Ace Hollywood

Chapter 120: the youngest

"Hey, Mark, did you get out of your office? Danny got an Oscar, my god, he really did. Net" David took the phone, happily talking to Mark in Silicon Valley, "He's legendary from a hot dog chef to an Oscar winner, isn't he? He's a genius, I know that."

"..." Mark pinched the bridge of his nose, "David, do you know that I'm a network engineer? Do you think I don't know about the overwhelming amount of information on the Internet?"

But David could still hear a touch of excitement in his words a little more than usual.

The extraordinary achievements of our teenage friends are truly inspiring and something to celebrate.

Not only that, but also related to them is Claire, a business-minded New Yorker, who immediately called his partner who made the billboard, "Brother, plan No. 1, just do that."

"Oscar winners come from here?"

"Yeah, they made me big, it's crazy, my hot dogs are going to sell like crazy."

Putting his sights back on Los Angeles, Jerry Bruckheimer didn't go to the Oscars, but he obviously won't give up the chance to get the results in the first place.

"He really got it," Jerry whispered.


At this time, Daniel, who heard the most beautiful voice in the world in the Shenandoah Theater, closed his eyes and tried to stabilize his emotions.

Russell Crowe hugged him for the first time.

In a daze, he remembered to respond to Juliette Binoche's outstretched hands, and he gently hugged the excellent actress until his mind became clear.

After walking a few steps, he hugged Ridley Scott tightly and said, "Thank you. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable

Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks all shook his hand, probably hoping for some good luck.

After doing all this, Daniel walked briskly onto the podium.

Taking the trophy from Julie, Daniel took a deep breath and stood in front of the microphone.

There was applause from below, congratulations to this young and brilliant future star.

"This is the Oscars, oh, unbelievable. I have to thank a lot of people for this, they deserve to share this honor with me, Ridley, Crowe, Connie, and the rest of the cast and crew, their Outstanding performance is what this award celebrates. I also need to thank my agents and partners like Cusa, Melissa, Andy, etc. Without your work, Daniel would not be where I am today, and mine Friends, David and Mark, see, I got an Oscar. By the way, and the Academy and everyone here, thank you."

Bending his arms and letting Angelina Jolie wrap them around, Daniel's heartbeat gradually slowed down.

"Enjoy your moment."

Looking at the interview area ahead, Julie winked at him and left the backstage through another door.

Daniel paused, his impeccable smile reappeared on his face, and his posture was equally impeccable. He walked towards the press area. Behind him, a performance with strong Chinese characteristics sounded - this is the first time Oscar has shown such a strong China Feng, of course, is because of the excellent performance of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", but the yellow soul hidden in Daniel's heart still feels a little bit of secret joy.

In front of and behind, with a skin and soul, Daniel suddenly felt that his Hollywood life was like a peak performance.


"Daniel breaks age record for best supporting actor"

Once the news of Daniel's winning the award was announced, various media that had already prepared manuscripts sent their reports on the Internet. Obviously, there are some breaking points that were not recognized by Daniel's team before. They noticed.

Daniel was born on October 23, 1980. This year is 20 years and 153 days. Usually he says he is 22 years old, which is about two months shorter than the previous record holder, Timothy Hutton. Coincidentally, , when Timothy won this Oscar was in "Ordinary People" in 1980, but the two were completely different. Daniel never showed that he was focusing on art films. This is a kind of maturity. Timothy was a teenager back then. Early success and illustrious glory, thus creating an unnecessary arrogance in Hollywood - this is the reason why he has not achieved important achievements. Daniel is significantly different from him. This year, Daniel will have "Pretty Woman" and "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: The Fellowship of the Ring" released. Next year's "Brunette" and "The Lord of the Rings 2" are quite ambitious at the box office.

"Los Angeles Times" praised Daniel's talent and future - saying that he will become the most eye-catching Hollywood star at the beginning of the century, and the first Oscar is just the beginning.

Surprisingly, "Entertainment Weekly", which is not in tune with Daniel, also gave a blushing praise-is it another slap in the face or a decision to change its strategy, "Entertainment Weekly"

"The change of limelight has created a situation in which Daniel wants to dump in a positive direction in this round of media craze.

When Daniel returned to the stage, he received another congratulations.

"Give a hand in advance?"

Daniel turned his head and made a joke with Crowe, but Crowe did not refuse, but reached out and lifted the slightly heavy gold-plated trophy.

Out of respect for Juliet, of course Daniel wouldn't make this joke with her. People are the ones who win awards and are soft-hearted. It's better not to lose face in front of her for an Oscar male supporting role.

Next, when the lottery was drawn, Daniel felt extremely relaxed.

Ridley misses out, Steven wins.

Julia's performance surprised those who were optimistic about her - she looked like a person who was a little psychologically prepared, and seemed to be shocked by the huge surprise.

Tom Hanks really missed the third best actor trophy. Daniel remembers that Daniel Day-Lewis, the one with the same name as him, achieved this feat more than ten years later, but that one is a joke~www. is not comparable to mortals.

Until the end, the best picture was won by "Gladiator", and Ridley, who had been laughing reluctantly, was really happy.

The whole group was very happy. Twelve out of six, this was already a pretty impressive result, not to mention the Best Actor and Best Picture awards.

The Oscar party held after that was more like the celebration party of "Gladiator" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", but in the gap time before the party, Daniel accepted a brief interview with He Yu of the new wave - this is said before Yes, if Daniel wins, accept it.

China has not yet entered the vision of Hollywood. Although the results of "Titanic" in China are still surprising, but compared with other mature Asian markets, the cake here is still too small, but who can understand this better than Daniel What about the capacity of the market in ten years? That's a market of more than $200 million per chip.

"Danny, everyone is waiting for you."

As soon as he stepped into the scene, Cameron Diaz, who saw him for the first time, shouted, and it seemed that the two of them were very familiar.


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