Chapter 55 Planning (2)

Selena bowed her head deeply at my words. She must have guessed too.

“Yeah, just like I did with Tayburn, I will stand by her side with the willingness to sacrifice my life.”

Selena said in a determined voice.

Maybe it’s because Selena’s tone has changed, or maybe it’s just because I’ve been listening to it, I’m slowly getting used to Selena’s formal lines. Did you aim for it from the beginning?

But I shook my head. This time Selena had something else to do.

“not. I have something to ask of you.”

“… … Separately, right?”

Selena raised her head and looked at me. I raised my hand and turned to Selena’s side.

The magic circle stored in the workshop, the portal. I drew it on the floor and opened the portal.

“… … !”

Selena looked at it in amazement.

I said looking at her.

“If you go through this portal, you will see a hut. do you know It is the outbuilding of the Roach family.”

“Yes Yes. I know.”

“You go through this portal. Go, get my mother Malia.”

Selena seemed a bit perplexed by my words, but first nodded her head. I didn’t ask why. Well, that’s a good attitude as an escort.

“And when you come, use your horse.”

“… … Isn’t that a car?”

“okay. But it shouldn’t be anything.”

I untie my tie. Penelope’s Cloth. I handed it to Selena.

“this is… … ?”

“Constell has facilities for horseback riding. Even if it is a vacation, it will be managed. Go, wave this cloth to the horses. Then one of them will come.”

“… … Cassian, that’s it.”


The famous horse, Cassian, who helped me a lot in Tayburn. Of course, Selena who we rode with will remember it too. Of course, she may not know what the relationship between this cloth and Cassian is, but it is Selena’s specialty to overlook that part.

“But Frondier. Cassian is the wisest horse, but not the fastest. The Cassian is slower than a car, and if you go there with two people, it will be even slower. It will take several days to get here from Constell.”

“it’s okay. It’s well worth those days.”

Of course, there is no guarantee that there will be no demons going south in those days.

However, if Cassian and Malia are not here, there is a risk that an even bigger situation will occur in case of emergency.

If it’s the first South Sea, Ampere and the Knights will hold out.

And maybe that will be a valuable opportunity for me to go beyond the barriers, avoiding the eyes of others.

* * *

The time Frontier gave Selena an order.

Ampere was receiving reports from Silvain.

“Compared to the previous year, the South of the Demons will begin within a week.”

“Do the members know?”

“Yes. I told everyone not to relax.”

“Strengthen your vigilance and increase your vigilance range. Increase the number of people enough so that the fatigue of the soldiers does not accumulate.”

“All right.”

Their conversation was no different from last year.

They always had a conversation similar to this around this time, and annihilated the monsters that were about to attack. just repeated it. Simple but laborious, cumbersome, and repeated thorough inspections. This gave Ampere and the Knights the name of ‘Iron Wall’.

However, this year was a little different.

“… … When the descending of the demons begins, the Son… … .”

“Of course it’s waiting. There will be strict surveillance to ensure that they never leave the dormitory.”

Ampere’s answer. Sylvain, who already knew the answer, nodded.

However, there is always a reason to ask a question even though you know it.

“Your son has the qualities of a warrior. In Dalian, he is not afraid of the opponent’s attack, and he continues to judge the situation whether the answer is correct or not. It looks like the Lord’s blood is flowing.”

“You would have told Frontier to do anything?”

“With that said, I joined the training of the knights. He soon followed. When it’s over, I feel like I’m exhausted.”

Silvain’s words are a bit playful. Seeing this, Ampere sighed deeply.

“Stop it. Frontier is a weak kid. It’s been like that since I was little. I couldn’t reach Atji.”

“… … Well, compared to Atji, anyone would.”

Is it because the headmaster is overly concerned about Frontier compared to Atzier? Silvain thought for a moment.

“Frondie is talented. Compared to Atji, it feels lacking, but compared to ordinary children, it is a great axis. Do you have any reason to say that I am a weak child? Is it because I have no power?”

“The divine power is not possessed by Atji. That’s not the frontier’s problem. just… … .”

There, on rare occasions, Ampere stopped talking. Rather than being speechless, he seemed to be thinking deeply.

Slowly the heavy mouth opened.

“Sylvain, do you believe in fate?”

“I don’t know what that means.”

“If one day you knew in advance when and how you would die, what would you do? Will you run away or accept?”

Silvain couldn’t understand why Ampere was suddenly asking this question. But he answered honestly.

“I will stand on the same limb that I am going to die, and I will fight with all my might and survive.”

“… … Fufu, that’s right. Silvain Serdo. That’s why you’re the knight leader.”

Sylvine was humble. He believed that Ampere’s praise would go beyond stinginess and count on one finger for the rest of his life.

Since you’ve only heard it once, you can be prepared to never hear Ampere’s praise for the rest of your life.

“Then let me ask you something else. What would you do if it wasn’t you, but your loved one?”

“… … Please, my lord.”

“Well, it’s just an example.”

As Sylvain himself said, even if his fate were to be so, he would try to overcome it. Even if you can’t overcome it, you won’t run away from that fate.

But if it’s not you, it’s someone else. If you find out that someone more precious than you is facing that fate. The situation is completely different from the one I was in.

“I chose to run away. That’s it.”

“… … Lord.”

“But not everything goes my way. Is that really what fate is?”

Frontier and Atzier. Unlike the two, Ampere has divine power.

The god who gave Ampere the divine power was very close to fate.

Ampere received something similar to an oracle from a god long ago. However, as in the previous example, it was not an oracle that said that Frontier would die on a specific day and at what time.

However, the oracle clearly foretold misfortune for Frontier. Frontier’s business responsibility was not to be seen by the world, and the oracle was strict.

“Frondier suffered from considerable laziness not so long ago.”

“Yes, I heard. He was a famous lazy guy in Constell. It was said that there was even anchovy.”

Sylvain knew even the annihilation called ‘Human Sloth’. But he didn’t put it in his mouth. I don’t know how Frontier was doing in Constell, but I thought it was too much of a nickname.

“I thought it was something that Frontier had gradually changed. Even with my own eyes, Frontier’s inferiority and helplessness were considerable. I thought it was not unreasonable to stop thinking about growing up and fall into laziness. I was also reassured. I was relieved that I would not fall into a more dangerous situation than this.”

“But, are you saying it wasn’t?”

“I later found out that Frontier had been sleeping on his stomach in every class before at some point. He said he never took a single class.”

“… … It is, indeed, serious laziness.”

“Sylvain, think about it. Do you really think that’s possible? As a human being, there is a limit to sleeping, and lying down on a desk is in itself uncomfortable. It is normal to be awake at some point, whether in class or not.”

At Ampere’s words, Silvain also felt something strange.

If Frontier were living a normal life, of course he would sleep at night. Since Ampere had left Frontier alone, there would have been no reason to stay up all night.

Can a person who gets a good night’s sleep spend most of the day continuing to sleep?

“… … If you do, the owner… … .”

“There is something involved in Frontier. It has become more certain recently.”

Sylvain’s eyes widened at those words.

“Maybe, God… … .”

“Whether it’s a god or a demon, I don’t know yet. But now that I think about it, Frontier’s laziness was probably not normal. It’s my fault that I didn’t notice it, but I can’t wait to see it again.”

Even if it is not an external intervention of Frontier’s laziness, it is clear that there is an indirect effect.

Perhaps Frontier’s laziness was the brake on his mind.

It’s dangerous to go beyond this, the signal that tells you that. Maybe it was the result of Frontier’s body smelling death and acting intuitively.

After all of that, in the end.

“Frondier is a weak child.”

“… … That’s what it meant.”

The future of Frontier is not bright no matter what the situation is. Whether it’s fate, God, or the devil.

A child who will not be strange even if he dies at any time. There is no other way to describe it than ‘weak child’.

“Are you not going to tell your son?”

“Because we do not know our own destiny, we can enjoy life, grow and move forward. Frontier also eventually overcame laziness and moved on. After all, children are not what their parents want them to be. I saw Frontier and knew it. When you know your own destiny, you are ultimately swayed by it.”

Atzier was an overly good son to Ampere. Atzier did everything Ampere wanted without a single dislike from a young age.

But it’s not Frontier. None of his talents, disposition, or anything went according to Ampere’s will.

At first, it was the greatest anxiety for Ampere, but now it is different.

“Whatever the laziness may be, the Frontier has overcome it. Thanks to that, my plan to get rid of the family also failed. Also, it doesn’t work.”

Ampere laughed.

“Frondier will live his life. If he’s doomed to bad luck, it’s my job to protect him from him.”

Sylvain looked at Ampere like that for a moment.

This is the first time I’ve seen Ampere like this. The way he smiles thinking about something, and the fact that he talks so much.

… … And I didn’t even know that it was so outrageous.

Sylvine said.

“If it’s true, it’s okay to have them participate in this battle for the wall,”

“It’s a different story, Silvain.”

Seeing Ampere cut off without any additional words, Silvain smiled a little.

* * *

and a few days later.

The soldiers standing on guard duty at the barrier felt the vibration of their feet before they could see it in sight.


Unlike Tayburn, Yeranhes does not use prisoners. Only the Roach Knights and their thoroughly trained soldiers can stop the demons.

“Did you tell the manager?”

“There were signs from dawn, so hurry up. It will arrive soon.”

Whoa, the soldiers gathered in advance looked at their weapons and took a deep breath.

The people gathered here are truly veterans who have crossed their lives over and over again. Whether it is a knight or a soldier, there is no difference in that fact.

But in other words, you can die at any time.

The barrier has not been breached, but the noble sacrifices covered in blood and screams are piled up as high as this barrier. With their weight and height, the soldiers had been blocking the monsters.

“… … Hey.”

A soldier who was watching the demons approach with a telescope opened his mouth.

“Did you tell the manager what the monsters looked like?”

“No, just come. At dawn, I couldn’t see those approaching. I figured it out with my mana detection.”

“Then I have something to tell you right away.”

The man who opened his eyes from the telescope frowned as if he had seen something bizarre.

From the mouth of the man who had gone through all the prenatal care, a trembling voice, a rare occurrence, came out.

“There are some black guys.”

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