Ace Hollywood

Chapter 400: Comments from ex-girlfriends

Jessica, who has just starred in "Fantastic Four" and "Sin City" and has sequels planned for the films, is definitely at the peak of her acting career.

That's probably why she agreed to attend today's premiere.

"So charming Daniel, how could you think of breaking up with him?"

Reese Witherspoon walked up to Jessica, Daniel was doing a personal interview, so the reporters wouldn't notice the conversation between the two women, what's more, they were all smiles, it was like Reese was thanking Jess Cards are welcome.

Jessica was not surprised by Reese's question.

Female stars' elegance, nobility, and well-spoken speech are all shown by performances. If they are like that in life or outside the camera, they will not be able to stick to it no matter what. Therefore, there are always media reports of two female stars swearing at each other or male stars provoking each other, and it is not empty.

As long as there is no substantive evidence, celebrities are very willing to have a straightforward conversation.

"Yes, he's great, but that's as an idol, or someone else's boyfriend." Jessica smiled, "I have no regrets, really, a woman can't stand her boyfriend like this a person."

"Because he's too busy?"

"Not only that," Jessica shook her head, "even if you're busy, you can contact him by phone or video, but you can't always find his urge. It seems that you can contact him, and it doesn't matter if he contacts you. No contact. It's not like two young people are in love, it's more like family members who have been married for 30 years - but we're not relatives, are we? I don't want just one more relative."

If Daniel heard what Jessica said, he should be quite emotional. Jessica's feelings weren't wrong, and Daniel lacked the urge to love in a real 20-something—either with her, or with Collins Polsh.

Reese glanced at Daniel, who was surrounded by reporters with an impeccable smile on his face.

"I thought it was the pressure that pushed you to let go, after all, it's not going to be easy with someone like that."

"He doesn't have the temper of a big star." Jessica stroked her hair. "By the way, are your children at home? I saw Philip came with me."

"Hmm, with the nannies."

"I'm really looking forward to having children of my own, as a mother. It should be very happy."

"It's annoying sometimes." Reese grimaced, "but most of the time it feels fine."


"Daniel, Jessica is here today too. Did you invite it?"

Daniel was being questioned and happened to be asked about Jessica. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Reese and Jessica talking and laughing, a little surprised.

"Of course, all the guests are invited, no uninvited guests."

"Daniel, can you talk about Oscar, have you ever thought about getting another golden statue with "Invincible"?"

Daniel was asked about the Golden Globes and Oscars almost every time he gave interviews at the end of the year, but the question has become increasingly difficult to answer as he has been nominated more and more times.

"...I look forward to being liked by more people, whether it's the Oscar judges. Or the movie fans, the movie ultimately serves the audience, no matter what status they are, it is successful to be liked by the audience. So I look forward to "Forever Going Forward" ” can achieve the success it hopes.”

A sly and clever answer.


"In general, unlike High School Musical, the premiere of "Invincible" featured a nostalgic atmosphere, and even the music played was John Cash - that was at least 30 years ago. Lots of black and white images , showed the visiting guests a vibrant era, with superstars emerging one after another, which is amazing.

for movies. I can't describe it in more professional terms, but I can feel the contradictory life of John Cash. He is by no means a perfect ** like Daniel Sandler. He is irritable and sometimes lacks responsibility. He was exposed to drugs and had a nightmare that was hard to get rid of, but his singing voice and talent put all this in an understandable situation - if life goes well, what else can you expect from this John Card now? The love between him and Joan Carter, which seemed like a fate, naturally became precious. Although they are not each other's first lovers, they have marriages and children, but everything is remembered in their unusual life experiences and unique musical resonance for each other.

Daniel gave another perfect performance, and Witherspoon was equally brilliant, perhaps her best performance to date, surpassing all previous works and roles. Just like her popularity breakthrough for "Legal Blonde", this time, she obviously got a breakthrough in acting. Interestingly, the two collaborations were both with Daniel Sandler.

Perhaps, it is easier for them to have wonderful sparks. "

"Variety" revealed a bit of gossip at the end.


The reporting intensity of "Forever" is incomparable to previous MGM films.

"Apart from the impressive premiere, DD Films or Daniel doesn't seem to be paying much attention to this year's Auspicious work. Even on social networks, apart from some old music playlists, And the faint cry of nostalgia, you don't see too much about "Forever", it looks like they are going to give up its box office - but we know it is impossible! "Forever" invested nearly 30 million, With the total cost approaching 50 million, it is impossible for DD Pictures to be indifferent to the box office, and observers are generally confused. 'Unless he is particularly confident in the quality of the film, there is no other explanation.' So guesses. If he's not wrong, then Daniel may have made the bold and shocking decision to give 'Forever' to the audience entirely."

The New York Times story was given to Daniel by Sally after he re-arrived in London.

"It's entirely up to the audience? At least I need and have told them that 'Forever' is coming."

"Obviously, the strategy adopted by "007 Royal Family" will make people more agree with the "New York Times" point of view."

Compared with "Invincible", this new "007", which has an investment of more than 100 million yuan, and is accompanied by publicity and distribution, costs as much as 150 million yuan. Due to the controversy of the protagonist and MGM's intentional promotion of publicity, it has been almost in the first filming since the start. A regular in the media throughout the year, we've written pages and pieces about the "war" between Bond fans and Daniel Craig -- and for everyone to see how its reputation has come back after its on-and-off test screenings Yes, most of the people who have seen it gave it a thumbs up - now many people are curious, how did "Royal Sex" and the new Bond go from being questioned to this level.

But MGM's huge publicity budget is bound to promote this process.

Tomorrow, the world premiere of "Royal Sex" will be held in London, and Her Majesty will be there to watch this most famous work, starring the British. (To be continued.)

PS: 400 chapters, tsk tsk, it will be 1.2 million words soon, tsk tsk, thank you for the monthly pass, the next one is actually double the monthly pass. .

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