The central building of the Forest School.

“Come on, I’m going to close the forest school.”

Lie’s voice resounded throughout the mountain where Forest School was being held.

The last time at the forest school, the rebels attacked and caused a very chaotic situation, but this time it ended without any major incidents.

As Lie’s voice, announcing the end, rang, the nervous faces of the professors brightened.

At the last forest school, he apologized to the students and even Principal McDowell came to the scene to protect the students.

As an academy that protects the safety of students and teaches, it was a very shameful situation.

So, this time, we put the safety of the students first and prepared everything.

He searched all around, blocked all the holes that could sneak into the forest with magic, and placed assistants nearby to prevent all situations.

Of course, nothing happened in spite of such thorough preparation.

It wasn’t strange.

The situation at the forest school last time was unusual, and it is natural for nothing to happen.

Although it could be thought that the act of preparing for danger was a pointless effort.

However, human safety was not something to be considered in consideration of such benefits.

The professors burst into laughter, thankful that their efforts were in vain, but that it ended without anything happening.

“Professor, good job.”

“no. Professor Maguire worked harder.”

So the professors greeted each other with bright faces.

When everyone was smiling and saying hello, only one person’s expression was not good.

“Sister, why?”

One with a bad expression.

It was Lee.

Yuni tilted her head and looked at Lee like that.

In fact, Rie’s expression wasn’t good before that.

Probably around that time when Rudy Astria left for the North.

Yuni, who was always helping her sister with her work, knew exactly what it was.

However, Yuni didn’t know why her sister was doing this.

I just wondered if my physical condition was bad because I was having trouble preparing for school, but seeing what I’ve been doing up until now, it was clear that something was wrong.

tock tock

Rie is sitting on a chair and hitting the desk with her fingers even after work is over.

Yuni looked at Lee like that strangely.

“Sister, aren’t you resting?”

Lie looked at Yuni for a moment as she said that, then sighed and opened her mouth.

“You should rest.”

Rie got up and tried to go outside.




Rie was about to leave the room, but her foot tripped.

She just fell down and stretched out on the floor in a large figure.

“… … .”

An action that a normal Rie would never do.

Yuni opened her mouth, looking at her as if it was ridiculous.

“what are you doing… … .”

At Yuni’s words, Rie jumped up from her seat.

Then he took off his clothes and opened his mouth as if nothing had happened.

“I’m going to rest, so if anything happens, call me.”

He spoke as if nothing had happened, but as if embarrassed, Li’s cheeks were stained red.

Yuni stared at Rie as she walked out like that.

“Why are you doing that?”


Forest school night.

Inside the school building, freshmen were seen laughing and chatting with each other and enjoying the dinner.

Seeing that scene, Rie remembered the last forest school.

That time, holding hands with Rudy and running away together.

A hand that didn’t let go even though he could die.

Also, when he couldn’t run anymore, he was carrying himself and running.

The thought brought a smile to his lips.

Lie shook her head and went to the front of the forest school.

And looked up at the sky.

It was already night and the sky was dark.

“How long do you want it to end?”

Rie thought of Rudy.

It’s been almost two weeks since I haven’t seen Rudy’s face.

To Li, this time seemed like two weeks longer than two months.

When something new is created, you can quickly adapt to it.

However, if the original is lost, the empty space is felt desperately.

Still, Lee waited, thinking that he would get used to it.

However, I didn’t get used to it.

kept coming to mind

Sometimes it appeared in my dreams, and sometimes I called my name without knowing it.

It wasn’t just this.

For the past few days, work has been disrupted.

I kept looking out the window and felt numb and lethargic.

It was impossible for Rie, who usually boasted a perfectionist-level personality.

Lee himself was well aware of this situation.

So, it was even more frowned upon.

Obviously, he was proud of his coolness in any situation and made a rational decision.

But, only… … .

“… … uhh.”

Lee patted her cheek.

“Why am I here? … .”

Lie slowly walked in front of the Forest School building.

And I thought.

Lee already knew it very well.

why is he doing this

“Yeah, I’m Rudy… … .”

great… … Hani… … peel.

Rie couldn’t utter those words, and clenched her fists.

His face was dyed red in a very pleasing way.

“I… … big!”

Lee couldn’t utter those words.

Her pride couldn’t tolerate it.

First of all, uttering these words is defeat.

He didn’t want to give up on Rudy though.

Then there was only one way.

‘Just let Rudy speak first.’

That’s it.

All I had to do was make Rudy fall in love with him and not know what to do.

You can’t do anything without yourself.

So, if you create a situation where you have no choice but to confess… … .

However, there was a problem.

how do you do this

Lee had never been in a relationship before, and had no interest in such things.

I never thought about love or the fact that I liked someone.

Rather, I thought that this was a lie from the novel.

But, now that this situation has come to pass, I am so embarrassed.

I don’t know who to ask about this, and I’m too embarrassed to explain this situation.

“ha… … .”

Rie sighed and looked at the Imgan School building.

“What should I do… … .”


“Uh-huh… … .”

A woman screaming in a carriage.

It was Professor Gracie.

taken from

Me, Luna, and Professor Gracie were traveling together in a wagon.

But, why is Professor Gracie screaming like this?

It was because of alcohol.

After blocking all the demons in the north, the people held a tea festival in excitement.

From ordinary Youngji residents to those who came out of support from the central government.

There were no exceptions except for the Lord and Locke who had to clean up.

Everyone was excited, drank alcohol and had a good time.

“Are you okay… … .”

Among them, of course, was Gracie.

Professor Gracie made a name for himself in this battle.

He stopped Mercenary King Cedric and shot Jeffrin from afar, but there was something worse than that.

It was the fact that the three of us, Luna and Astina, were academy students and all of them were active.

While other people were dealing with demons, the academy students stopped the rebels, so people were shocked.

And his fame went to the academy.

Of course, the reputation of the three of us has also risen significantly.

However, at the same time as our reputation, the Academy’s reputation soared.

The sound that the academy is currently nurturing great talent has spread all over the place.

And as I was trying to solve my curiosity about him, everyone’s eyes turned to Professor Gracie.

The three of us are still underage, so we can’t drink alcohol.

Gracie was the only person in the banquet hall to talk about the academy while having a drink.

As a result, Gracie went to and fro and received a drink from a lot of people.

And now.

Others from the center to the north stayed in the north for a few more days, but we were going back first.

The Academy had its own schedule, so it was to return as quickly as possible.

As a result, Gracie was suffering from a hangover.

At that moment, Gracie, who was in pain, opened her eyes.

And Gracie began to tap Luna next to her as if in a hurry.

“Wow… … !”

Gracie takes a breath.

Luna exclaimed in great surprise.

“Uncle Coach!!! Please stop!!!!”

“Ahaha… … .”

The carriage stopped and ran off the road.

And the naked sound you hear.

“Wuweieng eh eh!!!”

Tick Tack Tack!

It was a bonus to hear Luna pat Gracie on the back.

“ha… … .”

I sighed.

It’s been a while since I’ve been back to the academy, so I had a fresh mind, but when I saw Professor Gracie, that feeling completely disappeared.

Well, it didn’t feel too bad.

It seemed that the work in the north was well taken care of, and there was no one injured, so I felt a little more comfortable.

But, only one.

If there was a problem, that was the last thing I heard.

– I will come to meet you with the chief.

Why does the replacement chief care about me?

The guess is… … .

“no… … Obviously Rudy Astria.”


As I was speaking to myself, Luna walked towards the carriage, supporting Gracie.

Luna looked at me like that and tilted her head.

“Rudy, what’s wrong?”

“… … no nothing.”

I looked at Luna and smiled and shook my head.

I decided to think about it later and got back on the carriage.

“Let’s go back and rest. Professor Gracie looks tough.”

Luna tilted her head at my reaction, then smiled broadly and nodded.

After a while, I was able to arrive at the academy around lunch time.

The carriage entered the academy and I opened the carriage’s window and looked out.

Then I saw a man standing in the position to stop the wagon.

I tilted my head slightly to take a closer look.

“Is it Lee?”

“uh! go like that Looks like you’ve come to meet me.”

I smiled at Rie’s appearance like that.

I felt very sorry for leaving the job for a while, and it was nice to see the person I saw every day away for a few days.

The carriage stopped to some extent and we got off the carriage.

“Turn it off… … I will not go back.”

“ah… … yes.”

Professor Gracie got off first and walked like a zombie, and we laughed awkwardly at Gracie.

And we turned our heads to look at Li.

“… … ?”

Something was strange.

Lie, who would normally have approached her with a smile, was hesitating.

I was a little skeptical, but for once, waving my hand warmly, I approached Rie.

“Lee, have you been through a lot? how have you been doing?”

Then Lee said.

“Oh, it’s been a while. Rudy… … .”

… … ?

“I like the weather. Is not it?”

Rie with an awkward tone.

I looked at Lee like that with bewildered eyes.

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