382 – Last Resistance (1)

The Reich Imperial soldiers guarding Bastion Castle have continued their winning streak so far.

To be exact, with only 50,000 troops, they succeeded in continuously blocking over 360,000 enemy troops for almost a month.

Their feats are already having a huge impact, enough to change the course of this war.

The bards will praise their brave and unparalleled feats in poems and songs for hundreds of years, and the records of history will praise the indomitable will they showed.

However, the condition of those currently standing on the wall was not very good.

“…… I feel like I’m going to die. No, I would rather die and rest.”

“We’re almost all dead already, and there’s not much left, but there’s no end to those damn Allied bastards.”

“Will I be able to endure until the end? “Can we really win like the enemy said?”

My physical strength had already been depleted for a long time, and my mind was so exhausted that it was no wonder that I collapsed at any time.

In addition, most of the soldiers and men guarding the castle walls are dead and gone, so the women and men are forced to fight directly wearing the armor worn by the dead soldiers and men.

But none of them ever said anything like giving up or saying they couldn’t do it anymore.

“Long live the Reich Empire! Long live your Majesty the Emperor! Honorable warriors of Castle Bastion, I, Peter Jaeger, will fight with you and die with you! Let’s protect this castle, our family, and our hometown until the end!”

Marshal Peter Yeager has done everything he can to protect Bastion Castle.

In fact, he is a person who can abandon this castle and join another front because of the huge power difference.

Because he is fighting while risking his life.

The Allied soldiers who knew this exploded with maddened anger, and the Archduke, who commanded them, also commanded them with a burning will to capture the castle, determined to avenge the humiliation of losing every day while delaying the time. .

“Kill every single one of them! Cut off Peter Yeager’s head and offer it to me!”

With that order, numerous Allied soldiers became one and pushed in at once.

In the past, they would have walked slowly and orderly while maintaining a close formation, but following the lessons they had learned from losing countless soldiers, they spread out and ran toward the castle wall.

Because I learned that this is the best way to reduce sacrifice.

“Behead Peter Yeager! Kill every human living in that damn castle! “Whether they are men, women, or children, trample and kill them thoroughly!”

“It doesn’t matter what Deus is! “Those bastards are heretics who sold their souls to the devil, so let’s establish justice by punishing the heretics!”

“Kill! Kill it! “Kill those little bastards!”

At Bastion Castle, as always, fireballs, catapult stones, and arrows rained down from a distance.

Many Allied soldiers died screaming and spattering blood and flesh, but no one cared about their dead comrades.

Because they were already so accustomed to the death of their colleagues, they had changed to the point where they didn’t care about anything other than me.

Many Allied soldiers died in the 1.2 Km long section from the Allied camp to the walls of Bastion Castle, but since the numbers were numbers, there was no sign of them decreasing at all when viewed from a distance.

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“Hang the ladder! Ladder! “Hang the ladder and climb the castle wall!”

“There is no need for a battering ram! “Burn the gates down with fireballs!”

“We must kill Peter Yeager at all costs!”

The women fighting alongside the Reich Imperial Army used all kinds of weapons and stones to repel those climbing the castle wall.

“Die! Die! Die! Allied bastards! “You guys killed my son!”

“You bastards who are not even worthy of breathing or living! Die!”

“My whole family died because of you guys! You bastard enemies, I will kill at least one more person before I die, and I will die too!”

Those who survived on the walls fought fiercely, determined to kill at least one more person to protect their families, to save their lives, and to take revenge on those who had driven their families and comrades to death.

Allied soldiers who were climbing ladders were hit by rocks falling from a high place and their heads were broken, causing them to fall down and die. As soon as they stepped onto the walls, they were stabbed by spears or hit by maces, crushing their heads and bodies to death.

Also, some powerful knights or soldiers overturned a ladder with several people hanging on it.

“aaah! Die, you damn Allied bastards! “You guys don’t deserve to be alive in this world!”

“Turn over the ladder! “Blast their backs!”

“This is the enemy’s order to kill at least one more person! “I’m going to kill you by squeezing out all the strength you had from sucking milk!”

Those who were climbing the ladder hanging on the castle wall were thrown to the ground.

At that time, other Allied soldiers climbed the ladder again and climbed up the castle wall like a cockroach that came back to life after being killed by stepping on it.

“Today we must cut off Peter Yeager’s head! “Kill him by any means possible!”

“I will rip out the limbs of that loveless bastard!”

“Charge forward! “Kill every single one of them on the wall over there!”

Each time, the imperial soldiers on top of the castle walls stepped forward and repelled them as much as possible, but at some point, they began to slowly be pushed back from the walls.

At first, it was just a base for enemies to climb around the ladder hanging on the castle wall, but as the number of enemies gradually increased, the walls on all four sides began to fill with Allied soldiers.

“Kill all the Reich soldiers! “Kill every single one of them!”

“Today, I will do whatever it takes to kill the Jaeger trapped under the castle wall! “Kill me!”

“Kill every woman, child, man, and elderly person without leaving one behind!” Whoever resists, drop his head!”

Allied forces who climbed up the castle walls regarded everyone guarding the castle equally as enemies, regardless of whether they were children or adults.

Normally, women and children would be captured with the intention of selling them as slaves, but at this time, no one treated them with any discrimination.

Whether they were holding weapons or not, they stabbed everyone with a knife, smashed their heads with a mace, and kicked them to break their bones.

As Peter Yeager looked up at the scene, he thought it was cruel, but his reason did not waver at this level.

“Focus your arrows and magic where your allies are pushed back and the enemy is up! Make at least one more whole person! Don’t spare and shoot! “If we last the next two days, we will win!”

After hearing the order, the Reich Empire soldiers fired all kinds of long-distance attacks, including arrows, at the Allied troops who had climbed up the castle wall.

It was an attack that only had to be fired from underneath the castle wall, and above all, it was an attack that only had to be fired quickly.

Allied soldiers were defenselessly exposed to this attack because they were not equipped with shields to avoid or block arrows on the walls.

“Arrows and magic are flying from beneath the castle walls! “f*ck, someone please bring me a shield or something!”

“Shut up, you cowardly recruit! If you’re going to talk about how your mom is dead, just bite your tongue and die! Charge forward!”

“You can get over the castle wall if you just kill the bastards holding out there! “We need to end this damn war quickly!”

Allied soldiers trying to take control of the walls in the four directions of east, west, south, and north continued their offensive with desperate determination, regardless of whether their comrades died or not…

Among these, the worst situation was the northern wall where the castle gate guarded by Lieutenant Colonel Randel was located.

All the civilians except for the Randel Battalion who were guarding this place had already died honorably, and the Allied soldiers who had taken their place were rushing forward with a fierce force as if there was no other chance but now.

Lieutenant Colonel Randel finally prepared to die and gave an order.

“Marshal Jaeger will come to save us. Even if the situation is bad and you can’t do that, even if the entire Randel Battalion dies here, we will make sure that not a single enemy can go down the walls! “Everyone in the battalion, fight to the death, and I am prepared to die here with you!”

The order to fight on the premise of dying in a war to survive was a very contradictory order, but none of the officers or soldiers of the Randel Battalion thought this order was strange.

If this castle is breached, they will protect the empire that gave them the opportunity to live a better life from their fate as mere serfs, Peter Yeager, who recognized and cared for each of them as human beings, and even their beloved families and hometown. Because we all know that we can’t do it.

That’s why they didn’t say a word, intending to use their strength to shout to drive away fear to protect the castle.

However, he threw himself with all his strength in the hand holding the weapon and gave up his life in order to somehow hold on even in a situation of great overload.

“Die, die! “You bastards, you’re no better than Peter Yeager’s dog!”

“You crazy bastards! “There isn’t a sane bastard among Peter Yeager’s men.”

“Please just die! “Just die peacefully like this!”

One soldier of the Randel Battalion killed at least 4 to 5 enemy soldiers, but since there was no business in the field, he was gradually stabbed by swords or weapons thrown by the enemy, so the number gradually decreased…

“We can’t send you under the walls, you bastards.”

Those who were stabbed by the sword were determined to kill at least one more person who was going to die anyway, so they grabbed the sword with all their strength and killed the soldier in front of them.

Even so, he rushed at the soldier in front of him with the intention of holding on for even one more second and killing at least one more person alive.

“Me and that bastard, stab us together…”

Hearing these words, the soldiers of the Randel Battalion shed tears and stabbed both friend and enemy soldiers to death with one blow, and those who were critically injured on the edge of the castle wall tried to muster up their last strength before they died and tried to drag at least one more person to their comrade and died. Went.

One Allied soldier who saw that muttered.

“This is hell…”

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