Chapter 70 Audience (2)

The Empire has a dark department.

Those whom Frontier had previously met still work in the shadows of the Empire.

“… … Frontier de Roach?”

Among them, Laurie, whose rank had risen through successful mission completion, received a report from his subordinate and asked.

Laurier achieved considerable feats by completing the task of examining the fragments of the former Helheim.

The fact that the fragments were broken was also treated as their achievement.

It was a pity that it was broken without knowing anything about its identity, but if it is a decision for the safety and peace of the empire, of course, it should be appreciated.

Thanks to this, Laurie, which was simply used as a throwaway word, now has subordinates and can receive reports.

“Yes. I heard that you are taking part in the celebration of the success of the joint operation in the Imperial Palace. I checked the list.”

Laurie lowered her eyes at the words of her subordinate and thought deeply.

Frontier is a person with as many secrets as Ambu. And he was extremely reluctant to reveal himself.

Such a frontier heading to the Imperial Palace.

What kind of change of heart is there?

“It is said that there was active support from Her Majesty the Empress.”


Laurie’s thinking was completely wrong. If the Empress had the support of the Empress, it would be impossible for the Frontier to not come.

Then why is the Empress so interested in Frontier… … ?

“Lori-sama, please be careful. It’s good to keep monitoring Frontier, but there are a lot of people at the top who are suspicious of Laurie-sama.”

“… … Well.”

“Ambu sees the biggest gap Frontier can bring Ampere to the center. Knowing that, I am supporting Laurie-sama.”

“I know.”

Laurie answered that way, but this time, she was aware that the dark part was wrong.

The frontier is not like Ampere’s gap. It may have been in the past, but not now.

It’s understandable that the upper layers of Darkbug are drooling for Frontier to come to the Imperial Palace this time, but it’s probably not as easy as they think.

“But it is surprising that His Majesty allowed it.”

“… … I think so too.”

Seeing her subordinate nodded, Laurie thought.

‘I heard that Frontier never came to the Imperial Palace except when he was a baby. Because the Emperor Bartello was very much against it.’

Of course, Philly had secretly brought him into the Imperial Palace, but that wasn’t an official position, and Laurie didn’t know about it.

“No matter how much the Empress had the support of His Majesty, what would happen to His Majesty, who would have been very opposed to it in a normal way?”

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No one in the Imperial Palace knows why Barthello hates Frontier.

However, many aristocrats saw the way they spoke loudly at the frontier while looking at Frontier when they were babies.

After the angry Ampere left with his wife and children, Frontier never set foot in the Imperial Palace.

“Now that so much time has passed, the wrath of His Majesty has not been resolved.”

The servant said cautiously.

I don’t know why I was angry in the first place.

“… … Well, it could be.”

“Then I will finish the report. I’m going to go away,”

“for a moment.”

Laurie said to the subordinate who bowed deeply and stepped back.

“Is there something left to report?”

“… … .”

“About mana injections. How are you? If no progress has been made, then you have to explain the situation.”

Hearing Laurie’s words, the subordinate opened his mouth slowly in the same posture with his head bowed deeply.

“During the investigation, I received orders from my superiors.”

“… … As for mana injections.”

“I told you not to pay any attention.”

Laurie’s eyes narrowed at those words.

‘After all, mana injection is a dark part… … .’

Regarding the mana injection that directly damages the citizens of the Empire, it was strange that the dark part was quiet.

Just because Laurie belongs to Ambu doesn’t mean she knows everything. Rather, there is much more that we do not know. It’s usually like that when you don’t choose any means and methods.

‘Human weapon. It will depend on the person who listens to it, but it must be a word that I really like for the dark part.’

I don’t know who gave the order, but if the mana injection was really completed, it would be a very happy thing for the dark part.

From the standpoint of Ambu, who takes the sacrifice of a few for granted, mana injections are very in line with their mindset and beliefs.

‘But that plan is also in vain because of Frontier. It’s not necessarily a problem with Frontier alone.’

Of course, if Ambu wants to, he can call someone else to set up a research lab and continue research on injections.

But since he’s already been very upset, he’ll have to restrain himself for the time being so that his tail doesn’t get trampled on.

‘… … But that frontier is coming to the Imperial Palace.’

Laurier heard that Frontier played a major role in the joint operation. In particular, his cleverness in reading the enemy’s plans and catching them behind them stood out.

When he goes to the Imperial Palace, it means that the most powerful person who can step on the tail of the dark man will approach the dark man’s nose.

‘Maybe Frontier, is that on purpose?’

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No, maybe

Laurie is a member of the Ambu, so she has this link, and there is no way Frontier sees the incident and notices the connection with the Ambu.

Didn’t the Empress call the Frontier in the first place? Not Frontier’s will.

… … let’s believe so

* * *


Aten sighed.

went to the palace. to see my father.

“Oh, Aten-sama. What sigh? On a happy day.”

One of the servants around Aten, who gave her clothes and makeup, spoke to her.

“Oh sorry. I must have been a little tired.”

“Did you not sleep last night?”

“yes. Is that so?”

“Fufu. It’s got to be tense. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the Imperial Palace. It’s a public place like this.”

Contrary to his appearance, Aten is kind to the people around him, so there are many servants who are friendly to Aten in places no one is looking at. Aten himself wanted it.

Aten fell into thoughts again as he listened to the excited voices of the servants.

‘Somehow, my mother’s voice was serious.’

Philly, who had never uttered such a voice in her life, asked Aten to come to the Imperial Palace.

Of course, I heard that the Imperial Palace was celebrating the success of the joint operation, so of course Aten was going to attend as a princess.

But Philly asked Aten to see his father’s face separately.

‘What’s going on with Dad?’

daddy, daddy.

To Aten, it was really awkward no matter how he said it.

I hardly ever talked to Barthello, so I never had anything to say about his father. I’ve hardly ever heard the word daddy or daddy.

‘I want to meet you all of a sudden.’

Aten felt like being introduced to a stranger.

Besides, if there are other people around you, you have to act as if you are affectionate with the stranger.

“Well, how are you? Aten.”

When Aten’s clothes and makeup were complete, one of the servants moved a full-length mirror to reflect Aten.

A pure white dress that matches the pure white Aten. Aten’s beautiful face, not overdone, but with fine make-up. It seemed as if the beauty wrapped in her fine figure came down from Atan’s exposed shoulders and wet her whole body.

“How… … Aten-sama really seems to have been born to shine.”

“It is again. Superintendent.”

“I’m not exaggerating!”

Aten had no feelings for his white color. There was no such thing as burdensome or burdensome in the eyes of people. Partly thanks to Philly’s education.

‘You know those people, if your hair is yellow, they’ll make a fuss over sprinkled with gold. So you don’t have to worry’ because I grew up listening to it every day.

However, he was aware of the fact that it was very rare for her to have white hair, white eyes, and white skin.

So, when Aten wore a pure white dress like today, all her colors were reflected in the sunlight and literally glowed.

The impression that even Aten himself feels when he sees himself. ‘It’s white’.

“… … That, Frontier.”


“Aside from me, there is one other Constell student participating in the event, isn’t there?”

“Oh, that black boy? Frontier de Roach.”

it’s black

The Shinha spoke without any affirmation or negation in those words, but the image is definitely unmistakable.

Black hair color, eyes, and Constell’s school uniform was originally black. In addition, even the weapons used are armed with black these days.

“Has the boy left already?”

“Ugh. would you? You may have to wait in advance. It may be difficult to meet during the event.”

“… … okay.”

Aten answered in a low-pitched voice.

However, Shinha noticed the low, sunken eyes behind him.

“Aten. do you know that at the wedding,”

“Shit, are you married?”

When Aten heard just one word, she flinched and looked at the servant in surprise.

And as soon as he realized it, he closed his mouth.

“Ah, yes, yes. Wedding ceremony.”

“yes. At a wedding, do you know why the bride’s dress is pure white and the groom’s suit is black?”

“… … Why?”

“Originally, the bride’s dress was dazzling with all kinds of colors and gold bands, but it is said that a nobleman chose a pure white dress to abandon luxury and vanity. It is said that it became a big trend and has the current pure white color.”

“… … Why is the suit black?”

“That makes the bride’s dress more dazzling.”

Hearing that, Aten blinked for a moment. She turned her eyes to the servant who spoke to her.

“Isn’t it just made up?”

“I can. Absolutely not. Well, I’ve only heard it at first glance.”

“What, what did you hear?”

Shinha laughed at Aten’s disappointing voice and said:

“But even if you don’t have that kind of background knowledge, it suits you. white and black. Don’t you think so?”

“… … what?”

Aten nodded as if to acknowledge that part.

“Well, there is no guarantee that the boy will wear black when he goes to the Imperial Palace.”


Aten answered without knowing it,

“No, what do you mean?”

He raised his voice in an inappropriate way of speaking.

* * *

Many prestigious families gathered at the Imperial Palace.

Vehicles that come one after another stop in front, and the servant drives out for parking.

Those who arrive first look at the vehicles and figure out who the next family member will be.

For them, the appearance of the next famous family is an interesting story that can be used as gossip, and at the same time, it is a good material to heighten the atmosphere.

Of course, we’re not seeing it openly, but it’s become natural for everyone to pay attention to who’s coming next while talking to each other.

“Hamelot, this is Hamerlot.”

“It’s rare to find a name that’s not aristocratic and draws everyone’s attention.”

“Because I was also the leader in this joint operation.”

Even when Edden Hamerlot came, there was a lot of gossip from the nobles.

Today, they are not looking for aristocrats. The next generation of prospects and pros who will protect this empire, and furthermore, predicting the next zodiac. Therefore, despite the common people’s gaze on Edden, the gazes of admiration and envy gathered.

Edden quietly disappeared today. The nobles were a little puzzled by that, but soon their eyes were focused again.

A luxury sedan seen from a distance. As soon as they saw the appearance of the front panel, they knew at a glance who was coming.


Some nobles stopped talking and watched the vehicle approach.

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No one considered it pathetic. Few aristocrats here carry a name greater than Roach.

The vehicle stopped and both front and rear doors opened.

“It’s been a long time since the two of us came together, isn’t it, honey?”

“The air is still bad.”

“It is again. Um, it’s been a while since I’ve been here, so the color of the door seems to have changed a bit.”

It was Ampere and Malia who got off the back door. The two did not hesitate to evaluate the Imperial Palace in front of everyone. The aristocrats around did not seem to care.

It was his first son, Atjie, who got out of the driver’s seat.

“My son had a hard time driving.”


Atjie shook her head lightly at Malia’s words and said toward the passenger seat.

“Frondier, do as you say when you come.”


And the man who opened the passenger door and got off.

At the appearance of Frontier de Roach, the eyes of the nobles widened.

‘The second son of the Roach!’

‘They said he was coming to the Imperial Palace this time, but the rumors are true!’

The first was that I was surprised that the Frontier, the rumor that Bartello didn’t like, had really come to the Imperial Palace.

Second, it was because of Frontier’s attire.

Frontier was dressed in black from head to toe. It was thicker than a normal suit.

This was done in advance to make Frontier as inconspicuous as possible, but unfortunately the intention was the exact opposite.

Frontier’s languid, peaceful eyes and luxurious face. There, the black suit was designed to attract people’s attention as if only the space had a different weight.

Aside from being a member of the Roach family, the black frontier suited the position of the imperial palace too much today.

‘The atmosphere is great… … .’

‘You are proud to step into the Imperial Palace for the first time at such a young age.’

‘Your posture and eyes are good. I have the weight not to panic under any circumstances.’

And I started to make arbitrary evaluations. Roahra, a prestigious signboard, and his appearance and uniform design, were raising Frontier’s evaluation like crazy.

In the meantime, Frontier frowned slightly and touched his tie. Even that little frown was alluring.

But the voice that comes out of it.

“This dress is terribly uncomfortable.”

It was a murmur that no one could hear.


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