Chapter 56 Iron Wall (3)

black monster.

Sylvain had never fought against them yet, but just by touching them, the demons outside became significantly stronger.

It is easy to imagine how difficult they will be as the main body. They keep growing and catch up with the monsters outside?

If the information is true.

“Then what should I do?”

Is it possible to block all of the enemies’ numbers?

Flying monsters and black monsters join the war, and if more than 5 times the number of troops they’ve had so far come in.

Tactics are meaningless in the overwhelming difference in troops. If I prepare for a few days or months, I don’t know right now.

However, the face of Frontier who delivered the shocking news was still calm. No, on the contrary, he even showed some concern on his face.

He was worried about how Silvain would feel when he heard this news.

Silvain, since when did you become weak enough to be worried about such a boy?

“Frondier, do you have any ideas? Any solution to this situation?”

Frontier nodded his head softly at those words. Silvain couldn’t quite comprehend that seemingly natural movement.

“… … Any solution? how?”

“What I am trying to do is not very different from what the general manager has been doing.”

“What did you do?”

“Yeah, taking the enemy commander.”

At those words, there was a glimmer of hope in Silvain’s eyes.

Yes. From the first gathering of such a large force, he foresaw the presence of an enemy commander. And as the enemies follow the path, they return to the message of ‘Ambush Alert’ sent by Frontier.

So many numbers can’t easily change places. They will still be at the rallying point.

“The reason they gather is because they have a commander. Whatever the means, the reason why the demons outside came together is because there is something holding them back. Then the cause must be eliminated.”

“… … If you can break it.”

“They didn’t gather, and even if a large number of monsters attacked the barrier, they would be able to stop it. It will take longer than last winter.”

Yes. The unplanned monsters can be resolved by the Roach Knights and the soldiers. Unless all the demons hit the barrier at once, there is a victory.

“You mean you know the location? A gathering place for them? What is the cause of the gathering?”

“That’s right.”

“Okay! Then me and the Knights of Roach will go there tomorrow.”

Sylvain said with a blush. It seemed like a very hopeless situation until a while ago, but I thought it might be easy with Frontier holding a lot of information.

But this time, Frontier shook his head.

“The manager cannot go there. It is the same for all knights.”

“Why can’t you go?”

“Because the enemy would have noticed. Didn’t the leader and the knights go to the assembly point and come back?”

Ah, Sylvain remembered that time. When I cut off their tails and went up the path.

“I don’t know if you will believe me, but there really was an ambush.”

“… … I did. They say we weren’t caught in an ambush, but the movement has already been detected.”

“Yes. So, from the next day onwards, they will launch an all-out offensive. So that we can’t afford to act separately like the commander or the knights.”

Silvain couldn’t deny that.

At that time, the reason Silvain was able to move independently with the Knights Templar was because he could properly estimate Ampere’s power and the amount of monsters.

If the next enemy’s army is as huge as Frontier said, then the Roach Knights will also have to do their best to block the wall. If the barrier is breached, the enemy will gather and it will be meaningless.

“I don’t know if the commander and the knights are assassins specialized in stealth, but they are not. You are the pillars of this wall, and you are an iron wall that must never be broken.”

“… … Yes.”

Since they are heading to their assembly point, they are a high-quality manpower indispensable to the wall, but they will not be able to reach the assembly point even if they pack the right people.

There, Sylvain understood what Frontier was trying to say. Even why they bring up stories where no one is listening.

“I have to go there.”

“… … !”

I knew that Frontier was going to say this, but hearing it firsthand made the reality it pointed to quickly become heavy.

Being an incompetent lazy, it seems that Frontier’s laziness had some intervention as Ampere predicted. There’s no way Frontier, who had heard the rumors, would say something like this.

“Are you asking me to help you get over the barrier?”

“It’s enough to just avoid the house’s surveillance.”

Sylvine covered her eyes with her hand. It was dark in front. In fact, it was in my heart.

“… … Can not be done.”

Sylvain pondered quite deeply, but, as expected, this answer was decided.

Sylvine knows nothing about Frontier. Currently, neither a soldier nor a knight, but the only person who can fight without participating in the barrier battle. I’m thinking that much.

I thought that it was because of this position that Frontier made such a proposal.

If Frontier alone goes to the gathering place of them, there are already a lot of enemies there. Even if the cause of the gathering can be easily solved, they cannot leave the Frontiers alone.

Besides, isn’t Frontier the son of Gaju? Ampere has already urged God not to participate in the Battle of the Wall, and in Sylvain’s eyes, Frontier has a fighting talent, but is still a young chick. They were not equipped to fight the demons outside.

It would be unreasonable to even attack a place with large-scale monsters alone.

But besides these little things, the biggest reason is,

“You are too young.”

“… … .”

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No matter how strong the Frontier is, the son of Gaju or whatever.

In Sylvan’s eyes, Frontier is too young.

A child who hasn’t even reached an adult’s back with a glimmer of hope? That’s something no sane knight could do.

“… … Success can save a lot more lives.”

“What does that mean?”

Silvain’s voice sank deeply. I just couldn’t listen to Frontier’s words.

“One life saves many. Such judgments are made by the emperor. I didn’t become a knight to make such calculations. I did not become a knight commander to make a child die, and I did not put their lives on my shoulders.”

Sacrifice cows for the sake of the generations. If he had been able to do that earlier, Silvain would not have become a knight.

“I became a knight to save a child like you. So, I cannot let you go.”

“… … A lot of people will die.”

“I am the only one who dies.”

Silvain’s eyes shone brightly. The light was cold.

“I will drop my life and kill them all.”

It was not a simple resolution, it was truly a life-threatening word. Hearing those words, Frontier closed his eyes for a moment.

I thought it would be like this Sylvine is too loyal as a knight.

The scariest thing about it is that Sylvain, Ampere, and the Knights of Roach might actually be able to block it.

──But, they will die.

To save the lives of the citizens, the lives of the Knights of Roach will be scattered over the wall.

Perhaps Ampere will also have a hard time staying safe.

‘It’s very difficult.’

saving people.

As if beliefs are hardened in the bones, it is not easy to persuade a person who is more staunch.

so there’s nothing you can do

“Then there is nothing you can do.”

“okay. Thanks for the info. I will inform the knights and the headmaster in advance so that we can prepare thoroughly.”

“I’ll just cross the barrier on my own.”

Frontier laughed as he said so.

At those words, Silvain opened his mouth and said, “Huh.”

“… … Now, what… … ?”

“I was hoping for the manager to help me sneak out, but I have no choice but to refuse. Even if they are found out, they will leave the dormitory and cross the barrier.”

“Do you think I’ll leave it alone?”

“You won’t have to leave it alone. At that time, the leader will be busy slicing the demons.”

Sylvain looked at Frontier with a brazen smile.

As Frontier said, by the time he leaves the dormitory, Sylvain will already be in the wall. Of course, leaving would never be allowed, and Silvain himself would have no intention of doing so.

“… … Do you want to die like that? Frontier.”

Sylvain looked at Frontier with a truly curious mind.

How can Frontier smile like that?

With a brazen smile despite Silvain’s persuasion, he’s about to cross the barrier and go to a dangerous place.

“I will not die.”

“… … !”

In that smile, Frontier said, hiding a little loneliness.

“To die in a place like this, there are too many pending homework.”

* * *

“… … Whoa.”

Silvain was in trouble in his private office.

– To prevent this from happening, you need me.

Frontier said so. There was neither confidence nor anxiety in that voice. It was as dry as reading a passage from a book.

It is true that it unintentionally gave Silvain some trust, but

– How can you prevent this from happening?

– I can’t tell you that.

In the end, he does not give detailed information about what to do, so Sylvain naturally has a headache.

‘Just send them off.’

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Now Frontier is bound by Ampere. Even now, several servants are attached to the frontier’s watch in the name of taking care of his dormitory.

Perhaps more numbers are watching him than Frontier himself knows.

Of course, if there is Sylvine, it will be easy for Frontier to leave the hostel. If you move Frontier’s ‘temporary residence’ in the name of personal training, etc., the users will send it to you without any doubt. Above all, it is the order of the Knights Commander.

However, Silvain has no intention of doing so. That little boy alone over the barrier? What’s the difference between just telling him to die?

But if you don’t help, they will attack you alone, so what kind of embarrassing situation is this? Did you really want to die?

‘What the hell is that confidence?’

What Frontier showed was beyond confidence. ‘I’ll sit on the chair from now on.’ It sounded like a declaration. Did you even know what he was talking about? Even if it doesn’t look like that, is that another kind of ‘madness’?

But if that’s not madness.

If there is a clear reason for that calm tone.

‘What’s the identity, that guy.’

If you think about it, it’s weird.

Even when I heard about the Frontier from Ampere, I thought it was quite a strange fate. There may be divine intervention. What do you do to make the gods hate you?

Besides that crow. It was great timing. It’s not enough to scout and report from afar, he’s fluent in speaking and very smart. You’ll have to try several things to find out, but from what you’ve just seen, it’s comparable to a human.

As I have trained, my sense in battle is not bad, and besides, the judgment that gathers information and draws conclusions, the resulting composure, and the composure to the extent of being strangely prepared for death.

‘… … right.’

I remember thinking about it like that. Frontier said he had been to Tayburn in the previous summer vacation. I heard that he also participated in the wall battle there. Even in summer, fighting at the wall is a matter of risking your life.

Having returned safely from such a place, he must have shown something.

Silvain took out his phone. He called his old colleague.

‘Do you want to go back to the center?’

It feels like yesterday when we were proud of each other’s knights every day.

-… … hello? Sylvan?

Soon after, a longing voice was heard.


The person Sylvine called was Sanders.

The commander of the Knights of Shroud, Sanders. When Frontier headed for Tayburn, he was the one who temporarily took command of the knights there.

-What’s up? It’s been a long time.

“How are you?”

The two briefly asked about each other’s current situation. It was a natural flow because there was not much contact.

But that didn’t last long. It’s because Sylvine was in such a hurry mentally right now.

“So that’s it, Sanders. Have you ever met a boy named ‘Frondier’ when you were in Tayburn?”

Silvain spoke, but did not expect it. Frontier must have been one of the many people there at the time, but Sanders can’t remember him.

-Sure! You mean Frontier de Roach?

Surprisingly, Sanders remembered correctly. Besides, I think I’ve heard some familiar names.

“… … ah? Well. okay. That frontier.”

Silvain explained the situation to Sanders in a reasonable way. I couldn’t explain in too much detail, and it simply conveyed the nuance of Frontier trying to do something dangerous, reckless, and so on.

Sanders, who was listening quietly, said.

– Do it. whatever happened

“… … What?”

Silvain wondered if he heard it wrong.

“Are you a boy who hasn’t even grown up yet? They’re trying to walk into the limbs!”

Sylvine was now trying to convince Sanders on the contrary.

If you say do it, is that the word that comes out of the knight’s mouth! Sanders.

-ha ha ha.

But this time, Sanders even laughed.

– I don’t know what Frontier is going to do, but just leave it alone. No, it would be better if you actively help.

“her… … ?”

have people changed? Did I dial the wrong number now?

Sanders, Sanders is right.

There, Sanders said one more thing.

– In a little while, you will shed tears and be grateful. To me, and to Frontier.

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