Chapter 58 Toward the Fragments (3)

Laurie moved forward with a stiff face.

When I posted the report, I guessed something like this.

—Make sure the glacier is accessible and can be destroyed.

This was the rule of the empire. And he said he would help, and sent a staff member from the dark department.

In fact, it was like dying.

“You don’t need to smash. You only need to attack the glacier once and retreat right away.”

Laurier told the people who were riding around with him as if it was a simple matter.

But she knew. Even if they succeeded in breaking through that monster’s wall and attacking the glacier, at that moment all the demons would attack them at once. You can’t go deep into that core and hope you get out of it.

“Working in the dark is like this. You were prepared.”

The leader’s calm voice. Everyone, including Laurie and the leader, knew the meaning of this operation.

This is the life of an aunt. Do anything for the sake of the Empire. That’s the same rule for dealing with enemies, but also for allies.

Ambu decided that the glacier found in the northwest of the continent was an express danger and sent them away.

If they, including Laurie, fail their mission, they just send the next person, and then the next person. In other words, they are now thrown as prey to measure the danger and strength of the enemy.

“All for the glory of the Empire.”

“For the glory of the empire.”

Following the leader’s chorus, everyone repeated the same words. The sound wasn’t great. Their words were not like shouts to boost morale, but more like self-suggestion.

“Laurie, your abilities are important. Hypnotize dangerous monsters that find us and approach us. It’s up to you to decide which monsters are dangerous. It doesn’t have to be a black monster.”

“Yes, I understand.”

They ran in a circle outside the horde of demons. A few monsters found them, but most of them were busy worshiping the fragments.

The leader looked at the arrangement of the demons from the outside, looking for the most likely gap.

“—From here, turn left. Approaching that glacier will split it in three directions. I give the signal.”


“let’s go!”

At the leader’s declaration, the reins of the horses were pulled all at once. They made a big left turn and headed towards the glacier.


Whoa whoa!!

Some demons noticed their approach. The monsters naturally moved to prevent the dark part from approaching.

Kick! First, the fast-moving things gathered towards them. Personnel on the flanks of the unit moved to respond. They swung their swords at the demons and stabbed them with their spears.

Meanwhile, Laurie was constantly checking the surroundings. It was to find a target for hypnosis. Her ability is an excellent performance that has no choice but to be caught by all kinds of monsters, but the stronger they are, the more her mental power is consumed. Even if the number is large.

So, it is better to use it when dealing with really dangerous monsters than to use it against any monster.

Whatever it is, it must be able to hypnotize at least one animal. So far, there have been no exceptions.

‘… … Except for Frontier.’

Usually, when hypnotizing a powerful opponent, Laurie can read the degree of that strength. I have to put that much mental energy into it.

But Frontier had no feelings. So at first I thought it was stuck. I thought he was a sloppy guy who hardly needed any mental power.

But in reality it was the opposite. It didn’t work at all. Laurie’s mental power was not consumed, and Frontier was also intact. As if hypnosis was ‘missed’.

I wonder if something like that will happen again to the monsters? Laurie was afraid of that.


The leader shouted, and with him the members of the dark department spread their wings in three directions.

Read at

Not all of them need to survive. There is only one person left who can check the strength of the glacier and bring it back to life.

Seen that way, Laurier, who can hypnotize, had the highest probability. That is why the leader and other personnel are also desperately protecting Laurie.

Laurie belongs to the leader’s group. While they were running towards the glacier, the wings on both sides split left and right, capturing the attention of the demons.

However, there is something they don’t know.

“What… … ?!”

It was only for a short time that they spread their wings and split in three directions to capture the attention of the demons. The demons quickly recognized their intentions.

The demons flocked to Laurie and the others, who were moving in a straight line.

The members of the dark club only know too superficially about the monsters outside.

Even if they were outside the same monster, they didn’t know the difference between the ones just beyond the barrier and the ones deeper there.

If they use tactics against ordinary monsters like before, they are the ones who fall for it. It is impossible to fool outside monsters unless it is a tactic that deceives humans.

“Hey, come back! Come back!”

The leader shouted hastily. Even if he didn’t say anything, the scattered crowd changed their course again.

However, that was rather a mistake. The wings of both wings, which had forcibly changed their course, were already shaking.

At that moment, the monsters who thought they would only attack Laurie’s party attacked the unit split in two.



The legs of the horses were cut off by the teeth of the monsters that creep on the ground. The human head was ripped off and the body cut off by the things that fell on it.

Swords and blunt weapons were swung by humans, but in the shadows of countless monsters, they couldn’t tell the difference between them.

If I swung like crazy that I would rather live alone, I would have been able to do a few guinea pigs, but I was afraid that the ally next to me might get hurt, so I couldn’t swing it properly and I fell to the ground with that ally.

The monster’s feet, teeth, and clubs stomped on it and broke it, and the skull was crushed.

“Ugh… … !”

Laurie’s eyes lit up. She couldn’t watch the devastation on both wings.

Among the things that attacked humans, a monster that looked powerful was selected and hypnotized. Soon, a strange picture of a monster eating a monster unfolded.

“Laurie! Save your power!”

Confirming it, the leader shouted. But Laurie kept her mouth shut and did not answer.

“Laurie! Have you forgotten that we are all mortal! If you follow the instructions given above, that’s enough!”

“… … Yes! Not everyone wanted a dog death like this!”

“If you go back after completing the mission, you are not dead! Laurie!”

At that time, they sharply opposed their opinions without making any concessions.

“Lee, leader! It’s coming from the right!”

The person to the right of the leader shouted.

This time, things like wild dogs approached them. They are faster than the previous monsters, and they make people’s eyes dizzy.

If attacked here now, the main force with Laurie will be swept away at once.


Laurie stretched out a hand. Her hypnosis even reached the dogs. However, it was all in vain.

Some bit a nearby wild dog and fell apart together, but most came close without losing speed.

The leader stopped talking. So were the others.

The leader shouted.

“Laurie! Just look ahead and run!”

Surprised, Laurie belatedly pulled the reins.


“If we stay here now, we will all die together! If you hate dog death so much, run away somehow!”

Laurie looked around. Wings on both sides being swallowed by monsters. The main corps where things like wild dogs come flooding in.

They definitely die. In the beginning, rebirth was a possibility, but he died without even being able to perform his duties properly.

A trivial death that was nothing more than being thrown as prey to the demons.

To attach even a few lines of meaning to their deaths, she has to live. You have to survive, check the glacier and run away. Of course, even that has a slim chance of surviving, but it’s better than being tied down here.

Run, run, Laurie.

I’m pulling the hand holding the reins, come on.

“… … no.”

Laurie stretched out both arms in front of her. Along with him, the monsters around him turned. Both wings were breathless, and the approaching dogs stumbled and stumbled in front of them.


A nosebleed ran down Laurier’s lips.

Laurie could not abandon them.

She knew it herself. What should she do as a cancerbug? Now that this is just time-gaining.

And I also knew. That her temper doesn’t really suit her.

An ambu who will do anything for the sake of the empire. The reason Laurie was able to continue doing this work until now was that the profits were directly related to the lives of the citizens of the Empire.

Laurie did a dirty job to save people. They killed people to save them.

It wasn’t something that was supposed to be in her from the beginning, such as living alone by herself, and there is it, but running away to live alone for a few lines of information.

That is, she.

“Do you want to save them all?”


Laurie got goosebumps for a moment and spit out a sound.

It was a voice I had heard somewhere, and ‘fear’ automatically reflexively raised my head.


Something fell on top of the wild dogs that attacked.


Laurie couldn’t figure out what it was that fell into it for a moment. Because it didn’t come into her eyes.

When I lifted my head and opened my eyes, I could barely see it.

very huge building. A huge three-story building fell from the sky on a flat land where there was nothing until recently. The wild dogs were crushed under the weight of the building.

“What, what?”

“Is that a monster too?”

Laurie looked around at the sound of a human voice coming from both wings.

Personnel who were horribly slaughtered by demons. But the monster actually disappeared.

Everyone around the field had fallen and died. He was killed by arrows in the head, chest, and neck.

‘Did you get rid of the monsters on both wings of the unit and wild dogs approaching as they were supposed to in an instant?’

And without killing humans?

Laurie knew immediately who had done this. I couldn’t help but notice that huge building. But I couldn’t believe it.

A torture engineer who imprisoned a person and gave him nothing to drink or eat for a month would do something like this—

“I’m not strong enough to save them all.”

The voice that heard Laurie’s thoughts again stopped.

He was still angry, and if he had a chance, he would have wanted to speak out, but his voice was still that terrifying.

“… … Frontier.”

Laurie raised her head and looked at him.

In front of the building that was dropped from the sky, Frontier, floating in the air, was smiling at Laurie.

“I don’t have time to talk. Take your people and go in there.”

“… … You want me to go in there?”

Laurie looked at the building Frontier was pointing at with her thumb. Naturally, it is a place that Laurie has no good memories of.

“Are you all going to die here?”

“… … .”

Laurie bit her lower lip once and looked around. The monsters in the area were wiped out in an instant.

It’s a surprise, but soon enough monsters like this will attack again. The horses were frightened, and the morale of the troops was dire.

“Leader, let’s go into that building.”

“… … Are you okay?”

“It’s not okay, but that’s the only way.”

The leader saw the frontier floating in the sky.

Laurie forgot about it for a while, but the fact that in this world people are floating in the sky alone gives us an idea of the opponent’s strength.

It’s too wide flat here to stand on a thread, and it’s impossible to float that high, not just a few centimeters, even with ‘floating’ magic.

Above all, when looking at the situation before and after, it was because of that man that the building suddenly appeared after sweeping away the surrounding monsters.

“Everyone! Lead your horse and enter the mansion!”

At the command of the leader, the Ambu personnel headed into the building. They were walking blankly on horseback, and for a moment they remembered something and looked back.

A horrific scene where we had fought monsters for a while. There are a lot of human corpses, and some are still alive.

The injury is serious, but there are medicines and a healer in stock here, so if you give yourself enough time, you may be able to live.

… … However, this is not the place for such foolishness. The monsters will come again soon, and we have to get into that building as soon as possible.

“Move all the wounded.”


Then said Frontier. At those words, everyone looked at Frontier in disbelief.

Frontier looked around and said.

“I’ll give you three minutes. Until then, move everything. After that time, the door will close. Living or dead, I don’t care.”

3 minutes? The demons will be pouring in again soon. Can you give me 3 minutes?

How are you going to give that time?


Then people saw Suddenly spears appeared around him floating in the air, which were spread out and arranged in a circle around them.


And as Frontier swung something like a hammer, lightning surged and flowed through the spear. Lightning connected all the spears with its stem.

It was the completion of a simple barrier to protect humans.

“It’s three minutes.”

The time limit has been lowered again. People came to their senses and moved quickly. The wounded was moved, the horses lined up, and swiftly tucked in.

And Laurie, who was trying to sneak into the studio mixed with the party,



Without a doubt, Frontier called out.

Frondier looked at Laurie, who turned her head like a rusty machine, with her usual smile.

“I should pay the price of their lives.”

… … calculate?

why me?

i don’t have money Will I pay all of these people’s lives alone?

“don’t worry. Because you can definitely pay it back. And only you can do it.”

Frontier seemed to be relieved, but Laurie was not relieved at all.

I didn’t know what I was supposed to pay back, but I had only ominous thoughts.

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