Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Vol 2 Chapter 182: : Attack, Qing Dao!

The small white ball that was shot by Sawamura Eijun appeared in the gap guarded by Troll High School as if it were a shock.

At this moment, the audience was silent.

Those who are familiar with Sawamura Eijun, in addition to understanding his strengths, are naturally aware of his weaknesses.

Sawamura Eijun is not good at this kind of pure brute force duel. Originally everyone thought that even if Sawamura Eijun could get a hit, he would definitely not hit so well.

Unexpectedly, Sawamura Eijun hit the ball neatly to the outfield.

The three outfielders at Troll High School tried their best to get the baseball to the ground, but they all fell short.

No one has time to catch the ball in his glove.

They could only watch the baseball bounce off the ground in front of them.

Sawamura on the strike zone had already thrown his bat and ran to first base.

After reaching first base, he was not reconciled and prepared to continue to advance to second base.

At this time, the outfielder from Troll High School finally came back to his senses, picked up the ball quickly, and passed it back to second base.

Sawamura watched the opponent pass the ball eagerly, but reluctantly gave up his plan to run to second base.

I don't know how these guys hone their skills in the ice and snow in Hokkaido? Not to mention the accuracy of passing, and the swiftness of defense is far less than that of ordinary teams.

With such a clean outfield hit, Sawamura Eijun couldn't even get to second base.

He can only honestly go back to first base.

The situation turned into one out and one at first base.

Although the defense of Troll High School was excellent, Sawamura still pryed open the opponent's gap, and the attack of Qingdo High School began!

"Fourth, first baseman, battling."

In the stands of Jiaziyuan, the supporters belonging to Qingdao High School were excitedly holding everything they could hold in their hands, and they kept beating and cheering for the players on the field!

On the one hand, they were amazed at the wonderful performance of Sawamura Eijun just now. On the other hand, it also represents their confidence in the hitter on the field.

On the first base was Sawamura Eijun, and the striker was Yucheng Tetsuya.

As long as these two stay on the court, they will surely surprise people.

Everyone has so much confidence in them!

The lounge area at Troll High School.

Even ordinary viewers have this perception, not to mention the professionals in Troll High School.

Their assistant coach looked at Eijun Sawamura, who was restless on the first base, his eyes were looking around, sweat dripping down his temples.

It was obvious that he was very nervous.

Throughout the troll high school, his performance has been relatively calm. Most of the others are not as good as him.

The advantage inevitably began to favor the side of Qingdao High School.

These people's concerns are not speculative, and the situation in front of them is indeed tricky.

Not to mention the achievements on the strike zone, Sawamura Eijun on the first base was also in trouble at this time.

He has left the base bag, about three meters or so, his legs are slightly apart, and the whole person is like a full bow, ready to rush out at any time.

This terrifying presence even surpassed that of the Cheetah-sama Kuramochi from Qingdo High School.

Of course, Sawamura Eijun could not have the agility and speed of Kuramochi Yoichi, and his threat on the base bag was even less worth mentioning compared to Kuramochi.

But that doesn't mean that Sawamura can't show a stronger presence than Kuramochi.

Life is all about acting.

After all, baseball games are different from basketball and football games. There are a lot of tactical things in it, and to put it bluntly, it is deceiving and being deceived.

For example, like Sawamura Eijun, of course he doesn't really want to steal bases, but he has to put on a posture of stealing bases. In this way, the pitcher's attention can be drawn, so that the pitcher cannot throw the ball wholeheartedly against the batter.

Does Troll High School's shooting partner know this?

Of course they guessed.

Kesawamura Eijun's current position is really good, and the stealing position he poses also makes people have to guard.

That feeling is like an annoying fly circling around you, disgusting if not fatal.

I think that Sun Dasheng could beat his master to death with a stick because of his master's arrogance. Not to mention Xintian. Compared with the Great Sage Monkey King, Xintian's concentration is too far behind.

"go to hell!"

Even though he thought that Sawamura Sakamura might not really steal the base, the stance he is posing now is really annoying. If he can't stop him, Xintian will feel like he has eaten grass in his heart.

So he chose to pass the ball to first base without hesitation to contain Sawamura.

Long before he made his move, Eijun Sawamura threw a flank and threw himself on the first base bag.


This result can be said to be expected.

After passing the ball back to Nitta, Sawamura Eijun stood up again, and continued to return to his original position where he was preparing to steal bases, and resumed his posture of preparing to steal bases.

He won't necessarily steal bases, but it's enough to make pitchers uncomfortable.

"What a nasty guy!"

Nitta smiled bitterly and stopped talking to Sawamura. Turn around and prepare for a head-to-head confrontation with the batter.

"So fast."

Seeing the troll's pitcher reacted so Sawamura Eijun was a little surprised.

But fortunately, his goal has been achieved. Although he does not necessarily need to cover up to form a captain, but with the cooperation of the two, the winning rate will always be higher.


Nitta pitched the ball, and the small white ball appeared above the home plate in an instant like a laser beam.

The spin of the ball is strange, the exact opposite of normal spin.

Spiral ball!

The current Xintian has completely spared his physical strength, and all the **** are distributed with the screw ball as the core.

The small white ball appeared in the batter's hand in the blink of an eye.

The formation on the strike area was originally motionless.

Even when Nitta pitched the ball, he didn't have any reaction.

But when the baseball was close to his hand, his eyes suddenly opened.


The tyrannical swing of the bat, like a bolt of lightning, crossed the top of the home plate.

There was a tiny whirlwind in the entire strike area.

In the position of the catcher, Sato felt for a moment that there was no air in his mouth.

Even breathing became extremely difficult.

Too Nima is scary!

Sato's pupils continued to dilate, and finally slowly turned into shock.

He watched the bat helplessly and knocked the white ball out.


The crisp and melodious impact sound has not yet reached people's ear sockets. The white ball had already flown far away.


At the pitcher's position, Nitta shouted anxiously.

The shortstop from Troll High School wanted to say yes, but where did he have time?

The small white ball flew out from his eyes like a phantom.

"Go through!"

The baseball lands and bounces into the outfield. rw

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