Chapter 52 Workshop (3)

Fragments of Helheim.

In Norse mythology, there is a day of destruction called ‘Ragnarok’.

Helheim is a place ruled by the goddess Hel, and in the game Etius, it is said that when Ragnarok came, he came up on this continent and colored the earth into the world of the dead.

After Ragnarok, Helheim, the world of the dead, retired, but the world was restored so quickly that the world of Helheim, which had not completely disappeared, remained like a fragment.

That’s a fragment of Helheim.

‘When I heard the information, I thought that the fragments of Helheim meant land. That would be the place Hell left behind.’

But, as Esther said, if the fragments of Helheim were really Black Lake.

This ‘black sky’ that I have may really be part of the fragment.

‘I must really thank Esther.’

I asked with a smile inside.

“Where did you get that information?”

I’ve never heard of a shard of Helheim being a lake when playing the game.

Most of the players were not interested in information that would not be helpful for clearing right away, and the character Aster does not have a body that can move freely.

“I asked the question first. Also, answering my questions is a condition for meeting Qian. You should have told me before?”

Esther chuckled. It must have been that what I asked made her feel better. Do you think your guess was correct?

I’d rather be honest here.

Actually, the fragment of Helheim is already a big hint for me, and what is important right now is Kian.

“It is true that this necklace I have contains black water, but I do not know the source of this water.”

“You don’t know the source?”

“Because an adventurer party discovered that he was enshrined in the form of Mystiltein in the dungeon.”

After that, the adventurers party put it up for auction, and after the auction was canceled, a noble meeting was held to prove that Mystiltein was a fake.

The fake that mimics the Mystyltain is the black water I have, the Black Spring.

“I never went further north from Yeranjes. That’s out of bounds. I can’t do crazy things like that. And about the nobility council, all the aristocrats who participated at that time would know.”

“… … Hmm.”

Esther bowed her head and pondered deeply.

Perhaps Esther knew about the nobility council. Seeing that he knows the identity of my necklace to some extent, he seems to have done quite a bit of research on me, and the aristocrats meeting at the time was quite famous.

“great. Make me believe it.”

“Then let me meet Kian.”

“What the hell did you have to come here for Kian?”

I also answered this question honestly.

There was no reason not to.


* * *

“… … That was enough for the shamelessness. The person who caught me is coming to visit.”

A muffled voice is heard from the receiver.

Kian looked at me and said it was ridiculous.

Qian on the other side of the window didn’t have a bad complexion. At least there seemed to be no problem with the accommodation here.

“I’m glad you know.”

As I said that, I looked at Kian.

‘You’re too young, too.’

In Korea, I would have been a middle school student. There are a lot of youngsters in this world that don’t suit his age, but Qian is really young.

It was not easy to see that such a young child was acting as the head of the Indus.

“So what are you here for? Are you here to play?”

“I want to know about the portal.”


Kian frowned. It’s probably something you didn’t even think of.

“Is that why you came all the way here? To meet the enemy?”

“… … enemy.”

I laughed at the word. That seemed to have made Kian’s heart worse.

“What is funny?”

“You won’t be here for long.”

“okay. So if you leave soon, I will kill you first.”

Kian turned his lifeless eyes to me. However, his life is messed up. I couldn’t get the right direction and I was shaking.

According to Esther, Kian has no criminal history. Heldre has thoroughly erased the record of him.

The reason Qian is now imprisoned in Obsidian is because he belongs to the Indus. We are now examining her sins from various angles, but Heldre’s personality probably won’t get her in the way.

Kian himself may have committed a minor misdemeanor. Stealing someone’s belongings, or sneaking in and wiretapping. He’s a smart guy, so he must have been involved in a lot of crime planning.


“Kian. Have you ever killed anyone?”

“… … .”

“How am I supposed to kill someone when I haven’t killed anyone?”

“You will be my first murderer.”

Qian had never had blood on his hands before. In that respect, it can be said that it is rather cleaner than me.

Serp Daniel was as good as I killed, and I wounded many other enemies and drove them to the brink of death.

“When you come out here, how about living a normal life? like the other kids.”

“no. I lived for the revolution. It will always be like that.”

“You didn’t kill anyone?”

“It’s like I killed him. Because I helped other people who kill people.”

Kian’s thoughts seemed firm.

I asked again.

“What do you mean by revolution?”

“The emperor dies. The unjust persecution of the common people will disappear and everyone will be equal.”

It just pops out like a pre-determined answer. You’ve heard and said many times about what a revolution is.

I closed my eyes. I looked around for a moment. There is a watchman here, just like when I met Grovel. So I can’t say anything at all.

… … hmm, it doesn’t matter

I opened my mouth.

“It will happen anyway.”


“Have you seen the face of Emperor Bartello Terst?”

Qian paused at my question. After being dazed for a while, the brows gathered, and then he frowned again and tilted his head. What to say in this situation, it was a pretty cute gesture.

“What does that mean?”

“How long do you think it has been since Bartello left most of the work to the Empress Fili Terst?”

“… … .”

“Barthello has long since been debilitated.”

This is the royal secret information.

It’s so top secret that even if I talk like this here, I can’t confirm the truth.

What I am saying now will soon be dismissed as nonsense.

“weakness… … .”

“okay. Sooner or later, the emperor dies. No matter what you are trying to do.”

“… … Even if that’s true, when the emperor dies, the next emperor will rise. The status is still the same, and the pain of commoners is still there.”

“okay. The next emperor, Saleh Terst, rises. The first Empress of the Empire.”

“Look, it’s the same.”

“The empress will abolish the class system.”

Kian’s face grew even more contorted. Well, the child’s face is so cute even with that squiggly face. Is it because of Kian’s looks?

“Rather than getting rid of it, would it be a trend to get rid of it?”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that the period of class division for mankind is coming to an end.”

I don’t know about Qian, but in view of the long history of Etius, commoners have gradually improved their rights. The very fact that Indus was created in the name of a commoner’s organization in the first place means that the class system in this world is over.

And it is ‘Aster Evans’ that is the signal that the class system is breaking down. You are the protagonist of this game.

This is because Aster, who has all of his talents, personality, and potential, will make a great contribution to humanity’s ability to fend off monsters in the future, and there will not be many nobles who can compare him.

There have been signs of that since Eden Hamerlot, the No. 1 professional, is also a commoner, but Aster has undergone several incidents and plays a decisive role. It’s just that he’s not the main character.

“What do you want a ‘revolution’?”

“… … .”

“I don’t want to kill people.”

“… … .”

Qian kept a long silence at my words. It seems that my eyes are rolling around and looking at me, half doubting my words and half wanting to believe.

“… … Then, what did Grandpa have to suffer… … .”

“You know it too. Heldre wanted him to ascend the throne. His revolution was literally a coup. They just overthrow the government and take power on their own.”

Qian is a smart kid. What the closest grandfather had in mind, she would have guessed. As time goes by, the secret begins to crack.

But Kian must have believed that it was better. He believed that even if Heldre took power, the world would be a better place than it is today.

But that Heldre is no longer there.

“To be honest, I have no interest in the world you dream of. The empire has internal problems, but the external problems are more serious. To me, it is more important to deal with the monsters still infesting outside the realm than the class system.”

“… … monster.”

“It would be great if you came out of here and moved to abolish the class system or solve another problem in the Empire. ’cause you’re smart The disappearance of the identity system may be sooner rather than later. But this is all I can say.”

I looked into Kian’s eyes. All of a sudden, Kian had lost his liveliness and hostility towards me.

“I am not your enemy.”

“… … .”

Read at

Now that Indus is disbanded, I don’t have any ill feelings towards Qian personally.

There was nothing I could do about it because I had done it, but at least there was no reason to hate Kian as much as I did.

Above all, Kian is too young. Hesitating to inflict harm indiscriminately.

“I will go back today. Think slowly. I will come back later.”

Qian’s speech has drastically decreased since I started explaining. You’ll need time to think.

There are many other methods for portals. For example, asking Mr. Vinkis. Or should we stop by ‘Hitchcock’, a company that makes a famous machete?

Just as I was about to take my ear off the receiver and put it down, Qian spread out his palms to me.

“──The portal is a magic circle.”

“Magic circle?”

Looking closely at Kian’s open palm, it was clear that something like a tattoo had been engraved on it.

“All the leaders of the Indus have this magic circle engraved on their palms. With this alone, the portal can be used. However, it is too dangerous to engrave a magic circle on the human body, and it takes a skilled technician to accurately draw it on a small area of the palm of the hand.”

“… … .”

“So, we can use the portal by anyone with mana whether we have magical talent or not, but you, an outsider, give up, hey, are you listening?”

I silently looked at the tattoo on Qian’s open palm.

Kian told me it was better to give up.

The moment Qian showed me the magic circle, it was as if all problems with the portal had been solved for me.

“… … thanks It was helpful.”

“yes? Well, yes. Anyway, the portal can also be used as a chant, so find someone else.”

Kian said so,

There was no longer any need to recognize other people.

* * *

Returning to the mansion, I got in the car again and arrived at the hut.

The driver picked me up and went back to the mansion without a hitch. He’s still an ungrateful driver.

“Well then, first.”

I opened the magic circle of ‘Portal’ stored in the workshop. The method was the same as in Menosorpho. The portal was much smaller, so it was easy.

When the magic circle was activated, a portal opened. It was obviously the same thing the Indus guys were using.

“If you set this place as a base, you can return to this hut from another place.”

For now, it can only be used to return to the hut, but hopefully someday it will grow into a two-way portal. In that case, it is more appropriate to call it a ‘gate’ rather than a portal.

And finally.

I found a suitable clearing area near the hut. Actually, the empty space didn’t have to be wide. You just don’t have to interfere.


‘Cause I’m gonna put this up in the sky

air weave

Rank – Unique


I weave the studio high in the sky. The gigantic structure floating in the air was spectacular in itself.

There is no one around here, but it was so grand that I wondered if someone would find it for nothing.


“There is, too. Downstairs.”

I laughed at the size of the mansion for a while longer than when weaving it.

The basement of the workshop, which was originally supposed to be hidden under the basement, was revealed.

Surprisingly, the size far exceeded my expectations. Although the basement of the three-story workshop was only one floor above ground, the height was enormous.

what might be hidden inside me

After all, what is the ‘transcendence’ grade reward?

“Shall we go?”

Wearing mana, I slowly floated up and flew towards the entrance of the workshop.

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