Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Vol 2 Chapter 97: : Investigate!

The semi-final between Qingdo High School and Senquan Academy.

In the second game, Qingdao High School went to the next game and took the lead by one point.

Such a powerful scoring mode caught Xianquan's team by surprise.

Superintendent Ukai Ichiro stared blankly at the cheering team at Qingdo High School, his eyes sank slightly.

"It's really resolute. You have thoroughly rehearsed the attacking mode of the giants. Should it be said that it is a team of giants?"

He glanced at his disciples, and the little ones were a little confused and didn't know what to do.

This will not work!

"In that kind of situation, it is inevitable to lose a point. We can't just let their five-bar, six-bar, and normal hitting in order to guard against Qingdao's bunts. In that case, it is even more dangerous. This backward situation, You just need to give the trump card to hold up the sky."


The players finally recovered their spirits.

Although the supervisor of Ukai Ichiryo is not a supervisor known for his morale boosting. But that doesn't mean he won't boost morale.

Children, always need to be coaxed.

"Play steadily and get the last out, Maki."

Seeing his supervisor's instructions, Maki nodded.

"Seventh stick, catcher, classmate Chris."

Two outs, no one on base.

Chris stood on the strike zone.

In this situation, Chris did not expect to get any additional points. Although it is not that there is no such opportunity, but two outs, no one is on base. Unless you're lucky, it's hard to beat a player like Maki.

"But don't worry, just let me collect it, your information is ready."

The game is still very long, and at this time, collecting information on Maki on the spot will definitely be very beneficial to Qingdao High School's next attack.

After Chris stood on the strike zone, he posed as if he was going to strike, and didn't move at all.

His eyes, focused on Maki on the mound, did not miss the slightest detail.

"so annoying!"

Xianquan's catcher was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

He had never seen so many tough hitters like Qing Dao.

Formed, Sawamura, Chris.

The postures of these three people, waiting for the blow, all have their own characteristics, which are very different. But one thing, but the same, that is very annoying.

Just by looking at the way they wait to hit, you have no idea what ball he's aiming for.

No information can be collected on the spot, and the catcher can only make judgments based on the previously sorted information.

This is even more depressing. As far as the information Xianquan has sorted out, it seems that there is no ball that these three people can't play.

Outside corners, inside corners, changing balls, and more.

They can all get out!

"Such an opponent must not be careless. Use low-angle **** to decide the outcome."

Seeing the code given by the catcher, Maki on the pitcher mound nodded slightly, then threw the baseball in his hand.


The small white **** flew like a falling meteor.

On the strike zone, Chris did not choose to swing for the first ball.


"nice shot!"

After observing a ball, Chris found it very depressed. The real wood ball is really not very good to play.

This gap is too big!

Maki's height is two meters shorter, and his throwing point is even more than his height. At that height, cast down. The position of the catcher is about forty centimeters from the ground.

Eighteen meters away, a drop of more than one and a half meters!

Under the huge drop, from the standpoint of the batter, when the ball comes over, you can see the complete slash.

The intersection of the swing and the flying ball is very small. One wrong point, either flying high or rolling to the ground...

That's not even a curveball situation.

If it is a curved ball, the drop of the ball when it enters the strike zone is even more frightening.

"It's really hard to hit this kind of ball accurately. But with the strength of those guys, it should be possible. Of course, it needs to adapt to this huge gap."

With an idea in mind, Chris decided that a good person would do it to the end.

Everyone needs to get used to it, and he will help you get used to it!

bring it on!

With the bat up, Chris looks ready.

On the mound, Maki threw the ball.

The feeling of his pitching is much more natural than that of Director Kataoka yesterday.

After all, he doesn't have to stand on a high mound and throw down. He just throws the ball straight away!


The white ball whistled.

Chris stood on the strike zone and swung the bat in his hand steadily.


The white ball was hit and flew out of bounds.


"The outside world!"

On the strike zone, Chris's face was slightly solemn.

Is it too early for him to swing the bat?

The placement of the help ball is far from the position he predicted in his heart.

This is bad~

This represented all his previous calculations, which were not entirely correct.

Still need to recalculate!

At this time, Xianquan's catcher also noticed Chris's actions.

He gave Chris a surprised look.

This batter is looking for the opportunity to swing the bat.

No, you can't continue to entangle with this guy, the longer it drags on, the more dangerous it will be.

"Just get rid of him in the next inning, with a high drop curve."

Seeing his catcher's signal, pitcher Maki Kagami nodded and threw the ball.


Like a falling meteor, the white ball slid across the distance from the pitcher's mound to the top of the home plate in an instant.

On the strike zone, Chris obviously lacked calculation and could only swing the bat in a hurry, barely hitting the ball out of bounds.

Although this ball was barely hit out of bounds by Chris's exquisite swing skills, it flew high!

Xianquan's third baseman waited there early and took the ball firmly in his hand.



Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

In the second game, although Qingdao High School was extremely strong and scored a point, Xianquan quickly held on to the battle and did not give Qingdao High School a chance to continue to expand the score.

In the second half of the second round, Xianquan Academy attacked.

In the rest area of ​​Qingdao High School, Sawamura was still asking about his master.

"Have you found anything?"

"His straight ball is not easy to But if he has a curved ball, maybe it will be very easy to deal with."


When it comes to hand, it is easier to deal with the curve ball that falls sharply from the top to the bottom.

The answer given by Chris was obviously far beyond Sawamura's expectations.

But it was true for him.

Compared with the strong straight ball, he of course prefers the change ball with only change and not too much power.

Maki's height plus the curveball, of course, is extremely tricky.

But for Sawamura, he was not an invincible opponent.

In his previous life, he had seen too many pitchers that were sharper than Maki's pitching!


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