Snake cave, black stones are everywhere, lavender brilliance shrouded, deep and quiet, the huge body of the bullhead ghost python is sleeping in it.

   Moo, the roar was low and powerful, and when called, it woke up from its deep sleep.

  Ghost Island Port, White Beard is killing arbitrarily among the pirates like a killing machine.

   The strength has reached the point of white beard, the number has lost its meaning, ordinary swords and firearms can't hurt him at all.

  Moo, the ground vibrated, and the trees fell to the sides, revealing the huge body of the bull-headed ghost python.

   The body of the cow head snake is more than 30 meters long, and it is covered with black scales. Its double pupils are faintly green. It reveals human cruelty, which makes people feel chills in the heart.

   "It's you, a member of the Montell family."

   Standing on the head of the bullhead ghost python, looking at Baibeard's body, which is very different from ordinary people, the ghost hand recognized him at a glance based on the collected information.

   "Okay, I was waiting for you, but I didn't expect you to come here."

   There were bloodshot eyes, the ghost hand gritted his teeth and said, just a rough sweep, he knew that his loss was great.

   The fighting spirit is permeated, resonating with the bull-headed ghost python, and the faint green brilliance enveloped everyone's vision.

  Very poisonous breath, the natural ability of the bullhead ghost python is extremely corrosive, and its power has been further enhanced after resonating with the ghost hand.

   The knight and the mount can resonate and increase each other's ability. This is the biggest feature of the knight's journey, and it is precisely because of this that after the third rank, the knight is far superior to the ordinary extraordinary journey.

   Although he spoke with contempt, Guishou really didn't dare to look down upon White Beard. After all, he himself was only a Tier 3 knight, so he let the Minotaur Ghost Python use a killer move as soon as he shot it.

   呲, everything melted where the poisonous breath passed, not only the flesh, but also the soil, rocks and trees turned into a terribly green, weird liquid.

   Seeing this scene, the pirate, who had just escaped by chance, immediately pulled up and ran farther.

  Only one figure was still standing in this poisonously-shrouded open space for a time.

   The dark red domineering quietly faded, watching the miserable green gas wafting around, the white beard body moved and disappeared.

   Although most of the poisonous breath of the bullhead ghost python was blocked by his mutant domineering, a part of it still penetrated into his body.

  Quick fight, this is Baibeard's idea, and he did the same.

   "One style·Bengquan."

  'S body shape changed, and he suddenly appeared on the head of the bullhead ghost python, the white beard's right fist entangled domineeringly, and hit the ghost hand fiercely.

   In the face of this sudden blow, the ghost hand did not panic, and his footsteps were wrong. Following the rhythm of the scales of the bullhead ghost python, his figure disappeared.

The knight’s exclusive secret skills are integrated into life. The third-order knight opens the life mark and can sign a contract with the warcraft. The fourth-order knight's life mark grows and forms a mark projection on the beast. Get a specific increase, but the strange thing is that the ghost hand is only a third-order knight, and it is logically impossible to use the secret skill and life.

   Of course, although he felt a little strange in his heart, Baibeard's movements did not stop at all. Not only did he not retract his empty fist, but instead increased his strength.

   嘭, the scales were broken and blood was dripping. With such a blow, the raised head of the tauren python sank suddenly.

  Moo, the pain came, and the bullhead ghost python violently shook his head and threw the white beard out.

   "Lanjiao·Shijian Knife."

   was in the air, white beard swiped his right foot, and a light blue moon blade slashed at the bullhead ghost python fiercely.

  The faint green snake pupil stared at the white beard, the humanized color flashed, and a thin layer of vindictive energy permeated from the body of the bullhead ghost python, forming a layer of vindictive armor on the surface of the snake's body.

   has the dual protection of fighting spirit and scale armor. The light blue air blade cut out by the white beard did not achieve any effect except for stirring up a piece of smoke, and even the defense of the bullhead ghost python was not broken.

On   , Sean looked at the situation on the shore and was a little surprised. He didn't expect Ghost Hand to have such a method. Of course, he was only a little surprised and had no other thoughts, because the result would not change.

   "Viper, go and help, a quick fight."

   "His, okay."

   Hearing Sean's instructions, the viper jumped directly from the boat, and then a wave of water rose from the sea, directly supporting his body.

   With the addition of the poisonous snake, the balance of victory and defeat immediately tilted. Although the bullhead ghost python relied on its powerful body to support it, its defeat was only a matter of time.

   Outside the port, as the port's movement became more and more serious, many of the evil ghost pirate group ships cruising outside were approaching.

   Bang bang, the sound of artillery continued to sound, stirring up water columns on the sea.

   Looking at the three small pirate ships approaching, Sean stopped Smaug who was eager to try, and did it himself.

   Spiritual surging, a green light spot the size of a bean floats up and down in Sean's palm, just like a flying firefly.

  Witchcraft·Plant Nova, as Shaun’s right hand gently waved, the emerald light spot turned into a and quickly appeared on the front pirate ship.

   The emerald light spots burst silently, and the light green brilliance enveloped the entire pirate ship, and then the sudden change occurred.

   crunching, crunching, branches and leaves growing, decks that have long been dead, masts and other wooden materials seem to be alive at this moment, and new shoots are drawn out one after another.

   "Captain, it's not good, the bottom of the boat is leaking."

   As the wood recovered, the branches and leaves grew more luxuriant, and the original intact hull suddenly appeared a lot of cracks.

   crunching, the sound of crunching sounded constantly, and the sea water poured in a short time, and a pirate full of pirates disintegrated on the sea like this.

   There are one and two. Under the new star of Sean's third-order witchcraft plant, the other two pirate ships soon followed in the footsteps of the first pirate ship.

   "Sir, your witchcraft really amazes me."

   Looking at the three pirate ships slowly sinking on the sea, Resick let out a sigh from his heart.

   He is also a Tier 3 transcendent, but he cannot easily sink a pirate ship, let alone three.

Hearing what Liske said, Sean did not answer, but just looked at the sea quietly. Witchcraft is indeed a kind of magical thing. Plant Nova is actually just a kind of auxiliary witchcraft, which can revitalize the dead wood. Life basically has no effect, but it is used at this time, and it is really just right to use it here. For ordinary wooden ships, the plant nova is a devastating witchcraft.

Seeing the strange sinking of the three pirate ships, the two pirate ships that rushed back did not dare to approach any more, and only dared to bombard from a distance. It had no effect other than listening to the sound and strong momentum, and this has long been suppressed. Smaug who lived there naturally immediately vibrated his wings, and after a short while, the hot dragon's breath once again dyed the sea.

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