A few days after talking with Yuni.

“Rudy, it’s been a while.”

“Long time no see. father.”

taken from readwn.com

My father, Perian Astria, has arrived at the capital’s mansion.

Gorgeous blonde hair stood out as if showing that he was my father.

Even though he was middle-aged, he looked very young because he was tall and had unfading blonde hair.

“This is the first time since I went to the academy. Rudy.”

Perian beckoned to me.

Then he hugged me like he was happy.

“No matter how busy you are, you should come to see your father’s face.”

“sorry. I’m not very busy… … .”

“Hey, don’t make excuses.”

At Perian’s actions, the people around him laughed happily.

In other people’s eyes, they will look like good fathers and sons.

What people see and reality are completely different.

Will this person really care for Rudy?

Because he’s a son?

Not at all in my opinion.

He pretended to care about his son, but he didn’t pay much attention to Ian, let alone Ian.

Perian is not old enough to retire now.

Ferian in his 50s can be said to be the heyday of politics.

Normal nobles occupied the position of head of state from their 60’s to their 70’s at worst.

Still, the reason Perian wanted to retire was because of the secret in the Astrian estate.

sorcerer sorcerer.

There are necromancers in the Astrian territory.

That’s what Robert found out.

Perian’s interest was only there.

The reason I want to retire is to go to the Astrian estate in a legitimate way.

When an Astrian family becomes a family, all the nobles respond to the movement of the family.

If Perian did not want to hand over the family to Ian, and if he was in the territory, people’s eyes would be focused on the Astrian territory, and there was a possibility that the secret would be revealed.

In this situation, since most of the family was passed on to Ian, people’s eyes had no choice but to focus on Ian.

Retired housekeepers usually didn’t care.

Perian was easily freed by the word of retirement, and there was no obligation to care about his surroundings.

No one cares about him, so whatever he does doesn’t change his reputation.

Even if someone finds something strange, ‘Don’t worry about it, it’s a retired man.’ was just saying

As I pondered, Perian asked with a smile.

“What’s going on?”

“no… … .”

“Then let’s go.”

Perian smiled and entered the mansion.

“Heh heh, the time has come for Rudy to learn space magic already. It seems like yesterday that I was toddler crawling.”

Our footsteps were heading to the underground study in the mansion.

Was there anything related to space magic in a place like that?

Being suspicious of the fact that the study was underground, I searched through the basement until Perian arrived.

Still, no trace of space magic could be found.

I read the flow of mana to see if it was hidden by magic, but I couldn’t find anything.

Where the hell did you hide it?

I stared at Perian’s back.

“By the way.”

“… … yes?”

He suddenly spoke to me as if he had eyes on his back.

“It seems like a lot has changed these days.”

Perian turned his head slightly and looked at me.

I smiled at that Perian.

“How long can you live without iron? I realized that my old behavior was shameful, so I just fixed it.”

“is it? That being said, this father is in a good mood.”

The mouth was smiling, but the eyes were not.

Bloody eyes are looking at me.

It was clear to Perian that I was a thorn in the eye.

It was precisely because of the people around me and what was happening.

Robert investigates the Astrian family.

Astina declared war on the rebels.

The Prime Minister is helping us like that.

Not only these.

Everyone around me is against the Astrian family.

Little by little, the Astrian family was being squeezed by the neck.

Perian, who had been withdrawn from politics, must have felt this too.

The evidence is right now.

In fact, the situation where I have to pass the space magic to me, who is close to the enemy.

It was a very uncomfortable situation for Perian.

Still, it was admirable that he continued to maintain his composure.

“Come on, here.”

Perian stretched out his hand.

It was a wall.

A wall with nothing.

I read the flow of mana just in case, but I didn’t feel anything.

It wasn’t even a wall with magic on it.

Perian reached out towards the wall.

Then a vortex formed on the wall.

The vortex grew bigger and bigger, and a new space appeared beyond it.

“Follow me.”

Perian beckoned to me.

space magic.

Perian now uses space magic.

But it was difficult to know where it was.

I took a step and entered the space.

There was a small study room in it.

There were only one or two bookshelves, and there was a small safe in the corner.

“ah… … .”

I read the names of the books on the bookshelf.

Religion and God.

relationship between time and space.

Astrian history.

the other side of the empire.

These are books I’ve never heard of.

But just by looking at the title, I was afraid to read the contents.

“Don’t touch the book.”

“… … All right.”

As Perian said, I didn’t touch the book.

Here, it seemed that the damage to see was greater than the profit to be gained by stealing a certain book.

If the return is small compared to the risk, there is no need to take the action.

Perian opened the safe in the corner.

Then he pulled out a bottle of pills.

“What is it… … ?”

“It’s medicine. A medicine that protects the mind.”

Perian took out two pills and handed them over to me.


“… … yes?”

“It’s not strange, eat it. No, you don’t have to eat it if you don’t like it.”

Perian said as if warning me.

If he tries to kill me, he can kill me.

Of course, I wouldn’t give it a go, but if I was the head of Astria, I had the power to kill me.

There was no reason to kill by preparing such a drug.

I put the pill that Perian had handed over to my mouth and swallowed it.

read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

“By the way, what effect does this have?”

“Didn’t you tell me? It is a medicine that protects the mind.”

“What are you trying to do to protect your mind?”

“Space magic is the spirit of Astria. And now I will give you that spirit.”

“What is that?”

when i spit it out

“ah… … .”

Suddenly, my head feels dizzy and my vision blurs.

taken from readwn.com

My body was not properly controlled, and my stomach was getting nauseous.

I couldn’t control myself and fell to the floor.

Perian stared at me like that and took my hand to my head.

“Then I’ll hand it over to you now.”

taken from readwn.com

My vision was getting darker.


I feel nauseous.

I feel dizzy.

All the bad things made my body heavy.

“Ouch… … .”

“Rudy! Are you all right!”

“Wow… … .”

When I was nauseous, the maid next to me handed me a bucket.

“Ouch… … Whoops… … . Whoops… … .”

I continued to vomit towards the bucket.

However, nothing came out of it.

I just spit out stomach juice and my stomach hurts.

“Ugh… … . What… … .”

I even remember going into a certain space with Perian.

There, I ate the medicine Perian gave me… … .

I lost my mind.

“What the hell is going on… … . Whoops… … .”

taken from readwn.com

My stomach ached from the constant nausea.

If I had something to spit, it wouldn’t hurt this much, but it was so painful that I was only spitting out gastric juice.

“Rudy… … . Rinse your mouth.”

“go… … no.”

I rinsed my mouth with the water the maid gave me and spit it out into the bucket.

The maid cleared the bucket and handed me the cup.

“This is hot tea. It will calm your stomach a little.”

“okay… … .”

I sip the tea as the maid told me.

After drinking the tea, my body calmed down and my painful stomach started to settle down.

When I came to my senses, I had more time to figure out the situation.

“… … What happened?”

“He went into the basement library with the Lord and came out unconscious.”

“okay… … . So, father. Where did your father go?”

“The Lord has already returned to the estate. And he told me to read this letter when Rudy wakes up.”

“… … letter?”

I accepted the letter handed over to me by the maid.

To summarize the contents of the letter, I have passed on the space magic to you, and now you can train it.

Training will be helped by Ian.

You’ll be in pain for a while, so lie in bed.

It was like this.

“… … Did you pass on space magic?”

There were a couple of things I didn’t understand.

Rather than that, Ian taught me magic?

It was nonsense.

Now, it is impossible to meet the Imperial Army in person.

Ian couldn’t come to the mansion to teach me magic.

Also, what does it mean to pass on magic?

In general, it means that you have been taught the theory and practice of magic in detail.

But I was lying in bed for a day and didn’t do anything.

However, it was not that Perian had left a spellbook.

Are you there to learn from Ian?

I just continued to scan the letter with dismayed eyes.

“What is this… … . Ugh… … .”

“pail! pail!”

When I was nauseous, the maid quickly handed me the bucket.

I spit out the tea I drank again.

“Ouch… … .”

He didn’t seem to have learned the magic of space properly, and his body was ill, so tears welled up.

I muttered to myself as if sobbing out of such an unfortunate heart.

“What is it really… … .”

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