Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Vol 2 Chapter 174: : Play a kid!

Nishitokyo Seodo High School's match against Hokkaido troll Otōmaki was held as scheduled,

In the first half of the game, Qingdao High School attacked.

The players of the troll Otujimaki High School used the most common defensive lineup. Their players, like textbooks, chose where they stood.

"First shot, shortstop, Kuramochi-san."

Naturally, Kuramochi-san is still the unstoppable number one at Qingdo High School.

The bat in his hand, which was held very short, started out in a normal hitting stance.

The intelligence that Akatsuki Furugu said last night that was not intelligence has always lingered in Kuramochi's mind.

The overall area of ​​the island country is not particularly large, and it belongs to a long and narrow country. Because the geographical location is particularly long from south to north, although the land area is not large, the latitude spanned is not small. Hokkaido, which is closest to the North Pole, is covered with snow all year round.

In such an environment, the time that players can really practice baseball with peace of mind is not very much.

Restricted by such harsh conditions, it is not surprising that the team from Hokkaido has no way to play in Koshien.

But the trolls became the exception!

Not only did they make it to Jiaziyuan, but they also made great progress all the way to the final. Now it is together with Qingdao High School, vying for the throne of national hegemony.

Incredible! Incredible!

Even Kuramochi couldn't help but marvel at the tenacity of the troll Oh Fujimaki High School.

But some things, it is not that you are tenacious enough to overcome.

In the environment covered with snow and ice all the year round, players can practice hitting, practice catching, and even practice passing and catching...

So how do you practice defense?

Thinking of this, Kuramochi-san had a wicked smile on his face.

He was staring at the pitcher of the troll Oh Fujimaki High School like a hungry wolf was staring at its prey.

For him, there is no better opponent to deal with than the players of the troll Otsunomaki.

Insufficient defensive power, in the eyes of Scud players, it is a fatal injury.


When the pitcher of the troll Otomaki threw the first pitch, Kuramochi immediately put his bat into a bunt stance.

After the white ball was touched, it rolled between the first and third bases.

Although the ball was not played well, the speed of the ball rolling out was a bit fast.

But for Kurumi, this error is nothing. He can make up for it with his own speed.

The moment the ball was knocked out, he let go of the bat in his hand and ran to first base without stopping.

Fast, really fast. Just like a cheetah ready to prey, Kuramochi's every step was agile.

Like a white-blue shadow, Kuramochi approached first base in a blink of an eye.


Just as he was about to hit first base, the small white ball that Kuramochi thought was foolproof appeared in the first baseman's glove.


Kuramochi's eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked at the third baseman who was passing the ball.

How could it be so fast?

As far as he feels, his speed is definitely not slow. Not to mention a team in a place like Hokkaido, even if it were a strong team in another place, it would be difficult to pass the ball back so quickly.

How can trolls be so fast?

In the snow-covered weather, how did they practice their garrison?

This is obviously unreasonable...

In the lounge area of ​​the troll Otsunomaki High School.

The coach Nitta, who was called a demon by his own players, sneered at the confused Kuramochi.

Do you really think we trolls are the same team you met before?

So naive!

In the snow-covered weather, there is really no foundation for practicing superb defense. And the troll Otujimaki is not that kind of super rich school, and it can't get an indoor practice field.

The opponents of Troll High School knew this, and the supervisor of Troll Otsunomaki High School knew it even more.

The team has such flaws, it is difficult to go far. In order to overcome this, even in the freezing and snowy weather, Coach Nitta also called on everyone not to be afraid of injury and to practice hard.


This is not enough. In order to really hone the defense, he also led the team to fight in the north and south, and played practice games in places that were not covered by ice and snow.

Thoroughly hone your defenses in actual combat.

"I'm so sorry, if you think that defense is our fault, then you will inevitably suffer."

Director Nitta looked at the rest area of ​​Qingdo High School and muttered.

Kuramochi and Ryosuke Kominato went against each other at the end, and Kuramochi looked apologetic.

"Sorry! Couldn't be of much help."

Kominato Ryosuke didn't care.

"Of course, the opponent in the final is not so easy to overcome. However, if the opponent is really too weak, we will be troubled."

"This time it's not a joke."

Kuramochi smiled wryly.

Ryosuke Kominato smiled without explaining.

What he told Kuramochi was not hypocritical, but he really felt that way.

If Qingdao High School was so smooth, it would crush the opponent all the way and win the championship. Although these third-year players are happy, they are inevitably disappointed.

If the national championship is so easy to win, what were they doing?

In the face of such an opponent, they have not entered the Jiaziyuan for five consecutive years, what does it mean?

It can only be said that they were worse before!

This is also The opponents have enough strength, and their champions are more valuable.

"I can't just let you bully our junior like this, just have a good time with you."

Ryosuke Kominato, who was standing on the strike zone, assumed a tangled posture.

In the position of the catcher, Sato's expression became extremely strange.

If you say that among the players of Qingdao High School, who gives them more headaches?

That Kominato Ryosuke is definitely one.

This guy's attacking skills are really terrifying, to the point of heinous.

Be careful when dealing with him.

"Try to get a good shot first, then finish him off with the tiebreaker."

Signaling the pitcher, Sato crouched in the catcher's position, ready to catch the ball.

On the pitching mound, Xin Tianyuan nodded and threw the baseball in his hand.

He didn't take the ball very carefully.

In their opinion, Ryosuke Kominato would not be able to swing a bat at this time.

He must have wanted to wait until he scored two strikes before entanglement with himself.


The small white ball whizzed and clung to the inner corner.

Ryosuke Kominato, who had been entangled for a long time, did not let the ball go as expected by the players of Troll High School.

Instead, his swing was very aggressive.


After the small white ball was hit, it rolled into the gap guarded by the troll Otsunomaki High School.

Ryosuke Kominato took this opportunity to get on base.

In the position of the catcher, Sato widened his eyes and looked at Ryosuke Kominato in disbelief.

In the shot just now, although he was a little slack, Nitta's shot was not bad.

How could Ryosuke Kominato be so accurate?

Even more incredible is, how did he swing the bat?

This is not reasonable. rw

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