the expression that something like Laura or Anya would never happen.

“If what you say is correct, people will say that it is not my daughter who is a waste, but your son.”

You looked like you were seriously considering something, but right now it would be better to discuss your next plan.

“Anyway, Your Majesty, from now on, thanks to His Highness James, Francois will not dare to look in the direction of the Reich Empire for at least ten years. So the Reich Empire now only has to prepare for danger in the east.”

“If we talk about the dangers in the east, they would be Czechia, Austria, Warsaw, and Stolholm. François thought that he had greatly reduced the burden on his mind by alleviating potential dangers, but he still had to deal with four countries at once. “Does this have any chance of winning?”

“If we mobilize our troops and reserve forces from the rear as soon as they declare war and fight against them, we can say we have a good chance of winning. “But there is one thing that worries me.”

“It’s unusual for you to be worried. Richen Hill Aren’t you the one who somehow managed to overcome even the worst situation? “With confidence.”

At Richen Hill, I acted as if I was confident on the outside, but in my heart I was extremely worried about how many people would die and whether we would win.

Even though he was worried, he calculated that if he showed signs of wavering as the commander in charge of the battle, he would definitely be defeated, so he just pretended to know everything.

I just took a gamble by throwing my body into the fight.

And even though we are now at the stage of establishing an operation plan, the level of anxiety and uncertainty at Li Chen’s level is already palpable.

Perhaps he sensed my anxiety? The emperor standing in front of me looked at me with concern.

“Look, Marshal Yeager.”

As soon as I heard the words of concern, I was able to escape for a moment from the anxiety that was right in front of me.

“What are you worried about? “Tell me anything.”

“…… That’s how much they fear the Reich Empire.”

The emperor laughed heartily after hearing what I said.

“The more they fear us, isn’t it better for the empire? “If the sight of the empire’s black eagle flag makes you urinate, just by moving your troops, you can conquer vast territories…”

I interrupted His Majesty’s speech with a wave of my hand.

It was extremely rude, but it was because I couldn’t listen to such a relaxed sound right now.

“Your Majesty, a cornered rat bites a person. “I will definitely try to bite you at any cost.”

The reason is simple, if it succeeds in biting a person, the rat may survive.

But if you try to run away, you will die anyway, so it is a final gamble.

“The same goes for those four countries. Those rat bastards will also join forces and come if they are extremely afraid of the imperial army.”

“What if you are afraid?”

“Everyone, from the king above to the people below, will unite to survive. Then, they will lead an army that cannot be controlled and try to trample on the empire. “To survive, just to survive.”

Hearing those words, His Majesty must have understood my intention, as his pupils began to tremble.

“……Is there any solution?”

“There is no such thing as a perfect solution. I just do my best to stop them. “As commander-in-chief and marshal of the imperial army.”

And a month later, as Peter Jaeger predicted, the four monarchs of Austria, Warsaw, Stockholm, and Czechia gathered together for the first time in hundreds of years.

There is only one topic discussed: trampling on the Reich Empire.

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