The Old World, the Free Federation, a certain secret laboratory, a five-meter-high mechanical monster is standing there quietly, and a group of people are busy surrounding it.

   "Doctor, the basic test of the experimental 101 type has been completed. We have really succeeded. This will be a great invention that will change the entire world."

   "Varys, calm down, we are just one step closer to success now."

   Bald Eagle Kingdom, in a hidden dock, a 43-meter-long steel giant ship is lying quietly there, its streamlined hull and ferocious muzzle all show its power.

   "Da Gong, the Herald has completed its shelter, and it is ready for sea trials."

   "Finally finished, I have waited for this day for too long too long."

   "Dagong, I believe that the day the Pioneer was launched is the day to change the maritime history of the Liberal World. All sailing warships will be swept into the garbage dump by it. All our waiting is worth it."

   Sutilt Kingdom, Zero Research Institute, a steam engine that is very different from the current mainstream is working. It is small and efficient.

   "Doctor, after many improvements, the failure rate of the Magic Steam Engine 1 has been reduced to 5%, and it can be put into use."

Today, nearly a year after the revival of the magic wave, the encounter between technology and mystery finally bears fruit. They will change mankind and even change the world. They will also make this great era even greater. Of course, at the same time as it becomes greater. , Cruelty and chaos will follow.

   With the birth of these magical inventions, the relations between countries have unknowingly become tense, and an uneasy atmosphere hangs over the old continent for a long time.

   The New World, because of the inconvenience of transportation because of the distance, all the weirdness of the Old World hasn't affected this place yet.

  Luye Town, Botanical Garden.

   It has been half a month since the match between Baibeard and Belloni. Although a lot of manual repairs have been carried out, the scars left by that night cannot be completely healed.

   On the top of the mountain, looking at the golden oak tree with sparse leaves and many broken branches, Sean took out a glass sink filled with light red liquid from the natural gift of storage of strange things.

   Placed the sink under the golden oak tree, Sean thought, and exchanged a huge egg from the door of another world.

   [Item]: Fengshen pterodactyl egg

   [Evaluation]: A mutant from the world of Ark, a beast with the name of a dragon, give it enough time, it can carry a gorgeous palace for you.

  [Price]: 8 power points

   The price of the Wind God Pterosaur Egg is a little bit more expensive than the previous Flame Flying Dragon, but now Xiao En doesn't care, even after deducting these 8 points, he still has 18 source power points.

   Put the Fengshen pterosaur's egg gently into the glass sink, and Sean carefully observed it to see if there was any special situation.

The light red liquid in the glass sink is actually the essence of the mutant green eye grass, which is also the dracaena. Sean wants to see if this essence can have some positive effects on the dragon eggs. If it can increase the concentration of dragon blood, Then its research value is even higher.

  The incubation of the wind **** pterodactyl did not happen overnight, and the influence of dracaena essence on the dragon egg was not immediate. Xiao En waited patiently, he was not impatient.

   Outside, with the unfolding of the Greenfield Town Supernova Project, the influence began to spread out slowly, spreading to several pioneering collars around Greenfield Town and Monfitos.

   For most people, this is just a conversation on the wine table. For a few caring people, it may be a good opportunity.

  Under such circumstances, Greenfield Town has once again become the focus of topic in the surrounding area.

   "Supernova plan? Our little golden oak really has some ideas?"

  Mephitos, City Hall, upon hearing the information reported by the secretary, Asim Bansean showed an unexplained smile on his face.

   "Has there been any movement in the Devil Pirate Group recently?"

  As soon as the voice changed, Asim suddenly mentioned the evil spirit pirate group.

   "The evil ghost pirate group has been very low-key recently, and there is no major movement, but our insider sent back news that the ghost hand seems to be collecting information about Sean Montell."

"Oh, don’t you give up? In this way, the Montell family will arrive in the New World with a fleet of large amounts of valuable supplies in about two months. Interested in."

   As he said, Asim's mouth was drawn with a playful smile, and he drank the red wine in his hand.

  Ghost Island, the lair of the evil ghost pirate group.

   The ghost hand is sitting on the Blackstone Throne with a golden sword, pouring rum with guts.

   "Boss, two more pirate groups have frequently provoke us recently."

   "Oh, these wild dogs that can't make it to the table, they will go up when they smell a little blood. Do you really think we have suffered some losses because they can bite? You know I'm not dead yet."

   At the end, the ugly face of Guishou became more and more fierce.

Since the defeat of the Black Market Island, the life of the evil ghost pirate group has not been easy during this period. Although there are no major troubles, the minor troubles are constant. There are always some idiots who cannot see the form and think that they are evil. The Ghost Pirate Group lost two Tier 3 and has fallen.

Thinking of this, he took a sip of alcohol, and the anger in Guishou's heart became more and more fierce. Originally, he was still happy that he had played with his old opponent Asim Bansain in the Battle of the Black Market Island, but later his men turned out to be. Tell him that the second madman died in battle, the third poisonous snake is missing, and the most important thing is that the most important barbarossa hidden treasure has not been taken back. It can be said that there is nothing to lose.

   "How about the collection of Sean Montell's news?"

   The more he thought about it, the more angry he got, the ghost said again.

According to the information he collected later, the unknown Tier 4 who killed the madman should be a member of the Montell family, and the **** viper seems to have taken refuge in the Montell family. Look at Barbarossa from this situation. The hidden treasure picture is likely to fall on Sean Montell.

"Ghost boss, now we have determined that the Tier 4 transcendent who killed the mad boss is indeed a member of the Montell family. Not long ago, a fierce battle broke out in Greenfield Town. It seems that this is the one who shot A fourth-order transcendent."

   "As for the trail of the poisonous snake, it is still unclear for the time being. There is only inaccurate news that he seems to have appeared in Luye Town."

   looked at the expression of Guishou's face, Mahal, the newly promoted second-in-command of the evil ghost pirate group, told the news that he had collected recently, for fear of causing Guishou's dissatisfaction.

   "Is that so? Keep an eye on Luye Town for me, tell me if you have any news as soon as possible."

   The cold light in his eyes flickered. He would never give up on Barbarossa's hidden treasure map. Anyone who blocked him would definitely pay the price of blood.


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